Binance Square
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Bitcoin uz īsu brīdi pieauga līdz USD 138 000 vietnē Binance US zemas likviditātes apstākļos.
Bitcoin uz īsu brīdi pieauga līdz USD 138 000 vietnē Binance US zemas likviditātes apstākļos.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Aktīvu iesaldēšana, lai apturētu Binance ASV operācijas, birža apgalvo, ka vēlas noraidīt SEC pieprasījumu Kriptofondu birža Binance US ir mudinājusi federālo tiesnesi noraidīt ASV vērtspapīru regulatora lūgumu iesaldēt tās aktīvus. Uzņēmums nespēs uzturēt tirdzniecības platformu vai maksāt darbiniekiem un pārdevējiem, tiesas iesniegumā sacīja aizstāvji. "Nav vajadzīgs drakoniskais atvieglojums, ko meklē SEC," saka Binance ASV juristi Binance US, lielākās kriptovalūtu biržas Binance meitasuzņēmums Amerikā, lūdzis federālajam tiesnesim noraidīt ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas (SEC) lūgumu iesaldēt tās pārvaldībā esošos aktīvus miljardiem dolāru.

Aktīvu iesaldēšana, lai apturētu Binance ASV operācijas, birža apgalvo, ka vēlas noraidīt SEC pieprasījumu

Kriptofondu birža Binance US ir mudinājusi federālo tiesnesi noraidīt ASV vērtspapīru regulatora lūgumu iesaldēt tās aktīvus. Uzņēmums nespēs uzturēt tirdzniecības platformu vai maksāt darbiniekiem un pārdevējiem, tiesas iesniegumā sacīja aizstāvji.

"Nav vajadzīgs drakoniskais atvieglojums, ko meklē SEC," saka Binance ASV juristi

Binance US, lielākās kriptovalūtu biržas Binance meitasuzņēmums Amerikā, lūdzis federālajam tiesnesim noraidīt ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas (SEC) lūgumu iesaldēt tās pārvaldībā esošos aktīvus miljardiem dolāru.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin, Ethereum tehniskā analīze: BTC noslīd zem 26 000 USD, jo tirgotāji analizē SEC kriptogrāfijas plaisuLai sāktu nedēļas nogali, Bitcoin pazeminājās zem 26 000 USD līmeņa, jo lāču spiediens pastiprinājās pēc nedēļas turbulences. Tirgū noskaņojums atkal mainījās, jo tirgotāji likvidēja savas pozīcijas ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas (SEC) represijās pret kriptovalūtām. ETH nokritās zem 1800 USD. Bitcoin Bitcoin (BTC) nedēļas nogalē sāka tirdzniecību zem 26 000 USD, jo tirgotāji turpināja reaģēt uz SEC kriptovalūtu apkarošanas sekām. Jaunākais domino, kas krita, bija Robinhood, kurš no savas platformas noņēma vairākus altkoīnus, tostarp solanu un kardano.

Bitcoin, Ethereum tehniskā analīze: BTC noslīd zem 26 000 USD, jo tirgotāji analizē SEC kriptogrāfijas plaisu

Lai sāktu nedēļas nogali, Bitcoin pazeminājās zem 26 000 USD līmeņa, jo lāču spiediens pastiprinājās pēc nedēļas turbulences. Tirgū noskaņojums atkal mainījās, jo tirgotāji likvidēja savas pozīcijas ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas (SEC) represijās pret kriptovalūtām. ETH nokritās zem 1800 USD.


Bitcoin (BTC) nedēļas nogalē sāka tirdzniecību zem 26 000 USD, jo tirgotāji turpināja reaģēt uz SEC kriptovalūtu apkarošanas sekām.

Jaunākais domino, kas krita, bija Robinhood, kurš no savas platformas noņēma vairākus altkoīnus, tostarp solanu un kardano.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vācijas bankas lēnām ievieš kriptovalūtu, galvenokārt institucionālajiem investoriem Vācijas bankas joprojām šaubās par kriptovalūtu, taču pieaug bažas par iespējamu spēli mainošas attīstības palaišanu. Ilgu laiku Vācijas bankas lielā mērā atstāja novārtā kriptovalūtu nozari, uzskatot to par pārāk spekulatīvu, pārāk riskantu un pārāk neregulētu. Ārvalstu institūcijas, neobokeri un kriptovalūtu fintech uzņēmumi, piemēram, Bitwala, Trade Republic, Bison App un Bitpanda, galvenokārt bija atbildīgi par tādu pakalpojumu sniegšanu kā tirdzniecība un glabāšana, uzņēmuma konta pārvaldība, marķieru piešķiršana, karšu izsniegšana un bankomāti.

Vācijas bankas lēnām ievieš kriptovalūtu, galvenokārt institucionālajiem investoriem

Vācijas bankas joprojām šaubās par kriptovalūtu, taču pieaug bažas par iespējamu spēli mainošas attīstības palaišanu.

Ilgu laiku Vācijas bankas lielā mērā atstāja novārtā kriptovalūtu nozari, uzskatot to par pārāk spekulatīvu, pārāk riskantu un pārāk neregulētu.

