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Tether to Invest More Than $1B in Deals Over Next YearCoinspeaker Tether to Invest More Than $1B in Deals Over Next Year Tether Holdings Ltd, the issuer of the USDT stablecoin and a leading player in the crypto industry, is gearing up for a substantial investment spree. According to CEO Paolo Ardoino, Tether Investments is poised to inject more than $1 billion into various deals over the next 12 months. With a team of 15, the investment arm is not limiting itself to a single sector. Ardoino stated that the company evaluates hundreds of pitches monthly, primarily from startups. Their focus spans across alternative financial infrastructure for emerging markets, artificial intelligence (AI), and biotechnology. These are areas where Tether has already invested around $2 billion over the past two years. Tether’s Financial Strength Tether’s USDT stablecoin tracks the US dollar and boasts a market capitalization of around $112.4 billion. In a high interest-rate environment, Tether has strategically invested most of its reserves in US Treasury bills and other securities, reaping substantial profits. The company ensures 100% reserve backing for USDT, with an additional 6% cushion taken from profits to facilitate smooth redemptions. Tether’s profitability has been noteworthy, with a reported profit of $4.5 billion in the first quarter, as per the data from third-party attestations rather than full financial audits. Tether plans to channel a portion of its profits into various deals with the aim of expanding its distribution network and investing in infrastructure in emerging markets. A notable example is Tether’s recent $18.75 million investment in XREX Group, a regulated blockchain-enabled financial institution. This investment aims to drive innovation and support USDT-based cross-border payments in these markets. Moreover, a significant part of Tether’s investment strategy involves AI. The company has already invested more than $1 billion into the sector, such as by supporting data center operator Northern Data Group. Ardoino told Bloomberg: “We can offer AI computing to all the companies we have invested in. It’s all about investing in technology that helps with disintermediation with traditional finance. Less reliance on the big tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.” Despite past regulatory challenges, including settlements with the New York Attorney General and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in 2021, Tether has managed to maintain the USDT’s value pegged to the dollar. The elevated interest-rate environment has significantly contributed to Tether’s profitability in recent years. This cautious approach contrasts sharply with the fate of TerraUSD (UST), another stablecoin that collapsed in May 2022. TerraUSD’s failure was attributed to its inability to maintain its pegged value, leading to a crisis of confidence and a bank run-like phenomenon. “You can imagine that the news that Tether is making good money went around the world. We get tens or hundreds of deals per month that are on the table, and we only end up doing a very small percentage of that,” Ardoino stated. next Tether to Invest More Than $1B in Deals Over Next Year

Tether to Invest More Than $1B in Deals Over Next Year

Coinspeaker Tether to Invest More Than $1B in Deals Over Next Year

Tether Holdings Ltd, the issuer of the USDT stablecoin and a leading player in the crypto industry, is gearing up for a substantial investment spree. According to CEO Paolo Ardoino, Tether Investments is poised to inject more than $1 billion into various deals over the next 12 months.

With a team of 15, the investment arm is not limiting itself to a single sector. Ardoino stated that the company evaluates hundreds of pitches monthly, primarily from startups. Their focus spans across alternative financial infrastructure for emerging markets, artificial intelligence (AI), and biotechnology. These are areas where Tether has already invested around $2 billion over the past two years.

Tether’s Financial Strength

Tether’s USDT stablecoin tracks the US dollar and boasts a market capitalization of around $112.4 billion. In a high interest-rate environment, Tether has strategically invested most of its reserves in US Treasury bills and other securities, reaping substantial profits. The company ensures 100% reserve backing for USDT, with an additional 6% cushion taken from profits to facilitate smooth redemptions.

Tether’s profitability has been noteworthy, with a reported profit of $4.5 billion in the first quarter, as per the data from third-party attestations rather than full financial audits. Tether plans to channel a portion of its profits into various deals with the aim of expanding its distribution network and investing in infrastructure in emerging markets.

A notable example is Tether’s recent $18.75 million investment in XREX Group, a regulated blockchain-enabled financial institution. This investment aims to drive innovation and support USDT-based cross-border payments in these markets.

Moreover, a significant part of Tether’s investment strategy involves AI. The company has already invested more than $1 billion into the sector, such as by supporting data center operator Northern Data Group. Ardoino told Bloomberg:

“We can offer AI computing to all the companies we have invested in. It’s all about investing in technology that helps with disintermediation with traditional finance. Less reliance on the big tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.”

