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[Crypto Gossip] QCP Capital recently expressed the view that the approval of the US spot Ethereum ETF may drive Ethereum up by up to 60% in the coming months. This prediction is based on the performance of Bitcoin prices after the Bitcoin ETF spot was approved in January this year. 😉 QCP Capital also further pointed out that the market is expected to explode, as the implied volatility on Friday exceeded 100%. Does this mean that we can expect a boom in the crypto market? What do you think about this? Feel free to speak your mind in the comment area, let us discuss the future direction of the blockchain industry together!
[Crypto Gossip] QCP Capital recently expressed the view that the approval of the US spot Ethereum ETF may drive Ethereum up by up to 60% in the coming months. This prediction is based on the performance of Bitcoin prices after the Bitcoin ETF spot was approved in January this year. 😉

QCP Capital also further pointed out that the market is expected to explode, as the implied volatility on Friday exceeded 100%. Does this mean that we can expect a boom in the crypto market?

What do you think about this? Feel free to speak your mind in the comment area, let us discuss the future direction of the blockchain industry together!
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🎉Good news! Thetanuts Finance, a leader in the field of DeFi options protocols, recently announced the launch of its governance token. This on-chain product, which has been deeply involved in options since 2021, has proved to the market in many aspects such as capital efficiency, transaction costs and user experience that options products are an important part of DeFi. Thetanuts Finance is a decentralized multi-chain options protocol focusing on altcoin options, allowing users to go long or short on-chain options. In March of this year, Thetanuts Finance v3 also launched the LRT Strategy Vault, integrating Pendle's PT-eETH product to create a leveraged LRT strategy vault on the Ethereum mainnet, allowing users to earn additional income on their LRT assets. In addition, Thetanuts Finance has also launched the governance token $NUTS to promote the long-term goals of the protocol, including decentralization, governance and incentive mechanisms. The maximum supply of NUTS is 10 billion, and the initial circulation supply accounts for about 7.5%. Thetanuts Finance refers to Curve's vote-escrow model. Liquidity incentives will be issued in the form of $veNUTS on the Ethereum mainnet at the end of each Epoch, and can be used after receiving it. $veNUTS holders can enjoy the privileges of Thetanuts Finance community members and participate in the weighted voting of various components in the Thetanuts Finance ecosystem. In this vibrant market, Thetanuts Finance has achieved some results, but how to bring options to more traders to make profits is a long-term career. What do you think about this issue? Welcome to share your views in the comment area! 😊
🎉Good news! Thetanuts Finance, a leader in the field of DeFi options protocols, recently announced the launch of its governance token. This on-chain product, which has been deeply involved in options since 2021, has proved to the market in many aspects such as capital efficiency, transaction costs and user experience that options products are an important part of DeFi.

Thetanuts Finance is a decentralized multi-chain options protocol focusing on altcoin options, allowing users to go long or short on-chain options. In March of this year, Thetanuts Finance v3 also launched the LRT Strategy Vault, integrating Pendle's PT-eETH product to create a leveraged LRT strategy vault on the Ethereum mainnet, allowing users to earn additional income on their LRT assets.

In addition, Thetanuts Finance has also launched the governance token $NUTS to promote the long-term goals of the protocol, including decentralization, governance and incentive mechanisms. The maximum supply of NUTS is 10 billion, and the initial circulation supply accounts for about 7.5%.

Thetanuts Finance refers to Curve's vote-escrow model. Liquidity incentives will be issued in the form of $veNUTS on the Ethereum mainnet at the end of each Epoch, and can be used after receiving it. $veNUTS holders can enjoy the privileges of Thetanuts Finance community members and participate in the weighted voting of various components in the Thetanuts Finance ecosystem.

In this vibrant market, Thetanuts Finance has achieved some results, but how to bring options to more traders to make profits is a long-term career. What do you think about this issue? Welcome to share your views in the comment area! 😊
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[Blockchain News] Hello everyone! Today I have a big news to tell you. On the eve of the approval of the Bitcoin spot ETF, Gary Gensler, chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), tweeted to remind cryptocurrency investors to consider all potential risks before investing! 🔔 According to 10x Research on social media, there may be more clear information about whether it is about to be approved around 9 am Eastern Time this morning. Do you remember? The SEC also issued a warning signal before the listing of the previous cryptocurrency futures-related ETF. In January 2024, the SEC has made it clear that the Bitcoin ETF will be approved. And today, the market will wait for a similar "warning". But it seems that approval is just a formality. Because the discount of the Grayscale Ethereum Trust has narrowed from -30% a week ago to only -8%. This 8% discount means that there is at least a 90% probability that the ETF will be approved. The trust manages $11 billion in assets, which is quite large, and may see some investors cash out their gains. The most critical question is, if approved, when will these ETFs start trading? If you have any opinions, please feel free to speak out in the comment area and discuss together! Remember, investment is risky, so choose carefully!
[Blockchain News] Hello everyone! Today I have a big news to tell you. On the eve of the approval of the Bitcoin spot ETF, Gary Gensler, chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), tweeted to remind cryptocurrency investors to consider all potential risks before investing! 🔔

According to 10x Research on social media, there may be more clear information about whether it is about to be approved around 9 am Eastern Time this morning. Do you remember? The SEC also issued a warning signal before the listing of the previous cryptocurrency futures-related ETF. In January 2024, the SEC has made it clear that the Bitcoin ETF will be approved.

And today, the market will wait for a similar "warning". But it seems that approval is just a formality. Because the discount of the Grayscale Ethereum Trust has narrowed from -30% a week ago to only -8%. This 8% discount means that there is at least a 90% probability that the ETF will be approved. The trust manages $11 billion in assets, which is quite large, and may see some investors cash out their gains.

