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It's easy to see why 90% of people lose money in crypto when you spend enough time on crypto Twitter. The mood swings when BTC is +1% vs. -1%. Most people here have zero emotional control, strategy or gameplan, they just react to market swings. I think 90% of CT would be better off checking prices once a month instead of ten times a day.

It's easy to see why 90% of people lose money in crypto when you spend enough time on crypto Twitter.

The mood swings when BTC is +1% vs. -1%. Most people here have zero emotional control, strategy or gameplan, they just react to market swings.

I think 90% of CT would be better off checking prices once a month instead of ten times a day.

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Decentralized Perpetual Exchange @YFX_COM Launches New Mining Round, Releases All Team Tokens to the Community, and Airdrops 3 Million Tokens to Arbitrum Defi Users YFX went live on Heco and Tron mainnets in 2021, and first introduced the PvPool model, which has been adopted by most decentralized contract products to date and has become the mainstream model. YFX V4 version supports up to 200x trading leverage and liquidity leverage. Mining Participation Process: 1. Connect your wallet through the following invitation link to get a 20% fee discount: 2. Check airdrop eligibility and claim YFX token airdrop: 3. Enter the mining page to participate in mining: Current APR is Very High, with the Following Participation Methods: 1. YFX Staking Mining: YFX token holders can directly participate in staking mining. 2. Position Mining: Hold any position to automatically participate in position mining. It is recommended to open one long position and one short position for hedging and lossless mining. 3. Trade Mining: The highest APR mining currently, any transaction will earn UTP based on the transaction amount. Stake UTP to earn tokens. 4. Liquidity Mining: Add any liquidity to automatically participate in mining. It is recommended to participate in BTC, ETH pools, with liquidity addition up to 200x leverage. 5. Uniswap NFT LP Mining: Dual pool mining, add YFX/ETH liquidity on Uniswap and stake LP NFT on YFX to participate in mining. $ETH $ARB #StakingRevolution #YFX
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