Ārvalstu institūcijas, neobokeri un kriptovalūtu fintech uzņēmumi, piemēram, Bitwala, Trade Republic, Bison App un Bitpanda, galvenokārt bija atbildīgi par tādu pakalpojumu sniegšanu kā tirdzniecība un glabāšana, uzņēmuma konta pārvaldība, marķieru piešķiršana, karšu izsniegšana un bankomāti.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance US aptur USD noguldījumus, izņemšanu — lūdz lietotājus izņemt dolārus līdz 13. jūnijam Binance US ir informējusi savus lietotājus, ka ASV dolāru noguldījumi ir apturēti un USD izņemšana vairs netiks apstrādāta. Kriptofondu birža ir lūgusi klientus izņemt dolārus līdz 13. jūnijam, kad tā pāriet uz tikai kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības platformu. Šis solis notika pēc ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas (SEC) tiesas prāvas pret kriptovalūtu biržu un vairākām citām Binance vienībām. Binance US aptur dolāru noguldījumus, izņemšanu Uzņēmums Binance US ceturtdien nāca klajā ar paziņojumu par ASV dolāru noguldījumu un izņemšanas apturēšanu pēc ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas (SEC) "agresīvas" izpildes darbības.

Binance US aptur USD noguldījumus, izņemšanu — lūdz lietotājus izņemt dolārus līdz 13. jūnijam

Binance US ir informējusi savus lietotājus, ka ASV dolāru noguldījumi ir apturēti un USD izņemšana vairs netiks apstrādāta. Kriptofondu birža ir lūgusi klientus izņemt dolārus līdz 13. jūnijam, kad tā pāriet uz tikai kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības platformu. Šis solis notika pēc ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas (SEC) tiesas prāvas pret kriptovalūtu biržu un vairākām citām Binance vienībām.

Binance US aptur dolāru noguldījumus, izņemšanu

Uzņēmums Binance US ceturtdien nāca klajā ar paziņojumu par ASV dolāru noguldījumu un izņemšanas apturēšanu pēc ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas (SEC) "agresīvas" izpildes darbības.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin, Ethereum tehniskā analīze: BTC paceļas augstāk, tirgotājiem gatavojoties nākamās nedēļas Fed sanāksmei.Piektdien Bitcoin nedaudz palielinājās, jo tirgotāji sāka pievērst uzmanību nākamās nedēļas Fed sanāksmei. Daudzi sagaida, ka Federālo rezervju sistēma pirmo reizi vairāk nekā gada laikā nemainīs likmes. Ethereum paliek virs grīdas par 1830 USD. Bitcoin Bitcoin diagramma, izmantojot TradingView Bitcoin (BTC) piektdienas sesijas laikā nedaudz palielinājās, jo tirgotāju uzmanības centrā ir nākamās nedēļas Fed likmes lēmums. Pēc ceturtdienas zemākā līmeņa USD 26 339,32, BTC/USD šodien uzlēca līdz dienas maksimumam USD 26 797,51.

Bitcoin, Ethereum tehniskā analīze: BTC paceļas augstāk, tirgotājiem gatavojoties nākamās nedēļas Fed sanāksmei.

Piektdien Bitcoin nedaudz palielinājās, jo tirgotāji sāka pievērst uzmanību nākamās nedēļas Fed sanāksmei. Daudzi sagaida, ka Federālo rezervju sistēma pirmo reizi vairāk nekā gada laikā nemainīs likmes. Ethereum paliek virs grīdas par 1830 USD.


Bitcoin diagramma, izmantojot TradingView

Bitcoin (BTC) piektdienas sesijas laikā nedaudz palielinājās, jo tirgotāju uzmanības centrā ir nākamās nedēļas Fed likmes lēmums.

Pēc ceturtdienas zemākā līmeņa USD 26 339,32, BTC/USD šodien uzlēca līdz dienas maksimumam USD 26 797,51.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin Picas diena; 5 intriģējoši fakti par pasaulē neaizmirstamāko Bitcoin apmaiņu. Apmēram pirms 12 gadiem programmētājam Laszlo Hanyecz no Floridas bija vēlēšanās pēc picas. Viņš nolēma iegādāties divas picas, izmantojot Bitcoin, padarot to par pirmo reģistrēto kriptovalūtas izmantošanu reālajā pasaulē. 2010. gada 18. maijā Hanyecz ievietoja forumā, paužot nodomu iegādāties divas lielas picas ar Bitcoin. Viņš piedāvāja 10 000 Bitcoin ikvienam, kurš varēja izpildīt pasūtījumu un piegādāt to viņam. Vēlāk tajā pašā dienā lietotājs ar nosaukumu "ender x" atbildēja uz foruma ziņu, komentējot, ka 10 000 Bitcoin šķita ievērojama summa tikai divām picām, un novēlēja Hanječam veiksmi "bezmaksas picas" meklējumos. Pēc piecām dienām, 2010. gada 22. maijā, pulksten 19:17 Hanječs kopīgoja savu nopirkto picu attēlu kopā ar ziņojumu, kurā teikts: "Es tikai gribēju paziņot, ka apmainīju 10 000 bitkoinus pret picu."

