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🚀 Immutable zkEVM Mainnet Launch on the Horizon! 🎉 Immutable is preparing for an action-packed end to the year, with plans to introduce their zkEVM mainnet between December and January. But first, they'll revamp their zkEVM testnet in November, shifting from Polygon Edge to Geth for better Ethereum compatibility. 🔄 Key points: - Mainnet launch to be preceded by exclusive developer groups - Dedicated application chain coming in 2024, offering customization - zk-prover feature to enable secure cross-chain bridge with Ethereum 🤔 What are your thoughts on Immutable's ambitious plans? Share in the comments! 👇

🚀 Immutable zkEVM Mainnet Launch on the Horizon! 🎉

Immutable is preparing for an action-packed end to the year, with plans to introduce their zkEVM mainnet between December and January. But first, they'll revamp their zkEVM testnet in November, shifting from Polygon Edge to Geth for better Ethereum compatibility. 🔄

Key points:

- Mainnet launch to be preceded by exclusive developer groups

- Dedicated application chain coming in 2024, offering customization

- zk-prover feature to enable secure cross-chain bridge with Ethereum

🤔 What are your thoughts on Immutable's ambitious plans? Share in the comments! 👇

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