Binance Square
Iam VantheGeaR || like a Gear that is forced to keep rotating until it rusts but can still keep spinning until the time when the Gear is recycled it just stops
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noua promoție de la Binance Puteți merge la Binance Pay pentru a obține cripto #vanthegear
noua promoție de la Binance
Puteți merge la Binance Pay pentru a obține cripto
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Bună ziua utilizatorilor Binance ✋🤚 Știați că în Indonezia există un schimb care colaborează cu #Binance ? da, numele este #Tokocrypto În viitor, sunt sigur că cripto în Indonezia va deveni și mai mare și va deveni una dintre țările care salută cripto. Ei bine, ai nevoie și de cont pentru tranzacții!! Puteți folosi codul meu de recomandare și puteți obține o mulțime de beneficii alăturându-vă la Tokocrypto Bine ați venit să vă alăturați 🇮🇩
Bună ziua utilizatorilor Binance ✋🤚
Știați că în Indonezia există un schimb care colaborează cu #Binance ?
da, numele este #Tokocrypto
În viitor, sunt sigur că cripto în Indonezia va deveni și mai mare și va deveni una dintre țările care salută cripto.

Ei bine, ai nevoie și de cont pentru tranzacții!!

Puteți folosi codul meu de recomandare și puteți obține o mulțime de beneficii alăturându-vă la Tokocrypto
Bine ați venit să vă alăturați 🇮🇩
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Știți băieți? TRADING este numele meu al doilea!!! cu @Binance pot tranzacționa liber și în siguranță ce zici de voi? #2023WithBinance
Știți băieți?
TRADING este numele meu al doilea!!!
cu @Binance pot tranzacționa liber și în siguranță
ce zici de voi? #2023WithBinance
Binance Square Official
As the year comes to an end, 2023 has indeed been a transformative year for Binance on several fronts and we couldn't have done it without you! We want to see what your #2023WithBinance looked like in exchange for some exclusive swags ✨
How to Participate:
1. Quote this post and share which trends you participated in with #2023WithBinance as a post on Binance Square.
2. Share it on your social media.
We’ll pick 15 users who completes the steps above to receive an exclusive Binance year-end swag set.
Activity Period: 2023-12-23 00:00 to 2023-12-31 23:59 (UTC)
Binance reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this campaign, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments.
Terms and Conditions:
1. This activity may not be available in your region. Only KYC-verified Binance users will be eligible to participate and qualify for rewards in this activity.
2. Winners will be notified via a push notification under Creator Center > Square Assistant 21 working days after the campaign ends.
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Urmăresc toate tendințele deținute de @Binance și distribuie mereu pe toate rețelele mele de socializare #2023WithBinance
Urmăresc toate tendințele deținute de @Binance și distribuie mereu pe toate rețelele mele de socializare #2023WithBinance
Binance Square Official
As the year comes to an end, 2023 has indeed been a transformative year for Binance on several fronts and we couldn't have done it without you! We want to see what your #2023WithBinance looked like in exchange for some exclusive swags ✨
How to Participate:
1. Quote this post and share which trends you participated in with #2023WithBinance as a post on Binance Square.
2. Share it on your social media.
We’ll pick 15 users who completes the steps above to receive an exclusive Binance year-end swag set.
Activity Period: 2023-12-23 00:00 to 2023-12-31 23:59 (UTC)
Binance reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this campaign, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments.
Terms and Conditions:
1. This activity may not be available in your region. Only KYC-verified Binance users will be eligible to participate and qualify for rewards in this activity.
2. Winners will be notified via a push notification under Creator Center > Square Assistant 21 working days after the campaign ends.
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Binance Indonesian
🎄Tantangan Emoji Cryptmas - Hari ke-1 ☃️
Kode emoji hari ini adalah 🏠🎄😱🧍‍♂️

🧩 Petunjuk: (2 English words) Famous Christmas Movie
ID : Film Natal Anak-anak Terpopuler

Catatan: Jawaban akan berupa 1-2 kata dalam bahasa Inggris
Pastikan untuk melakukan hal berikut:
❄️Ikuti kami, suka, dan sebarkan untuk memenuhi syarat.
❄️Balas dengan jawaban Anda di komentar dalam 8 jam ke depan!

Jika Anda mendapatkan 5 dari 7 dengan benar, Anda akan memenangkan bagian dari 700 USDT! Hanya satu tebakan per hari.