Despite past regulatory challenges, including settlements with the New York Attorney General and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in 2021, Tether has managed to maintain the USDT’s value pegged to the dollar. The elevated interest-rate environment has significantly contributed to Tether’s profitability in recent years.

This cautious approach contrasts sharply with the fate of TerraUSD (UST), another stablecoin that collapsed in May 2022. TerraUSD’s failure was attributed to its inability to maintain its pegged value, leading to a crisis of confidence and a bank run-like phenomenon.

“You can imagine that the news that Tether is making good money went around the world. We get tens or hundreds of deals per month that are on the table, and we only end up doing a very small percentage of that,” Ardoino stated.


Tether to Invest More Than $1B in Deals Over Next Year
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Charles Hoskinson:Cardano 已准备好在本月进行 Voltaire 升级发言人 Charles Hoskinson:Cardano 将于本月进行 Voltaire 升级 6 月 10 日星期一,Cardano 首席执行官 Charles Hoskinson 在 X 平台上的最新帖子中表示,Cardano 网络将很快进入其多年计划的最后阶段,该计划旨在成为一个真正的去中心化网络。因此,Voltaire 升级将在本月底准备就绪,他补充道。 第一步将涉及将系统的权益池运营商(SPO)运营的验证节点软件升级到最新版本。稍后,Cardano 区块链将演变为向后不兼容的版本,基本上是硬分叉,从而进入伏尔泰的新时代。目前,Cardano 网络处于 Basho 时代。

Charles Hoskinson:Cardano 已准备好在本月进行 Voltaire 升级

发言人 Charles Hoskinson:Cardano 将于本月进行 Voltaire 升级

6 月 10 日星期一,Cardano 首席执行官 Charles Hoskinson 在 X 平台上的最新帖子中表示,Cardano 网络将很快进入其多年计划的最后阶段,该计划旨在成为一个真正的去中心化网络。因此,Voltaire 升级将在本月底准备就绪,他补充道。

第一步将涉及将系统的权益池运营商(SPO)运营的验证节点软件升级到最新版本。稍后,Cardano 区块链将演变为向后不兼容的版本,基本上是硬分叉,从而进入伏尔泰的新时代。目前,Cardano 网络处于 Basho 时代。
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比特币在买入流动性不足的情况下跌破 68,000 美元,分析师警告称价格可能进一步下跌Coinspeaker 比特币因买入流动性不足跌破 68,000 美元,分析师警告称将进一步下跌 比特币 (BTC) 价格面临新的下行压力,6 月 11 日亚洲交易时段跌破 68,000 美元。分析师警告称,比特币价格可能进一步下跌,部分分析师担心比特币价格可能跌至 60,000 美元。 照片:TradingView TradingView 的数据显示,这种看跌情绪源于比特币在过去 24 小时内下跌 3.88%,跌至 66,800 美元左右的低点。69,000 美元的关键支撑位未能守住,订单流动性不足加剧了下跌趋势。

比特币在买入流动性不足的情况下跌破 68,000 美元,分析师警告称价格可能进一步下跌

Coinspeaker 比特币因买入流动性不足跌破 68,000 美元,分析师警告称将进一步下跌

比特币 (BTC) 价格面临新的下行压力,6 月 11 日亚洲交易时段跌破 68,000 美元。分析师警告称,比特币价格可能进一步下跌,部分分析师担心比特币价格可能跌至 60,000 美元。


TradingView 的数据显示,这种看跌情绪源于比特币在过去 24 小时内下跌 3.88%,跌至 66,800 美元左右的低点。69,000 美元的关键支撑位未能守住,订单流动性不足加剧了下跌趋势。
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CryptoQuant 首席执行官:比特币流通速度面临停滞Coinspeaker CryptoQuant 首席执行官:比特币流通速度面临停滞 尽管现货比特币交易所交易基金具有巨大的吸引力和认可度,但区块链网络的交易率仍回到了早期的水平。CryptoQuant 首席执行官 Ki Young Ju 指出,BTC 的速度已经停滞,与 13 年前的水平相同。 在社交媒体平台 X 的一篇帖子中,Ju 表示,比特币的角色已经演变成“数字黄金”,而不是日常交易的媒介。这一转变意义重大,表明尽管比特币已被许多人采用,但其作为日常交易货币的使用并未达到最初的高期望。

