Binance Square
🚨, the decentralized social media platform, has introduced a 2FA feature to combat rising SIM-swap attacks on its users! 🔐 Users can now set up a 2FA password for extra security in case their mobile carrier or email provider is compromised. 📱💻 This move follows a series of SIM-swap attacks since September, leading to the theft of 109 Ether (ETH) worth nearly $500,000. 😱 Some argue that the 2FA feature should have been introduced sooner, given the severity and frequency of the attacks. What do you think? 🤔 Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬

🚨, the decentralized social media platform, has introduced a 2FA feature to combat rising SIM-swap attacks on its users! 🔐 Users can now set up a 2FA password for extra security in case their mobile carrier or email provider is compromised. 📱💻

This move follows a series of SIM-swap attacks since September, leading to the theft of 109 Ether (ETH) worth nearly $500,000. 😱

Some argue that the 2FA feature should have been introduced sooner, given the severity and frequency of the attacks. What do you think? 🤔 Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬

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