Bitcoin Picas diena; 5 intriģējoši fakti par pasaulē neaizmirstamāko Bitcoin apmaiņu.

Apmēram pirms 12 gadiem programmētājam Laszlo Hanyecz no Floridas bija vēlēšanās pēc picas. Viņš nolēma iegādāties divas picas, izmantojot Bitcoin, padarot to par pirmo reģistrēto kriptovalūtas izmantošanu reālajā pasaulē.

2010. gada 18. maijā Hanyecz ievietoja forumā, paužot nodomu iegādāties divas lielas picas ar Bitcoin. Viņš piedāvāja 10 000 Bitcoin ikvienam, kurš varēja izpildīt pasūtījumu un piegādāt to viņam.

Vēlāk tajā pašā dienā lietotājs ar nosaukumu "ender x" atbildēja uz foruma ziņu, komentējot, ka 10 000 Bitcoin šķita ievērojama summa tikai divām picām, un novēlēja Hanječam veiksmi "bezmaksas picas" meklējumos. Pēc piecām dienām, 2010. gada 22. maijā, pulksten 19:17 Hanječs kopīgoja savu nopirkto picu attēlu kopā ar ziņojumu, kurā teikts: "Es tikai gribēju paziņot, ka apmainīju 10 000 bitkoinus pret picu."
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin ieguve 2023. gadā: 18 ienesīgas ASIC ierīces un trīs lielāko ražotāju dominēšana ReSaskaņā ar 2023. gada maija vidus statistiku, 18 dažādas lietojumprogrammām specifiskas integrālās shēmas (ASIC) bitkoinu ieguves ierīces ir ienesīgas, izmantojot mūsdienu bitkoinu maiņas kursus. Turklāt populārākās bitkoinu ieguves iekārtas mūsdienās ražo trīs ievērojami ASIC ražotāji, jo ražošanas konkurence mūsdienās ir ierobežota. 18 ASIC gūst peļņu no elektroenerģijas izmaksām par 0,12 USD par kWh un šodienas Bitcoin maiņas kursiem Bitcoin blokķēdes vidējais hashrate pēdējo 2016 bloku laikā šobrīd ir aptuveni 353,9 eksahash sekundē (EH/s). Šomēnes iespaidīgā varoņdarbā 2023. gada 2. maijā bloka augstumā 787 895 tīkls sasniedza nebijušu maksimumu 491,15 EH/s. Tikmēr bitkoina (BTC) cena vienmērīgi svārstās nedaudz zem 27 000 USD atzīmes. Reāllaika ieguves platformas dati, kas iegūti vietnē, atklāj, ka darbojas 18 ienesīgi SHA-256 ASIC kalnrači, izmantojot pašreizējos BTC valūtas maiņas kursus.

Bitcoin ieguve 2023. gadā: 18 ienesīgas ASIC ierīces un trīs lielāko ražotāju dominēšana Re

Saskaņā ar 2023. gada maija vidus statistiku, 18 dažādas lietojumprogrammām specifiskas integrālās shēmas (ASIC) bitkoinu ieguves ierīces ir ienesīgas, izmantojot mūsdienu bitkoinu maiņas kursus. Turklāt populārākās bitkoinu ieguves iekārtas mūsdienās ražo trīs ievērojami ASIC ražotāji, jo ražošanas konkurence mūsdienās ir ierobežota.

18 ASIC gūst peļņu no elektroenerģijas izmaksām par 0,12 USD par kWh un šodienas Bitcoin maiņas kursiem

Bitcoin blokķēdes vidējais hashrate pēdējo 2016 bloku laikā šobrīd ir aptuveni 353,9 eksahash sekundē (EH/s). Šomēnes iespaidīgā varoņdarbā 2023. gada 2. maijā bloka augstumā 787 895 tīkls sasniedza nebijušu maksimumu 491,15 EH/s. Tikmēr bitkoina (BTC) cena vienmērīgi svārstās nedaudz zem 27 000 USD atzīmes. Reāllaika ieguves platformas dati, kas iegūti vietnē, atklāj, ka darbojas 18 ienesīgi SHA-256 ASIC kalnrači, izmantojot pašreizējos BTC valūtas maiņas kursus.
Amid ‘Regulatory Apparatus’ Against Crypto, Paul Tudor Jones Maintains Bitcoin Allocation  In a recent interview, the renowned investor Paul Tudor Jones expressed his perspective on bitcoin, acknowledging that there might be regulatory challenges ahead. However, Jones emphasized his unwavering commitment to the dominant cryptocurrency, affirming that he maintains “a small diversification” in his investment portfolio and always will. Paul Tudor Jones on Bitcoin: ‘I’m Sticking With It, and I’m Going to Always Stick With It’ In an appearance on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” this week, the legendary hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones shared his insights on both bitcoin (BTC) and the U.S. economy. Jones expressed his view that the U.S. Federal Reserve might have gone overboard with its actions, asserting that any rate hikes are unlikely to occur this year. Furthermore, he suggested that inflation could persistently decrease, bringing the Federal Reserve closer to achieving its objectives of controlling inflation than anticipated. Nonetheless, this decline in inflation could present a challenge for the leading cryptocurrency, bitcoin. In addition to his observations on the U.S. economy, Paul Tudor Jones delved into the regulatory landscape surrounding bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency industry. With conviction, Jones opined that “bitcoin has a real problem because, in the United States, you have the entire regulatory apparatus against it.” Despite this formidable opposition, Jones emphasized during his interview with CNBC that he remains steadfast in his commitment to the leading digital currency, opting to maintain a modest allocation of BTC in his investment portfolio. Jones said: From the beginning, I’ve always said I want to have a small allocation to it because it’s the only thing humans can’t adjust the supply in. So I’m sticking with it, and I’m going to always stick with it as a small diversification in my portfolio. Back in October 2021, Jones confidently declared that bitcoin was “winning the race against gold,” just before BTC surged to its all-time high of $69K. Fast forward to May 2022, and Jones expressed the difficulty of not being bullish on cryptocurrencies. However, with the potential decline in inflation, the rationale behind hedging with gold and bitcoin might lose some of its luster in the future. “[Bitcoin and gold have] done so well recently because of the fact that we have had these great risk premiums,” Jones told CNBC. “I wonder whether they may not be boring in the future. If inflation is truly done a bit, if that story’s been played, then you have to wonder: we were buying gold and bitcoin for the inflation hedges – that game may be over,” the investment mogul added. #feedfeverchallenge #crypto2023 #dyor #BNB #Binance

