Binance Square
🇬🇧 UK, here's your chance to shine! As Web3 firms flee the US due to regulatory woes, the UK can swoop in and become a crypto haven, says think tank Policy Exchange. Their 10-point plan includes: - Limiting liability for DAO token holders (take notes, US 📝) - Encouraging the FCA to embrace innovative KYC techniques (digital IDs, anyone?) - Not undermining self-hosted wallets or regulating proof-of-stake as a financial service - Allowing private stablecoin issuers to place reserves in the Bank of England Time to step up, UK! 🚀

🇬🇧 UK, here's your chance to shine! As Web3 firms flee the US due to regulatory woes, the UK can swoop in and become a crypto haven, says think tank Policy Exchange. Their 10-point plan includes:

- Limiting liability for DAO token holders (take notes, US 📝)

- Encouraging the FCA to embrace innovative KYC techniques (digital IDs, anyone?)

- Not undermining self-hosted wallets or regulating proof-of-stake as a financial service

- Allowing private stablecoin issuers to place reserves in the Bank of England

Time to step up, UK! 🚀

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