Binance Square
Which is better depends upon your risk tolerance, investing strategy, how much capital you have to use, and how much you can tolerate losing. Bitcoin is much mo
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
$SOL Solana (SOL) Pašlaik Solana (SOL), kas ir piektā lielākā kriptovalūta ar tirgus maksimālo vērtību 77 miljardu ASV dolāru apmērā, arī ir gatava sasniegt 100 miljardu dolāru atzīmi, pateicoties spēcīgajai investoru interesei un uzticībai. SOL ir piedzīvojis 63% pieaugumu gadu līdz šim, un tā spēcīgā korelācija ar Bitcoin liecina par turpmāku izaugsmes potenciālu. Solana ekosistēma ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamu aktivitāti, jo īpaši ar SOL balstītām meme monētām, piemēram, Myro F un BONK, kuru tirdzniecības apjomi un cenas nesen ir palielinājušās. Šīs norises liecina par pieaugošu investoru interesi un pozitīvi ietekmē Solana tirgus vērtību. Neskatoties uz neregulāriem tīkla pārtraukumiem, Solana saglabā spēcīgu klātbūtni tirgū, tirgojoties virs būtiskā atbalsta līmeņa. Tā kopējā bloķētā vērtība (TVL) ir USD 4,80 miljardi, kas atspoguļo ekosistēmas veselību un investoru uzticību. Stabilu monētu, piemēram, USDT, USDC un PYUSD, integrācija ir uzlabojusi likviditāti, nodrošinot lielu pirktspēju turpmākiem mītiņiem. Pateicoties stabiliem pamatiem un pieaugošajai ieviešanai, Solana ir labi pozicionēta, lai gada otrajā pusē sasniegtu 100 miljardu dolāru tirgus maksimālo apjomu. Ir svarīgi uzsvērt, ka, lai arī minēto kriptovalūtu iespēja sasniegt 100 miljardu dolāru slieksni, tās balstās uz dažādiem pamatprincipiem, tās lielā mērā ir atkarīgas no tā, vai turpināsies straujš tirgus impulss. Atruna: šīs vietnes saturs nav uzskatāms par ieguldījumu padomu. Investēšana ir spekulatīva. Ieguldot, jūsu kapitāls ir apdraudēts.
$SOL Solana (SOL)
Pašlaik Solana (SOL), kas ir piektā lielākā kriptovalūta ar tirgus maksimālo vērtību 77 miljardu ASV dolāru apmērā, arī ir gatava sasniegt 100 miljardu dolāru atzīmi, pateicoties spēcīgajai investoru interesei un uzticībai.

SOL ir piedzīvojis 63% pieaugumu gadu līdz šim, un tā spēcīgā korelācija ar Bitcoin liecina par turpmāku izaugsmes potenciālu.

Solana ekosistēma ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamu aktivitāti, jo īpaši ar SOL balstītām meme monētām, piemēram, Myro F un BONK, kuru tirdzniecības apjomi un cenas nesen ir palielinājušās.

Šīs norises liecina par pieaugošu investoru interesi un pozitīvi ietekmē Solana tirgus vērtību.

Neskatoties uz neregulāriem tīkla pārtraukumiem, Solana saglabā spēcīgu klātbūtni tirgū, tirgojoties virs būtiskā atbalsta līmeņa. Tā kopējā bloķētā vērtība (TVL) ir USD 4,80 miljardi, kas atspoguļo ekosistēmas veselību un investoru uzticību.

Stabilu monētu, piemēram, USDT, USDC un PYUSD, integrācija ir uzlabojusi likviditāti, nodrošinot lielu pirktspēju turpmākiem mītiņiem.

Pateicoties stabiliem pamatiem un pieaugošajai ieviešanai, Solana ir labi pozicionēta, lai gada otrajā pusē sasniegtu 100 miljardu dolāru tirgus maksimālo apjomu.

Ir svarīgi uzsvērt, ka, lai arī minēto kriptovalūtu iespēja sasniegt 100 miljardu dolāru slieksni, tās balstās uz dažādiem pamatprincipiem, tās lielā mērā ir atkarīgas no tā, vai turpināsies straujš tirgus impulss.

Atruna: šīs vietnes saturs nav uzskatāms par ieguldījumu padomu. Investēšana ir spekulatīva. Ieguldot, jūsu kapitāls ir apdraudēts.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mēmu monētas ir turpinājušas piesaistīt uzmanību. Pepe Coin [PEPE] nesen ir bijis uzmanības centrā, un kriptovalstu kopiena spekulē, ka tā varētu pārspēt Shiba Inu [SHIB] pēc tirgus vērtības līdz 2024. gadam. PEPE neticamā 1000% izaugsme šogad ir radījusi prognozes, ka tā varētu pārspēt gan OG. mēmu kriptovalūta Dogecoin [DOGE] un Shiba Inu, lai kļūtu par labāko mēmu monētu. Shiba Inu: proaktīva izaugsmes stratēģija Shiba Inu ir apņēmības pilns saglabāt savu pārsvaru. Šis marķieris ir piesaistījis 12 miljonus USD, pārdodot tokenu, lai izstrādātu Shibarium — uz privātumu vērstu blokķēdi. Tas pozicionē to kā "pasaules mēmu centru". Turklāt Shiba Inu ir izlaidusi Shiba AI [S.A.R.A.H.], kas izstrādāta, lai veicinātu sabiedrības iesaistīšanos un atbalstītu ekosistēmu projektus, koncentrējoties uz humoru un lietotāju drošību.
Mēmu monētas ir turpinājušas piesaistīt uzmanību. Pepe Coin [PEPE] nesen ir bijis uzmanības centrā, un kriptovalstu kopiena spekulē, ka tā varētu pārspēt Shiba Inu [SHIB] pēc tirgus vērtības līdz 2024. gadam. PEPE neticamā 1000% izaugsme šogad ir radījusi prognozes, ka tā varētu pārspēt gan OG. mēmu kriptovalūta Dogecoin [DOGE] un Shiba Inu, lai kļūtu par labāko mēmu monētu.
Shiba Inu: proaktīva izaugsmes stratēģija

