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Fundusze ETF typu Spot-Bitcoin generują rekordowe wolumeny transakcji w godzinach pracy w USA 📈 Handel bitcoinami szaleje w godzinach otwarcia rynku w USA, osiągając rekordowe poziomy i stanowiąc aż 46% całkowitego tegorocznego wolumenu od stycznia do kwietnia! 🤯 Ten boom jest powiązany ze styczniowym wprowadzeniem na rynek funduszy typu spot Bitcoin (ETF). 🇺🇸 Kaiko Research ujawnia, że ​​szczyt handlu Bitcoinami przypada na początek i koniec godzin handlu w USA, co pokrywa się z kalkulacją wartości aktywów netto ETF na zamknięciu amerykańskich giełd. Czwartki są najbardziej ruchliwe, a godziny w USA obejmują prawie 15% dziennego wolumenu obrotu. Podczas gdy wolumen handlu w USA powrócił do poziomu z 2022 r., godziny azjatyckie pozostają w tyle, co podkreśla rosnący wpływ Stanów Zjednoczonych na dynamikę handlu Bitcoinami. Toby Winterflood, dyrektor ds. produktu w CCData, zauważa, że ​​wyniki Bitcoina w godzinach amerykańskich wykazują mniejszą zmienność w porównaniu z poprzednimi okresami. „ETF znacząco wpłynęły na korelację Bitcoina z S&P 500 i jego potencjalną dekorelację z innymi kryptowalutami” – wyjaśnia Winterflood. Od momentu wprowadzenia na rynek fundusze ETF Spot-Bitcoin przyciągnęły prawie 13 miliardów dolarów wpływów netto, co oznacza jeden z najbardziej udanych debiutów produktowych w historii branży. Chociaż napływ środków w maju spadł do 1,3 miliarda dolarów, tempo ponownie przyspiesza – w ciągu ostatnich dwóch dni napłynęło 542,9 miliona dolarów. Bitcoin oscyluje obecnie wokół poziomu 70 000 dolarów. Według Hashkeya od stycznia do kwietnia 2024 r. Bitcoin osiągnął pięciokrotnie lepsze wyniki niż S&P 500. Z 53% udziałem w całkowitej kapitalizacji rynku kryptowalut, Bitcoin zapewnił od początku roku 57% zwrotu w porównaniu ze wzrostem o 12,20% w przypadku S&P 500. Pomimo niższej zmienności, Bitcoin pozostaje wyjątkowy, podczas gdy inne aktywa kryptograficzne wykazują większą zmienność i wyższe potencjalne nagrody.🔥 #ETHETFS #altcoins #buythedip #BTC #bitcoin $ETH

Fundusze ETF typu Spot-Bitcoin generują rekordowe wolumeny transakcji w godzinach pracy w USA 📈

Handel bitcoinami szaleje w godzinach otwarcia rynku w USA, osiągając rekordowe poziomy i stanowiąc aż 46% całkowitego tegorocznego wolumenu od stycznia do kwietnia! 🤯

Ten boom jest powiązany ze styczniowym wprowadzeniem na rynek funduszy typu spot Bitcoin (ETF). 🇺🇸

Kaiko Research ujawnia, że ​​szczyt handlu Bitcoinami przypada na początek i koniec godzin handlu w USA, co pokrywa się z kalkulacją wartości aktywów netto ETF na zamknięciu amerykańskich giełd.

Czwartki są najbardziej ruchliwe, a godziny w USA obejmują prawie 15% dziennego wolumenu obrotu.

Podczas gdy wolumen handlu w USA powrócił do poziomu z 2022 r., godziny azjatyckie pozostają w tyle, co podkreśla rosnący wpływ Stanów Zjednoczonych na dynamikę handlu Bitcoinami.

Toby Winterflood, dyrektor ds. produktu w CCData, zauważa, że ​​wyniki Bitcoina w godzinach amerykańskich wykazują mniejszą zmienność w porównaniu z poprzednimi okresami.

„ETF znacząco wpłynęły na korelację Bitcoina z S&P 500 i jego potencjalną dekorelację z innymi kryptowalutami” – wyjaśnia Winterflood.

Od momentu wprowadzenia na rynek fundusze ETF Spot-Bitcoin przyciągnęły prawie 13 miliardów dolarów wpływów netto, co oznacza jeden z najbardziej udanych debiutów produktowych w historii branży. Chociaż napływ środków w maju spadł do 1,3 miliarda dolarów, tempo ponownie przyspiesza – w ciągu ostatnich dwóch dni napłynęło 542,9 miliona dolarów.

Bitcoin oscyluje obecnie wokół poziomu 70 000 dolarów. Według Hashkeya od stycznia do kwietnia 2024 r. Bitcoin osiągnął pięciokrotnie lepsze wyniki niż S&P 500.

