Binance Square
🔥Q3 2023: A hot mess for crypto security!💸 Over $699M in digital assets vanished in 184 security incidents, making it the "most financially damaging" quarter this year, says CertiK's report.🔑 Private key compromises took the lion's share with $204M lost in 14 incidents.🏃‍♂️ Exit scams followed with 93 incidents, snatching $55M.🔮 Oracle manipulation wasn't far behind with 38 incidents, stealing $16M.🇰🇵 North Korea's Lazarus hacking group remains a "dominant threat actor," responsible for $291M in losses. Stay safe, crypto friends! 😅

🔥Q3 2023: A hot mess for crypto security!💸 Over $699M in digital assets vanished in 184 security incidents, making it the "most financially damaging" quarter this year, says CertiK's report.🔑 Private key compromises took the lion's share with $204M lost in 14 incidents.🏃‍♂️ Exit scams followed with 93 incidents, snatching $55M.🔮 Oracle manipulation wasn't far behind with 38 incidents, stealing $16M.🇰🇵 North Korea's Lazarus hacking group remains a "dominant threat actor," responsible for $291M in losses. Stay safe, crypto friends! 😅

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