Shiba Inu ir apņēmības pilns saglabāt savu pārsvaru. Šis marķieris ir piesaistījis 12 miljonus USD, pārdodot tokenu, lai izstrādātu Shibarium — uz privātumu vērstu blokķēdi. Tas pozicionē to kā "pasaules mēmu centru". Turklāt Shiba Inu ir izlaidusi Shiba AI [S.A.R.A.H.], kas izstrādāta, lai veicinātu sabiedrības iesaistīšanos un atbalstītu ekosistēmu projektus, koncentrējoties uz humoru un lietotāju drošību.
Skatīt oriģinālu
pasaulē lielākais decentralizētais AI skaitļošanas tīkls

pasaulē lielākais decentralizētais AI skaitļošanas tīkls
Skatīt oriģinālu
Memecoins kļūst uzmanības centrā nepastāvības apstākļos Pagājušajā nedēļā GME memecoin, kas darbojās uz Solana b

Memecoins kļūst uzmanības centrā nepastāvības apstākļos Pagājušajā nedēļā GME memecoin, kas darbojās uz Solana b

Skatīt oriģinālu
Memecoin analīze: Pepe, Bonk un GME cenu prognozes šai nedēļai Jūnijs ir sācis iespaidīgu mēmu monētu mītiņu, kurā vairākas populāras ir izraisījušas ievērojamu pircēju interesi, izraisot milzīgu cenu pieaugumu. Ievērojams notikums bija Kīta Gila, labāk pazīstama kā “Rūkošā Kitija”, atgriešanās, kas izraisīja GME memecoin cenu kāpumu. Turklāt pagājušajā nedēļā bija vērojamas būtiskas Pepe un Bonk monētu cenu svārstības, kas liecina par iespējamu turpmāku kāpumu nākamajā nedēļā. Memecoins kļūst uzmanības centrā nepastāvības apstākļos Pagājušajā nedēļā GME memecoin, kas darbojas Solana blokķēdē, piedzīvoja negaidītu pieaugumu. Šis pieaugums izraisīja kāpuma prognozes gan Pepe, gan Bonk cenām, liekot analītiķiem pārskatīt savas prognozes par meme monētu tirgu nākamajā nedēļā. Izsekojiet savam portfelim  Cenu analīze Memecoin analīze: Pepe, Bonk un GME cenu prognozes šai nedēļai Autors: Shayan Chowdhury Jūnijs ir sācis iespaidīgu mēmu monētu mītiņu, un vairākas populāras monētas izraisīja ievērojamu pircēju interesi, izraisot milzīgu cenu pieaugumu. Ievērojams notikums bija Kīta Gila, labāk pazīstama kā “Rūkošā Kitija”, atgriešanās, kas izraisīja GME memecoin cenu kāpumu. Turklāt pagājušajā nedēļā bija vērojamas būtiskas Pepe un Bonk monētu cenu svārstības, kas liecina par iespējamu turpmāku kāpumu nākamajā nedēļā. Memecoins kļūst uzmanības centrā nepastāvības apstākļos Pagājušajā nedēļā GME memecoin, kas darbojas Solana blokķēdē, piedzīvoja negaidītu pieaugumu. Šis pieaugums izraisīja kāpuma prognozes gan Pepe, gan Bonk cenām, liekot analītiķiem pārskatīt savas prognozes par meme monētu tirgu nākamajā nedēļā. Pepe cenu analīze Pepe cena pēdējās dienās piedzīvoja intensīvu nepastāvību, jo cena saskārās ar spēcīgu noraidījumu ap USD 0,000015 pretestības atzīmi. Tas noveda cenu pie zemākā līmeņa 0,0000116 USD. Tomēr pircēji aizstāvēja šo līmeni, un cena pašlaik svārstās ap USD 0,00001235, pēdējā laikā samazinoties par vairāk nekā 10%. 
Memecoin analīze: Pepe, Bonk un GME cenu prognozes šai nedēļai

Jūnijs ir sācis iespaidīgu mēmu monētu mītiņu, kurā vairākas populāras ir izraisījušas ievērojamu pircēju interesi, izraisot milzīgu cenu pieaugumu. Ievērojams notikums bija Kīta Gila, labāk pazīstama kā “Rūkošā Kitija”, atgriešanās, kas izraisīja GME memecoin cenu kāpumu. Turklāt pagājušajā nedēļā bija vērojamas būtiskas Pepe un Bonk monētu cenu svārstības, kas liecina par iespējamu turpmāku kāpumu nākamajā nedēļā.

Memecoins kļūst uzmanības centrā nepastāvības apstākļos

Pagājušajā nedēļā GME memecoin, kas darbojas Solana blokķēdē, piedzīvoja negaidītu pieaugumu. Šis pieaugums izraisīja kāpuma prognozes gan Pepe, gan Bonk cenām, liekot analītiķiem pārskatīt savas prognozes par meme monētu tirgu nākamajā nedēļā.

Izsekojiet savam portfelim 

Cenu analīze

Memecoin analīze: Pepe, Bonk un GME cenu prognozes šai nedēļai

Autors: Shayan Chowdhury

Jūnijs ir sācis iespaidīgu mēmu monētu mītiņu, un vairākas populāras monētas izraisīja ievērojamu pircēju interesi, izraisot milzīgu cenu pieaugumu. Ievērojams notikums bija Kīta Gila, labāk pazīstama kā “Rūkošā Kitija”, atgriešanās, kas izraisīja GME memecoin cenu kāpumu. Turklāt pagājušajā nedēļā bija vērojamas būtiskas Pepe un Bonk monētu cenu svārstības, kas liecina par iespējamu turpmāku kāpumu nākamajā nedēļā.

Memecoins kļūst uzmanības centrā nepastāvības apstākļos

Pagājušajā nedēļā GME memecoin, kas darbojas Solana blokķēdē, piedzīvoja negaidītu pieaugumu. Šis pieaugums izraisīja kāpuma prognozes gan Pepe, gan Bonk cenām, liekot analītiķiem pārskatīt savas prognozes par meme monētu tirgu nākamajā nedēļā.