The most critical question is, if approved, when will these ETFs start trading? If you have any opinions, please feel free to speak out in the comment area and discuss together! Remember, investment is risky, so choose carefully!
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【Blockchain Tips】BlockBeats reported that on May 23, an empty block appeared at Bitcoin height 844689. What happened? 🧐In fact, this is an economic strategy of miners. The blocks mined by miners at this height only contain a block reward Coinbase transaction, and no other transactions. This is because if miners want to make full use of time mining in a short period of time (such as this time with only a 12-second interval) and want to avoid conflicts with transactions in the parent block, then they cannot fill transactions into the block and can only try to mine empty blocks. Although this strategy looks a bit "empty", it is actually a wise move for miners. After all, in the blockchain world, time is money, and every second may affect revenue. Therefore, miners choose to mine empty blocks to maximize their own interests. What do you think of this strategy of mining empty blocks? Welcome to speak freely in the comment area, let us explore the mysteries of the blockchain world together!
【Blockchain Tips】BlockBeats reported that on May 23, an empty block appeared at Bitcoin height 844689. What happened? 🧐In fact, this is an economic strategy of miners. The blocks mined by miners at this height only contain a block reward Coinbase transaction, and no other transactions. This is because if miners want to make full use of time mining in a short period of time (such as this time with only a 12-second interval) and want to avoid conflicts with transactions in the parent block, then they cannot fill transactions into the block and can only try to mine empty blocks.

Although this strategy looks a bit "empty", it is actually a wise move for miners. After all, in the blockchain world, time is money, and every second may affect revenue. Therefore, miners choose to mine empty blocks to maximize their own interests.

What do you think of this strategy of mining empty blocks? Welcome to speak freely in the comment area, let us explore the mysteries of the blockchain world together!
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【Breaking News】BlockBeats reported that on May 23, HODL15Capital monitoring data showed that yesterday, the US spot Bitcoin ETF had a net inflow of US$154 million (approximately 2,211 BTC), achieving net inflow for 8 consecutive days, which is a considerable number! 😉 This series of net inflows has undoubtedly brought a bit of vitality to the market. Although we cannot be sure whether this indicates the future market trend, it is undoubtedly a phenomenon worthy of our attention. What do you think about this? Feel free to speak freely in the comment area, let us discuss the future direction of the blockchain industry together! Remember, no matter how the market changes, it is most important to stay calm and invest rationally.
【Breaking News】BlockBeats reported that on May 23, HODL15Capital monitoring data showed that yesterday, the US spot Bitcoin ETF had a net inflow of US$154 million (approximately 2,211 BTC), achieving net inflow for 8 consecutive days, which is a considerable number! 😉

This series of net inflows has undoubtedly brought a bit of vitality to the market. Although we cannot be sure whether this indicates the future market trend, it is undoubtedly a phenomenon worthy of our attention.

What do you think about this? Feel free to speak freely in the comment area, let us discuss the future direction of the blockchain industry together! Remember, no matter how the market changes, it is most important to stay calm and invest rationally.
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[Breaking News] BlockBeats reported that on May 23, the third round of Jupiter LFG voting officially kicked off at 1:00 am today and will last for 72 hours. The protagonists of this round of voting include three projects: entertainment platform Divvy Bet, cross-chain interoperability platform deBridge, and trading platform ExchangeArt. Which side are you on in this vote? 😉 This is a grand vote about the blockchain industry. Each project has its own unique charm. Whether it is Divvy Bet, which focuses on entertainment, deBridge, which focuses on cross-chain interoperability, or ExchangeArt, which focuses on trading, they have all demonstrated strong strength in their respective fields. The results of the vote will have an important impact on the future development of these projects, and your vote is your support and encouragement for them. So, are you ready to cast your vote? Here, we encourage everyone to speak freely in the comment area. Which project do you support? Which project do you think has the most potential? What do you think of these projects? Let us witness the results of this vote together in the world of blockchain and look forward to their future together! The above content only represents the author's views and does not constitute any investment advice. Please make sure to fully understand and research before investing.
[Breaking News] BlockBeats reported that on May 23, the third round of Jupiter LFG voting officially kicked off at 1:00 am today and will last for 72 hours. The protagonists of this round of voting include three projects: entertainment platform Divvy Bet, cross-chain interoperability platform deBridge, and trading platform ExchangeArt. Which side are you on in this vote? 😉

This is a grand vote about the blockchain industry. Each project has its own unique charm. Whether it is Divvy Bet, which focuses on entertainment, deBridge, which focuses on cross-chain interoperability, or ExchangeArt, which focuses on trading, they have all demonstrated strong strength in their respective fields.

The results of the vote will have an important impact on the future development of these projects, and your vote is your support and encouragement for them. So, are you ready to cast your vote?

Here, we encourage everyone to speak freely in the comment area. Which project do you support? Which project do you think has the most potential? What do you think of these projects? Let us witness the results of this vote together in the world of blockchain and look forward to their future together!

