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🔥 Crucea de Aur Orară Bullish a lui Cardano; Va ADA Rally? Cardano (ADA) arată în prezent semnale de potențial optimist, deoarece publică o formațiune de „cruce de aur” în graficele sale orare. Această evoluție a stârnit anticipare în rândul comercianților și investitorilor, determinând speculații cu privire la potențiala traiectorie a prețului ADA pe termen scurt. O cruce de aur apare atunci când o medie mobilă pe termen mai scurt, de obicei media mobilă pe 50 de ore, trece peste o medie mobilă pe termen mai lung, cum ar fi media mobilă pe 200 de ore, pe un grafic de preț. Acest crossover este interpretat de analiștii tehnici ca un semnal optimist, sugerând o potențială tendință ascendentă a prețului activului. În cazul lui Cardano, recenta încrucișare optimistă pe graficele sale orare ar putea sugera o schimbare a impulsului spre sus. Această formare optimistă reflectă creșterea presiunii de cumpărare și sugerează că prețul ADA ar putea fi pregătit pentru o mișcare ascendentă semnificativă în zilele următoare. Cu toate acestea, este important de reținut că, deși crucile de aur pot oferi informații valoroase asupra sentimentului pieței și a potențialelor tendințe ale prețurilor, ele nu sunt indicatori inegalnici și ar trebui luate în considerare împreună cu alți factori tehnici și fundamentali. ADA a crescut cu 0,59% în ultimele 24 de ore la momentul scrierii, până la 0,4575 USD, reducând câștigurile intraday. ADA a scăzut drastic pe graficul său orar, formând un sfeșnic roșu uriaș la momentul scrierii. Cererile inițiale de șomaj săptămânale au crescut la cel mai ridicat nivel din august 2023, impactând piețele financiare cu datele privind inflația din SUA pentru aprilie, care urmează săptămâna viitoare. În timp ce comunitatea lui Cardano așteaptă cu nerăbdare evoluții ulterioare pe piață, toți ochii sunt ațintiți asupra graficelor pentru a vedea dacă ADA poate valorifica crucea de aur optimistă și își poate menține impulsul ascendent. O spargere peste nivelurile cheie de rezistență ar putea semnala o nouă fază optimistă pentru ADA, în timp ce eșecul menținerii impulsului ar putea duce la presiunea de vânzare. În acest sens, o pauză de peste 0,684 USD ar putea declanșa un nou trend ascendent pentru prețul ADA; pe de altă parte. $ADA #ADA #Cardano

🔥 Crucea de Aur Orară Bullish a lui Cardano; Va ADA Rally?

Cardano (ADA) arată în prezent semnale de potențial optimist, deoarece publică o formațiune de „cruce de aur” în graficele sale orare. Această evoluție a stârnit anticipare în rândul comercianților și investitorilor, determinând speculații cu privire la potențiala traiectorie a prețului ADA pe termen scurt.

O cruce de aur apare atunci când o medie mobilă pe termen mai scurt, de obicei media mobilă pe 50 de ore, trece peste o medie mobilă pe termen mai lung, cum ar fi media mobilă pe 200 de ore, pe un grafic de preț. Acest crossover este interpretat de analiștii tehnici ca un semnal optimist, sugerând o potențială tendință ascendentă a prețului activului.

În cazul lui Cardano, recenta încrucișare optimistă pe graficele sale orare ar putea sugera o schimbare a impulsului spre sus. Această formare optimistă reflectă creșterea presiunii de cumpărare și sugerează că prețul ADA ar putea fi pregătit pentru o mișcare ascendentă semnificativă în zilele următoare.

Cu toate acestea, este important de reținut că, deși crucile de aur pot oferi informații valoroase asupra sentimentului pieței și a potențialelor tendințe ale prețurilor, ele nu sunt indicatori inegalnici și ar trebui luate în considerare împreună cu alți factori tehnici și fundamentali.

ADA a crescut cu 0,59% în ultimele 24 de ore la momentul scrierii, până la 0,4575 USD, reducând câștigurile intraday. ADA a scăzut drastic pe graficul său orar, formând un sfeșnic roșu uriaș la momentul scrierii.

Cererile inițiale de șomaj săptămânale au crescut la cel mai ridicat nivel din august 2023, impactând piețele financiare cu datele privind inflația din SUA pentru aprilie, care urmează săptămâna viitoare.