CryptoQuant 首席执行官:比特币流通速度面临停滞

Coinspeaker CryptoQuant 首席执行官:比特币流通速度面临停滞

尽管现货比特币交易所交易基金具有巨大的吸引力和认可度,但区块链网络的交易率仍回到了早期的水平。CryptoQuant 首席执行官 Ki Young Ju 指出,BTC 的速度已经停滞,与 13 年前的水平相同。

在社交媒体平台 X 的一篇帖子中,Ju 表示,比特币的角色已经演变成“数字黄金”,而不是日常交易的媒介。这一转变意义重大,表明尽管比特币已被许多人采用,但其作为日常交易货币的使用并未达到最初的高期望。
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币安支援 Zircuit 为以太坊提供人工智慧驱动的安全性Coinspeaker Binance 支援 Zircuit 为以太坊提供人工智慧驱动的安全性 币安透过投资创新的第 2 层网路开发商 Zircuit,对以太坊的未来下了巨额赌注。这家加密货币交易所巨头宣布了这项投资,进一步证明了对安全性的承诺,这是Zircuit 的一个强项,该公司利用人工智慧(AI) 在交易进入区块链之前就对其进行保护。 币安携手 Zircuit 打造更安全的以太坊 与 ZKsync 和 Scroll 等大多数以太坊第 2 层解决方案不同,Zircuit 以其运作方式脱颖而出。它实现了由人工智慧支援的「定序器级安全性」。  简单来说,当在 Zircuit 上提交交易时,人工智慧系统立即开始工作。系统会分析此类交易,以识别潜在的骇客攻击或漏洞,然后再将其纳入区块中。这种主动方法旨在阻止恶意活动到达主网,最终为开发人员和使用者创建一个更安全的环境。

币安支援 Zircuit 为以太坊提供人工智慧驱动的安全性

Coinspeaker Binance 支援 Zircuit 为以太坊提供人工智慧驱动的安全性

币安透过投资创新的第 2 层网路开发商 Zircuit,对以太坊的未来下了巨额赌注。这家加密货币交易所巨头宣布了这项投资,进一步证明了对安全性的承诺,这是Zircuit 的一个强项,该公司利用人工智慧(AI) 在交易进入区块链之前就对其进行保护。

币安携手 Zircuit 打造更安全的以太坊

与 ZKsync 和 Scroll 等大多数以太坊第 2 层解决方案不同,Zircuit 以其运作方式脱颖而出。它实现了由人工智慧支援的「定序器级安全性」。  简单来说,当在 Zircuit 上提交交易时,人工智慧系统立即开始工作。系统会分析此类交易,以识别潜在的骇客攻击或漏洞,然后再将其纳入区块中。这种主动方法旨在阻止恶意活动到达主网,最终为开发人员和使用者创建一个更安全的环境。
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ZkSync 下周空投 ZK 代币供应量的 17.5%,695K 钱包符合资格Coinspeaker zkSync 下周空投 ZK 代币供应量的 17.5%,69.5 万个钱包符合资格 zkSync 宣布下周将进行重大空投,695,232 个钱包有资格接收新的 ZK 代币。这一重大事件是 zkSync 去中心化治理和赋权社区策略的一部分。空投将于下周开始,预计持续到明年 1 月 3 日。 用 ZK 代币为 zkSync 社群赋能 ZK 代币将使持有者能够对协议升级进行投票并支付网路费用,标志著去中心化的巨大进步。

ZkSync 下周空投 ZK 代币供应量的 17.5%,695K 钱包符合资格

Coinspeaker zkSync 下周空投 ZK 代币供应量的 17.5%,69.5 万个钱包符合资格

zkSync 宣布下周将进行重大空投,695,232 个钱包有资格接收新的 ZK 代币。这一重大事件是 zkSync 去中心化治理和赋权社区策略的一部分。空投将于下周开始,预计持续到明年 1 月 3 日。

用 ZK 代币为 zkSync 社群赋能

ZK 代币将使持有者能够对协议升级进行投票并支付网路费用,标志著去中心化的巨大进步。
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莱特币(LTC)价格预示着链上活动增加,进一步整合Coinspeaker 莱特币 (LTC) 价格预示着链上活动增加,进一步整合 莱特币 (LTC) 是从比特币 (BTC) 链中分叉出来的一种老牌山寨币,用于支持主流支付,多年来已发展成为一种主流数字资产。这种中型山寨币的完全摊薄估值 (FDV) 约为 66 亿美元,日均交易量约为 4.81 亿美元,拥有超过 900 万持有者。 然而,以工作量证明 (PoW) 为担保的区块链,其净哈希率约为 1.02 PH/s,因缺乏与 Web3 领域相匹配的创新开发而受到严重批评。此外,莱特币网络不支持与以太坊 (ETH)、Solana (SOL)、Tron (TRX) 和 Toncoin (TON) 等类似的智能合约和 eb3 开发。