The above content only represents the author's views and does not constitute any investment advice. Please make sure to fully understand and research before investing.
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[Blockchain News] Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about a tweet from Fred Wilson, a partner of USV. He revealed that his X account has been dormant for the past 18 months, but he has not been idle. Instead, he has been very active on Farcaster! 😉 Fred shared his views on technology, startups, venture capital, music, life, etc. on Farcaster, and he also called on his X followers to follow his account on Farcaster. This change is interesting because USV was the lead investor in the first round of financing for X (which was still Twitter at the time). This news gave us some thoughts: Why did Fred choose to leave X and become active on Farcaster? What is unique about the content he shared on Farcaster? Does this indicate a certain trend in the blockchain industry? What do you think? Feel free to speak out in the comments section, let's discuss this topic together!
[Blockchain News] Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about a tweet from Fred Wilson, a partner of USV. He revealed that his X account has been dormant for the past 18 months, but he has not been idle. Instead, he has been very active on Farcaster! 😉

Fred shared his views on technology, startups, venture capital, music, life, etc. on Farcaster, and he also called on his X followers to follow his account on Farcaster. This change is interesting because USV was the lead investor in the first round of financing for X (which was still Twitter at the time).

This news gave us some thoughts: Why did Fred choose to leave X and become active on Farcaster? What is unique about the content he shared on Farcaster? Does this indicate a certain trend in the blockchain industry?

What do you think? Feel free to speak out in the comments section, let's discuss this topic together!
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Sui, a rising star in the blockchain industry, recently announced on its official Twitter that its latest consensus protocol Mysticeti has been successfully deployed to the testnet. This major breakthrough has reduced the consensus time of the Sui testnet by 80% to 390 milliseconds, while maintaining the protocol With industry-leading throughput, this impressive demonstration proves that Sui is the fastest consensus layer in the industry. 🎉 Developed based on in-depth research on the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanism, Mysticeti is a significant improvement over the Narwhal-Bullshark consensus algorithm launched when the Sui mainnet was launched a year ago, achieving unprecedented transaction speeds and reducing Verify the node's CPU requirements. This improvement extends Sui’s exceptional low-latency performance to all transaction types on the network. Sui's object-oriented architecture enables the network to process transactions differently depending on the characteristics of the transaction and related objects. On Sui, transactions involving only "exclusive objects" (such as peer-to-peer transfers) do not require consensus, they follow a fast path and can be completed in less time. Transactions involving the same shared object (for example, transactions involving market, auction, or cooperative game assets) require consensus. In the past, this meant more processing delays, but now Mysticeti changes this by using an optimized version of BFT consensus to process shared object transactions. George Danezis, founder of Sui, said, “Mysticeti is not only a major leap forward for Sui, but also a major advancement for blockchain technology as a whole. It reduces consensus latency to what we consider to be a minimum while retaining the advantages of high capacity and low computational cost. . It also allows faster transaction processing than consensus within the same protocol, a feature unique to Sui.” These advancements are critical for Sui to continue to solidify its position at the top of blockchain speed and scale and provide a seamless experience for developers and users at scale. Greg Siourounis, head of the Sui Foundation, added: “Low latency and fast transaction speeds have always been Sui’s fundamental values ​​as the platform of choice for developers, and now Mysticeti makes the developer experience even better.” Mysticeti’s key innovations are detailed in the newly released paper Mysticeti: ​​Low-Latency DAG Consensus with Fast Commit Paths, which demonstrates the scalability of this new technology and is available for review. Sui is an L1 public chain redesigned and built from first principles, designed to provide creators and developers with a development platform capable of supporting the next billion users in Web3. Applications on Sui are based on the Move smart contract language and have horizontal scalability, allowing developers to support a wide range of application development quickly and at low cost. What do you think of this update to Sui? Feel free to share your views in the comments section!
Sui, a rising star in the blockchain industry, recently announced on its official Twitter that its latest consensus protocol Mysticeti has been successfully deployed to the testnet. This major breakthrough has reduced the consensus time of the Sui testnet by 80% to 390 milliseconds, while maintaining the protocol With industry-leading throughput, this impressive demonstration proves that Sui is the fastest consensus layer in the industry. 🎉

Developed based on in-depth research on the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanism, Mysticeti is a significant improvement over the Narwhal-Bullshark consensus algorithm launched when the Sui mainnet was launched a year ago, achieving unprecedented transaction speeds and reducing Verify the node's CPU requirements. This improvement extends Sui’s exceptional low-latency performance to all transaction types on the network.

Sui's object-oriented architecture enables the network to process transactions differently depending on the characteristics of the transaction and related objects. On Sui, transactions involving only "exclusive objects" (such as peer-to-peer transfers) do not require consensus, they follow a fast path and can be completed in less time. Transactions involving the same shared object (for example, transactions involving market, auction, or cooperative game assets) require consensus. In the past, this meant more processing delays, but now Mysticeti changes this by using an optimized version of BFT consensus to process shared object transactions.

George Danezis, founder of Sui, said, “Mysticeti is not only a major leap forward for Sui, but also a major advancement for blockchain technology as a whole. It reduces consensus latency to what we consider to be a minimum while retaining the advantages of high capacity and low computational cost. . It also allows faster transaction processing than consensus within the same protocol, a feature unique to Sui.”

These advancements are critical for Sui to continue to solidify its position at the top of blockchain speed and scale and provide a seamless experience for developers and users at scale. Greg Siourounis, head of the Sui Foundation, added: “Low latency and fast transaction speeds have always been Sui’s fundamental values ​​as the platform of choice for developers, and now Mysticeti makes the developer experience even better.”

Mysticeti’s key innovations are detailed in the newly released paper Mysticeti: ​​Low-Latency DAG Consensus with Fast Commit Paths, which demonstrates the scalability of this new technology and is available for review.

Sui is an L1 public chain redesigned and built from first principles, designed to provide creators and developers with a development platform capable of supporting the next billion users in Web3. Applications on Sui are based on the Move smart contract language and have horizontal scalability, allowing developers to support a wide range of application development quickly and at low cost.

