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Rezerva Federală a modificat ultima dată ratele dobânzilor în urmă cu 280 de zile, marcând a doua cea mai lungă pauză din istoria pieței moderne. Vestea bună este că indicele S&P 500 $SPX oferă de obicei randamente semnificative în timpul acestor pauze, inclusiv câștiguri de peste 20% în timpul celei mai lungi pauze înregistrate.

Rezerva Federală a modificat ultima dată ratele dobânzilor în urmă cu 280 de zile, marcând a doua cea mai lungă pauză din istoria pieței moderne. Vestea bună este că indicele S&P 500 $SPX oferă de obicei randamente semnificative în timpul acestor pauze, inclusiv câștiguri de peste 20% în timpul celei mai lungi pauze înregistrate.

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Evening news from CrypticNews Hub 1. Fidelity Digital Assets released a video introducing Runes and stated that they will continue to monitor their development; 2. This week, over $30 million worth of assets were stolen in the cryptocurrency sphere due to security incidents, bringing the total losses for June to $85 million; 3. Tether CEO: USDT is among the top three largest buyers of short-term U.S. Treasury bills in the world; 4. 10x Research: Prices of cryptocurrency mining companies' stocks may continue to rise, but it is recommended to invest in the bullish trend of #Bitcoin ; 5. Tether CEO: 1 billion USDT will be issued on #TRON , which has been authorized but not yet issued; 6. The transaction volume of the base chain DEX yesterday was nearly $700 million, surpassing BSC and ranking third; 7. The authorized issuance volume of USDT on the #TON chain increased to $580 million; 8. New York state regulators collected $50 million for victims of the Gemini Earn program; 9. Justin Sun: Hassan Sanni will join HTX and TRON as Chief Security Officer and official representative; 10. dYdX: Starting next month, the monthly unlocking volume of DYDX will be reduced from 33 million to 8.3 million per month; 11. Yesterday, the net outflow of funds from U.S. Bitcoin spot ETFs was $189 million, and only BlackRock IBIT had a net inflow of $1.5 million; 12. Cardano will transfer control of $681 million in treasury funds to the community; 13. The #Web3 Foundation is providing a reward pool of $65 million for the deployment of the Polkadot JAM upgrade.

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