Binance Square
Crypto Hustle
May 22nd marks Bitcoin Pizza Day, a celebration of the first real-world transaction using Bitcoin 📊. In 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz offered 10,000 BTC to anyone who could get him two Papa John's pizzas delivered 🍕👍. Jeremy Sturdivant took him up on the offer, and the two pizzas were purchased for a total of $25 💸. Today, those 10,000 BTC would be worth over $250 million! 💸😱 The event symbolizes the humble beginnings of Bitcoin and its potential for growth 🚀." #Bitcoin #bitcoinpizzaday #pizzaday #write2earn #dyor

May 22nd marks Bitcoin Pizza Day, a celebration of the first real-world transaction using Bitcoin 📊. In 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz offered 10,000 BTC to anyone who could get him two Papa John's pizzas delivered 🍕👍. Jeremy Sturdivant took him up on the offer, and the two pizzas were purchased for a total of $25 💸. Today, those 10,000 BTC would be worth over $250 million! 💸😱 The event symbolizes the humble beginnings of Bitcoin and its potential for growth 🚀."

#Bitcoin #bitcoinpizzaday #pizzaday #write2earn #dyor

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