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Pyth Network
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Pyth Network
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Pythians are shaping the future of DeFi 🤝 ✅ Pyth DAO ✅ Pyth Council ✅ Price Feed Council ✅ Community Council
BTCfi and @Coredao_Org are Pyth pilled 💊 The top two lending protocols, @colend_xyz and @SumerMoney, are leveraging Pyth’s real-time data and running their own scheduler to ensure fresh and accurate prices at all times.
Any price. Any place. Any time. Pyth is everywhere 🔮
More builders, more momentum ⛽️ The second month of OP grants distribution is here! Protocols are unlocking gas rebates to fuel innovation with Pyth-powered data on OP Mainnet.
For years, MEV has siphoned value from DeFi protocols and their users. Now, protocols can fight back. Express Relay is a new primitive that gives protocols control over transaction execution—and the value it generates. Here’s how it works 👇🧵
Últimas Notícias
Celo conclui a transição para a cadeia Ethereum Layer-2
Mercado de títulos dos EUA sinaliza expectativas de inflação mais altas
Fidelity Investments Avança na Iniciativa de Stablecoin
As reservas de Bitcoin da Administração Trump refletem tendências mais amplas de ativos digitais
Fundador da Curve Finance transfere participações significativas da CRV
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