Binance Square
$ENA People say they can wait for the long term. Let just hope you do not need to wait for another 4 years which seem to be too much for me. For sure it got potential of 10 to 20x but feel like even the meme token can growth faster than the utility token. Good luck to all holder and let hope it not increase another zero to the price. #BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins


People say they can wait for the long term. Let just hope you do not need to wait for another 4 years which seem to be too much for me.

For sure it got potential of 10 to 20x but feel like even the meme token can growth faster than the utility token.

Good luck to all holder and let hope it not increase another zero to the price.

#BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins

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