Ingat, 5 postingan teratas tentang tantangan ini dengan tagar #CryptmasEmojiChallenge yang mendapatkan 'suka👍' emoji tertinggi (emoji lain tidak akan dihitung) akan mendapatkan hadiah Binance Swag.

Syarat & Ketentuan Berlaku. 
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Buna dimineata Rajajeng Semeng GM Binancians 🥂 Va fi $ORDI cel mai scump token de sector #Meme ? Acum a atins 50 de dolari $DOGE despre care știm nu a atins nici măcar 1 USD Ce simbol meme a atins vreodată $1? Comentează mai jos cu faptele pe care le ai
Buna dimineata
Rajajeng Semeng
GM Binancians 🥂

Va fi $ORDI cel mai scump token de sector #Meme ?

Acum a atins 50 de dolari
$DOGE despre care știm nu a atins nici măcar 1 USD

Ce simbol meme a atins vreodată $1?

Comentează mai jos cu faptele pe care le ai
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eveniment nou de la #Binance Nu ratați revendicarea prin scanarea imaginii pe care am distribuit-o pentru a obține un premiu aleatoriu în USDT Nu uitați să scanați codurile de bare
eveniment nou de la #Binance
Nu ratați revendicarea prin scanarea imaginii pe care am distribuit-o pentru a obține un premiu aleatoriu în USDT

Nu uitați să scanați codurile de bare
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Navigarea provocărilor cripto: o recapitulare a tulburărilor din noiembrieÎn noiembrie, industria criptomonedelor s-a confruntat cu provocări fără precedent, marcând-o drept una dintre cele mai „daunătoare” luni, potrivit firmei de securitate blockchain CertiK. Cu 363 de milioane de dolari pierdute din cauza unor furturi, escrocherii și exploatări, comunitatea s-a confruntat cu diverse incidente, inclusiv exploatările Poloniex și HTX/Heco Bridge.Prezentare generală a exploatărilor criptomonedelor:- Exploatarea Poloniex a stârnit îngrijorări, deoarece atacatorii au vizat vulnerabilități, ducând la pierderi semnificative pentru utilizatori.- Exploatarea HTX/Heco Bridge a adăugat tulburări, subliniind nevoia de măsuri de securitate îmbunătățite în finanțele descentralizate.

Navigarea provocărilor cripto: o recapitulare a tulburărilor din noiembrie

În noiembrie, industria criptomonedelor s-a confruntat cu provocări fără precedent, marcând-o drept una dintre cele mai „daunătoare” luni, potrivit firmei de securitate blockchain CertiK. Cu 363 de milioane de dolari pierdute din cauza unor furturi, escrocherii și exploatări, comunitatea s-a confruntat cu diverse incidente, inclusiv exploatările Poloniex și HTX/Heco Bridge.Prezentare generală a exploatărilor criptomonedelor:- Exploatarea Poloniex a stârnit îngrijorări, deoarece atacatorii au vizat vulnerabilități, ducând la pierderi semnificative pentru utilizatori.- Exploatarea HTX/Heco Bridge a adăugat tulburări, subliniind nevoia de măsuri de securitate îmbunătățite în finanțele descentralizate.
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Deblocarea perspectivelor: Puterea analizei în lanț în CryptoÎn peisajul în continuă evoluție al criptomonedelor, analiza în lanț apare ca un far, oferind perspective neprețuite asupra tendințelor pieței, impactului reglementărilor și comportamentului participanților pe piață. Să analizăm importanța analizei în lanț și modul în care ne modelează înțelegerea ecosistemului cripto.Interpretarea interacțiunilor cu contracte inteligente: un ghid- Noțiuni de bază ale contractelor inteligente: contractele inteligente sunt contracte care se execută automat cu reguli predefinite scrise în cod. Analiza în lanț implică examinarea acestor interacțiuni pentru a înțelege aplicațiile descentralizate (DApps) și mișcările token-urilor.

