Binance Square
Crypto Stalkers
The Global Crypto Adoption Index is out! 🌐 Ranking of countries on the Global Crypto Adoption Index (Highest=1.00) 1. 🇮🇳 India - 1.000 2. 🇳🇬 Nigeria - 0.642 3. 🇻🇳 Vietnam - 0.570 4. 🇺🇸 United States - 0.370 5. 🇺🇦 Ukraine - 0.220 6. 🇵🇭Philippine : 0.208 7. 🇮🇩Indonesia : 0.203 8. 🇵🇰Pakistan: 0.164 9. 🇧🇷Brazil : 0.163 10.🇹🇭 Thailand : 0.145 Is your country on the list? Let's see how the crypto landscape is evolving! 💡 #crypto2023 $BTC $BNB $ETH

The Global Crypto Adoption Index is out! 🌐

Ranking of countries on the Global Crypto Adoption Index (Highest=1.00)

1. 🇮🇳 India - 1.000

2. 🇳🇬 Nigeria - 0.642

3. 🇻🇳 Vietnam - 0.570

4. 🇺🇸 United States - 0.370

5. 🇺🇦 Ukraine - 0.220

6. 🇵🇭Philippine : 0.208

7. 🇮🇩Indonesia : 0.203

8. 🇵🇰Pakistan: 0.164

9. 🇧🇷Brazil : 0.163

10.🇹🇭 Thailand : 0.145

Is your country on the list? Let's see how the crypto landscape is evolving! 💡



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