It seems that everyone that has 6 weeks+ experience with trading think they’re an expert on predicting the future of what millions, based on TA-theory they’ve seen on Youtube. I read a lot of these predictions. 80% of them are wrong 50% of the time. The 20% rest is meeh, somewhat wrong, somewhat right. Not good odds, and they all tell you, told you so, the 40% they’re right.

I’ve followed Binance since 2017. Mainly on the minute-chart, because it’s calming to see the red and green sticks. Until 65k this run I’ve never seen better control from the manipulators (or makers that some call them). Now It’s more uncertaint. They struggle, or at least pretending.

I’ll share my thoughts, but don’t expect readers. And could be wrong.

First some pointers:

- the minute chart is totally different now vs only 3 months ago. My opinion, BTC is getting rare. The makers try to hide this with automated bots to leave you with an impression that there’s a lot of trade going on. I don’t think so. They sell and buy to themselve to make this impression.

- follow the minute-chart and you’ll see that the makers are struggeling to get BTC down 1 %, but 1% up happens in short time. Nearing 67k this has changed, but only in s minor degree. In my view this is just a perfect act to swallow more of your BTC through FUD.

- Asia accounts for 67% of all crypto trade in Jan/Feb. People are hailing the American ETF’s for latest rise, but in my opinion this is just an indirect effect. China needs and want crypto. Same in India. The combination of massive Asian inflow and ETF, creates FOMO in institutions. Institutions are the important part.

- the problem for the institutions is that if the liquidity is low, and BTC is getting rare (many holders), they have to spread out their sales over a long time period, and therefore get stuck. They can’t sell big numbers fast with out loosing.

My prediction is that we will see the highest increase in an single assett ever. When? I don’t know, but we’re closing in (i don’t own BTC).