Deblocarea perspectivelor: Puterea analizei în lanț în Crypto

În peisajul în continuă evoluție al criptomonedelor, analiza în lanț apare ca un far, oferind perspective neprețuite asupra tendințelor pieței, impactului reglementărilor și comportamentului participanților pe piață. Să analizăm importanța analizei în lanț și modul în care ne modelează înțelegerea ecosistemului cripto.Interpretarea interacțiunilor cu contracte inteligente: un ghid- Noțiuni de bază ale contractelor inteligente: contractele inteligente sunt contracte care se execută automat cu reguli predefinite scrise în cod. Analiza în lanț implică examinarea acestor interacțiuni pentru a înțelege aplicațiile descentralizate (DApps) și mișcările token-urilor.
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Decoding Blast: Navigarea preocupărilor de securitate și a riscurilor de investițiiÎn domeniul dinamic al finanțelor descentralizate (DeFi), recenta dezvăluire a Blast a stârnit atât entuziasm, cât și teamă. Să analizăm provocările de securitate, afluxul de active și ceea ce trebuie să ia în considerare investitorii înainte de a se scufunda în această nouă afacere.Provocări de securitate evidențiate:- Adrese necunoscute: inginerul de poligon Jarrod Watts ridică semnale roșii despre utilizarea de către Blast a adreselor necunoscute. Lipsa de transparență în detaliile adresei poate prezenta riscuri de securitate, deoarece utilizatorii pot fi în întuneric cu privire la entitățile care își gestionează activele.

Decoding Blast: Navigarea preocupărilor de securitate și a riscurilor de investiții

În domeniul dinamic al finanțelor descentralizate (DeFi), recenta dezvăluire a Blast a stârnit atât entuziasm, cât și teamă. Să analizăm provocările de securitate, afluxul de active și ceea ce trebuie să ia în considerare investitorii înainte de a se scufunda în această nouă afacere.Provocări de securitate evidențiate:- Adrese necunoscute: inginerul de poligon Jarrod Watts ridică semnale roșii despre utilizarea de către Blast a adreselor necunoscute. Lipsa de transparență în detaliile adresei poate prezenta riscuri de securitate, deoarece utilizatorii pot fi în întuneric cu privire la entitățile care își gestionează activele.
Unraveling the Mt. Gox Saga: From Hack to Repayment In the tumultuous world of cryptocurrency, Mt. Gox stands as a stark reminder of the challenges and uncertainties faced by early adopters. Here's a simplified timeline of events and the recent developments surrounding Mt. Gox.Timeline of Mt. Gox Events Since 2014:- 2014 Hack: Mt. Gox, once the largest Bitcoin exchange, suffered a catastrophic hack in 2014, resulting in the loss of 850,000 BTC. The exchange filed for bankruptcy.- Trustee Nobuaki Kobayashi's Role: Nobuaki Kobayashi, appointed as the trustee overseeing the Mt. Gox case, faced the daunting task of liquidating assets to compensate creditors.- Rehabilitation Proceedings: In 2019, Mt. Gox shifted from bankruptcy proceedings to civil rehabilitation, offering a potential avenue for creditors to recover their losses.- 2023 Redemption: Fast forward to 2023, Nobuaki Kobayashi announces the redemption of $47 million in trust assets, marking a crucial step toward the repayment of creditors.Market Reactions and Potential Outcomes:- Positive Sentiment: The announcement of cash repayments brings a glimmer of hope to those affected, signaling progress in a case that has lingered for years.- Market Confidence: Resolving Mt. Gox's outstanding issues could potentially boost confidence in the broader cryptocurrency market by addressing concerns related to security and investor protection.- Cautious Optimism: While creditors may welcome the news, the total repayment amount is yet to be determined, leaving room for cautious optimism.What the Mt. Gox Repayment Plan Means for Creditors:- Financial Relief: Creditors may finally see a portion of their losses recovered, providing some financial relief after years of uncertainty.- Considerable Hurdles: However, the path ahead is not without challenges. The total repayment amount and the distribution process will be crucial factors impacting creditors' ultimate recovery.- Legal and Regulatory Implications: The case sets a precedent for how cryptocurrency exchange failures are handled legally and may influence future regulations to protect investors.In conclusion, the Mt. Gox repayment announcement is a significant step forward in a prolonged saga. While it brings hope to creditors and has positive implications for the market, the intricacies of the repayment process and the final outcome remain to be seen. The crypto community watches closely as Mt. Gox continues to shape the narrative of cryptocurrency resilience and accountability.#MtGox