Coinspeaker 莱特币 (LTC) 价格预示着链上活动增加,进一步整合

莱特币 (LTC) 是从比特币 (BTC) 链中分叉出来的一种老牌山寨币,用于支持主流支付,多年来已发展成为一种主流数字资产。这种中型山寨币的完全摊薄估值 (FDV) 约为 66 亿美元,日均交易量约为 4.81 亿美元,拥有超过 900 万持有者。

然而,以工作量证明 (PoW) 为担保的区块链,其净哈希率约为 1.02 PH/s,因缺乏与 Web3 领域相匹配的创新开发而受到严重批评。此外,莱特币网络不支持与以太坊 (ETH)、Solana (SOL)、Tron (TRX) 和 Toncoin (TON) 等类似的智能合约和 eb3 开发。
Перевод Secures Regulatory License in IrelandCoinspeaker Secures Regulatory License in Ireland, a leading digital assets trading platform, has received regulatory approval to operate legally in the Republic of Ireland. In an official announcement on Tuesday, the company said it has been certified by the Central Bank of Ireland to operate as a Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP). The company, which boasts over 100 million users globally, can now provide its full range of products in Ireland, including crypto-to-fiat exchanges and custody services in compliance with local regulatory policies. Subjected to Thorough Review was subjected to stringent scrutiny before receiving the final nod from the Central Bank to explore the market. The bank reviewed the company’s compliance measures, particularly its capabilities in anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT). Eric Anziani, the President and COO of the company, sees the latest expansion to Ireland as a testament to’s commitment to compliance requirements across its key markets. “This approval from the Central Bank of Ireland is the latest testament to our commitment to compliance and responsible innovation. We are excited to broaden our offering in Ireland, enabling consumers to engage with the most comprehensive crypto product suite,” he said. The firm has now joined the growing list of crypto exchanges expanding to Ireland. Companies like Coinbase and Kraken obtained the same VASP licenses from the Central Bank of Ireland in 2023. Coinbase even chose Ireland as its European headquarters, highlighting the country’s growing importance in the crypto space. Expanding Global Footprint Since its launch in 2016, has been expanding its global presence. Beyond its recent approval in Ireland, the company has secured regulatory licenses in several other countries, demonstrating its dedication to meeting stringent regulatory standards. In Singapore, the company has received a Major Payment Institution (MPI) license for Digital Payment Token (DPT) services and an e-money issuance license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore. In France, it operates as a regulated Digital Asset Service Provider (DASP) under the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). The exchange is also fully regulated in Dubai under the Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) and was authorized as an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom in December 2023. Additionally, is registered under the Electronic Financial Transaction Act in South Korea, further solidifying its regulatory compliance across key markets. Commitment to Compliance The company’s expansion into Ireland and other markets underscores its commitment to compliance and security. By adhering to local regulations and obtaining necessary approvals, the company aims to provide a safe and reliable platform for its users worldwide., which prides itself as an industry leader in regulatory compliance, security, and privacy, currently offers a suite of product offerings that align with market demands in various jurisdictions. Users from across the world where Visa is accepted for payments can buy different cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) on the platform using their cards. The firm also has a dedicated crypto wallet that allows customers access to the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). Through this wallet offering, users can store all their assets in one place. next Secures Regulatory License in Ireland Secures Regulatory License in Ireland

Coinspeaker Secures Regulatory License in Ireland, a leading digital assets trading platform, has received regulatory approval to operate legally in the Republic of Ireland. In an official announcement on Tuesday, the company said it has been certified by the Central Bank of Ireland to operate as a Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP).

The company, which boasts over 100 million users globally, can now provide its full range of products in Ireland, including crypto-to-fiat exchanges and custody services in compliance with local regulatory policies. Subjected to Thorough Review was subjected to stringent scrutiny before receiving the final nod from the Central Bank to explore the market. The bank reviewed the company’s compliance measures, particularly its capabilities in anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT).

Eric Anziani, the President and COO of the company, sees the latest expansion to Ireland as a testament to’s commitment to compliance requirements across its key markets.

