Vulcan Blockchain, the initial auto-rebasing L1 blockchain, has declared the date for the launch of its beta testnet. In a blog post published on Medium, the platform disclosed that the beta testnet will be introduced on the 1st of March this year. It stated that this endeavour is focused on providing substantial time for the developers of the company to carry out formal scrutiny along with testing the smart apps that will operate on the blockchain platform in a real-time atmosphere.

Vulcan Blockchain Declares the Launch of Its Beta Testnet

At the moment, Vulcan Blockchain is going through its Alpha phase. Nonetheless, the release of the beta testnet will give the developers the finest opportunity to comprehensively test the network along with detecting any likely vulnerabilities or problems. Throughout the testing stage, the developers will implement a straight as well as a simple procedure to fulfil the KYC requirements for node holders. This is the mandatory requirement on the blockchain.

The beta testnet will formally operate and run fur up to thirty days after its launch. The respective testing time will permit the management of the platform to provide a reliable and robust company that will attempt to cope with the expectations of the consumers. As a result of that, the clients will have more trust in the company. Following the accomplishment of the testing stage, the mainnet launch will be carried out.

Platform Makes KYC Procedure Mandatory for the Full-Node Validators While Exempting the Lite-Node Validators

The testing phase will enable the developers to completely ensure that the blockchain is prepared for the mainnet launch. The firm noted in the post that security is one of the chief things that the platform takes into consideration while making crucial decisions. It added that the full-node validators will have to go through the required KYC requirements. On the contrary, it also mentioned that the respective process will not be mandatory for the lite-node validators.

Vulcan Blockchain disclosed that KYC is a significant legal necessity and will assist in verifying the identity of businesses and individuals that run nodes on the network of the platform. The respective procedure’s implementation will guarantee the stability and security of the company’s network along with the provision of a secure atmosphere for all members. In the words of Vulcan Blockchain, the details regarding this process and the way to utilize the 3rd-party providers of KYC services will soon be shared with the consumers.