Binance Square
Crypto Hustle
🥇 According to a former Managing Director at BlackRock, there's a strong likelihood of the U.S. SEC giving the green light to all spot Bitcoin ETFs simultaneously. 🔮 This lines up with my expectations, particularly in the wake of Grayscale's recent triumph over the SEC with their Bitcoin spot ETF. 📅 It's foreseen that all spot ETFs will secure approval well before the final deadline for the initial Bitcoin spot ETF application. 🚀 Cathie Wood's Ark Investment takes the lead with a January 11th deadline for their Bitcoin spot ETF. 👉🏻 So, buckle up! The first Bitcoin spot ETF is poised to enter the market in the next 60-90 days ⚡️ #blackrock #cryptocurrency #bullish #BTC #ETF

🥇 According to a former Managing Director at BlackRock, there's a strong likelihood of the U.S. SEC giving the green light to all spot Bitcoin ETFs simultaneously.

🔮 This lines up with my expectations, particularly in the wake of Grayscale's recent triumph over the SEC with their Bitcoin spot ETF.

📅 It's foreseen that all spot ETFs will secure approval well before the final deadline for the initial Bitcoin spot ETF application.

🚀 Cathie Wood's Ark Investment takes the lead with a January 11th deadline for their Bitcoin spot ETF.

👉🏻 So, buckle up! The first Bitcoin spot ETF is poised to enter the market in the next 60-90 days ⚡️

#blackrock #cryptocurrency #bullish #BTC #ETF

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