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Crypto Solutions
💔Quick Profit from Wall Street Baby The person who launched Wall Street Baby ($WSB) made nearly 5,000 SOL ($810,000) in just one hour by quickly buying and selling $WSB. Here's what happened: 🔴They created 1 billion $WSB tokens, added 600 million $WSB and 400 SOL to liquidity, and kept 400 million $WSB. 🔴Before trading started, they created 32 wallets and spread 643 SOL among them. 🔴These 32 wallets bought 362 million $WSB (36.2% of the total supply) as soon as trading began. 🔴The deployer then quickly sold these 362 million $WSB for 4,371 SOL ($708,000). 🔴Additionally, they spread the remaining 400 million $WSB across more than 100 wallets. ⚪Lesson: Always check the supply and token distribution before investing in new coins. Crypto can be brutal. #cryptosolutions

💔Quick Profit from Wall Street Baby

The person who launched Wall Street Baby ($WSB) made nearly 5,000 SOL ($810,000) in just one hour by quickly buying and selling $WSB.

Here's what happened:

🔴They created 1 billion $WSB tokens, added 600 million $WSB and 400 SOL to liquidity, and kept 400 million $WSB.

🔴Before trading started, they created 32 wallets and spread 643 SOL among them.

🔴These 32 wallets bought 362 million $WSB (36.2% of the total supply) as soon as trading began.

🔴The deployer then quickly sold these 362 million $WSB for 4,371 SOL ($708,000).

🔴Additionally, they spread the remaining 400 million $WSB across more than 100 wallets.

⚪Lesson: Always check the supply and token distribution before investing in new coins. Crypto can be brutal.


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