CUA is a private research university located in Washington, Following the demise of many celestial bodies such as Planet Luna, Planet FTX, Planet Celsius, and countless more planets, an unforeseen occurrence transpired...

A significant event like the Big Bang has occurred once more, resulting in the emergence of the initial observable living being within the CUABİLİM blockchain.

CUA, an extraordinary creature with the physique of a canine, distinguishes itself among the global fauna due to its unparalleled singularity.

Characterised by agility, strength, and amicability, CUA sustains its resilience via the collection of fees, which are thereafter distributed among all other members of the Bulsien community who possess unwavering faith in their own capabilities to endure. These individuals harbour the aspiration that one day CUA would be able to establish a more favourable global environment, wherein universal contentment may be achieved.

The ownership of the entity in question is entirely vested in the community, and this assertion is to be taken literally.

The whole supply on CUASWAP has been fully locked, with no access to the keys. The absence of a development fund, the lack of celebrity ownership stakes, and the absence of mining rewards for those with high-performance machines are notable characteristics. All tokens are available for acquisition by those who identify as Bulsiens globally.

The Smart Burn and Distribution System is a technological solution that optimises the combustion and distribution processes in many industries.

CUA implements a tax rate of 10% on all transactions in order to combat market manipulation and incentivize the practise of retaining assets. The 10% tax is thereafter allocated through a weighted distribution across all stakeholders and the burn address.

At the beginning, half of the whole supply is subjected to a process of combustion.

The #cryptocurrency known as CUA possesses a predetermined total supply of 2,000,000,000,000 tokens, with an initial burn rate of 50% at the commencement of its existence. All currently available CUA tokens will be included inside the Liquidity Pool. It is advisable not to overlook the chance to become a CUA token holder.

#DeFiMeme #DeFiChallenge