“This approval from the Central Bank of Ireland is the latest testament to our commitment to compliance and responsible innovation. We are excited to broaden our offering in Ireland, enabling consumers to engage with the most comprehensive crypto product suite,” he said.

The firm has now joined the growing list of crypto exchanges expanding to Ireland. Companies like Coinbase and Kraken obtained the same VASP licenses from the Central Bank of Ireland in 2023.

Coinbase even chose Ireland as its European headquarters, highlighting the country’s growing importance in the crypto space.

Expanding Global Footprint

Since its launch in 2016, has been expanding its global presence. Beyond its recent approval in Ireland, the company has secured regulatory licenses in several other countries, demonstrating its dedication to meeting stringent regulatory standards.

In Singapore, the company has received a Major Payment Institution (MPI) license for Digital Payment Token (DPT) services and an e-money issuance license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

In France, it operates as a regulated Digital Asset Service Provider (DASP) under the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF).

The exchange is also fully regulated in Dubai under the Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) and was authorized as an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom in December 2023.

Additionally, is registered under the Electronic Financial Transaction Act in South Korea, further solidifying its regulatory compliance across key markets.

Commitment to Compliance

The company’s expansion into Ireland and other markets underscores its commitment to compliance and security. By adhering to local regulations and obtaining necessary approvals, the company aims to provide a safe and reliable platform for its users worldwide., which prides itself as an industry leader in regulatory compliance, security, and privacy, currently offers a suite of product offerings that align with market demands in various jurisdictions.

Users from across the world where Visa is accepted for payments can buy different cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) on the platform using their cards.

The firm also has a dedicated crypto wallet that allows customers access to the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). Through this wallet offering, users can store all their assets in one place.

next Secures Regulatory License in Ireland
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XRP 在 6 月份增加了 10 万名新持有者:这对价格前景有何影响?Coinspeaker XRP 6 月份新增 10 万名持有者:对价格前景有影响吗? 6 月上旬,XRP 持有者数量大幅增加,有 10 万名新投资者加入了生态系统。新持有者的突然涌入意味着 XRP 的兴趣和采用率显著上升,但代币价格尚未反映这一点。 需求增长导致价格波动 尽管有新投资者涌入,但 XRP 的价格仍显示出稳定迹象,而非大幅上涨。该加密货币的价格一直在相对较窄的范围内徘徊,通常平均在 0.48 美元至 0.52 美元之间。

XRP 在 6 月份增加了 10 万名新持有者:这对价格前景有何影响?

Coinspeaker XRP 6 月份新增 10 万名持有者:对价格前景有影响吗?

6 月上旬,XRP 持有者数量大幅增加,有 10 万名新投资者加入了生态系统。新持有者的突然涌入意味着 XRP 的兴趣和采用率显著上升,但代币价格尚未反映这一点。


尽管有新投资者涌入,但 XRP 的价格仍显示出稳定迹象,而非大幅上涨。该加密货币的价格一直在相对较窄的范围内徘徊,通常平均在 0.48 美元至 0.52 美元之间。
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欧盟创新中心严厉批评隐私币和加密货币混合器Coinspeaker 欧盟创新中心猛烈抨击隐私币和加密货币混合器 欧盟内部安全创新中心最近发布了第一份关于加密的报告,解释了隐私币和加密货币混合器如何使监管发展问题复杂化。 事实证明,数据加密对于保持个人隐私和安全之间的平衡至关重要。然而,这些加密混合协议的运作方式,可能会在欧盟立法批准方面面临强烈阻力。 欧盟创新中心最近的报告强调了加密技术的“双重用途”性质。该报告强调,加密货币和非同质化代币 (NFT) 在存储、挖掘和转移方面对公私加密的固有依赖可能会被不良行为者利用来逃避执法。具体来说,它指出某些协议和隐私币可能会“掩盖”区块链的可见性。


Coinspeaker 欧盟创新中心猛烈抨击隐私币和加密货币混合器



欧盟创新中心最近的报告强调了加密技术的“双重用途”性质。该报告强调,加密货币和非同质化代币 (NFT) 在存储、挖掘和转移方面对公私加密的固有依赖可能会被不良行为者利用来逃避执法。具体来说,它指出某些协议和隐私币可能会“掩盖”区块链的可见性。
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罗伯特清崎:“比特币是成​​为百万富翁最简单的方法”比特币发言人罗伯特·清崎:“比特币是成​​为百万富翁最简单的途径” 《富爸爸穷爸爸》的作者罗伯特·清崎认为,投资比特币(BTC)是成为百万富翁最简单的方法。这位比特币的铁杆支持者分析了作为一名企业家经营企业所涉及的“艰苦工作”。他强调,在这种情况下,一个人需要非常聪明、专注和幸运才能成为百万富翁。 然而,他声称要避免这种“辛苦”,只需采用比特币储蓄即可。因此,作者承认自己热爱这个诞生的加密货币。