Pepe cenu analīze

Pepe cena pēdējās dienās piedzīvoja intensīvu nepastāvību, jo cena saskārās ar spēcīgu noraidījumu ap USD 0,000015 pretestības atzīmi. Tas noveda cenu pie zemākā līmeņa 0,0000116 USD. Tomēr pircēji aizstāvēja šo līmeni, un cena pašlaik svārstās ap USD 0,00001235, pēdējā laikā samazinoties par vairāk nekā 10%. 
Skatīt oriģinālu
Lai Shiba Inu sasniegtu 25 centu atzīmi, ir nepieciešams spēcīgs un masīvs tirgus ierobežojums. SHIB tirgus vērtība šodien ir gandrīz 15 miljardi USD, un tai ir fenomenāli jāpalielina, lai pat apsvērtu iespēju sasniegt USD 0,25. Lai gan tirgus ierobežojums šķiet nereāls, to nav neiespējami sasniegt nākotnē. Lasiet arī: SHIB tirgotājs, kurš ieguva 120 miljonus, atsāk pirkt vairāk žetonu SHIBA INU 2 minūšu lasīšana Shiba Inu sasniegs 25 centus? Lūk, kad SHIB varētu sasniegt USD 0,25 Vinods Dsouza 2024. gada 7. jūnijs Shiba Inu šobrīd indeksos piektdien tirgojas ap USD 0,000025 atzīmi un pārsvarā virzās uz sāniem. Aptuveni 1,4 miljoni investoru pašlaik glabā SHIB savos makos un gaida ilgtermiņā, lai gūtu peļņu. Lielākā daļa investoru cer, ka SHIB sasniegs 1 centa atzīmi un nopelnīs miljoniem dolāru. Pārējie vēlas, lai žetons pārsniegtu 0,01 $ un sasniegtu jaunu pavērsienu, kas viņus var pārvērst par multimiljonāriem.

Lai Shiba Inu sasniegtu 25 centu atzīmi, ir nepieciešams spēcīgs un masīvs tirgus ierobežojums.

SHIB tirgus vērtība šodien ir gandrīz 15 miljardi USD, un tai ir fenomenāli jāpalielina, lai pat apsvērtu iespēju sasniegt USD 0,25. Lai gan tirgus ierobežojums šķiet nereāls, to nav neiespējami sasniegt nākotnē.

Lasiet arī: SHIB tirgotājs, kurš ieguva 120 miljonus, atsāk pirkt vairāk žetonu

2 minūšu lasīšana

Shiba Inu sasniegs 25 centus? Lūk, kad SHIB varētu sasniegt USD 0,25

Vinods Dsouza
2024. gada 7. jūnijs

Shiba Inu šobrīd indeksos piektdien tirgojas ap USD 0,000025 atzīmi un pārsvarā virzās uz sāniem. Aptuveni 1,4 miljoni investoru pašlaik glabā SHIB savos makos un gaida ilgtermiņā, lai gūtu peļņu. Lielākā daļa investoru cer, ka SHIB sasniegs 1 centa atzīmi un nopelnīs miljoniem dolāru. Pārējie vēlas, lai žetons pārsniegtu 0,01 $ un sasniegtu jaunu pavērsienu, kas viņus var pārvērst par multimiljonāriem.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Shiba Inu sasniegs 25 centus? Lūk, kad SHIB varētu sasniegt USD 0,25 Shiba Inu šobrīd indeksos piektdien tirgojas ap USD 0,000025 atzīmi un pārsvarā virzās uz sāniem. Aptuveni 1,4 miljoni investoru pašlaik glabā SHIB savos makos un gaida ilgtermiņā, lai gūtu peļņu. Lielākā daļa investoru cer, ka SHIB sasniegs 1 centa atzīmi un nopelnīs miljoniem dolāru. Pārējie vēlas, lai žetons pārsniegtu 0,01 $ un sasniegtu jaunu pavērsienu, kas viņus var pārvērst par multimiljonāriem. Lasiet arī: SHIB šajā nedēļas nogalē sasniegs 0,000031 $? Tiem, kas gaida, kad Shiba Inu sasniegs 25 centus, ceļš ir garš un grūti sasniegt 0,25 $ slieksni. Var paiet gadi vai pat gadu desmiti, vai var paiet mūžs, pirms tas sasniedz cenas atzīmi. Tomēr šajā rakstā mēs uzsvērsim, kas varētu likt Shiba Inu cenai sasniegt 0,25 ASV dolāru pagrieziena punktu. Lasiet arī: SHIB prognozē, ka tas sasniegs 0,05 $, Bitcoin Pundit prognozē, kad Lai Shiba Inu sasniegtu 25 centu atzīmi, ir nepieciešams spēcīgs un masīvs tirgus ierobežojums. SHIB tirgus vērtība šodien ir gandrīz 15 miljardi USD, un tai ir fenomenāli jāpalielina, lai pat apsvērtu iespēju sasniegt USD 0,25. Lai gan tirgus ierobežojums šķiet nereāls, to nav neiespējami sasniegt nākotnē. Lasiet arī: SHIB tirgotājs, kurš nopelnījis 120 miljonus ASV dolāru, atsāk pirkt vairāk žetonu
Shiba Inu sasniegs 25 centus? Lūk, kad SHIB varētu sasniegt USD 0,25

Shiba Inu šobrīd indeksos piektdien tirgojas ap USD 0,000025 atzīmi un pārsvarā virzās uz sāniem. Aptuveni 1,4 miljoni investoru pašlaik glabā SHIB savos makos un gaida ilgtermiņā, lai gūtu peļņu. Lielākā daļa investoru cer, ka SHIB sasniegs 1 centa atzīmi un nopelnīs miljoniem dolāru. Pārējie vēlas, lai žetons pārsniegtu 0,01 $ un sasniegtu jaunu pavērsienu, kas viņus var pārvērst par multimiljonāriem.

Lasiet arī: SHIB šajā nedēļas nogalē sasniegs 0,000031 $?

Tiem, kas gaida, kad Shiba Inu sasniegs 25 centus, ceļš ir garš un grūti sasniegt 0,25 $ slieksni. Var paiet gadi vai pat gadu desmiti, vai var paiet mūžs, pirms tas sasniedz cenas atzīmi. Tomēr šajā rakstā mēs uzsvērsim, kas varētu likt Shiba Inu cenai sasniegt 0,25 ASV dolāru pagrieziena punktu.

Lasiet arī: SHIB prognozē, ka tas sasniegs 0,05 $, Bitcoin Pundit prognozē, kad

Lai Shiba Inu sasniegtu 25 centu atzīmi, ir nepieciešams spēcīgs un masīvs tirgus ierobežojums. SHIB tirgus vērtība šodien ir gandrīz 15 miljardi USD, un tai ir fenomenāli jāpalielina, lai pat apsvērtu iespēju sasniegt USD 0,25. Lai gan tirgus ierobežojums šķiet nereāls, to nav neiespējami sasniegt nākotnē.

