Binance Square
Bitcoin's Market-Value-to-Realized-Value (MVRV) with 30-day moving average (MA) has reached values below 1.44 since May 2022, signaling an accumulation phase for the cryptocurrency. Historically, such moments have presented great opportunities for long-term BTC investments. MVRV, defined as market capitalization divided by realized capitalization, is a simple yet powerful metric for gauging Bitcoin's valuation and determining if it's fairly priced. Accumulation phases typically last longer than distribution phases, with the 2015-2016 bear market witnessing the longest accumulation phase in Bitcoin's history based solely on the MVRV metric. The ongoing accumulation phase, now exceeding 500 days, marks the second longest bear market in BTC history. This presents a highly likely opportunity for exposure, similar to the 2015-2016 period, based on historical data. A downtrend in MVRV indicates that realized capitalization is greater than market capitalization, meaning selling pressure is decreasing. As a result, when MVRV falls below 1.44, the risk/return of selling the market becomes less favorable, while the risk/return of buying the market becomes increasingly favorable.

Bitcoin's Market-Value-to-Realized-Value (MVRV) with 30-day moving average (MA) has reached values below 1.44 since May 2022, signaling an accumulation phase for the cryptocurrency. Historically, such moments have presented great opportunities for long-term BTC investments.

MVRV, defined as market capitalization divided by realized capitalization, is a simple yet powerful metric for gauging Bitcoin's valuation and determining if it's fairly priced. Accumulation phases typically last longer than distribution phases, with the 2015-2016 bear market witnessing the longest accumulation phase in Bitcoin's history based solely on the MVRV metric.

The ongoing accumulation phase, now exceeding 500 days, marks the second longest bear market in BTC history. This presents a highly likely opportunity for exposure, similar to the 2015-2016 period, based on historical data. A downtrend in MVRV indicates that realized capitalization is greater than market capitalization, meaning selling pressure is decreasing.

As a result, when MVRV falls below 1.44, the risk/return of selling the market becomes less favorable, while the risk/return of buying the market becomes increasingly favorable.

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