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Haruko 利用 Stacks 为机构投资者提供加密服务Coinspeaker Haruko 利用 Stacks 为机构投资者提供加密服务 机构数字资产提供商 Haruko 即将通过一项新开发来提升蓬勃发展的比特币 (BTC) 第 2 层 (L2) 生态系统。正如 Coinspeaker 在新闻稿中分享的那样,这家数字资产技术解决方案提供商已宣布其打算整合领先的比特币 L2 解决方案 Stacks。 Haruko 利用 Stacks 区块链的安全性和稳定性 具体来说,Stacks 是一种比特币 L2,它有助于将 BTC 用作智能合约和去中心化应用程序 (DApps) 的安全基础层。它旨在解锁多个比特币钱包中存在的 1 万亿美元闲置资本。在过去的 12 个月中,L2 解决方案在其平台上注册了大量 DApp 和协议发布。

Haruko 利用 Stacks 为机构投资者提供加密服务

Coinspeaker Haruko 利用 Stacks 为机构投资者提供加密服务

机构数字资产提供商 Haruko 即将通过一项新开发来提升蓬勃发展的比特币 (BTC) 第 2 层 (L2) 生态系统。正如 Coinspeaker 在新闻稿中分享的那样,这家数字资产技术解决方案提供商已宣布其打算整合领先的比特币 L2 解决方案 Stacks。

Haruko 利用 Stacks 区块链的安全性和稳定性

具体来说,Stacks 是一种比特币 L2,它有助于将 BTC 用作智能合约和去中心化应用程序 (DApps) 的安全基础层。它旨在解锁多个比特币钱包中存在的 1 万亿美元闲置资本。在过去的 12 个月中,L2 解决方案在其平台上注册了大量 DApp 和协议发布。
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Ripple 推出 XRPL 基金,推动日本和韩国的区块链创新Coinspeaker Ripple 推出 XRPL 基金,推动日本、韩国的区块链创新 知名区块链公司 Ripple 宣布成立一支大型基金,以推动日本和韩国的区块链创新。这项名为 XRPL 日韩基金的新举措凸显了 Ripple 致力于扩大其在亚太地区的影响力。 Ripple 的加密货币 XRP 在 XRP Ledger 上运行,这是一个专为企业使用而定制的公共区块链。新基金将支持各种项目,例如企业合作伙伴关系、开发者资助、初创企业投资和社区发展。

Ripple 推出 XRPL 基金,推动日本和韩国的区块链创新

Coinspeaker Ripple 推出 XRPL 基金,推动日本、韩国的区块链创新

知名区块链公司 Ripple 宣布成立一支大型基金,以推动日本和韩国的区块链创新。这项名为 XRPL 日韩基金的新举措凸显了 Ripple 致力于扩大其在亚太地区的影响力。

Ripple 的加密货币 XRP 在 XRP Ledger 上运行,这是一个专为企业使用而定制的公共区块链。新基金将支持各种项目,例如企业合作伙伴关系、开发者资助、初创企业投资和社区发展。
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Metaplanet 押注比特币,股价上涨 10%Coinspeaker Metaplanet 押注比特币,股价上涨 10% 日本公司 Metaplanet 继续追随传奇公司 MicroStrategy 的脚步,收购比特币,尽管收购力度很大。虽然它最近的一次收购是不到两个月内的第三次收购,但它在股价几乎立即飙升后,开始看到与 MicroStrategy 相同的结果。 这种积极的比特币策略似乎引起了投资者的共鸣,推动 Metaplanet 的股价上涨了两位数。

Metaplanet 押注比特币,股价上涨 10%

Coinspeaker Metaplanet 押注比特币,股价上涨 10%

日本公司 Metaplanet 继续追随传奇公司 MicroStrategy 的脚步,收购比特币,尽管收购力度很大。虽然它最近的一次收购是不到两个月内的第三次收购,但它在股价几乎立即飙升后,开始看到与 MicroStrategy 相同的结果。