Lasiet arī: SHIB tirgotājs, kurš nopelnījis 120 miljonus ASV dolāru, atsāk pirkt vairāk žetonu
PEPE Price Dips After Days of Rally: Sell or HODLThe PEPE price rally ends with its 5% decline in recent despite the bullish sentiments. With the anticipation of recovery, PEPE might disappoint the investors this time. Pepe Coin boomed in May with new gains every other day, but the surge is on a halt now as the price has dropped in the last few days. Earlier in March, PEPE also exhibited very similar bullish behavior, but the rally ran short. However, that was not the case this time, as PEPE continued the surge for weeks, creating an all-time high record of $0.00001718. PEPE price is currently at $0.0000144 after a 5% drop in the last few days and has moved 16% away from the ATH. But is it the end now, or PEPE it will make an even bigger recovery next? Let us check that out. What do The Technical Indicators Say On PEPE Price? Despite the mixed signals from PEPE investors and price drops, the 24-hour trading volume is still high. Usually, the trading volume stays around the $800 Million mark, but now the same is at $1.48 Billion, confirming the increased interest in this meme coin. Also Read: 5 Meme Coins To Buy If You Want to Turn $10 into $100 This Week

PEPE Price Dips After Days of Rally: Sell or HODL

The PEPE price rally ends with its 5% decline in recent despite the bullish sentiments. With the anticipation of recovery, PEPE might disappoint the investors this time.
Pepe Coin boomed in May with new gains every other day, but the surge is on a halt now as the price has dropped in the last few days. Earlier in March, PEPE also exhibited very similar bullish behavior, but the rally ran short. However, that was not the case this time, as PEPE continued the surge for weeks, creating an all-time high record of $0.00001718. PEPE price is currently at $0.0000144 after a 5% drop in the last few days and has moved 16% away from the ATH.

But is it the end now, or PEPE it will make an even bigger recovery next? Let us check that out.

What do The Technical Indicators Say On PEPE Price?
Despite the mixed signals from PEPE investors and price drops, the 24-hour trading volume is still high. Usually, the trading volume stays around the $800 Million mark, but now the same is at $1.48 Billion, confirming the increased interest in this meme coin.

Also Read: 5 Meme Coins To Buy If You Want to Turn $10 into $100 This Week
Crypto trader turns $12,300 into $1.72 million in 4 days Another crypto trader has made waves in the cryptocurrency market with impressive results trading on the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. The trader made over $1.4 million in unrealized profits with the meme coin PEW on Ethereum (ETH). As developed, the address starting with ‘0x8EF73‘ bought 27.05 billion PEW with 3.2 ETH, worth $12,300. Lookonchain spotted and reported this crypto trader’s activity on May 31 in a post on X. Notably, ‘0x8EF73’ already sold 8.05 billion PEW for 83.5 ETH, worth $315,000—over $300,000 in realized profit. As of this writing, the monitored account holds 1 billion PEW worth $61,000.
Crypto trader turns $12,300 into $1.72 million in 4 days

Another crypto trader has made waves in the cryptocurrency market with impressive results trading on the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. The trader made over $1.4 million in unrealized profits with the meme coin PEW on Ethereum (ETH).

As developed, the address starting with ‘0x8EF73‘ bought 27.05 billion PEW with 3.2 ETH, worth $12,300. Lookonchain spotted and reported this crypto trader’s activity on May 31 in a post on X.

Notably, ‘0x8EF73’ already sold 8.05 billion PEW for 83.5 ETH, worth $315,000—over $300,000 in realized profit. As of this writing, the monitored account holds 1 billion PEW worth $61,000.
2 cryptocurrencies to reach $100 billion market cap in the second half of the yearBitcoin (BTC) has shown remarkable resilience recently, revisiting the $70,000 price zone, buoyed by macroeconomic indicators and a surge in market optimism. As we move into the second half of the year, a long-term bullish sentiment permeates the industry, with multiple digital assets showing potential for sustained buying pressure that could impact their market capitalization.  Notably, some assets are nearing the $100 billion market cap threshold and are poised for potential rallies. Finbold has identified two cryptocurrencies likely to surpass that mark in the latter half of the year. BNB Chain (BNB) BNB, the native token of Binance, is on track to reach a $100 billion market cap, driven by strategic expansions and innovations within the Binance ecosystem.  Initially an ERC-20 token, BNB transitioned to Binance Chain to enhance its utility, facilitating fee payments and enabling participation in new blockchain projects via Binance Launchpad. BNB market cap. Source: CoinMarketCap Trading at $597.44 with a market cap of $88.17 billion, BNB is 39.40% above its 200-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) of $427.54. This strong performance reflects growing investor confidence.  The integration of 35 new decentralized applications (dApps) into BNB’s Web3 Wallet has broadened its utility across gaming, finance, and trading sectors, enhancing user experience and increasing platform engagement. The upcoming closure of Beacon Chain will consolidate Binance’s networks, transferring all capabilities to Binance Smart Chain and potentially boosting BNB’s prominence. With continuous market growth and further platform expansions, BNB is on track to surpass the $100 billion mark by the end of the year.

2 cryptocurrencies to reach $100 billion market cap in the second half of the year

Bitcoin (BTC) has shown remarkable resilience recently, revisiting the $70,000 price zone, buoyed by macroeconomic indicators and a surge in market optimism.
As we move into the second half of the year, a long-term bullish sentiment permeates the industry, with multiple digital assets showing potential for sustained buying pressure that could impact their market capitalization. 
Notably, some assets are nearing the $100 billion market cap threshold and are poised for potential rallies. Finbold has identified two cryptocurrencies likely to surpass that mark in the latter half of the year.
BNB Chain (BNB)
BNB, the native token of Binance, is on track to reach a $100 billion market cap, driven by strategic expansions and innovations within the Binance ecosystem. 
Initially an ERC-20 token, BNB transitioned to Binance Chain to enhance its utility, facilitating fee payments and enabling participation in new blockchain projects via Binance Launchpad.

