Binance Square
Kevin Cryptonomist
Celsius Network, a blockchain-based lending platform, is facing potential legal action from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) a year after filing for bankruptcy protection. The CFTC believes Celsius broke rules relating to commodity trading, with two main issues being that the company did not register for trading with the CFTC and that it misled its clients. A vote is needed before a decision to take Celsius to court is final. Meanwhile, the SEC and federal prosecutors in Manhattan are also investigating the company. This comes as the CFTC and SEC are increasingly scrutinizing crypto businesses, with over 85 lawsuits filed by the CFTC and more than 140 cases listed on the SEC page for crypto asset and cyber enforcement actions.

Celsius Network, a blockchain-based lending platform, is facing potential legal action from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) a year after filing for bankruptcy protection. The CFTC believes Celsius broke rules relating to commodity trading, with two main issues being that the company did not register for trading with the CFTC and that it misled its clients. A vote is needed before a decision to take Celsius to court is final. Meanwhile, the SEC and federal prosecutors in Manhattan are also investigating the company. This comes as the CFTC and SEC are increasingly scrutinizing crypto businesses, with over 85 lawsuits filed by the CFTC and more than 140 cases listed on the SEC page for crypto asset and cyber enforcement actions.

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