Amid ‘Regulatory Apparatus’ Against Crypto, Paul Tudor Jones Maintains Bitcoin Allocation 

In a recent interview, the renowned investor Paul Tudor Jones expressed his perspective on bitcoin, acknowledging that there might be regulatory challenges ahead. However, Jones emphasized his unwavering commitment to the dominant cryptocurrency, affirming that he maintains “a small diversification” in his investment portfolio and always will.

Paul Tudor Jones on Bitcoin: ‘I’m Sticking With It, and I’m Going to Always Stick With It’

In an appearance on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” this week, the legendary hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones shared his insights on both bitcoin (BTC) and the U.S. economy. Jones expressed his view that the U.S. Federal Reserve might have gone overboard with its actions, asserting that any rate hikes are unlikely to occur this year. Furthermore, he suggested that inflation could persistently decrease, bringing the Federal Reserve closer to achieving its objectives of controlling inflation than anticipated. Nonetheless, this decline in inflation could present a challenge for the leading cryptocurrency, bitcoin.

In addition to his observations on the U.S. economy, Paul Tudor Jones delved into the regulatory landscape surrounding bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency industry. With conviction, Jones opined that “bitcoin has a real problem because, in the United States, you have the entire regulatory apparatus against it.” Despite this formidable opposition, Jones emphasized during his interview with CNBC that he remains steadfast in his commitment to the leading digital currency, opting to maintain a modest allocation of BTC in his investment portfolio.

Jones said:

From the beginning, I’ve always said I want to have a small allocation to it because it’s the only thing humans can’t adjust the supply in. So I’m sticking with it, and I’m going to always stick with it as a small diversification in my portfolio.

Back in October 2021, Jones confidently declared that bitcoin was “winning the race against gold,” just before BTC surged to its all-time high of $69K. Fast forward to May 2022, and Jones expressed the difficulty of not being bullish on cryptocurrencies. However, with the potential decline in inflation, the rationale behind hedging with gold and bitcoin might lose some of its luster in the future.

“[Bitcoin and gold have] done so well recently because of the fact that we have had these great risk premiums,” Jones told CNBC. “I wonder whether they may not be boring in the future. If inflation is truly done a bit, if that story’s been played, then you have to wonder: we were buying gold and bitcoin for the inflation hedges – that game may be over,” the investment mogul added.

#feedfeverchallenge #crypto2023 #dyor #BNB #Binance
Reef Labs Is Launching a $10M Accelerator Program to Empower Web3 Projects in the Middle East Reef is thrilled to announce the launch of a $10 Million Accelerator Program for Web3 projects building on the Reef Chain, which are based out of the Middle East. The program, managed by Reef Labs, aims to support, incubate, and invest in promising Middle East-based Web3 developers, teams, and projects building on the Reef Chain. The rise of blockchain/Web3 applications in the Middle East are setting the stage for remarkable technological progress and innovation. Reef has already made a significant impact in the region by securing the Best Ecosystem Award at The Middle-East Blockchain Awards. Driving Growth in the MENA Region: The Accelerator Program seeks to drive Reef’s vision for growth, making it the de-facto blockchain in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. Ideas selected as part of this initiative will benefit from the financial support provided by Reef’s venture partners, along with mentorship, marketing, and business development assistance from Reef Labs. Additionally, these ecosystem projects can leverage Reef’s global community to promote their ideas and achievements to other Web3 developers and blockchain enthusiasts. Positioning Reef for Web3 Adoption: The present geo-political landscape in the MENA region fosters the growth of region-specific blockchain networks, which are set to play a significant role in promoting Web3 adoption. Reef is ideally positioned to deliver enterprise-grade solutions with high scalability, cost-effective transactions, extensible EVM, and on-chain upgradability features, thus stimulating inventive models to harness blockchain technology. Additionally, the remarkably low entry barrier for dApp developers has made Reef one of the most developer-friendly ecosystems to build upon. Denko Mancheski, CEO of Reef, said about this new initiative, “We’re launching the Reef Accelerator Program with the aim of welcoming the brightest minds in the Web3.0 industry. The Reef team has been working with Web3 developers in the Middle East region for some time now, and is extremely excited by the talent and innovation we witness. Through our recently conceptualized Reef Labs initiative, we will choose the best Middle Eastern projects, empower them to realize their full potential and integrate them into the current Reef ecosystem of NFT, DeFi, Metaverse, and GameFi projects. It will also enable us to drive the growth of the Web3 industry in the Middle East and emerge as this region’s de-facto blockchain”. The Reef Accelerator Program is poised to solidify Reef Chain’s position as the most developer-friendly blockchain solution for web2 businesses transitioning into the web3 space in the MENA region, ultimately propelling the upcoming wave of innovation and Web3 adoption. This program amount of $10 million will be part of the $20 million developer support fund that Reef had announced earlier. #feedfeverchallenge #crypto2023 #dyor #BNB #Binance