BNB market cap. Source: CoinMarketCap
Trading at $597.44 with a market cap of $88.17 billion, BNB is 39.40% above its 200-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) of $427.54. This strong performance reflects growing investor confidence. 
The integration of 35 new decentralized applications (dApps) into BNB’s Web3 Wallet has broadened its utility across gaming, finance, and trading sectors, enhancing user experience and increasing platform engagement.
The upcoming closure of Beacon Chain will consolidate Binance’s networks, transferring all capabilities to Binance Smart Chain and potentially boosting BNB’s prominence.
With continuous market growth and further platform expansions, BNB is on track to surpass the $100 billion mark by the end of the year.
Best Meme Coins of 2024: Which Meme Coin Will Skyrocket in 2024? Featuring ButtChain, Pepe Coin, Bonk, Degen, and Catwifhat As meme coins gain traction, investors and enthusiasts alike are keen to discover the next big meme coin that could skyrocket. Meme coins have evolved beyond mere internet jokes, often integrating unique features that appeal to a wide audience. In 2024, several meme coins stand out due to their innovative approaches and strong community support. In this article, we delve into the specifics of ButtChain, Pepe Coin, Bonk, Degen, and Catwifhat, evaluating the attributes that have led to their being hailed as among the best meme coins of 2024. Our analysis is backed by thorough research, providing insights into what makes these projects noteworthy in the ever-evolving crypto landscape. Best Meme Coins of 2024: A Quick List ButtChain combines humor and technology to innovate as the first Auto Liquidity meme coin on Polygon. Pepe Coin is a popular meme coin inspired by Pepe the Frog. Bonk leverages Solana’s fast transactions and strong community engagement. Degen integrates deeply into the Farcaster ecosystem with significant market activity. Catwifhat features a playful theme with robust security on the Solana blockchain.
Best Meme Coins of 2024: Which Meme Coin Will Skyrocket in 2024? Featuring ButtChain, Pepe Coin, Bonk, Degen, and Catwifhat

As meme coins gain traction, investors and enthusiasts alike are keen to discover the next big meme coin that could skyrocket. Meme coins have evolved beyond mere internet jokes, often integrating unique features that appeal to a wide audience. In 2024, several meme coins stand out due to their innovative approaches and strong community support.

In this article, we delve into the specifics of ButtChain, Pepe Coin, Bonk, Degen, and Catwifhat, evaluating the attributes that have led to their being hailed as among the best meme coins of 2024. Our analysis is backed by thorough research, providing insights into what makes these projects noteworthy in the ever-evolving crypto landscape.

Best Meme Coins of 2024: A Quick List

ButtChain combines humor and technology to innovate as the first Auto Liquidity meme coin on Polygon.
Pepe Coin is a popular meme coin inspired by Pepe the Frog.
Bonk leverages Solana’s fast transactions and strong community engagement.
Degen integrates deeply into the Farcaster ecosystem with significant market activity.
Catwifhat features a playful theme with robust security on the Solana blockchain.
Binance trading volumes hit yearly high at $1.12T in March Binance spot trading volumes hit a yearly high in March as Bitcoin and Ethereum rose to new highs. Spot trading volume on the Binance exchange hit its highest level since May 2021 afte seven consecutive months of ascent, according to a new report from CCData. According to an April 5 report by cryptocurrency analytics platform CCData, Binance’s spot trading volume increased by 121% to $1.12 trillion in March The report said the combined market share of the exchange also increased by 1.04% to 44.1% in March. Source: CCData CCData highlights Binance’s recovery after settling its case with the United States Department of Justice and paying a $4.3 billion settlement fine. This is evidenced in its derivatives trading volumes, which have risen by 89.7% to $2.91 trillion, also achieving their highest levels since May 2021. CCData analysts also noted that Binance made the largest gain in spot markets, increasing its market dominance by 2.3% compared with February. The exchange also saw the biggest gains year-to-date, now accounting for 38.0% of the spot trading volumes on centralized exchanges (CEXs). Change in market share on selected exchanges year-to-date. Source: CCData In January, analytics firm Kaiko reported that Binance experienced an increase in trading volume, with its market share climbing 50% within just two months of its settlement with the United States Department of .
Binance trading volumes hit yearly high at $1.12T in March

Binance spot trading volumes hit a yearly high in March as Bitcoin and Ethereum rose to new highs.

Spot trading volume on the Binance exchange hit its highest level since May 2021 afte seven consecutive months of ascent, according to a new report from CCData.

According to an April 5 report by cryptocurrency analytics platform CCData, Binance’s spot trading volume increased by 121% to $1.12 trillion in March

The report said the combined market share of the exchange also increased by 1.04% to 44.1% in March.

Source: CCData

CCData highlights Binance’s recovery after settling its case with the United States Department of Justice and paying a $4.3 billion settlement fine. This is evidenced in its derivatives trading volumes, which have risen by 89.7% to $2.91 trillion, also achieving their highest levels since May 2021.

CCData analysts also noted that Binance made the largest gain in spot markets, increasing its market dominance by 2.3% compared with February. The exchange also saw the biggest gains year-to-date, now accounting for 38.0% of the spot trading volumes on centralized exchanges (CEXs).

Change in market share on selected exchanges year-to-date. Source: CCData

In January, analytics firm Kaiko reported that Binance experienced an increase in trading volume, with its market share climbing 50% within just two months of its settlement with the United States Department of .
Ripple, Developer Behind XRP Ledger, Enters Stablecoin Fray vs. Tether, USDCThe token will be "100% backed by U.S. dollar deposits, short-term U.S. government Treasuries and other cash equivalents," according to the company. By Sam Kessler Crypto PricesCoinDesk 20 Index TV & VideosNewslettersPodcastsConsensus MagazineLearnBitcoin CalculatorConsensusWebinarsIndicesAbout MarketsFinanceTechnologyProtocol VillagePolicyCoinDesk Studios Thought LeadershipSponsored ResearchPress ReleaseAdvertise Language Upcoming Events The Consensus Agenda is Out Now! Bitcoin $68,030.58+1.68% Ethereum $3,345.32+2.30% Binance Coin $585.64+1.72% Solana $177.96+3.80% XRP $0.59159119+2.36% Dogecoin $0.18584537+7.87% Cardano $0.58464299+2.45% Toncoin $5.44+4.63% Avalanche $47.61+6.10% Shiba Inu $0.00002746+3.49% Bitcoin Cash $709.35+2.96% Polkadot $8.49+3.16% Crypto PricesCoinDesk 20 Index Technology Ripple, Developer Behind XRP Ledger, Enters Stablecoin Fray vs. Tether, USDC The token will be "100% backed by U.S. dollar deposits, short-term U.S. government Treasuries and other cash equivalents," according to the company. By Sam Kessler Apr 4, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. Updated Apr 4, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. 10 Years of Decentralizing the Future May 29-31, 2024 - Austin, TexasThe biggest and most established global hub for everything crypto, blockchain and Web3.Register Now Ripple, the enterprise-focused blockchain service and creator of the XRP Ledger, is introducing its own stablecoin pegged to the price of the U.S. dollar. "The stablecoin market is over $150 billion today and is forecasted to exceed $2.8 trillion by 2028," Ripple said in a statement shared with CoinDesk. "There’s clear demand for stablecoins that deliver trust, stability and utility." The company said the token, which it plans to release "later this year," will be "100% backed by U.S. dollar deposits, short-term U.S. government Treasuries and other cash equivalents." The stablecoin will be deployed onto Ripple's institution-focused XRP Ledger along with the Ethereum blockchain to start out, and it will be based on Ethereum's ERC-20 token standard.

