Binance Square
🚀 "Uptober" vibes are in the air as the global crypto market cap hits a six-week high of $1.09 trillion! 💹 Bitcoin (BTC) reaches $28,310, with a market cap of over $540 billion. Top gainers include Bitcoin SV (BSV) with a 22.07% surge and eCash (XEC) with a 7.33% increase. 📈 The bullish momentum is fueled by traders' belief in an upcoming bull run, as social volumes for terms like "Uptober" and "Bitcoin 28k" soar. 🌐 Interestingly, stablecoins' supply held by whales has been falling, hinting that smaller investors could be driving the recent bull run. 🐳➡️🐠 What are your thoughts on this market trend? Share your insights in the comments below! 💬

🚀 "Uptober" vibes are in the air as the global crypto market cap hits a six-week high of $1.09 trillion! 💹 Bitcoin (BTC) reaches $28,310, with a market cap of over $540 billion. Top gainers include Bitcoin SV (BSV) with a 22.07% surge and eCash (XEC) with a 7.33% increase. 📈

The bullish momentum is fueled by traders' belief in an upcoming bull run, as social volumes for terms like "Uptober" and "Bitcoin 28k" soar. 🌐

Interestingly, stablecoins' supply held by whales has been falling, hinting that smaller investors could be driving the recent bull run. 🐳➡️🐠

What are your thoughts on this market trend? Share your insights in the comments below! 💬

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