Binance Square
The future of payments may soon involve tokenized assets, according to Rob Durscki, senior director of tokenization at the Stellar Development Foundation. Speaking at the TokenizeThis 2024 event, Durscki suggested that the blending of payments and investments could unlock new possibilities across financial products. Tokenization, the process of converting ownership of an asset into a digital token on a blockchain, could make financial products more accessible and increase liquidity. Ripple's VP of engineering, Bradley Chase, also noted an emerging trend of enterprises seeking to receive stablecoin payments and hold tokens on-chain.

The future of payments may soon involve tokenized assets, according to Rob Durscki, senior director of tokenization at the Stellar Development Foundation. Speaking at the TokenizeThis 2024 event, Durscki suggested that the blending of payments and investments could unlock new possibilities across financial products. Tokenization, the process of converting ownership of an asset into a digital token on a blockchain, could make financial products more accessible and increase liquidity. Ripple's VP of engineering, Bradley Chase, also noted an emerging trend of enterprises seeking to receive stablecoin payments and hold tokens on-chain.

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