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🚨📈 Recover money of P2P scams 🚨📈 I yesterday made a post about one of my P2P mistakes and saw many people have lost Money in P2P due to scams, mistakes etc . Here is what best u can do if u went through a scam ? The best method is to take ss of proofs of payments, And explaining everything to binance customer care If u r able to prove yourself Then You have a slight chance of getting your money back , Binance would freeze the account of scammer and if any money is recovered it would be give to u . If You are still in trade ( I.e completed payment and Not pressed notify seller ) then u can appeal in case of extra transfer or any other problem binance executive will surely help u out ( just don’t Press i have done payment button ) Hope this might help uh 😊 #P2PScam  #scamalert

🚨📈 Recover money of P2P scams 🚨📈

I yesterday made a post about one of my P2P mistakes and saw many people have lost Money in P2P due to scams, mistakes etc .

Here is what best u can do if u went through a scam ?

The best method is to take ss of proofs of payments, And explaining everything to binance customer care If u r able to prove yourself Then You have a slight chance of getting your money back , Binance would freeze the account of scammer and if any money is recovered it would be give to u .

If You are still in trade ( I.e completed payment and Not pressed notify seller ) then u can appeal in case of extra transfer or any other problem binance executive will surely help u out ( just don’t Press i have done payment button )

Hope this might help uh 😊

#P2PScam  #scamalert

Отказ от ответственности: на платформе опубликованы материалы и мнения третьих лиц. Не является финансовой рекомендацией. См. Правила и условия.
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