Binance Square
Exchanges may accept credit card payments, transfers, or other forms of payment for digital currencies or cryptocurrencies, a cryptocurrency exchange can be a market maker that usually takes bid-ask spreads as a commission on transactions, or as a matching platform, charging a fee. Cryptocurrencies have imposed themselves strongly on the global economy currently, especially with the increasing prevalence and circulation around the world, including our Arab world, where the volume of transactions through digital currency trading platforms reached about 2.5 trillion dollars last September, and it is on the rise.

Exchanges may accept credit card payments, transfers, or other forms of payment for digital currencies or cryptocurrencies, a cryptocurrency exchange can be a market maker that usually takes bid-ask spreads as a commission on transactions, or as a matching platform, charging a fee.

Cryptocurrencies have imposed themselves strongly on the global economy currently, especially with the increasing prevalence and circulation around the world, including our Arab world, where the volume of transactions through digital currency trading platforms reached about 2.5 trillion dollars last September, and it is on the rise.

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