What do you think of this update to Sui? Feel free to share your views in the comments section!
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[News Flash] Trump's campaign team announced that it would accept Bitcoin donations, a move that undoubtedly further clarified the differences between Trump and Biden on cryptocurrency policy. Biden and his Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren launched a fierce "regulatory attack" on the cryptocurrency industry, while Trump was much friendlier to cryptocurrency. When Trump was in office, he appointed former Coinbase Vice President Brian Brook as the Comptroller of the Currency, allowing banks and financial institutions to hold cryptocurrencies. This ruling was called by many as "the most important Bitcoin development initiative in American history." In addition, Trump is the first presidential candidate to personally participate in the cryptocurrency industry. He once hosted a private dinner to communicate with the main buyers of his "Mugshot Edition" NFT trading cards. In addition, Trump also holds a lot of cryptocurrencies. According to data from the on-chain analysis platform Arkham, the value of Trump's crypto assets has increased significantly, currently about $8.97 million. In recent years, cryptocurrency has become an important campaign issue. Argentine President Javier Milei, South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol and others have promised to relax regulations in the cryptocurrency industry. This year, the People's Power Party led by South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol promised to postpone the imposition of digital asset taxes and allow cryptocurrency products approved by developed countries such as the United States to enter the local market. It seems that cryptocurrency has become an important tool for politicians to compete for young votes. What do you think? Feel free to share your views in the comments section! 😊
[News Flash] Trump's campaign team announced that it would accept Bitcoin donations, a move that undoubtedly further clarified the differences between Trump and Biden on cryptocurrency policy. Biden and his Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren launched a fierce "regulatory attack" on the cryptocurrency industry, while Trump was much friendlier to cryptocurrency. When Trump was in office, he appointed former Coinbase Vice President Brian Brook as the Comptroller of the Currency, allowing banks and financial institutions to hold cryptocurrencies. This ruling was called by many as "the most important Bitcoin development initiative in American history."

In addition, Trump is the first presidential candidate to personally participate in the cryptocurrency industry. He once hosted a private dinner to communicate with the main buyers of his "Mugshot Edition" NFT trading cards. In addition, Trump also holds a lot of cryptocurrencies. According to data from the on-chain analysis platform Arkham, the value of Trump's crypto assets has increased significantly, currently about $8.97 million.

In recent years, cryptocurrency has become an important campaign issue. Argentine President Javier Milei, South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol and others have promised to relax regulations in the cryptocurrency industry. This year, the People's Power Party led by South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol promised to postpone the imposition of digital asset taxes and allow cryptocurrency products approved by developed countries such as the United States to enter the local market.

It seems that cryptocurrency has become an important tool for politicians to compete for young votes. What do you think? Feel free to share your views in the comments section! 😊
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【Crypto News Express】Hello everyone! Today there is a large wave of crypto news coming, let's take a look! 👀 First, Geoffrey Kendrick, head of foreign exchange and digital asset research at Standard Chartered Bank, expects Bitcoin to set a new record high this weekend, breaking through the $73,798 level on March 14. He also said that the optimism about the possible approval of the Ethereum spot ETF makes him more confident about Bitcoin's price target. What do you think? Welcome to share your views in the comment area! Next, let's take a look at the cryptocurrency panic and greed index. According to Alternative data, the index is 76 today, the same as yesterday, and the market's extreme greed sentiment has not changed. In addition, Fed Governor Waller said that if the data supports it, interest rates may be cut by the end of this year. What impact will this have on the market? Let's wait and see. In addition, the US SEC released a signal that regulators may be ready to approve the spot Ethereum ETF application. The Trump campaign team also announced that it will begin accepting cryptocurrency donations. In the cryptocurrency market, the zkSync ecological Meme coin rose generally, among which Cheems rose by more than 42% in 24 hours. Meanwhile, Whales Market launched a token issuance platform,, where users can safely launch tokens in just seconds using gamified liquidity bootstrapping. Binance Labs announced an investment in Aevo, a high-performance L2 built on OP Stack that allows perpetual trading, pre-launch futures and options on the same platform with a single margin account. Decentralized social protocol Farcaster completes $150 million in financing, led by Paradigm. Options trading platform Aevo Pre-Launch launches zkSync (ZK), now priced at $0.6901. Gala Games announced that the funds involved in the recent security incident have been recovered and will use GalaSwap to convert Ethereum back to GALA. Coinbase will launch gold and oil futures trading on June 3. The above is today's crypto news. What do you think? Welcome to share your views in the comment area!
【Crypto News Express】Hello everyone! Today there is a large wave of crypto news coming, let's take a look! 👀

First, Geoffrey Kendrick, head of foreign exchange and digital asset research at Standard Chartered Bank, expects Bitcoin to set a new record high this weekend, breaking through the $73,798 level on March 14. He also said that the optimism about the possible approval of the Ethereum spot ETF makes him more confident about Bitcoin's price target. What do you think? Welcome to share your views in the comment area!

Next, let's take a look at the cryptocurrency panic and greed index. According to Alternative data, the index is 76 today, the same as yesterday, and the market's extreme greed sentiment has not changed.

In addition, Fed Governor Waller said that if the data supports it, interest rates may be cut by the end of this year. What impact will this have on the market? Let's wait and see.

In addition, the US SEC released a signal that regulators may be ready to approve the spot Ethereum ETF application. The Trump campaign team also announced that it will begin accepting cryptocurrency donations.

In the cryptocurrency market, the zkSync ecological Meme coin rose generally, among which Cheems rose by more than 42% in 24 hours. Meanwhile, Whales Market launched a token issuance platform,, where users can safely launch tokens in just seconds using gamified liquidity bootstrapping.

