• All sales of digital trading are final and there’s no refund, as mentioned by developers.

  • As far as utility and speculation are concerned, the returns on the second collection look lower for holders.

  • The second series drop was followed by users making fun of the artwork, which according to them is cringy and even weird than the previous collection.

Donald Trump launched his second NFT collection on April 18 and the collection is sold out on April 19, i.e. only a day after. 

With a total of 47,000 digital collectibles each priced at $99, the “Trump Digital Trading Cards Series 2” collection has reached 750 ETH in trading volume on the secondary market OpenSea.  

The tokens feature Trump’s image, name and likeness under a paid license and are neither controlled nor owned either by Trump himself or The Trump Organization. Buyers will get to attend the Gala Dinner with Trump in South Florida in case they buy 47 digital trading cards or purchase 100 cards using cryptocurrency. 

The collection was available for purchase through Wrapped Ether or credit card and users were allowed to set up a wallet with Torus during checkout if they didn’t have one. Moreover, users were mandated to clear KYC verification even when they made the payment crypto.

The website’s FAQ that introduced the NFT series mentioned that these are personal trading cards or digital collectibles that can be acquired, bought, traded and more. They could be considered as traditional basketball or baseball cards though they are stored digitally; hence, there’s no need to worry about any form of physical damage.

Minted on Polygon, the NFTs are designed by artist Clark Mitchell. According to developers, the former President has digitally hand-signed every single “Autographed Card.”

The trading cards are not related to politics in any way; hence, are not connected with any political campaign either.

Right after the drop of the second series of Trump digital trading cards, Twitter users began expressing their views which are mostly funny. For instance, independent journalist Ed Krassenstein tweeted that Trump has gotten even cringy. 

Krassenstein also said that the former President is trying to prove himself as the alpha male which is something he has always wanted to be.

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