这种积极的比特币策略似乎引起了投资者的共鸣,推动 Metaplanet 的股价上涨了两位数。
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柴犬烧钱率爆发式增长,在 ETF 谈判中 SHIB 价格有可能复苏吗?Coinspeaker Shiba Inu 烧钱率爆发式增长,在 ETF 谈判中 SHIB 价格有可能复苏吗? 虽然 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和更广泛的加密生态系统一直面临相当大的抛售压力,但链上的发展表明山寨币的实力正在增强。在过去 24 小时内,SHIB/USD 的消耗率大幅上升,其第 2 层区块链平台 Shibarium 上的交易量大幅上升。 根据 Shibburn 的数据,共有 770 万枚 SHIB 代币被从流通中移除,增幅高达 13,458.99%。当加密货币代币被故意转移到无法访问的钱包地址时,就会发生代币销毁,从而有效地使它们退出流通。

柴犬烧钱率爆发式增长,在 ETF 谈判中 SHIB 价格有可能复苏吗?

Coinspeaker Shiba Inu 烧钱率爆发式增长,在 ETF 谈判中 SHIB 价格有可能复苏吗?

虽然 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和更广泛的加密生态系统一直面临相当大的抛售压力,但链上的发展表明山寨币的实力正在增强。在过去 24 小时内,SHIB/USD 的消耗率大幅上升,其第 2 层区块链平台 Shibarium 上的交易量大幅上升。

根据 Shibburn 的数据,共有 770 万枚 SHIB 代币被从流通中移除,增幅高达 13,458.99%。当加密货币代币被故意转移到无法访问的钱包地址时,就会发生代币销毁,从而有效地使它们退出流通。
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Uniswap Labs 聘请前 Coinbase 高管担任首席法律官Coinspeaker Uniswap Labs 聘请前 Coinbase 高管担任首席法律官 知名去中心化平台 Uniswap Labs 已任命 Coinbase 前法律高管 Katherine Minarik 为其新任首席法律官 (CLO)。此前,该公司宣布前首席法律官 Marvin Ammori 将转为兼职。社交媒体平台 X(前身为 Twitter)上的一篇帖子透露,Minarik 于周一上任。 在 Minarik 被任命之前,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 曾表示,可能会对 Uniswap Labs 采取法律行动,以解决其流行的去中心化交易所 (DEX) 被滥用的问题。

Uniswap Labs 聘请前 Coinbase 高管担任首席法律官

Coinspeaker Uniswap Labs 聘请前 Coinbase 高管担任首席法律官

知名去中心化平台 Uniswap Labs 已任命 Coinbase 前法律高管 Katherine Minarik 为其新任首席法律官 (CLO)。此前,该公司宣布前首席法律官 Marvin Ammori 将转为兼职。社交媒体平台 X(前身为 Twitter)上的一篇帖子透露,Minarik 于周一上任。

在 Minarik 被任命之前,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 曾表示,可能会对 Uniswap Labs 采取法律行动,以解决其流行的去中心化交易所 (DEX) 被滥用的问题。
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投资者向 ZkSync 的 Zyfi 提供 200 万美元支持,以应对 DeFi 挑战Coinspeaker 投资者向 zkSync 的 Zyfi 提供 200 万美元支持,以应对 DeFi 挑战 Zyfi 是总部位于瑞士的 zkSync 上的 Paymaster-as-a-Service 平台,已成功获得 200 万美元的私募融资。此次融资由 Everstake Capital 和 Tenzor Capital 等知名投资者领投,旨在支持 Zyfi 的使命,即通过先进的 gas 提取技术增强链上体验,彻底改变去中心化金融 (DeFi) 格局。 去中心化金融为金融包容性打开了大门,让无法获得传统银行服务的个人也能参与金融活动。DeFi 让任何有互联网连接的人都能获得贷款、借贷和交易等服务,无论他们身在何处或经济背景如何。

投资者向 ZkSync 的 Zyfi 提供 200 万美元支持,以应对 DeFi 挑战

Coinspeaker 投资者向 zkSync 的 Zyfi 提供 200 万美元支持,以应对 DeFi 挑战

Zyfi 是总部位于瑞士的 zkSync 上的 Paymaster-as-a-Service 平台,已成功获得 200 万美元的私募融资。此次融资由 Everstake Capital 和 Tenzor Capital 等知名投资者领投,旨在支持 Zyfi 的使命,即通过先进的 gas 提取技术增强链上体验,彻底改变去中心化金融 (DeFi) 格局。