Unraveling the Mt. Gox Saga: From Hack to Repayment

In the tumultuous world of cryptocurrency, Mt. Gox stands as a stark reminder of the challenges and uncertainties faced by early adopters. Here's a simplified timeline of events and the recent developments surrounding Mt. Gox.Timeline of Mt. Gox Events Since 2014:- 2014 Hack: Mt. Gox, once the largest Bitcoin exchange, suffered a catastrophic hack in 2014, resulting in the loss of 850,000 BTC. The exchange filed for bankruptcy.- Trustee Nobuaki Kobayashi's Role: Nobuaki Kobayashi, appointed as the trustee overseeing the Mt. Gox case, faced the daunting task of liquidating assets to compensate creditors.- Rehabilitation Proceedings: In 2019, Mt. Gox shifted from bankruptcy proceedings to civil rehabilitation, offering a potential avenue for creditors to recover their losses.- 2023 Redemption: Fast forward to 2023, Nobuaki Kobayashi announces the redemption of $47 million in trust assets, marking a crucial step toward the repayment of creditors.Market Reactions and Potential Outcomes:- Positive Sentiment: The announcement of cash repayments brings a glimmer of hope to those affected, signaling progress in a case that has lingered for years.- Market Confidence: Resolving Mt. Gox's outstanding issues could potentially boost confidence in the broader cryptocurrency market by addressing concerns related to security and investor protection.- Cautious Optimism: While creditors may welcome the news, the total repayment amount is yet to be determined, leaving room for cautious optimism.What the Mt. Gox Repayment Plan Means for Creditors:- Financial Relief: Creditors may finally see a portion of their losses recovered, providing some financial relief after years of uncertainty.- Considerable Hurdles: However, the path ahead is not without challenges. The total repayment amount and the distribution process will be crucial factors impacting creditors' ultimate recovery.- Legal and Regulatory Implications: The case sets a precedent for how cryptocurrency exchange failures are handled legally and may influence future regulations to protect investors.In conclusion, the Mt. Gox repayment announcement is a significant step forward in a prolonged saga. While it brings hope to creditors and has positive implications for the market, the intricacies of the repayment process and the final outcome remain to be seen. The crypto community watches closely as Mt. Gox continues to shape the narrative of cryptocurrency resilience and accountability.#MtGox
WELCOME NEW CEO BINANCE @_RichardTeng kutipan pembuka dari CEO BINANCE yang baru 👇👇👇 Merupakan suatu kehormatan dan dengan kerendahan hati yang terdalam saya mengambil peran sebagai CEO baru Binance. Kami mengoperasikan pertukaran mata uang kripto terbesar di dunia berdasarkan volume. Kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada kami oleh 150 juta pengguna dan ribuan karyawan adalah tanggung jawab yang saya anggap serius dan saya junjung tinggi. Dengan CZ, dan dukungan tim kepemimpinan kami, saya telah menerima peran ini sehingga kami dapat terus memenuhi dan melampaui harapan para pemangku kepentingan sekaligus mencapai misi inti kami, kebebasan uang. Fondasi Binance saat ini lebih kuat dari sebelumnya. Untuk memastikan masa depan yang cerah, saya bermaksud menggunakan semua yang telah saya pelajari selama tiga dekade terakhir dalam bidang jasa keuangan dan pengalaman regulasi untuk memandu tim kami yang luar biasa, inovatif, dan berkomitmen. Fokus saya adalah pada: 1) meyakinkan pengguna bahwa mereka dapat tetap yakin dengan kekuatan finansial, keamanan, dan keselamatan perusahaan 2) berkolaborasi dengan regulator untuk menegakkan standar tinggi secara global yang mendorong inovasi sekaligus memberikan perlindungan konsumen yang penting 3) bekerja sama dengan mitra untuk mendorong pertumbuhan dan adopsi Web3 Kami disini untuk tinggal. Tolong beri saya dukungan Anda. Semangat untuk hari-hari mendatang! *Nyesel ga foto pas di #BinanceBlockchainWeek #NewCEO

kutipan pembuka dari CEO BINANCE yang baru 👇👇👇

Merupakan suatu kehormatan dan dengan kerendahan hati yang terdalam saya mengambil peran sebagai CEO baru Binance.

Kami mengoperasikan pertukaran mata uang kripto terbesar di dunia berdasarkan volume. Kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada kami oleh 150 juta pengguna dan ribuan karyawan adalah tanggung jawab yang saya anggap serius dan saya junjung tinggi.

Dengan CZ, dan dukungan tim kepemimpinan kami, saya telah menerima peran ini sehingga kami dapat terus memenuhi dan melampaui harapan para pemangku kepentingan sekaligus mencapai misi inti kami, kebebasan uang.

Fondasi Binance saat ini lebih kuat dari sebelumnya.