Z 53% udziałem w całkowitej kapitalizacji rynku kryptowalut, Bitcoin zapewnił od początku roku 57% zwrotu w porównaniu ze wzrostem o 12,20% w przypadku S&P 500. Pomimo niższej zmienności, Bitcoin pozostaje wyjątkowy, podczas gdy inne aktywa kryptograficzne wykazują większą zmienność i wyższe potencjalne nagrody.🔥

#ETHETFS #altcoins #buythedip #BTC #bitcoin $ETH

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What's Behind Uni's 80% Price Pump?🚀 Uniswap & Across Protocol Unveil New Token Standard for Smoother Cross-Chain Transactions! Uniswap Labs and Across Protocol have just rolled out ERC-7683, a groundbreaking Ethereum token standard designed to streamline cross-chain transactions and boost interoperability. Let's dive into what makes this so exciting! ERC-7683 is set to revolutionize how transactions happen between different blockchains. Here's how: - Unified Network: Creates a common network connecting blockchains, eliminating compatibility issues. - Cost Reduction: Lowers transaction costs, making it cheaper for everyone. - Simplified Processes: Makes cross-chain interactions easier & more efficient. Uniswap Labs is already leveraging ERC-7683 for cross-chain swaps on UniswapX. This move enhances trading across various automated market makers (AMMs) and liquidity sources. Different blockchains currently handle transactions in unique ways, making asset transfers complex and pricey. ERC-7683 aims to standardize these processes, ensuring: - Lower Fees: By reducing the need for unique systems per blockchain. - Faster Transactions: Streamlining cross-chain interactions for quicker results. Following the ERC-7683 announcement, Uniswap's native token, UNI, jumped by 80%, now trading at $9.64. Clearly, the market is excited about this new development! ⚙️ Technical Highlights ERC-7683 features two major components: - CrossChainOrder Structure: A flexible system for handling trades across blockchains. - ISettlementContract Interface: Allows customization in transaction processing while maintaining a unified framework. By launching ERC-7683, Uniswap Labs and Across Protocol tackle key challenges in cross-chain transactions, such as ensuring sufficient liquidity and user-friendliness. This standard promotes fair competition among transaction processors (fillers), leading to better fulfillment of user requests and more successful trades. This represents a significant leap forward, making blockchain technology smoother, cheaper, and more user-friendly. #ETHETFS $UNI
🚀Solana Soars: Is $330 Breakout Imminent?💰 Solana (SOL) is capturing investor attention with its price on the rise, heading toward uncharted heights. Analysts are forecasting a potential breakout that could push SOL to new all-time highs. Despite the enthusiasm, some experts remind investors of the volatile nature of the crypto market. This past week has been stellar for this high market cap crypto, with its price surging nearly 20%, breaking past the key resistance level at $150, and finding support above it. This technical milestone signals a shift in investor sentiment and opens the door for further gains. Crypto analyst Alex Clay predicts a price target of $329 per SOL, citing a strong weekly chart and recent consolidation as indicators of an imminent breakout. The bullish outlook is driven by several factors. The breakout above resistance and the formation of an "inverse head and shoulders" pattern are positive signs. Additionally, Solana's strong fundamentals, including its fast transactions per second (TPS) and scalability, continue to draw investors. While Solana's prospects look bright, some experts urge caution because the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and sudden changes can quickly alter the landscape. Despite the recent spike, the 24-hour growth remains modest, suggesting possible short-term fluctuations. Solana's network performance is another major draw. With its daily average TPS hitting a record h|gh of 1,504 in April, Solana outpaces Ethereum by 46 times and is over five times fa5ter than Polygon. This speed boost underscores Solana's technological str8ngth and its ability to handle h|gh transaction volumes efficient|y. Solana's capacity to maintain high speeds during peak demand, like the recent memecoin craze, showcases its robustness and scalability. This advantage not only improves user experience by reducing delays and transaction costs but also solidifies Solana's position as a top competitor in the blockchain world. #ETHETFS #altcoins #buythedip #BTC #bitcoin $SOL