去中心化金融为金融包容性打开了大门,让无法获得传统银行服务的个人也能参与金融活动。DeFi 让任何有互联网连接的人都能获得贷款、借贷和交易等服务,无论他们身在何处或经济背景如何。
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INTMAX 邀请行业专家参加 PlasmaCon 2024 活动Coinspeaker INTMAX 邀请行业专家参加 PlasmaCon 2024 活动 INTMAX 是一种无状态的以太坊第 2 层解决方案,它将区块链领域最聪明的人才聚集在 PlasmaCon 上,这是一场与著名的 EDCON Tokyo 2024 会议同时举行的特别活动。这场以构建者为中心的活动旨在重新引发围绕 Plasma 的讨论,Plasma 是以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 提出的一种曾经非常突出的以太坊扩展解决方案。 PlasmaCon 活动演讲嘉宾 该活动定于 7 月 31 日在东京联合国大学举行。PlasmaCon 将有一系列令人印象深刻的演讲者,包括 Vitalik Buterin、以太坊基金会研究员 Justin Drake 和 Barry Whitehat。

INTMAX 邀请行业专家参加 PlasmaCon 2024 活动

Coinspeaker INTMAX 邀请行业专家参加 PlasmaCon 2024 活动

INTMAX 是一种无状态的以太坊第 2 层解决方案,它将区块链领域最聪明的人才聚集在 PlasmaCon 上,这是一场与著名的 EDCON Tokyo 2024 会议同时举行的特别活动。这场以构建者为中心的活动旨在重新引发围绕 Plasma 的讨论,Plasma 是以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 提出的一种曾经非常突出的以太坊扩展解决方案。

PlasmaCon 活动演讲嘉宾

该活动定于 7 月 31 日在东京联合国大学举行。PlasmaCon 将有一系列令人印象深刻的演讲者,包括 Vitalik Buterin、以太坊基金会研究员 Justin Drake 和 Barry Whitehat。
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QCP Capital:比特币和以太坊正在经历“逢低买入时刻”Coinspeaker QCP Capital:比特币和以太坊正在经历“逢低买入时刻” 总部位于新加坡的加密货币交易公司 QCP Capital 表示,比特币 (BTC) 和以太坊 (ETH) 目前正处于“逢低买入”时刻。该公司将此次下跌归因于美国周五发布的好坏参半的经济数据。 比特币和以太坊如何应对美国经济数据 据报道,非农就业数据显示,在经济连续增长后,就业市场进展强于预期。具体来说,5月份就业人数为27.2万人,超过预期的18.5万人。尽管如此,失业率还是从3.9%小幅上升至4%。

QCP Capital:比特币和以太坊正在经历“逢低买入时刻”

Coinspeaker QCP Capital:比特币和以太坊正在经历“逢低买入时刻”

总部位于新加坡的加密货币交易公司 QCP Capital 表示,比特币 (BTC) 和以太坊 (ETH) 目前正处于“逢低买入”时刻。该公司将此次下跌归因于美国周五发布的好坏参半的经济数据。


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PlanB 发布 2024-2028 年大胆比特币 (BTC) 价格预测Coinspeaker PlanB 发布 2024-2028 年比特币 (BTC) 价格预测 受欢迎的比特币(BTC)支持者(又称 PlanB)创建了存量到流量(S2F)模型,他对未来几年做出了大胆的预测。这位加密货币分析师的比特币价格预测是基于幂律与 S2F 模型的结合。 根据 PlanB 的说法,今年比特币价格将收在 15 万美元左右,这与指数回报率一致。 这位加密货币分析师进一步指出,在他最好的情况下,到 2025 年底,比特币价格将达到 80 万美元。

PlanB 发布 2024-2028 年大胆比特币 (BTC) 价格预测

Coinspeaker PlanB 发布 2024-2028 年比特币 (BTC) 价格预测

受欢迎的比特币(BTC)支持者(又称 PlanB)创建了存量到流量(S2F)模型,他对未来几年做出了大胆的预测。这位加密货币分析师的比特币价格预测是基于幂律与 S2F 模型的结合。

根据 PlanB 的说法,今年比特币价格将收在 15 万美元左右,这与指数回报率一致。

这位加密货币分析师进一步指出,在他最好的情况下,到 2025 年底,比特币价格将达到 80 万美元。
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