Reef Labs Is Launching a $10M Accelerator Program to Empower Web3 Projects in the Middle East

Reef is thrilled to announce the launch of a $10 Million Accelerator Program for Web3 projects building on the Reef Chain, which are based out of the Middle East. The program, managed by Reef Labs, aims to support, incubate, and invest in promising Middle East-based Web3 developers, teams, and projects building on the Reef Chain.

The rise of blockchain/Web3 applications in the Middle East are setting the stage for remarkable technological progress and innovation. Reef has already made a significant impact in the region by securing the Best Ecosystem Award at The Middle-East Blockchain Awards.

Driving Growth in the MENA Region:

The Accelerator Program seeks to drive Reef’s vision for growth, making it the de-facto blockchain in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. Ideas selected as part of this initiative will benefit from the financial support provided by Reef’s venture partners, along with mentorship, marketing, and business development assistance from Reef Labs. Additionally, these ecosystem projects can leverage Reef’s global community to promote their ideas and achievements to other Web3 developers and blockchain enthusiasts.

Positioning Reef for Web3 Adoption:

The present geo-political landscape in the MENA region fosters the growth of region-specific blockchain networks, which are set to play a significant role in promoting Web3 adoption. Reef is ideally positioned to deliver enterprise-grade solutions with high scalability, cost-effective transactions, extensible EVM, and on-chain upgradability features, thus stimulating inventive models to harness blockchain technology. Additionally, the remarkably low entry barrier for dApp developers has made Reef one of the most developer-friendly ecosystems to build upon.

Denko Mancheski, CEO of Reef, said about this new initiative, “We’re launching the Reef Accelerator Program with the aim of welcoming the brightest minds in the Web3.0 industry. The Reef team has been working with Web3 developers in the Middle East region for some time now, and is extremely excited by the talent and innovation we witness. Through our recently conceptualized Reef Labs initiative, we will choose the best Middle Eastern projects, empower them to realize their full potential and integrate them into the current Reef ecosystem of NFT, DeFi, Metaverse, and GameFi projects. It will also enable us to drive the growth of the Web3 industry in the Middle East and emerge as this region’s de-facto blockchain”.

The Reef Accelerator Program is poised to solidify Reef Chain’s position as the most developer-friendly blockchain solution for web2 businesses transitioning into the web3 space in the MENA region, ultimately propelling the upcoming wave of innovation and Web3 adoption.

This program amount of $10 million will be part of the $20 million developer support fund that Reef had announced earlier.

#feedfeverchallenge #crypto2023 #dyor #BNB #Binance
Biggest Movers: LTC, SOL Climb to 1-Week Highs on Monday Solana extended recent gains on Monday, as the token rose to a one-week high, following recent declines. The token dropped below the $20.00 level last week, as a red wave hit cryptocurrency markets. Litecoin was also higher today, climbing by nearly 7%. Solana (SOL) Solana (SOL) rose to a one-week high on Monday, as momentum shifted following a recent bear run. SOL/USD surged to a peak of $21.49 earlier in today’s session., which comes after Sunday’s low of $20.65. As a result of this rally, solana moved to its strongest point since last Monday, when price was close to $22.00. SOL/USD – Daily Chart One of the catalysts of today’s gains came as the 14-day relative strength index (RSI) broke out of a ceiling at 45.00. The index is now tracking at 48.31, which is its highest reading in almost ten days of trading. Should current sentiment extend throughout the week, there is a good chance SOL will near its long-term resistance at $24.00. Litecoin (LTC) Additionally, litecoin (LTC) also moved higher in today’s session, with price climbing by as much as 7%. Following a low of $81.75 on Sunday, LTC/USD raced to an intraday high of $87.54 earlier in the day. This jump resulted in the token reaching its highest point since March 6, which is the last time LTC was trading close to the $90.00 mark. LTC/USD – Daily Chart From the chart, a breakout of the RSI has also occurred here, with a ceiling at 51.00 being broken. At the time of writing, price strength is now at the 54.15 mark, with the next visible point of resistance being 58.00. There is a strong possibility that litecoin could move above $90.00 in the coming days. #feedfeverchallenge #crypto2023 #dyor #BNB #BTC

Biggest Movers: LTC, SOL Climb to 1-Week Highs on Monday

Solana extended recent gains on Monday, as the token rose to a one-week high, following recent declines. The token dropped below the $20.00 level last week, as a red wave hit cryptocurrency markets. Litecoin was also higher today, climbing by nearly 7%.