Ripple, Developer Behind XRP Ledger, Enters Stablecoin Fray vs. Tether, USDC

The token will be "100% backed by U.S. dollar deposits, short-term U.S. government Treasuries and other cash equivalents," according to the company.
By Sam Kessler

Crypto PricesCoinDesk 20 Index

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Crypto PricesCoinDesk 20 Index
Ripple, Developer Behind XRP Ledger, Enters Stablecoin Fray vs. Tether, USDC
The token will be "100% backed by U.S. dollar deposits, short-term U.S. government Treasuries and other cash equivalents," according to the company.
By Sam Kessler
Apr 4, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.
Updated Apr 4, 2024 at 2:30 p.m.

10 Years of Decentralizing the Future
May 29-31, 2024 - Austin, TexasThe biggest and most established global hub for everything crypto, blockchain and Web3.Register Now
Ripple, the enterprise-focused blockchain service and creator of the XRP Ledger, is introducing its own stablecoin pegged to the price of the U.S. dollar.
"The stablecoin market is over $150 billion today and is forecasted to exceed $2.8 trillion by 2028," Ripple said in a statement shared with CoinDesk. "There’s clear demand for stablecoins that deliver trust, stability and utility."
The company said the token, which it plans to release "later this year," will be "100% backed by U.S. dollar deposits, short-term U.S. government Treasuries and other cash equivalents." The stablecoin will be deployed onto Ripple's institution-focused XRP Ledger along with the Ethereum blockchain to start out, and it will be based on Ethereum's ERC-20 token standard.
Fantom Supply On Exchanges See Drastic Increase, A Cause For Alarm? The Fantom (FTM) supply on exchanges has been rising in recent times, leading to speculations for what this might mean for the price of the cryptocurrency. Going by trends in the crypto market of when the exchange balances of a particular coin goes up, there might be some pain ahead for FTM investors. Fantom Supply On Exchanges Rise By 16 Million The Fantom price had increased over the last month to reach a new three-year high above $1.2. However, this rally was only short-lived and the altcoin has begun to eliminate its gains from the month of March gradually in the past week. Related Reading: Shiba Inu To Rally 100% To $0.000062? Analyst Reveals Why This Is Possible One culprit for this decline in price is the high level of selling that have been taken place among FTM holders, majority of which have been holding their coins for a rather long time. As a result, the available supply of Fantom on centralized exchanges continued to balloon as investors rush to sell off their tokens and capitalize on gains. Data from the on-chain tracking website Santiment shows that in the last week of March, there was a considerable number of FTM flowing into centralized exchanges. This saw their available balance go from around 654 million to over 670 million in the space of a week, with over 16 million flowing into exchanges. This inflow trend coincides with the drop in the Fantom price from above $1.1 to $0.84, suggesting that it is indeed the selling pressure from these FTM investors that is responsible for the price decline. Given this, there would have to be a reversal in this selling trend is the FTM price is to recover from here. Bullishness On FTM Not Dead The inflow of millions of FTM into centralized exchanges is bearish, but this could only last for the short term. As a rule of crypto, eventually, these sellers will run out of coins to sell, leaving room for demand to catch up with the available supply. At this point, the FTM price will begin to see a reversal in the trend.
Fantom Supply On Exchanges See Drastic Increase, A Cause For Alarm?

The Fantom (FTM) supply on exchanges has been rising in recent times, leading to speculations for what this might mean for the price of the cryptocurrency. Going by trends in the crypto market of when the exchange balances of a particular coin goes up, there might be some pain ahead for FTM investors.

Fantom Supply On Exchanges Rise By 16 Million

The Fantom price had increased over the last month to reach a new three-year high above $1.2. However, this rally was only short-lived and the altcoin has begun to eliminate its gains from the month of March gradually in the past week.

Related Reading: Shiba Inu To Rally 100% To $0.000062? Analyst Reveals Why This Is Possible

One culprit for this decline in price is the high level of selling that have been taken place among FTM holders, majority of which have been holding their coins for a rather long time. As a result, the available supply of Fantom on centralized exchanges continued to balloon as investors rush to sell off their tokens and capitalize on gains.

Data from the on-chain tracking website Santiment shows that in the last week of March, there was a considerable number of FTM flowing into centralized exchanges. This saw their available balance go from around 654 million to over 670 million in the space of a week, with over 16 million flowing into exchanges.

This inflow trend coincides with the drop in the Fantom price from above $1.1 to $0.84, suggesting that it is indeed the selling pressure from these FTM investors that is responsible for the price decline. Given this, there would have to be a reversal in this selling trend is the FTM price is to recover from here.

Bullishness On FTM Not Dead

The inflow of millions of FTM into centralized exchanges is bearish, but this could only last for the short term. As a rule of crypto, eventually, these sellers will run out of coins to sell, leaving room for demand to catch up with the available supply. At this point, the FTM price will begin to see a reversal in the trend.
XRP price-to-sales ratio double that of Nvidia The price-to-sales ratio is used to assess the potential of an investment, with lower ratios signaling more attractive opportunities. The XRP token’s price-to-sales ratio is nearly double that of Nvidia, one of the most traded stocks on the market.  The XRP  XRP  $0.63  token has a price-to-sale ratio of 61.689, while Nvidia has a price-to-sales ratio of 37. This ratio is calculated by dividing a company’s market capitalization by the company’s revenue or total sales over the past 12 months. The lower the ratio, the more attractive the investment. Ripple’s XRP ledger generated over $583,000 worth of network fees in 2023, according to Messari. In comparison, Nvidia generated $26.97 billion in revenue during 2023, according to its 2023 fiscal report. The XRP token rose 0.15% in the 24 hours up to 10:30 am UTC, to $0.6205, with a $34 billion market capitalization, according to CoinMarketCap data. Nvidia shares were down 0.49% in pre-market trading to $898.25, according to Yahoo Finance data. Nvidia is the world’s largest semiconductor chip manufacturer and the third-largest company in the world, with a market capitalization of $2.25 trillion.
XRP price-to-sales ratio double that of Nvidia

The price-to-sales ratio is used to assess the potential of an investment, with lower ratios signaling more attractive opportunities.