Binance Labs announced an investment in Aevo, a high-performance L2 built on OP Stack that allows perpetual trading, pre-launch futures and options on the same platform with a single margin account.

Decentralized social protocol Farcaster completes $150 million in financing, led by Paradigm. Options trading platform Aevo Pre-Launch launches zkSync (ZK), now priced at $0.6901.

Gala Games announced that the funds involved in the recent security incident have been recovered and will use GalaSwap to convert Ethereum back to GALA. Coinbase will launch gold and oil futures trading on June 3.

The above is today's crypto news. What do you think? Welcome to share your views in the comment area!
См. оригинал
[Crypto News] Uniswap Labs recently responded to the Wells Notice of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), stating that "the SEC should embrace open source technology that improves outdated business and financial systems rather than trying to eliminate it through litigation." Uniswap Labs emphasized that the Uniswap Protocol is a secure, low-cost, and transparent infrastructure, and its goals are consistent with the SEC's mission to protect investors and maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets. 😊 Uniswap Labs believes that the Uniswap Protocol is a major innovation in the market that benefits consumers. As an autonomous software, the Uniswap Protocol allows users to trade directly and securely without paying centralized intermediaries or relying on them to protect the security of their assets. These features give individuals unprecedented autonomy to control what they own and create value on the Internet in new ways. Uniswap Labs also refuted the SEC's legal theory, believing it to be wrong. The SEC claims that the Uniswap Protocol is an unregistered securities trading platform controlled by Uniswap Labs, the Uniswap interface is an unregistered securities broker, and the UNI token is an investment contract. Uniswap Labs countered that a token is a file format and a protocol is a general-purpose computer program that anyone can use and integrate. Finally, Uniswap Labs said it is ready to fight and will continue to build. They will defend the right to use and distribute common code that challenges existing technologies, adapts and competes. What do you think about this? Feel free to speak your mind in the comment area, let us explore the future direction of the blockchain industry together!
[Crypto News] Uniswap Labs recently responded to the Wells Notice of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), stating that "the SEC should embrace open source technology that improves outdated business and financial systems rather than trying to eliminate it through litigation." Uniswap Labs emphasized that the Uniswap Protocol is a secure, low-cost, and transparent infrastructure, and its goals are consistent with the SEC's mission to protect investors and maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets. 😊

Uniswap Labs believes that the Uniswap Protocol is a major innovation in the market that benefits consumers. As an autonomous software, the Uniswap Protocol allows users to trade directly and securely without paying centralized intermediaries or relying on them to protect the security of their assets. These features give individuals unprecedented autonomy to control what they own and create value on the Internet in new ways.

Uniswap Labs also refuted the SEC's legal theory, believing it to be wrong. The SEC claims that the Uniswap Protocol is an unregistered securities trading platform controlled by Uniswap Labs, the Uniswap interface is an unregistered securities broker, and the UNI token is an investment contract. Uniswap Labs countered that a token is a file format and a protocol is a general-purpose computer program that anyone can use and integrate.

Finally, Uniswap Labs said it is ready to fight and will continue to build. They will defend the right to use and distribute common code that challenges existing technologies, adapts and competes.

What do you think about this? Feel free to speak your mind in the comment area, let us explore the future direction of the blockchain industry together!
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[Blockchain Gossip] According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) documents, Fidelity recently updated its Ethereum spot ETF S-1 application, and the result is a bit unexpected! Fidelity actually withdrew its plan to pledge Ethereum (ETH) in its proposed ETF. 😮 In the previous application documents, Fidelity had clearly stated that it intended to pledge "a portion of the trust fund assets" to "one or more" infrastructure providers. However, the latest update clearly stated that "Ethereum stored by the custodian will not be pledged." This change has attracted widespread attention in the market. Why did Fidelity make such a decision? Is it because of changes in the market environment, or are there other deep-seated reasons? What do you think? Welcome to speak freely in the comment area and let's discuss together! At the same time, please continue to pay attention to our updates, we will bring you the latest blockchain industry trends as soon as possible!
[Blockchain Gossip] According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) documents, Fidelity recently updated its Ethereum spot ETF S-1 application, and the result is a bit unexpected! Fidelity actually withdrew its plan to pledge Ethereum (ETH) in its proposed ETF. 😮

In the previous application documents, Fidelity had clearly stated that it intended to pledge "a portion of the trust fund assets" to "one or more" infrastructure providers. However, the latest update clearly stated that "Ethereum stored by the custodian will not be pledged."

This change has attracted widespread attention in the market. Why did Fidelity make such a decision? Is it because of changes in the market environment, or are there other deep-seated reasons? What do you think? Welcome to speak freely in the comment area and let's discuss together! At the same time, please continue to pay attention to our updates, we will bring you the latest blockchain industry trends as soon as possible!
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[Blockchain News] According to BlockBeats, Bloomberg senior ETF analyst James Seyffart recently revealed on social media that five potential Ethereum spot ETF issuers have submitted revised Ethereum spot ETF 19B-4 documents to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These five companies include Fidelity, VanEck, Invesco/Galaxy, Ark/21Shares and Franklin. It seems that the issuance of Ethereum spot ETF may be just around the corner! 😉 This news undoubtedly has a significant impact on the Ethereum market. If these five companies successfully issue Ethereum spot ETFs, Ethereum will have the potential to further expand its influence in the financial market. However, we should also note that this process will not be smooth sailing. The SEC has always been cautious about cryptocurrencies, so whether the applications of these five companies can be successful still requires our continued attention. What do you think about this? Welcome to share your views in the comment area, let us explore the future direction of the blockchain industry together!
[Blockchain News] According to BlockBeats, Bloomberg senior ETF analyst James Seyffart recently revealed on social media that five potential Ethereum spot ETF issuers have submitted revised Ethereum spot ETF 19B-4 documents to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These five companies include Fidelity, VanEck, Invesco/Galaxy, Ark/21Shares and Franklin. It seems that the issuance of Ethereum spot ETF may be just around the corner! 😉

This news undoubtedly has a significant impact on the Ethereum market. If these five companies successfully issue Ethereum spot ETFs, Ethereum will have the potential to further expand its influence in the financial market.