Solana (SOL)

Solana (SOL) rose to a one-week high on Monday, as momentum shifted following a recent bear run.

SOL/USD surged to a peak of $21.49 earlier in today’s session., which comes after Sunday’s low of $20.65.

As a result of this rally, solana moved to its strongest point since last Monday, when price was close to $22.00.

SOL/USD – Daily Chart

One of the catalysts of today’s gains came as the 14-day relative strength index (RSI) broke out of a ceiling at 45.00.

The index is now tracking at 48.31, which is its highest reading in almost ten days of trading.

Should current sentiment extend throughout the week, there is a good chance SOL will near its long-term resistance at $24.00.

Litecoin (LTC)

Additionally, litecoin (LTC) also moved higher in today’s session, with price climbing by as much as 7%.

Following a low of $81.75 on Sunday, LTC/USD raced to an intraday high of $87.54 earlier in the day.

This jump resulted in the token reaching its highest point since March 6, which is the last time LTC was trading close to the $90.00 mark.

LTC/USD – Daily Chart

From the chart, a breakout of the RSI has also occurred here, with a ceiling at 51.00 being broken.

At the time of writing, price strength is now at the 54.15 mark, with the next visible point of resistance being 58.00.

There is a strong possibility that litecoin could move above $90.00 in the coming days.

#feedfeverchallenge #crypto2023 #dyor #BNB #BTC
Inflation and Anguish: Outraged Lebanese Depositors Continue to Riot Against Financial Institutions Amid Lebanon’s financial crisis, significant demonstrations have erupted in Beirut targeting financial institutions. Outraged Lebanese depositors, witnessing their savings vanish, have resorted to smashing bank windows, setting fires, and engaging in riots. Simultaneously, leaders of Lebanon’s central bank face grave allegations of fraud, embezzlement, and political corruption. Lebanese Citizens Left Penniless as Financial Institutions Crumble In February 2023, Lebanese depositors that were incensed by the alleged theft of their life savings by the country’s central bank, set ablaze the very banks that held their fortunes. News highlighted this distressing situation, revealing that regional banks had frozen accounts, leaving residents unable to access their hard-earned funds. As if that weren’t enough, Lebanon was plagued by skyrocketing inflation, further exacerbating the plight of its citizens. The wave of discontent continued in March 2023 when protests reverberated throughout Beirut and other regions. vividly reported scenes of shattered windows, burning tires, and passionate demonstrators venting their anger against Riad Salameh, the governor of Lebanon’s central bank. Amidst the month of May 2023, resolute demonstrations persist as Lebanese residents grapple with mounting anxiety over the fate of their hard-earned savings. Reports reveal that the bank, in a bid to restore order, enlisted the aid of security personnel and called upon riot police to quell the upheaval unfolding outside the downtown Beirut branch of Bank Audi. Frustration simmers among Lebanese citizens who find themselves utterly deprived of access to their deposits, with accusatory fingers pointed squarely at Salameh and his brother. Alarming allegations have emerged from six European countries, as detailed by The National, suggesting that Salameh and his brother orchestrated an intricate embezzlement scheme of colossal proportions. “In Lebanon, it is not one firm or one bank but the whole financial system that collapsed without warning from auditing firms,” The National’s reporter Nada Maucourant Atallah explains. “The crisis exposed losses of almost $70 billion wiping depositors’ savings out and triggering an uncontrolled inflationary spiral, which plunged more than 80 percent of the population into poverty.” Leaders of Lebanon’s Central Bank Under Fire: Grave Allegations of Fraud and Corruption Surface According to French court documents reviewed by Reuters, French prosecutors have unveiled their intentions to level preliminary accusations of fraud and money laundering against Salameh. The charges revolve around allegations that he concealed his wealth using purportedly counterfeit bank statements. A scheduled hearing in France on May 16th has been arranged by the French judicial authorities. Meanwhile, the circumstances faced by ordinary citizens and Lebanese bank depositors persist, leaving them without any funds. The consequences of this predicament have ignited relentless indignation, as people grapple with the urgent need to provide for their families and meet basic necessities such as food and shelter. Lebanese financial institutions have now devolved into mere façades, with hollow bank tellers, vacant ATMs, and fortified buildings standing as bleak reminders of Lebanon’s broken economy. #feedfeverchallenge #dyor #crypto2023 #BTC #Binance

Inflation and Anguish: Outraged Lebanese Depositors Continue to Riot Against Financial Institutions

Amid Lebanon’s financial crisis, significant demonstrations have erupted in Beirut targeting financial institutions. Outraged Lebanese depositors, witnessing their savings vanish, have resorted to smashing bank windows, setting fires, and engaging in riots. Simultaneously, leaders of Lebanon’s central bank face grave allegations of fraud, embezzlement, and political corruption.

