Binance Square
The U.S. SEC is likely to approve all spot #bitcoin n    ETFs simultaneously, according to an ex-BlackRock Managing Director. This aligns with my expectations, especially after Grayscale's victory over the SEC regarding their Bitcoin spot ETF. It's anticipated that all spot ETFs will be approved before the final deadline of the first Bitcoin spot ETF application. Cathie Wood's Ark Investment has the earliest deadline on January 11th for their Bitcoin spot #ETF . So, expect the first Bitcoin spot ETF to hit the market in the next 60-90 days. #BTC $BTC

The U.S. SEC is likely to approve all spot #bitcoin n    ETFs simultaneously, according to an ex-BlackRock Managing Director.

This aligns with my expectations, especially after Grayscale's victory over the SEC regarding their Bitcoin spot ETF.

It's anticipated that all spot ETFs will be approved before the final deadline of the first Bitcoin spot ETF application.

Cathie Wood's Ark Investment has the earliest deadline on January 11th for their Bitcoin spot #ETF .

So, expect the first Bitcoin spot ETF to hit the market in the next 60-90 days. #BTC $BTC

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