The XRP token’s price-to-sales ratio is nearly double that of Nvidia, one of the most traded stocks on the market. 

The XRP 



 token has a price-to-sale ratio of 61.689, while Nvidia has a price-to-sales ratio of 37. This ratio is calculated by dividing a company’s market capitalization by the company’s revenue or total sales over the past 12 months. The lower the ratio, the more attractive the investment.

Ripple’s XRP ledger generated over $583,000 worth of network fees in 2023, according to Messari. In comparison, Nvidia generated $26.97 billion in revenue during 2023, according to its 2023 fiscal report.

The XRP token rose 0.15% in the 24 hours up to 10:30 am UTC, to $0.6205, with a $34 billion market capitalization, according to CoinMarketCap data.

Nvidia shares were down 0.49% in pre-market trading to $898.25, according to Yahoo Finance data.

Nvidia is the world’s largest semiconductor chip manufacturer and the third-largest company in the world, with a market capitalization of $2.25 trillion.
TOKENFI TOKEN LAUNCHER IS LIVE ON MAINNET IT’S OFFICIAL! TokenFi Token Launcher is live on the mainnet of five top EVM blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Chain, Base, Arbitrum, and opBNB. With TokenFi Token Launcher, ANYONE can create a fungible crypto token (ERC-20), NFT (ERC-721), or Multi-Token (ERC-1155) in just a few clicks, regardless of their crypto experience. The TokenFi platform and framework has been thoroughly audited and is being monitored in real-time by industry-leading blockchain security auditor Certik. This means that the tokens you create with TokenFi are safe and audited. TokenFi Token Launcher is powered by $TOKEN as its main utility token, and every successful transaction on the Ethereum and BNB blockchains buys and burns $TOKEN, enhancing its utility and making it perpetually deflationary as adoption of the platform grows. TokenFi Token Launcher aims to be the dominant token creation platform on EVM blockchains, and to this effect, we will be rolling out the platform on dozens of additional EVM blockchains in the coming weeks and months. TokenFi Token Launcher aims to be the dominant token creation platform on EVM blockchains, and to this effect, we will be rolling out the platform on dozens of additional EVM blockchains in the coming weeks and months. You can learn more about TokenFi Token Launcher here:


TokenFi Token Launcher is live on the mainnet of five top EVM blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Chain, Base, Arbitrum, and opBNB.

With TokenFi Token Launcher, ANYONE can create a fungible crypto token (ERC-20), NFT (ERC-721), or Multi-Token (ERC-1155) in just a few clicks, regardless of their crypto experience.

The TokenFi platform and framework has been thoroughly audited and is being monitored in real-time by industry-leading blockchain security auditor Certik. This means that the tokens you create with TokenFi are safe and audited.
TokenFi Token Launcher is powered by $TOKEN as its main utility token, and every successful transaction on the Ethereum and BNB blockchains buys and burns $TOKEN, enhancing its utility and making it perpetually deflationary as adoption of the platform grows.

TokenFi Token Launcher aims to be the dominant token creation platform on EVM blockchains, and to this effect, we will be rolling out the platform on dozens of additional EVM blockchains in the coming weeks and months.
TokenFi Token Launcher aims to be the dominant token creation platform on EVM blockchains, and to this effect, we will be rolling out the platform on dozens of additional EVM blockchains in the coming weeks and months.

You can learn more about TokenFi Token Launcher here:
Bitcoin Is Back Above $71,000. What Developments Are Worth Paying Attention To? Bitcoin retook $71,000 Monday for the first time in about 10 days, crypto-linked stocks including Coinbase and MicroStrategy also spiked Monday, gaining 9% and 22%, respectively. Behind Bitcoin's back above $71,000, which developments should we keep an eye on? Crypto funds mark biggest outflows on record last week Global crypto funds took a sharp downturn last week as investors pulled out $942 million - the most on record, according to CoinShares. This broke what had been a record seven-week string of inflows of $12.3 billion. Last week's outflow came alongside downside volatility in the price of bitcoin, which tumbled below $61,000 from $73,000 just days earlier. “We believe the recent price correction led to hesitancy from investors, leading to much lower inflows into new ETF issuers in the US, which saw $1.1 billion inflows, partially offsetting incumbent Grayscale’s significant $2 billion outflows last week,” James Butterfill, head of research at CoinShares, wrote in the report. Bitcoin erupts higher in epic futures short squeeze According to ZeroHedge, the latest week saw the largest Bitcoin CME non-commercial futures shorting/selling since last October. addition, Goldman's Futures desk observed record after record in bitcoin futures: indeed, as prices hit a record high above $73k, total open interest did as well this week above 33k contracts outstanding or nearly $12bn, as "the total number of organizations holding the contract is at a near-record also." Moreover, Goldman noted that institutional net long and hedge fund net short lengths are at record levels, and the concentration of longs – the percentage of total open interest held by the top 4 net long traders at nearly 60% – is well above average levels.
Bitcoin Is Back Above $71,000. What Developments Are Worth Paying Attention To?

Bitcoin retook $71,000 Monday for the first time in about 10 days, crypto-linked stocks including Coinbase and MicroStrategy also spiked Monday, gaining 9% and 22%, respectively.

Behind Bitcoin's back above $71,000, which developments should we keep an eye on?

Crypto funds mark biggest outflows on record last week

Global crypto funds took a sharp downturn last week as investors pulled out $942 million - the most on record, according to CoinShares. This broke what had been a record seven-week string of inflows of $12.3 billion.

Last week's outflow came alongside downside volatility in the price of bitcoin, which tumbled below $61,000 from $73,000 just days earlier.