Lebanese Citizens Left Penniless as Financial Institutions Crumble

In February 2023, Lebanese depositors that were incensed by the alleged theft of their life savings by the country’s central bank, set ablaze the very banks that held their fortunes. News highlighted this distressing situation, revealing that regional banks had frozen accounts, leaving residents unable to access their hard-earned funds. As if that weren’t enough, Lebanon was plagued by skyrocketing inflation, further exacerbating the plight of its citizens.

The wave of discontent continued in March 2023 when protests reverberated throughout Beirut and other regions. vividly reported scenes of shattered windows, burning tires, and passionate demonstrators venting their anger against Riad Salameh, the governor of Lebanon’s central bank.

Amidst the month of May 2023, resolute demonstrations persist as Lebanese residents grapple with mounting anxiety over the fate of their hard-earned savings. Reports reveal that the bank, in a bid to restore order, enlisted the aid of security personnel and called upon riot police to quell the upheaval unfolding outside the downtown Beirut branch of Bank Audi.

Frustration simmers among Lebanese citizens who find themselves utterly deprived of access to their deposits, with accusatory fingers pointed squarely at Salameh and his brother. Alarming allegations have emerged from six European countries, as detailed by The National, suggesting that Salameh and his brother orchestrated an intricate embezzlement scheme of colossal proportions.

“In Lebanon, it is not one firm or one bank but the whole financial system that collapsed without warning from auditing firms,” The National’s reporter Nada Maucourant Atallah explains. “The crisis exposed losses of almost $70 billion wiping depositors’ savings out and triggering an uncontrolled inflationary spiral, which plunged more than 80 percent of the population into poverty.”

Leaders of Lebanon’s Central Bank Under Fire: Grave Allegations of Fraud and Corruption Surface

According to French court documents reviewed by Reuters, French prosecutors have unveiled their intentions to level preliminary accusations of fraud and money laundering against Salameh. The charges revolve around allegations that he concealed his wealth using purportedly counterfeit bank statements. A scheduled hearing in France on May 16th has been arranged by the French judicial authorities.

Meanwhile, the circumstances faced by ordinary citizens and Lebanese bank depositors persist, leaving them without any funds. The consequences of this predicament have ignited relentless indignation, as people grapple with the urgent need to provide for their families and meet basic necessities such as food and shelter. Lebanese financial institutions have now devolved into mere façades, with hollow bank tellers, vacant ATMs, and fortified buildings standing as bleak reminders of Lebanon’s broken economy.

#feedfeverchallenge #dyor #crypto2023 #BTC #Binance
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin cenu prognoze maijam Maija vidū bitkoins lielākoties ir samazinājies, jo tirgi sagremoja vairākus galvenos ekonomiskos datus. Virsraksts bija kārtējais Federālo rezervju sistēmas likmju paaugstinājums, jo ASV algu fonds, kas nav saistīts ar lauksaimniecību, pieauga nedaudz vairāk, nekā gaidīts. Vai, ieejot mēneša pēdējās divās nedēļās, buļļi varētu būt uz atgriešanās robežas? Pašreizējais tirgus statuss Maija pusceļā bitkoins ir nokrities līdz divu mēnešu zemākajam līmenim, jo ​​tirgus noskaņojums mainījās lācīgs pēc aprīļa spēcīgajiem kāpumiem. Tā kā vairāki galvenie datu punkti tika publicēti īsā laika posmā, bija paredzams, ka pastāvēs cenu nenoteiktība.

Bitcoin cenu prognoze maijam

Maija vidū bitkoins lielākoties ir samazinājies, jo tirgi sagremoja vairākus galvenos ekonomiskos datus. Virsraksts bija kārtējais Federālo rezervju sistēmas likmju paaugstinājums, jo ASV algu fonds, kas nav saistīts ar lauksaimniecību, pieauga nedaudz vairāk, nekā gaidīts. Vai, ieejot mēneša pēdējās divās nedēļās, buļļi varētu būt uz atgriešanās robežas?

Pašreizējais tirgus statuss

Maija pusceļā bitkoins ir nokrities līdz divu mēnešu zemākajam līmenim, jo ​​tirgus noskaņojums mainījās lācīgs pēc aprīļa spēcīgajiem kāpumiem.

