$BTC este în flăcări, iar eu am prezis această creștere dinainte când era la 76K și 77K!
A crescut cu 18% de atunci! 🔥
A depășit 85K fără nicio corecție, acum în cazul unei corecții, 85K ar fi folosit ca primul suport și 78K al doilea suport înainte de următoarea mișcare 📈
Predicția pe termen scurt, $BTC este întrerupt linia de tendință de suport pe TF zilnic. Avem nevoie de $BTC pentru a ne urca înapoi deasupra liniei de tendință și de a curăța 64K pentru a deveni optimist 📈
În caz contrar, este probabilă o scădere la 61K 📉
Ține minte să nu mă înțelegi greșit. Aceasta este predicția mea pe termen scurt $BTC , iar postarea mea dominantă BTC indică direcția pieței pe termen lung, care este Q4 și 2025
Hamster Kombat’s Season 2 won’t succeed unless they fix the big mistake of disqualifying 65%+ of their players. It feels like a planned move to get rid of many users after gaining from their effort 😡
Yes, cheaters should be punished, but their system has failed to spot the real cheaters. Many who used key generators are still eligible, while honest players who spent months collecting 100-200 keys were unfairly disqualified 😤
📌 Key Problems:
👉 Hamster Kombat got 300+ million users, with most players working hard from the start.
👉 They focused on Profit Per Hour (PPH) but later switched to keys, leaving players who focused on PPH with nothing.
👉 They claimed keys weren’t required for airdrops, so why are people disqualified based only on their key collection?
Even though I’m eligible for the airdrop, I’m speaking for the majority who were wrongly removed. I’ve seen proof that some cheaters are still getting rewards, showing their system is broken.
The Airdrop 🪂 :
After months of effort, players got tiny rewards, like $5 or $10 worth of tokens, with many receiving nothing. Only 15% of tokens are for Season 2, and a chunk is locked, which they didn’t mention until now.
📌 What Needs to Happen: They should redistribute referral rewards to real players.
Let’s show the world how Hamster Kombat treated its community. If we stay quiet, other projects will do the same.
My $BTC warning played out exactly how I predicted with surpassing my target1 58.900 right on spot ! 🎯
I have always been accurate with my $BTC TA with giving exactly pure number prediction 💯
However, I noticed there is not much I get in return from my followers, only people sneaking and copying my work and sharing it to their followers and getting the credit.
Moving forward, $BTC updates will be shared only in Premium telegram, with the result will be shared on X.
$BTC Avertismentul s-a desfășurat perfect așa cum a fost prezis!
O scădere de la 62K la 52K, adică o scădere de 16%. 📉
100 de mii de oameni au pierdut bani în urma unor persoane greșite. Încurajați-vă prietenii și familiile cripto să se alăture canalului nostru Telegram pentru alerte zilnice de piață ⚠️📢⬇️