#C98 The current price of Coin98 (C98) is $0.072840, with a 7.43% decrease in the last 24 hours ¹. The market capitalization stands at $65.61 million, with a circulating supply of 900,833,185 C98 coins ¹.
Here's a brief overview of C98's current market statistics:
- *Market Capitalization*: $65.61 million
- *24-hour Trading Volume*: $19.41 million
- *Circulating Supply*: 900,833,185 C98
- *All-Time High*: $6.42
- *All-Time Low*: $0.05711
In terms of technical analysis, C98's price has been experiencing fluctuations. The coin's price history shows that it has recorded a peak value of $6.36, and is currently -98.9% down ².
*Factors Influencing C98's Price*:
- _Economic and Political Events_: Economic indicators, government regulations, and political events can impact C98's price ³.
- _Celebrity Endorsements_: Endorsements from influential figures can increase C98's visibility and demand ³.
- _Market Trends_: C98's price can be affected by overall market trends and investor sentiment ³.