However, we should also note that this process will not be smooth sailing. The SEC has always been cautious about cryptocurrencies, so whether the applications of these five companies can be successful still requires our continued attention.

What do you think about this? Welcome to share your views in the comment area, let us explore the future direction of the blockchain industry together!
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[Blockchain News] According to BlockBeats, on May 22, the staff of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) told the exchange that they tend to "approve the Ethereum spot ETF." Does this mean that we are about to usher in the spring of Ethereum ETF? 😉 This news undoubtedly gives a reassurance to all friends who are looking forward to the Ethereum ETF. The attitude of the SEC has always been the focus of attention in the blockchain industry, and their statement has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the development of Ethereum. However, we must also be clear that although the staff of the SEC have expressed such a tendency, whether it will be approved in the end depends on the final decision of the SEC. Therefore, we still have to remain calm and look at this issue with a calm mind. What do you think of this news? Welcome to speak freely in the comment area, let us discuss the future of the blockchain industry together!
[Blockchain News] According to BlockBeats, on May 22, the staff of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) told the exchange that they tend to "approve the Ethereum spot ETF." Does this mean that we are about to usher in the spring of Ethereum ETF? 😉

This news undoubtedly gives a reassurance to all friends who are looking forward to the Ethereum ETF. The attitude of the SEC has always been the focus of attention in the blockchain industry, and their statement has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the development of Ethereum.

However, we must also be clear that although the staff of the SEC have expressed such a tendency, whether it will be approved in the end depends on the final decision of the SEC. Therefore, we still have to remain calm and look at this issue with a calm mind.

What do you think of this news? Welcome to speak freely in the comment area, let us discuss the future of the blockchain industry together!
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[Blockchain News] Cross-chain interoperability protocol deBridge announced the launch of its governance token DBR, with a total supply of 10 billion, of which 20% will be allocated to Launch and its community. DBR token holders will be able to stake their DBR tokens to participate in governance voting on DAO protocol parameters. 🎉 At the same time, Fidelity submitted an updated version of its spot Ethereum ETF S-1 application, stating that the trust fund's Ethereum "will not be staked." Daniel Yan, co-founder of Kryptanium Capital, said that if the Ethereum ETF is approved, the best trading strategy is to "buy SOL/ETH." In addition, Bitget appointed Gracy Chen as CEO, and former CEO Sandra Lou will leave the company to focus on her personal career. Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin said that he personally believes that all rollups will be ZK in 10 years. DeBank launches a new feature called "Credit" to measure the authenticity, activity and value of Web3 users. Ethereum's market value exceeds Mastercard and LVMH, and its global asset market value ranking has risen to 26th. What do you think of these news? You are welcome to speak freely in the comment area and discuss the development trends of the blockchain industry together!
[Blockchain News] Cross-chain interoperability protocol deBridge announced the launch of its governance token DBR, with a total supply of 10 billion, of which 20% will be allocated to Launch and its community. DBR token holders will be able to stake their DBR tokens to participate in governance voting on DAO protocol parameters. 🎉

At the same time, Fidelity submitted an updated version of its spot Ethereum ETF S-1 application, stating that the trust fund's Ethereum "will not be staked." Daniel Yan, co-founder of Kryptanium Capital, said that if the Ethereum ETF is approved, the best trading strategy is to "buy SOL/ETH."

In addition, Bitget appointed Gracy Chen as CEO, and former CEO Sandra Lou will leave the company to focus on her personal career. Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin said that he personally believes that all rollups will be ZK in 10 years.

DeBank launches a new feature called "Credit" to measure the authenticity, activity and value of Web3 users. Ethereum's market value exceeds Mastercard and LVMH, and its global asset market value ranking has risen to 26th.

What do you think of these news? You are welcome to speak freely in the comment area and discuss the development trends of the blockchain industry together!
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[Breaking News] The New York Attorney General's Office has reached a $2 billion settlement with the crypto asset lending platform Genesis Global Capital, setting a record for the largest settlement amount against a crypto asset company in New York State. The settlement will establish a victim fund to compensate investors who lost money through the Genesis platform. It is understood that Genesis and its affiliates were accused of concealing the $1.1 billion loss of "Gemini Earn". The collapse of Genesis is related to the high-profile collapse of the crypto asset exchange FTX and its sister trading company Alameda Research at the end of 2022. Genesis reportedly lent millions of dollars in unsecured loans to Alameda before bankruptcy and lent $2.4 billion to the defunct crypto asset hedge fund Three Arrows Capital. Attorney General James said that this historic settlement is an important step to ensure that victims who invested in Genesis are treated fairly. He also promised to continue to strengthen supervision and regulation of the crypto asset field to prevent similar fraud. This news once again shows us how important regulation of the crypto asset industry is. What do you think about this? Welcome to share your views in the comment area! 😊
[Breaking News] The New York Attorney General's Office has reached a $2 billion settlement with the crypto asset lending platform Genesis Global Capital, setting a record for the largest settlement amount against a crypto asset company in New York State. The settlement will establish a victim fund to compensate investors who lost money through the Genesis platform. It is understood that Genesis and its affiliates were accused of concealing the $1.1 billion loss of "Gemini Earn".

