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In the past 24 hours, futures transactions saw liquidations totaling $74 million according to Coinglass data. Long positions accounted for 55% of this amount, equivalent to $40 million. #Coinglass #altcoins #BlackRock #BTC #CryptoWatchMay2024

In the past 24 hours, futures transactions saw liquidations totaling $74 million according to Coinglass data.

Long positions accounted for 55% of this amount, equivalent to $40 million.

#Coinglass #altcoins #BlackRock #BTC #CryptoWatchMay2024

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Redbrick: A New Project That Offers Creative Content For Blockchains. ♦️🔗🎮 Redbrick is an exciting project that aims to offer a wide range of content on blockchains. This project aims to create various content such as games, metaverse, educational materials and NFTs using its cloud-based engines. The engine, which Redbrick developed himself, offers similar features to popular game engines, but also has the ability to integrate with platforms such as Unity or Unreal Engine. In addition, it aims to simplify the user's experience at the web2 level by supporting content integration on various blockchains and infrastructures. The team behind the project consists of 41 members with experience in the USA, Korea and Vietnam. CEO ICE Yang and other leaders have served in leading technology companies and have significant experience. Redbrick also offers various earning opportunities to its users. Users can earn Redbrick points by inviting friends, completing daily tasks, and participating in Web3 portal events. The project also offers various events and awards. The 0xSpin event held on the Kaia Chain and the special NFT & content event on Berachain offer exciting opportunities for users. Redbrick's approach to NFT and trade is also noteworthy. The NFTs named "Brc:ID" printed for user accounts represent the in-game achievements and accumulations of the accounts. These NFTs can be traded by printing on the SmartLayer Launchpad. Redbrick is a new project that offers creative content on blockchains and may play an important role in shaping the world of blockchain-based content in the future. Stay tuned! #Redbrick #NFT #smartlayer #UnrealEngine #Berachain
Notcoin (NOT) Became the Latest Project on Binance Launchpool. 💎🤌🏼 I am excited to announce the arrival of Notcoin (NOT) to Binance Launchpool, marking a significant leap forward in the world of cryptocurrency innovation. Notcoin is more than a token; is a community-driven force ready to revolutionize web3 with its pioneering tap-to-win mining mechanism. ◾Highlights: Token Name: Notcoin (NOT) Max Token Supply: 102,719,221,714 NOT Launchpool Token Rewards: 3,081,576,651 NOT (3% of max token supply) Initial Circulating Supply: 102,719,221,714 NOT (100% of max token supply) Staking Terms: KYC required Hourly Hard Cap per User: 3,637,972 NOT in BNB pool 641,995 NOT in FDUSD pool ◾Supported Pools: Stake BNB: 85% of rewards Stake FDUSD: 15% of rewards Farming Period: May 13, 2024, 00:00 (UTC) to May 15, 2024, 23:59 (UTC). ◾Farming Accumulation: Total Daily Rewards: 1,027,192,217 NOT BNB Pool Daily Rewards: 873,113,384 NOT FDUSD Pool Daily Rewards: 154,078,832 NOT ◾Important Considerations: Continuous token distribution post-airdrop may impact market prices. Delays in airdrop claiming may lead to price fluctuations. KYC completion and eligibility from specific jurisdictions are required. ◾Additional Information: Users can claim rewards hourly and switch between pools freely. Participation via BNB Vault and Locked Products is supported. Eligibility may vary based on the user's country or region, subject to legal regulations. Mark your calendars for the launch on May 16, 2024, at 12:00 (UTC), where trading pairs including NOT/BTC, NOT/USDT, NOT/BNB, NOT/FDUSD, and NOT/TRY will be available. #notcoin #NOT #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BinanceLaunchpool #Toncoin
Verida Revolutionizes Personal Data Ownership. 🔥👀 In an age where personal data is often exploited and mishandled, Verida emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a decentralized solution that empowers users with control and ownership over their information. At the heart of Verida's mission is the vision of creating a highly efficient tokenized data economy. Through their innovative DePIN ecosystem, users gain access to wallet services for identity, data, and cryptocurrencies, all within a secure and decentralized network. Verida's upcoming cryptocurrency, $VDA, is set to launch through a pre-sale on the Decubate platform and Gate exchange's startup section. This token, known as The Verida Storage Credit Token, will play a pivotal role in facilitating secure data storage, reliable sharing, and fast querying within the Verida ecosystem. The Verida Wallet serves as a central hub for users to manage their crypto assets, encrypted personal data, and identity information, ensuring maximum security and privacy. Exciting developments continue with the imminent arrival of Verida One, a decentralized platform designed to revolutionize identities and data management further. Backed by strong partnerships with industry giants like Polygon, NEAR, Ethereum, and Algorand, Verida demonstrates its commitment to fostering a robust network within the blockchain community. Technical excellence is at the core of Verida's operations, with the token built on the Polygon network and boasting a total supply of 1 billion VDA tokens. NEAR's endorsement adds another layer of credibility, with its co-founder expressing enthusiasm for supporting Verida and emphasizing the importance of ease of use and low transition costs for mainstream adoption in Web3. Verida stands at the forefront of a paradigm shift in personal data ownership, offering users unprecedented control and security over their digital identities. To learn more about Verida and join the movement towards a decentralized data economy, visit verida official site. #verida #VDA #PersonalData #Decubate
Tether Partnership with Strengthens Eastern Europe's Crypto Scene. 🤝💸👀 In a move to deepen its involvement in Eastern Europe's burgeoning cryptocurrency market, Tether, a leading stablecoin provider, has announced additional funding for, a Georgian crypto payment platform. This investment follows Tether's initial backing of in 2023, reaffirming its dedication to the platform's growth. facilitates the use of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin for transactions at various businesses, including popular chains like Wendy’s and Radisson Hotels. This move aims to enhance convenience and accessibility for crypto enthusiasts across Eastern Europe, with a particular focus on countries like Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. With over 600 service points already established in Georgia alone, is poised for further expansion. Plans include the introduction of e-wallet and card solutions within the next two years, along with the ambitious goal of setting up more than 500,000 cryptocurrency payment points across the region. Paolo Ardoino, CEO of Tether, expressed optimism about the partnership, citing previous successes in expanding cryptocurrency adoption in Georgia. This collaboration also underscores Georgia's supportive stance towards cryptocurrency initiatives, with actively engaging with governmental bodies in the country. A memorandum of understanding signed with Tether in June 2023 focuses on developing Bitcoin and peer-to-peer payment infrastructures within Georgia. Georgia's reputation as a crypto-friendly hub continues to grow, with major firms like Binance establishing a presence and the proliferation of Bitcoin ATMs in cities like Tbilisi. This collaboration between Tether and not only reflects the increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies but also highlights the potential for further innovation and integration within Eastern Europe's evolving crypto landscape. #Tether #Georgia #CityPay #PaoloArdoino

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