🤑Analysts Now See 75% Chance of Spot Ethereum ETF Approval as SEC Hints at Shift: Is the the Bullish Catalyst for a MAssive AltSeason?🚀 Analysts have significantly raised the odds of a spot Ethereum ETF approval, boosting hopes for regulatory green light from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Bloomberg Intelligence analysts Eric Balchunas and James Seyffart have upped their approval odds for a spot Ethereum ETF from 25% to 75%. This newfound optimism is driven by recent SEC actions. The SEC has asked asset managers to update their 19b-4 filings, a crucial step for listing spot Ethereum ETFs, ahead of this week’s deadline. This move has ignited industry excitement and speculation about imminent approval. ETF Store’s Nate Geraci predicts the SEC will approve the 19b-4 filings and take a measured approach to S-1 registrations, which detail the new securities' structure and strategy. Both forms need approval for ETFs to launch. However, Seyffart cautions that while the 19b-4 approval could come by the May 23 deadline, it may take weeks or months for S-1 approvals, delaying a live Ethereum ETF. This renewed optimism is notable as Balchunas and Seyffart had been lowering their approval odds in recent months, echoing industry skepticism from figures like VanEck CEO Jan van Eck. Following the news, Ethereum’s price surged nearly 20%, trading at $3,676. Other Ethereum-linked altcoins, like Polygon (MATIC) and Optimism (OP), also saw significant gains of 9.4% and 19.7%, respectively. This boost in approval odds has sparked widespread market enthusiasm, with stakeholders eagerly awaiting the SEC's next move. #ETHETFS #altcoins #buythedip #BTC #bitcoin $ETH
Dumb money FOMO-ers Getting Rekt! Are Venture Capital Firms Using B|nance Token Listings for Exit Liquidity?💼🔄 Probably saying what you already knew, but FOMO-ing into new crypto listings are likely to get you rekt! Don't get me wrong; I ❤️ B|nance with all my heart, but the stats aren't looking pretty. 🚨Shocking Stats: Over 80% of tokens listed on B|nance, the world's biggest crypto exchange, have dropped in value in the last six months. Whata gwan?🧐 Crypto researcher Flow reveals that many new tokens on B|nance are heavily backed by top venture capital firms and come with sky-high valuations. VC B|nance Listings Now Exit Strategy💸 Flow's research highlights a stark trend: only 5 out of 31 new tokens on B|nance have seen price increases since their launch. These rare success stories include meme coins like ORDI, JUP, WIF, JTO, and MEME. Here's how they fared: - ORDI: 🚀 +262% - JTO: 📈 +62% - JUP: 📊 +58% - WIF: 🌟 +117% - MEME: 💹 +8.5% 📉The Downside: Tokens backed by major VCs have tanked. Check out these numbers: - NFP (B|nance Labs): 🔻 -63% - OMNI (Pantera Capital): 📉 -52% - AEVO (Coinbase, Paradigm, Dragonfly): ⬇️ -68% Portfolio Pain📉 Flow notes that if you invested equally in each new B|nance listing, you'd be down over 18% in six months. High Valuations, Low Returns 🏦❌ Many of these projects start with fully diluted valuations (FDVs) over $4.2 billion, sometimes hitting $11 billion, without real users or a strong community. Contrasting Views🔄 This contrasts sharply with last year's analysis by Ren & Heinrich, which showed a 73% price increase in the first 30 days of B|nance listings. Back then, B|nance's dominance in the crypto market boosted token attention and value. Expert Take📢 Market experts believe B|nance's liquidity and dominance make it a prime exit route for insiders. Flow sums it up: “Tokens launching on Binance aren't investment vehicles anymore. They represent exit liquidity for insiders, capitalizing on retail investors who miss out on early investment opportunities.” DYOR Don't lose your money #altcoins #BTC #bitcoin
📈BULL or BEAR? Watchout for These 3 Token Unlocks This Week📅 Token unlocks release previously restricted tokens, carefully scheduled to avoid market pressure and prevent price drops. However, factors like low liquidity or early profit-taking can significantly affect token prices. Here are 3 major token unlocks to watch this week! 👀 🔮 Pyth Network (PYTH) Unlock Date: May 20 Tokens Unlocked: 2.13 billion PYTH Current Circulating Supply: 1.5 billion PYTH Pyth Network is a decentralized oracle providing real-time financial market data for blockchain applications. With a max supply of 10 billion, Pyth will unlock 2.13 billion tokens on May 20, surpassing the current circulating supply. Around 800 million will go to private sale participants and publishers, while the rest supports protocol development and ecosystem growth. 💬Pyth unlock worth $910M is on 20th May. 141.67% of current supply is being unlocked. ❄️ Avalanche (AVAX) Unlock Date: May 22 Tokens Unlocked: 9.54 million AVAX Current Circulating Supply: 382.77 million AVAX Avalanche is a high-performance blockchain platform for creating and deploying dApps and custom blockchain networks. On May 22, over 9 million AVAX tokens will be unlocked and distributed among strategic partners, the Avalanche Foundation, the team, and airdrop participants. 🌌 Space ID (ID) Unlock Date: May 22 Tokens Unlocked: 18.49 million ID Current Circulating Supply: 430.5 million ID Space ID is a decentralized identity protocol that helps users manage their online identities across multiple blockchain platforms. On May 22, 18 million ID tokens will be added to the circulating supply, mainly going to the Space ID Foundation, the ecosystem fund, and airdrop participants. 🔑 Insights While token unlocks can be bearish, a well-planned schedule aligned with project milestones can boost long-term viability. These unlocks motivate team members, engage the community, and promote ecosystem growth. Keep an eye on these dates for potential market moves! 📅📈 #altcoins #buythedip #bitcoin #BTC #PYTH $PYTH $AVAX $ID

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