The collapse of Genesis is related to the high-profile collapse of the crypto asset exchange FTX and its sister trading company Alameda Research at the end of 2022. Genesis reportedly lent millions of dollars in unsecured loans to Alameda before bankruptcy and lent $2.4 billion to the defunct crypto asset hedge fund Three Arrows Capital.

Attorney General James said that this historic settlement is an important step to ensure that victims who invested in Genesis are treated fairly. He also promised to continue to strengthen supervision and regulation of the crypto asset field to prevent similar fraud.

This news once again shows us how important regulation of the crypto asset industry is. What do you think about this? Welcome to share your views in the comment area! 😊
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【Breaking News】BlockBeats reported that on May 21, the cryptocurrency market became lively again! According to CoinGecko data, Bitcoin reached a high of $71,979 today, which is a big breakthrough! 😉 Moreover, Bitcoin not only performed strongly in the US dollar market, but also soared against the Japanese yen and the Argentine peso market. Bitcoin hit a record high of 1 Bitcoin to 11.2 million Japanese yen against the Japanese yen, and Bitcoin also hit a record high of 1 to 63.8 million against the Argentine peso. Such performance undoubtedly proves Bitcoin's global influence again. What do you think of such market dynamics? Welcome to share your views in the comment area, let us discuss the future direction of cryptocurrency together. At the same time, please keep rational investment and don't blindly follow the trend. Let's look forward to the next performance of Bitcoin together!
【Breaking News】BlockBeats reported that on May 21, the cryptocurrency market became lively again! According to CoinGecko data, Bitcoin reached a high of $71,979 today, which is a big breakthrough! 😉

Moreover, Bitcoin not only performed strongly in the US dollar market, but also soared against the Japanese yen and the Argentine peso market. Bitcoin hit a record high of 1 Bitcoin to 11.2 million Japanese yen against the Japanese yen, and Bitcoin also hit a record high of 1 to 63.8 million against the Argentine peso. Such performance undoubtedly proves Bitcoin's global influence again.

What do you think of such market dynamics? Welcome to share your views in the comment area, let us discuss the future direction of cryptocurrency together. At the same time, please keep rational investment and don't blindly follow the trend. Let's look forward to the next performance of Bitcoin together!
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🎉Good news! The social platform officially released version V2 on May 4 and airdropped FRIEND tokens. One point can be exchanged for one FRIEND. This "social star" who disappeared for half a year has reappeared in people's vision, and its token FRIEND has exceeded 100 million US dollars in just a few days. 🚀 However, the history of has not always been smooth sailing. After it went online in early August last year, although it attracted many celebrities to settle in and start trading, the number of transactions completed daily decreased by about 95% in just half a month, and the daily income also dropped sharply. The founder's withdrawal of coins, the large number of robot accounts rushing to make profits, and the frequent changes in the points rules made the community user experience unsatisfactory. After a large number of real user accounts were misjudged as robots, also began to go downhill. However, did not give up. They released version V2 and airdropped FRIEND tokens. This move immediately triggered a warm response from the market, and FRIEND achieved a breakthrough of 100 million US dollars in a week. According to dune data, as of the time of writing, FRIEND's trading volume has exceeded 3.7 billion US dollars. The release of V2 means that the airdrop is really coming. According to Dune data, had a net inflow of 1,300 ETH on the day of the release of V2, the highest net inflow since September 29, 2023. At the same time, trading volume increased to US$7 million and TVL rebounded to US$42 million. However, just airdropping FRIEND is not enough to support its popularity. For this reason, very "smartly" set limits on the conditions for claiming airdrops. At first, only 10% of FRIEND can be claimed. After that, you must join a Club and follow 10 people before you can claim the remaining 90%. This move successfully attracted a large number of users to participate. In general, the release of's V2 version and the FRIEND token airdrop have undoubtedly injected new vitality into this former "social star". However, whether FRIEND can continue to maintain its strong growth momentum depends on how can further optimize its products and improve user experience. What do you think? Welcome to share your views in the comment section! 👇
🎉Good news! The social platform officially released version V2 on May 4 and airdropped FRIEND tokens. One point can be exchanged for one FRIEND. This "social star" who disappeared for half a year has reappeared in people's vision, and its token FRIEND has exceeded 100 million US dollars in just a few days. 🚀

However, the history of has not always been smooth sailing. After it went online in early August last year, although it attracted many celebrities to settle in and start trading, the number of transactions completed daily decreased by about 95% in just half a month, and the daily income also dropped sharply. The founder's withdrawal of coins, the large number of robot accounts rushing to make profits, and the frequent changes in the points rules made the community user experience unsatisfactory. After a large number of real user accounts were misjudged as robots, also began to go downhill.

However, did not give up. They released version V2 and airdropped FRIEND tokens. This move immediately triggered a warm response from the market, and FRIEND achieved a breakthrough of 100 million US dollars in a week. According to dune data, as of the time of writing, FRIEND's trading volume has exceeded 3.7 billion US dollars.

The release of V2 means that the airdrop is really coming. According to Dune data, had a net inflow of 1,300 ETH on the day of the release of V2, the highest net inflow since September 29, 2023. At the same time, trading volume increased to US$7 million and TVL rebounded to US$42 million.