Untuk memastikan masa depan yang cerah, saya bermaksud menggunakan semua yang telah saya pelajari selama tiga dekade terakhir dalam bidang jasa keuangan dan pengalaman regulasi untuk memandu tim kami yang luar biasa, inovatif, dan berkomitmen.

Fokus saya adalah pada:

1) meyakinkan pengguna bahwa mereka dapat tetap yakin dengan kekuatan finansial, keamanan, dan keselamatan perusahaan

2) berkolaborasi dengan regulator untuk menegakkan standar tinggi secara global yang mendorong inovasi sekaligus memberikan perlindungan konsumen yang penting

3) bekerja sama dengan mitra untuk mendorong pertumbuhan dan adopsi Web3

Kami disini untuk tinggal. Tolong beri saya dukungan Anda. Semangat untuk hari-hari mendatang!

*Nyesel ga foto pas di #BinanceBlockchainWeek
Congratulations or new president of Argentina Javier Milei 🥂 Congratulations for Bitcoinmaxi kenaikan$BTC 🤏 Semoga makin josss #President of #Argentina
Congratulations or new president of Argentina Javier Milei 🥂
Congratulations for Bitcoinmaxi

kenaikan$BTC 🤏
Semoga makin josss

#President of #Argentina
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Deblocarea PYTH Airdrop: Navigarea recompensei Backpack-uluiEntuziasmul crește, în timp ce aproximativ 90.000 de utilizatori răspândiți în 27 de blockchain-uri așteaptă cu nerăbdare airdrop-ul SPYTH de luni, 20 noiembrie. Backpack a îndulcit afacerea, anunțând că noile înscrieri care miză cu minim 5 SOL înainte de airdrop vor fi eligibile pentru airdrops-ul PYTH. În plus, proprietarilor de NFT-uri exclusive Mad Lads sau Pyth Aligators li se garantează alocarea completă.Revendicarea alocațiilor pentru Airdrop: un ghid pas cu pas1. Verificați eligibilitatea: asigurați-vă că vă încadrați în categoria utilizatorilor eligibili verificând starea dvs. pe platforma Backpack sau canalele de comunicare asociate.

Deblocarea PYTH Airdrop: Navigarea recompensei Backpack-ului

Entuziasmul crește, în timp ce aproximativ 90.000 de utilizatori răspândiți în 27 de blockchain-uri așteaptă cu nerăbdare airdrop-ul SPYTH de luni, 20 noiembrie. Backpack a îndulcit afacerea, anunțând că noile înscrieri care miză cu minim 5 SOL înainte de airdrop vor fi eligibile pentru airdrops-ul PYTH. În plus, proprietarilor de NFT-uri exclusive Mad Lads sau Pyth Aligators li se garantează alocarea completă.Revendicarea alocațiilor pentru Airdrop: un ghid pas cu pas1. Verificați eligibilitatea: asigurați-vă că vă încadrați în categoria utilizatorilor eligibili verificând starea dvs. pe platforma Backpack sau canalele de comunicare asociate.
Unveiling the Crypto Sea: Navigating Whale Movements and DeFi StrategiesAs Bitcoin and Ethereum surge, the ripples in the crypto sea are often stirred by institutional and whale investors. In a recent noteworthy move, a whale deposited over $4 million worth of DYDX to Kraken, causing an 8% dip in its price. This emphasizes how whale movements can significantly influence the trends in the market.Understanding Smart-Money DeFi ToolsTo navigate the crypto sea wisely, it's crucial to be equipped with smart-money DeFi tools that track whale wallet activity. Platforms like WhaleAlert and similar tools provide real-time insights into large transactions, enabling users to stay informed about significant movements in the market.Empowering Traders with Data-Driven StrategiesUtilizing data from these tools can empower traders to make informed decisions. By monitoring whale activities, traders can identify potential trend shifts, assess market sentiment, and strategically plan their moves. Understanding when large transactions occur may offer valuable insights for predicting price movements.Case Studies: Historical Impacts of Whale ActivitiesLooking back at historical data, there are numerous instances where whale activities have played a pivotal role in influencing token prices. Whether it's a significant deposit, withdrawal, or trading pattern, these movements often correlate with notable shifts in the market.Key Takeaways:1. Stay Informed: Utilize smart-money DeFi tools to stay informed about whale movements.2. Data-Driven Decisions: Use the data from these tools to make informed trading decisions.3. Learn from History: Explore case studies to understand how whale activities have historically impacted token prices.As the crypto market continues to evolve, being aware of whale movements and employing strategic tools can be a compass to navigate the vast and sometimes unpredictable waters of cryptocurrency trading. Remember, knowledge is power in the crypto sea.If you find this article well, please give me tip 🙏#WhaleAlert

