Binance Square
Bitcoin Hodler Growth Comparable to 2017 Cycle, Will BTC 10x in Next Bull Run? On Oct. 6, Capriole Fund founder Charles Edwards observed the hodl waves for long-term Bitcoin holders. He noted that the recent massive growth in long-term Bitcoin holders is comparable only with 2016. The jump will have big consequences in 2024, he said adding that this was not seen in the last bull cycle, meaning that the next one could be even larger. “That makes this cycle more similar to 2017, which saw 10X the price appreciation of 2020.” #crypto2023 #BTC #ETH

Bitcoin Hodler Growth Comparable to 2017 Cycle, Will BTC 10x in Next Bull Run?

On Oct. 6, Capriole Fund founder Charles Edwards observed the hodl waves for long-term Bitcoin holders.

He noted that the recent massive growth in long-term Bitcoin holders is comparable only with 2016. The jump will have big consequences in 2024, he said adding that this was not seen in the last bull cycle, meaning that the next one could be even larger.

“That makes this cycle more similar to 2017, which saw 10X the price appreciation of 2020.”

#crypto2023 #BTC #ETH

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