În timp ce comunitatea lui Cardano așteaptă cu nerăbdare evoluții ulterioare pe piață, toți ochii sunt ațintiți asupra graficelor pentru a vedea dacă ADA poate valorifica crucea de aur optimistă și își poate menține impulsul ascendent. O spargere peste nivelurile cheie de rezistență ar putea semnala o nouă fază optimistă pentru ADA, în timp ce eșecul menținerii impulsului ar putea duce la presiunea de vânzare.

În acest sens, o pauză de peste 0,684 USD ar putea declanșa un nou trend ascendent pentru prețul ADA; pe de altă parte.

$ADA #ADA #Cardano

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🔶 Binance Burns Additional Terra Luna Classic Tokens Binance, the world’s largest exchange by volume, is conducting an additional burn of Terra Luna Classic tokens following its traditional monthly LUNC burn. In the 21st phase of the LUNC burn mechanism, the crypto exchange burned 1.4 billion LUNC tokens. After this burn by Binance, the total amount of burned LUNC exceeded 59 billion. Furthermore, the total amount of LUNC burned by the Terra Luna Classic community surpassed 113 billion. 🔸 Binance and LUNC Burns The crypto exchange Binance transferred 56 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens to the burn address as part of its LUNC burn operations. These burn events occurred shortly after the monthly LUNC burn by Binance, similar to the past few months. The reason behind the noticeable decline in value during these burn operations remains unclear. On May 1st, Binance transferred 4.17 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens to the burn address. To date, Binance has burned approximately 59.07 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens from trading fees in LUNC spot and margin trading pairs. As of April, Binance had burned over 100,000 LUNC tokens following the burn of 4.17 billion LUNC tokens. Similar burns had occurred in previous months. Meanwhile, the increase in crypto prices led to a rise in trading volume due to increased interest among traders. In March, LUNC hosted large trading volumes exceeding $100 million daily, and prices rose above $0.0002. In April, the trading volume for LUNC was around $30 million, and prices fell to $0.0001. 🔸 LUNC and USTC Price Outlook As of today, a closer look at the Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) price shows a noticeable price increase. In line with the rest of the market, LUNC is above $0.0001091 after a 6.5% rise. The highest and lowest price levels for LUNC in the past 24 hours were $0.0001017 and $0.0001096, respectively. Additionally, trading volume saw a 28% increase in the last 24 hours, reaching $27 million. $LUNC #lunc #terraClassicLunc
💥 Worldcoin’s Privacy Pivot: Iris Codes Deleted As Part Of Major Security Upgrade The Worldcoin Foundation has released a new open-source system to safeguard sensitive information more effectively. This system, now accessible in a GitHub repository, allows any organization to adopt these advanced data protection measures. The foundation highlighted that this initiative aims to establish a “new benchmark” in data security, particularly for biometric data. The transition to this innovative system has led the Worldcoin Foundation to delete the iris codes previously collected during user registration. Notably, participants in the Worldcoin project initially had their eyeballs scanned by specialized Orb devices to verify their identity and receive WLD tokens, the project’s cryptocurrency. This process was part of the foundation’s effort to create a unique digital identification for each user. 🔸 Secure Multi-Party Computation And User Privacy The foundation’s new system is based on secure multi-party computation (SMPC), a subset of cryptography that enhances data protection by distributing a single secret across multiple parties. This method increases the security of stored information by ensuring that the complete data set is never held in a single location, thereby reducing the risk of data breaches. The Worldcoin Foundation, in collaboration with technologists from TACEO and Tools for Humanity, has developed a new implementation of SMPC that addresses previous limitations related to scale and cost. This development is particularly pertinent as the requirement for individuals to provide biometric data to various organizations becomes more common. The Worldcoin Foundation stressed the growing need to protect users’ data securely against potential threats and misuse. Meanwhile, prior to this development, Worldcoin was scrutinized by regulatory bodies across several nations, particularly due to concerns over its data collection practices. $WLD #WLD
