Binance Square
Crypto Stalkers
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Bitcoin investors Show Confidence As 70.35% of Bitcoin Supply Stays Unmoved: Record 70.35% of Bitcoin supply inactive for over a year, showing strong holder confidence despite market challenges. A remarkable 70.35% of Bitcoin's circulating supply has been inactive for at least a year, surpassing the previous high of 69.35% in July. This data was tracked by Glassnode, a blockchain analytics firm. According to research, this demonstrates Bitcoin holders' firm belief in the currency's value, even with challenges in the crypto market and global economy. Not only are one-year holdings at all-time highs, but so are Bitcoin holdings that have not moved in two, three, or five years. This shows that long-term investors are holding on to their Bitcoin, despite the fact that its price has more than doubled to $37,000 this year. According to Reflexivity Research, while greater prices could one day lead to selling, Bitcoin owners appear unwilling to sell anytime soon.

Bitcoin investors Show Confidence As 70.35% of Bitcoin Supply Stays Unmoved:

Record 70.35% of Bitcoin supply inactive for over a year, showing strong holder confidence despite market challenges.

A remarkable 70.35% of Bitcoin's circulating supply has been inactive for at least a year, surpassing the previous high of 69.35% in July. This data was tracked by Glassnode, a blockchain analytics firm. According to research, this demonstrates Bitcoin holders' firm belief in the currency's value, even with challenges in the crypto market and global economy.

Not only are one-year holdings at all-time highs, but so are Bitcoin holdings that have not moved in two, three, or five years. This shows that long-term investors are holding on to their Bitcoin, despite the fact that its price has more than doubled to $37,000 this year. According to Reflexivity Research, while greater prices could one day lead to selling, Bitcoin owners appear unwilling to sell anytime soon.

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