“We believe the recent price correction led to hesitancy from investors, leading to much lower inflows into new ETF issuers in the US, which saw $1.1 billion inflows, partially offsetting incumbent Grayscale’s significant $2 billion outflows last week,” James Butterfill, head of research at CoinShares, wrote in the report.

Bitcoin erupts higher in epic futures short squeeze

According to ZeroHedge, the latest week saw the largest Bitcoin CME non-commercial futures shorting/selling since last October.

addition, Goldman's Futures desk observed record after record in bitcoin futures: indeed, as prices hit a record high above $73k, total open interest did as well this week above 33k contracts outstanding or nearly $12bn, as "the total number of organizations holding the contract is at a near-record also."

Moreover, Goldman noted that institutional net long and hedge fund net short lengths are at record levels, and the concentration of longs – the percentage of total open interest held by the top 4 net long traders at nearly 60% – is well above average levels.
$55.26 MILLION+ IN $FLOKI BURNED SO FAR IN MARCH THROUGH STRONG UTILITY DEMAND A total of 214,774,104,953 $FLOKI tokens, worth $55,261,377.2 at the time of writing, have been burned so far in March. That's more burns than $DOGE, $SHIB, $PEPE, $WIF, $BONK and other top #memecoins combined! These burns are happening through a combination of Floki's utility products and a DAO-approved burn. We expect these burns to ACCELERATE with the launch of more #Floki products later this year and as strong momentum for Floki continues. These utility-driven burns automatically remove $FLOKI from circulation as demand and use of Floki products increase, and they will continue well into the future as adoption of Floki products increases. Specifically, these burns are driven by two key Floki products: 1. The Floki Staking program, which has a 5 - 20% early unstake penalty fee in the form of $FLOKI, which is burnt whenever a Floki staker unstake earlier than the due date. 2. The FlokiFi Locker DeFi protocol, which buys/burns $FLOKI whenever it is used on the ETH and BNB chains. In addition, we have several exciting products coming later this year, such as the "Floki Trading Bot," which will aggressively accelerate $FLOKI burns. We've also kickstarted aggressive marketing campaigns to help accelerate the adoption of Floki products and introduce Floki to billions of new users as we work towards our goal of becoming the world's most known and most used cryptocurrency.

A total of 214,774,104,953 $FLOKI tokens, worth $55,261,377.2 at the time of writing, have been burned so far in March.

That's more burns than $DOGE, $SHIB, $PEPE, $WIF, $BONK and other top #memecoins combined!

These burns are happening through a combination of Floki's utility products and a DAO-approved burn.

We expect these burns to ACCELERATE with the launch of more #Floki products later this year and as strong momentum for Floki continues.

These utility-driven burns automatically remove $FLOKI from circulation as demand and use of Floki products increase, and they will continue well into the future as adoption of Floki products increases.

Specifically, these burns are driven by two key Floki products:

1. The Floki Staking program, which has a 5 - 20% early unstake penalty fee in the form of $FLOKI , which is burnt whenever a Floki staker unstake earlier than the due date.

2. The FlokiFi Locker DeFi protocol, which buys/burns $FLOKI whenever it is used on the ETH and BNB chains.

In addition, we have several exciting products coming later this year, such as the "Floki Trading Bot," which will aggressively accelerate $FLOKI burns.

We've also kickstarted aggressive marketing campaigns to help accelerate the adoption of Floki products and introduce Floki to billions of new users as we work towards our goal of becoming the world's most known and most used cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin Falls Below $65,000; Ondo, Solana Among Top Losers Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) moved lower, with the cryptocurrency prices falling below the key $65,000 level on Friday. Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH) also recorded losses, trading below the key $3,500 mark this morning. Fantom (CRYPTO: FTM) was the top gainer over the prior 24 hours, while Ondo (CRYPTO: ONDO) turned out to be the biggest loser. At the time of writing, the global crypto market cap fell to $2.46 trillion, recording a 24-hour decline of 3.3%. BTC was trading lower by 4% at $64,523 while ETH fell by around 3.5% to $3,417 on Friday. Here are the top ten crypto gainers and losers over the past 24 hours: Gainers Fantom (CRYPTO: FTM) Price: $1.19 24-hour gain: 13% Internet Computer (CRYPTO: ICP) Price: $13.33 24-hour gain: 7.2% Aptos (CRYPTO: APT) Price: $15.99 24-hour gain: 5.9% Ronin (CRYPTO: RON) Price: $4.03 24-hour gain: 5.4% Kaspa (CRYPTO: KAS) Price: $0.1536 24-hour gain: 4.7% Losers Ondo (CRYPTO: ONDO) Price: $0.7165 24-hour drop: 10.2% Solana (CRYPTO: SOL) Price: $172.88 24-hour drop: 9.1% Bittensor (CRYPTO: TAO) Price: $585.43 24-hour drop: 9.1% Jupiter (CRYPTO: JUP) Price: $1.19 24-hour drop: 8.7% Pepe (CRYPTO: PEPE) Price: $0.000007534 24-hour drop: 8.5%
Bitcoin Falls Below $65,000; Ondo, Solana Among Top Losers

Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) moved lower, with the cryptocurrency prices falling below the key $65,000 level on Friday.

Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH) also recorded losses, trading below the key $3,500 mark this morning.

Fantom (CRYPTO: FTM) was the top gainer over the prior 24 hours, while Ondo (CRYPTO: ONDO) turned out to be the biggest loser.

At the time of writing, the global crypto market cap fell to $2.46 trillion, recording a 24-hour decline of 3.3%. BTC was trading lower by 4% at $64,523 while ETH fell by around 3.5% to $3,417 on Friday.

Here are the top ten crypto gainers and losers over the past 24 hours:


Fantom (CRYPTO: FTM)
Price: $1.19
24-hour gain: 13%

Internet Computer (CRYPTO: ICP)
Price: $13.33
24-hour gain: 7.2%

Price: $15.99
24-hour gain: 5.9%

Price: $4.03
24-hour gain: 5.4%

Price: $0.1536
24-hour gain: 4.7%


Price: $0.7165
24-hour drop: 10.2%

Solana (CRYPTO: SOL)
Price: $172.88
24-hour drop: 9.1%

Bittensor (CRYPTO: TAO)
Price: $585.43
24-hour drop: 9.1%

Jupiter (CRYPTO: JUP)
Price: $1.19
24-hour drop: 8.7%

Price: $0.000007534
24-hour drop: 8.5%
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