Unveiling the Crypto Sea: Navigating Whale Movements and DeFi Strategies

As Bitcoin and Ethereum surge, the ripples in the crypto sea are often stirred by institutional and whale investors. In a recent noteworthy move, a whale deposited over $4 million worth of DYDX to Kraken, causing an 8% dip in its price. This emphasizes how whale movements can significantly influence the trends in the market.Understanding Smart-Money DeFi ToolsTo navigate the crypto sea wisely, it's crucial to be equipped with smart-money DeFi tools that track whale wallet activity. Platforms like WhaleAlert and similar tools provide real-time insights into large transactions, enabling users to stay informed about significant movements in the market.Empowering Traders with Data-Driven StrategiesUtilizing data from these tools can empower traders to make informed decisions. By monitoring whale activities, traders can identify potential trend shifts, assess market sentiment, and strategically plan their moves. Understanding when large transactions occur may offer valuable insights for predicting price movements.Case Studies: Historical Impacts of Whale ActivitiesLooking back at historical data, there are numerous instances where whale activities have played a pivotal role in influencing token prices. Whether it's a significant deposit, withdrawal, or trading pattern, these movements often correlate with notable shifts in the market.Key Takeaways:1. Stay Informed: Utilize smart-money DeFi tools to stay informed about whale movements.2. Data-Driven Decisions: Use the data from these tools to make informed trading decisions.3. Learn from History: Explore case studies to understand how whale activities have historically impacted token prices.As the crypto market continues to evolve, being aware of whale movements and employing strategic tools can be a compass to navigate the vast and sometimes unpredictable waters of cryptocurrency trading. Remember, knowledge is power in the crypto sea.If you find this article well, please give me tip 🙏#WhaleAlert
Selamat pagi Rahajeng Semeng GM Binancians Menurut kalian, sampai mana penurunan $BTC hari ini? ada rencana serok di harga berapa? #MyFirstSquarePost
Selamat pagi
Rahajeng Semeng
GM Binancians

Menurut kalian, sampai mana penurunan $BTC hari ini?

ada rencana serok di harga berapa?
Antisipasi Kenaikan Harga Bitcoin dan Permintaan Meningkat Seiring Mendekatnya Bitcoin HalvingDengan Bitcoin halving hanya beberapa bulan lagi, pendiri MicroStrategy dan pendukung Bitcoin, Michael Saylor, berpendapat bahwa permintaan terhadap BTC bisa tumbuh hingga 10 kali lipat pada akhir 2024.Efek Potensial Halving Bitcoin Terhadap Harga dan Permintaan BTCBitcoin halving, yang terjadi setiap empat tahun sekali, memainkan peran penting dalam ekosistem kripto. Dengan ketersediaan pasokan Bitcoin berkurang setengahnya, banyak yang berspekulasi bahwa ini dapat berdampak pada harga dan permintaan aset digital ini.1. Kenaikan Harga Bitcoin: - Sejumlah analis memperkirakan bahwa dengan pengurangan setengah reward bagi para penambang, permintaan yang tetap tinggi dapat mendorong kenaikan harga Bitcoin. - Michael Saylor bahkan menyatakan bahwa dia melihat potensi permintaan Bitcoin dapat meningkat hingga 10 kali lipat pada akhir 2024.2. Permintaan yang Meningkat: - Dengan pemotongan reward, mungkin terjadi efek langka yang dapat memotivasi investor untuk memegang dan membeli lebih banyak Bitcoin sebagai investasi jangka panjang.Analisis Kinerja BTC Pasca Halving SebelumnyaUntuk membantu memahami apa yang mungkin terjadi setelah Bitcoin halving, kita dapat melihat ke belakang pada dua peristiwa halving sebelumnya.1. Halving 2012: - Harga Bitcoin mengalami kenaikan signifikan dalam beberapa bulan setelah halving pertama pada November 2012. - Permintaan meningkat seiring dengan minat yang terus berkembang dari para investor.2. Halving 2016: - Skenario serupa terjadi setelah halving kedua pada Juli 2016, di mana harga dan permintaan Bitcoin terus meningkat.Ekspektasi dan Prediksi untuk Tahun MendatangMelihat potensi efek positif dari halving, beberapa ekspektasi untuk tahun mendatang melibatkan:1. Kenaikan Harga: - Seiring berkurangnya pasokan baru, banyak yang berharap bahwa harga Bitcoin akan terus meningkat.2. Pertumbuhan Permintaan: - Investor mungkin semakin melihat Bitcoin sebagai lindung nilai dan aset investasi yang menarik.3. Tren Investasi: - Dengan penerimaan yang terus berkembang, tren investasi dalam aset kripto mungkin tetap positif.Kesimpulan:Sementara hasil pasti tidak dapat diprediksi, potensi kenaikan harga dan permintaan Bitcoin sebagai akibat dari halving membuat tahun mendatang menjadi waktu menarik untuk diantisipasi bagi para pengamat pasar kripto.Dengan perubahan mendekat, pertanyaannya adalah: Apakah Bitcoin akan melihat lonjakan kinerja yang memukau, dan bagaimana hal itu akan memengaruhi tren investasi secara keseluruhan? Hanya waktu yang akan memberikan jawaban.#bitcoinhalving