🐋 Whales Boost PEPE Coin Holdings Prominent cryptocurrency investors, often referred to as “whales,” have been significantly accumulating Pepe Coin (PEPE) over the past month. This heavy buying activity has driven the price of PEPE to new heights. According to data from IntoTheBlock, wallets holding more than $100,000 worth of assets have notably increased their PEPE acquisitions, resulting in 100% of current PEPE investors being in profit. The coin’s value recently hit an all-time high of $0.00001156 before experiencing a slight correction. 🔸 Why Are Whales Interested in PEPE Coin? On-chain analysis platform Lookonchain has highlighted notable transactions, including a whale purchasing 520 billion PEPE coins valued at $5.28 million from Binance on May 15. This whale is identified as a long-term investor, not a trader, and has been steadily increasing its holdings without selling any tokens. Despite suffering a net loss of $6.1 million, the whale has maintained a positive outlook with a 50% gain rate on five of the ten tokens acquired. 🔸 What Signals Do Large Purchases Send? Further significant acquisitions were reported, including a wallet linked to BlockTower Capital, which bought 202 billion PEPE worth $2.2 million through the trading firm Cumberland. Despite the coin achieving its peak price, large-scale purchases continued to pour in, leading to speculation about the future actions of these major investors. Data shows that all PEPE investors are currently in profit, raising questions about potential sell-offs by these whales. 🔸 Key Insights for Investors Wallets with over $100,000 have increased PEPE holdings, driving the price to new highs.A whale purchased 520 billion PEPE coins worth $5.28 million, signaling confidence in future gains.BlockTower Capital acquired 202 billion PEPE coins, indicating institutional interest despite previous setbacks.100% of PEPE investors are in profit, prompting concerns about possible profit-taking by whales. $PEPE #pepe #memecoin
Ethereum Bulls On The Rise? Crucial Indicator Point To A Major Upturn Ethereum (ETH), the second-largest crypto by market capitalization, has recently shown signs that suggest a potential rebound is on the horizon. Analysts have been closely monitoring various technical indicators, and one such analyst, Ali, has highlighted a key signal that points to an impending price surge. However, Ethereum remains below the critical $3,000 mark. Despite the optimistic technical signals, external factors such as regulatory challenges could influence Ethereum’s trajectory. Specifically, the potential decline of the spot Ethereum ETF application with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a concern, as analysts like Eric Balchunas of Bloomberg suggest that the SEC’s view of ETH as a security could significantly lower the chances of ETF approval. 💬 TLDR: the SEC asked commenters re the Eth spot ETFs whether these filers have properly filed their ETF listing proposals as commodities. This shows the SEC is perhaps considering to Eth is a security in their denial. Our odds of approval remain the same: slim to none. Nice job of… — Eric Balchunas Market Sentiments And Options Trading Trends While the regulatory landscape presents challenges, market sentiment around Ethereum remains largely bullish. The options market, in particular, shows a clear preference for calls over puts, indicating that traders are betting on Ethereum’s price increase. Data from Deribit, a leading crypto options exchange, reveals that the most popular strike price among these bullish bets is an ambitious $6,500. This concentration of call options, especially those above the $3,600 mark, suggests that a significant portion of the market expects Ethereum to reach higher levels by the end of June. In contrast, According to a recent NBTC analysis, Ethereum’s failure to breach the $2,925 resistance level could trigger another price decline. Initial support is located near the $2,880 level, followed by major support at the $2,860 zone. $ETH #ETH
📈 Bitcoin Hits $66K as Soft Inflation Data Sparks Crypto Rally BTC climbed to its highest price since April 24, while Solana's SOL and NEAR led crypto gains. Bitcoin could target the $84,000 level with altcoins performing well, Swissblock said. Crypto markets rallied with Wednesday's as softer-than-expected U.S. inflation data jolted digital assets from their stupor. Bitcoin (BTC) surged past $66,000 for the first time since April 24, and was recently up more than 7% over the past 24 hours. Ether (ETH) changed hands near $3,000 but underperformed with a 4% advance during the same period. Solana (SOL) and near (NEAR) led gains among crypto majors with 8% and 12% jumps, respectively, and the broader market benchmark CoinDesk 20 Index (CD20) was up 6%. The rally occurred as April U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) figures edged lower from March, coupled with a slightly sluggish retail sales report. The data came as a relief for investors fearing that reaccelerating inflation and a red-hot economy might force the Federal Reserve to walk back its dovish pivot and even consider interest rate hikes. "Investors consider this as a bullish regime shift, as it marks the first decrease in CPI inflation over the last three months," Bitfinex analysts said in a market update. This, together with the Federal Reserve previously announcing its intention to taper the central bank's balance sheet run-off, "is seen as a favorable print for risk assets," Bitfinex added. Looking at traditional markets, U.S. equities also climbed during the day, with the S&P 500 index gaining more than 1% and hitting a fresh all-time high, underscoring the return of risk appetite. Today's bitcoin surge also marked a break-out from a downtrend that capped prices for the last few weeks, Swissblock analysts said in a Telegram update. "BTC [is] finally making the bigger move," Swissblock said. "We have been waiting for the trigger for the release of a larger structure since March high. Today we got that," referring to the CPI and retail sales numbers. $BTC #BTC $SOL $NEAR

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