However, just airdropping FRIEND is not enough to support its popularity. For this reason, very "smartly" set limits on the conditions for claiming airdrops. At first, only 10% of FRIEND can be claimed. After that, you must join a Club and follow 10 people before you can claim the remaining 90%. This move successfully attracted a large number of users to participate.

In general, the release of's V2 version and the FRIEND token airdrop have undoubtedly injected new vitality into this former "social star". However, whether FRIEND can continue to maintain its strong growth momentum depends on how can further optimize its products and improve user experience.

What do you think? Welcome to share your views in the comment section! 👇
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[The cryptocurrency market is very lively, Ethereum and Bitcoin are rising rapidly, what do you think? ]🎉 On May 21, the performance of Ethereum and Bitcoin was unparalleled! Ethereum continued to rise above $3,700, with a 24-hour increase of 20%; Bitcoin was not to be outdone, breaking through $71,000, with a 24-hour increase of 7.16%. Does this indicate that spring has come to the cryptocurrency market? 🧐 At the same time, Bloomberg senior ETF analysts Eric Balchunas and James Seyffart predicted that the probability of approval of the spot Ethereum ETF has increased to 75%, which undoubtedly adds more possibilities to the development of Ethereum. But they also reminded that this is only a prediction for 19b-4, and the approval of future S-1 documents is still required. The US SEC also requires trading platforms to speed up the update of the 19B-4 documents of the spot Ethereum ETF. It seems that the development prospects of Ethereum are highly anticipated. Arthur Hayes, founder of BitMEX, predicted that the US-Japan currency swap may trigger a surge in cryptocurrencies, and Bitcoin is expected to hit the $1 million mark. He suggested that cryptocurrency traders pay close attention to the future changes in the USD/JPY exchange rate, and at the same time, they can appropriately increase their cryptocurrency allocation. On the other hand, the GALA team said that the hacker has been stopped and a node vote will be conducted; New York Attorney General Letitia James announced a $2 billion settlement with the crypto lending platform Genesis to repay defrauded investors; MakerDAO's lending protocol Spark announced that SPK pre-mining season 2 will be launched soon, and 6.66 million SPK tokens will be distributed every month. What do you think in this lively market? Feel free to speak your mind in the comment area, let us explore the future direction of the cryptocurrency market together! 🚀
[The cryptocurrency market is very lively, Ethereum and Bitcoin are rising rapidly, what do you think? ]🎉

On May 21, the performance of Ethereum and Bitcoin was unparalleled! Ethereum continued to rise above $3,700, with a 24-hour increase of 20%; Bitcoin was not to be outdone, breaking through $71,000, with a 24-hour increase of 7.16%. Does this indicate that spring has come to the cryptocurrency market? 🧐

At the same time, Bloomberg senior ETF analysts Eric Balchunas and James Seyffart predicted that the probability of approval of the spot Ethereum ETF has increased to 75%, which undoubtedly adds more possibilities to the development of Ethereum. But they also reminded that this is only a prediction for 19b-4, and the approval of future S-1 documents is still required. The US SEC also requires trading platforms to speed up the update of the 19B-4 documents of the spot Ethereum ETF. It seems that the development prospects of Ethereum are highly anticipated.

Arthur Hayes, founder of BitMEX, predicted that the US-Japan currency swap may trigger a surge in cryptocurrencies, and Bitcoin is expected to hit the $1 million mark. He suggested that cryptocurrency traders pay close attention to the future changes in the USD/JPY exchange rate, and at the same time, they can appropriately increase their cryptocurrency allocation.

On the other hand, the GALA team said that the hacker has been stopped and a node vote will be conducted; New York Attorney General Letitia James announced a $2 billion settlement with the crypto lending platform Genesis to repay defrauded investors; MakerDAO's lending protocol Spark announced that SPK pre-mining season 2 will be launched soon, and 6.66 million SPK tokens will be distributed every month.

What do you think in this lively market? Feel free to speak your mind in the comment area, let us explore the future direction of the cryptocurrency market together! 🚀
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[Crypto lending platform Genesis reaches $2 billion settlement] According to BlockBeats, New York Attorney General Letitia James recently announced that a major settlement agreement has been reached with the crypto lending platform Genesis, totaling up to $2 billion, to repay defrauded investors. Genesis filed for bankruptcy protection in early 2023, and in October of the same year, James sued DCG, its Genesis subsidiary, and Gemini Trust, accusing them of misleading investors on the Gemini Earn program, resulting in more than $1 billion in losses. This settlement agreement is undoubtedly a comfort to the affected investors and a warning to the blockchain industry. In this industry full of opportunities and challenges, investors need to be more cautious, and at the same time, relevant platforms also need to be responsible for their actions to protect the rights and interests of investors. What do you think of this incident? Welcome to share your views in the comment area, let us explore the future direction of the blockchain industry together. 😊
[Crypto lending platform Genesis reaches $2 billion settlement] According to BlockBeats, New York Attorney General Letitia James recently announced that a major settlement agreement has been reached with the crypto lending platform Genesis, totaling up to $2 billion, to repay defrauded investors. Genesis filed for bankruptcy protection in early 2023, and in October of the same year, James sued DCG, its Genesis subsidiary, and Gemini Trust, accusing them of misleading investors on the Gemini Earn program, resulting in more than $1 billion in losses.

This settlement agreement is undoubtedly a comfort to the affected investors and a warning to the blockchain industry. In this industry full of opportunities and challenges, investors need to be more cautious, and at the same time, relevant platforms also need to be responsible for their actions to protect the rights and interests of investors.

What do you think of this incident? Welcome to share your views in the comment area, let us explore the future direction of the blockchain industry together. 😊
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