Antisipasi Kenaikan Harga Bitcoin dan Permintaan Meningkat Seiring Mendekatnya Bitcoin Halving

Dengan Bitcoin halving hanya beberapa bulan lagi, pendiri MicroStrategy dan pendukung Bitcoin, Michael Saylor, berpendapat bahwa permintaan terhadap BTC bisa tumbuh hingga 10 kali lipat pada akhir 2024.Efek Potensial Halving Bitcoin Terhadap Harga dan Permintaan BTCBitcoin halving, yang terjadi setiap empat tahun sekali, memainkan peran penting dalam ekosistem kripto. Dengan ketersediaan pasokan Bitcoin berkurang setengahnya, banyak yang berspekulasi bahwa ini dapat berdampak pada harga dan permintaan aset digital ini.1. Kenaikan Harga Bitcoin: - Sejumlah analis memperkirakan bahwa dengan pengurangan setengah reward bagi para penambang, permintaan yang tetap tinggi dapat mendorong kenaikan harga Bitcoin. - Michael Saylor bahkan menyatakan bahwa dia melihat potensi permintaan Bitcoin dapat meningkat hingga 10 kali lipat pada akhir 2024.2. Permintaan yang Meningkat: - Dengan pemotongan reward, mungkin terjadi efek langka yang dapat memotivasi investor untuk memegang dan membeli lebih banyak Bitcoin sebagai investasi jangka panjang.Analisis Kinerja BTC Pasca Halving SebelumnyaUntuk membantu memahami apa yang mungkin terjadi setelah Bitcoin halving, kita dapat melihat ke belakang pada dua peristiwa halving sebelumnya.1. Halving 2012: - Harga Bitcoin mengalami kenaikan signifikan dalam beberapa bulan setelah halving pertama pada November 2012. - Permintaan meningkat seiring dengan minat yang terus berkembang dari para investor.2. Halving 2016: - Skenario serupa terjadi setelah halving kedua pada Juli 2016, di mana harga dan permintaan Bitcoin terus meningkat.Ekspektasi dan Prediksi untuk Tahun MendatangMelihat potensi efek positif dari halving, beberapa ekspektasi untuk tahun mendatang melibatkan:1. Kenaikan Harga: - Seiring berkurangnya pasokan baru, banyak yang berharap bahwa harga Bitcoin akan terus meningkat.2. Pertumbuhan Permintaan: - Investor mungkin semakin melihat Bitcoin sebagai lindung nilai dan aset investasi yang menarik.3. Tren Investasi: - Dengan penerimaan yang terus berkembang, tren investasi dalam aset kripto mungkin tetap positif.Kesimpulan:Sementara hasil pasti tidak dapat diprediksi, potensi kenaikan harga dan permintaan Bitcoin sebagai akibat dari halving membuat tahun mendatang menjadi waktu menarik untuk diantisipasi bagi para pengamat pasar kripto.Dengan perubahan mendekat, pertanyaannya adalah: Apakah Bitcoin akan melihat lonjakan kinerja yang memukau, dan bagaimana hal itu akan memengaruhi tren investasi secara keseluruhan? Hanya waktu yang akan memberikan jawaban.#bitcoinhalving
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