Binance Square
Roger Ver, a cryptocurrency entrepreneur and Bitcoin Cash promoter, was arrested in Spain on charges of evading nearly US$50 million in U.S. taxes and committing mail fraud, according to the Department of Justice. The indictment alleges that Ver failed to report capital gains from his substantial Bitcoin assets after renouncing his U.S. citizenship in 2014. The DOJ is now seeking Ver’s extradition to face trial in the United States. The case against Ver alleges that he and his companies, MemoryDealers and Agilestar, held approximately 131,000 Bitcoins in 2014, with the companies owning 73,000 of those.

Roger Ver, a cryptocurrency entrepreneur and Bitcoin Cash promoter, was arrested in Spain on charges of evading nearly US$50 million in U.S. taxes and committing mail fraud, according to the Department of Justice.

The indictment alleges that Ver failed to report capital gains from his substantial Bitcoin assets after renouncing his U.S. citizenship in 2014.

The DOJ is now seeking Ver’s extradition to face trial in the United States.

The case against Ver alleges that he and his companies, MemoryDealers and Agilestar, held approximately 131,000 Bitcoins in 2014, with the companies owning 73,000 of those.

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