Tā kā vairāki galvenie datu punkti tika publicēti īsā laika posmā, bija paredzams, ka pastāvēs cenu nenoteiktība.
Bitcoin Cash Achieves Milestone Upgrade, Unleashing Cashtokens’ Transformative Features  On May 15, 2023, the Bitcoin Cash network achieved another annual milestone by seamlessly integrating four cutting-edge features into its consensus ruleset. At precisely 1:24 p.m. UTC on Monday, the eagerly anticipated upgrade went live, marking a significant leap forward for the peer-to-peer electronic cash platform. Bitcoin Cash fans believe the transformative changes are set to revolutionize the blockchain’s ecosystem. Bitcoin Cash Network Takes a Leap Forward With 4 New Ruleset Changes At Bitcoin Cash block height 792,772, the network successfully upgraded the blockchain. The upgrade is more developer focused and average BCH users do not need to do anything. Only miners and full node operators need to upgrade their BCH software to be compatible with the ruleset changes. Over time, specific bitcoin cash (BCH) compatible wallets can upgrade as well and incorporate some of the new improvements like Cashtokens. Today’s upgrade features four new elements which include: Cashtokens, Allow Transactions to be smaller in size, P2SH32, and Restrict Transaction Versions. The Allow Transactions ruleset changes “prevents a hash griding attack, where SPV wallets can confuse a 64-byte transaction for a merkle node,” according to a summary published by Coin Dance. The “Pay-to-Script-Hash-32” (P2SH32) alteration serves as a long-term remedy against 80-bit P2SH collision attacks. The modification introduces an advanced address format exclusively designed for smart contracts, boasting enhanced cryptographic security measures. With the introduction of the “Restrict Transaction Versions” modification, Coin Dance explains that transactions are now strictly limited to version numbers of either 1 or 2. Any blocks containing transactions that defy this rule will be swiftly invalidated. The Cashtokens upgrade, eagerly awaited by the BCH community, promises a wealth of transformative features, making it a slightly more intricate enhancement. This highly anticipated upgrade is poised to usher in a multitude of advancements that will significantly elevate the capabilities of the network. News spoke with software developer Jason Dreyzehner about Cashtokens on May 2, 2023, and he detailed the potential game-changing impact of Cashtokens CHIP for Bitcoin Cash. According to Dreyzehner, Cashtokens will offer censorship-resistant, low-fee digital assets that can represent physical assets and function as currencies, stablecoins, securities, and more. Cashtokens offer a multitude of enticing benefits, such as empowering individuals to issue tokens representing a wide range of items. In addition, they bring smart contract functionality that rivals Ethereum but with an efficiency advantage of over 1,000 times in transactions and block validation. The introduction of Cashtokens also paves the way for the development of low-fee, censorship-resistant prediction markets, while contract-issued commitments and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) open up exciting possibilities for decentralized applications (dapps). Amid the upgrade, bitcoin cash (BCH) is up 4% higher against the U.S. dollar on Monday morning. #feedfeverchallenge #crypto2023 #dyor #BNB #BTC

Bitcoin Cash Achieves Milestone Upgrade, Unleashing Cashtokens’ Transformative Features 

On May 15, 2023, the Bitcoin Cash network achieved another annual milestone by seamlessly integrating four cutting-edge features into its consensus ruleset. At precisely 1:24 p.m. UTC on Monday, the eagerly anticipated upgrade went live, marking a significant leap forward for the peer-to-peer electronic cash platform. Bitcoin Cash fans believe the transformative changes are set to revolutionize the blockchain’s ecosystem.

Bitcoin Cash Network Takes a Leap Forward With 4 New Ruleset Changes

At Bitcoin Cash block height 792,772, the network successfully upgraded the blockchain. The upgrade is more developer focused and average BCH users do not need to do anything. Only miners and full node operators need to upgrade their BCH software to be compatible with the ruleset changes. Over time, specific bitcoin cash (BCH) compatible wallets can upgrade as well and incorporate some of the new improvements like Cashtokens.

Today’s upgrade features four new elements which include: Cashtokens, Allow Transactions to be smaller in size, P2SH32, and Restrict Transaction Versions. The Allow Transactions ruleset changes “prevents a hash griding attack, where SPV wallets can confuse a 64-byte transaction for a merkle node,” according to a summary published by Coin Dance.

The “Pay-to-Script-Hash-32” (P2SH32) alteration serves as a long-term remedy against 80-bit P2SH collision attacks. The modification introduces an advanced address format exclusively designed for smart contracts, boasting enhanced cryptographic security measures.

With the introduction of the “Restrict Transaction Versions” modification, Coin Dance explains that transactions are now strictly limited to version numbers of either 1 or 2. Any blocks containing transactions that defy this rule will be swiftly invalidated.

The Cashtokens upgrade, eagerly awaited by the BCH community, promises a wealth of transformative features, making it a slightly more intricate enhancement. This highly anticipated upgrade is poised to usher in a multitude of advancements that will significantly elevate the capabilities of the network. News spoke with software developer Jason Dreyzehner about Cashtokens on May 2, 2023, and he detailed the potential game-changing impact of Cashtokens CHIP for Bitcoin Cash. According to Dreyzehner, Cashtokens will offer censorship-resistant, low-fee digital assets that can represent physical assets and function as currencies, stablecoins, securities, and more.

Cashtokens offer a multitude of enticing benefits, such as empowering individuals to issue tokens representing a wide range of items. In addition, they bring smart contract functionality that rivals Ethereum but with an efficiency advantage of over 1,000 times in transactions and block validation.

The introduction of Cashtokens also paves the way for the development of low-fee, censorship-resistant prediction markets, while contract-issued commitments and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) open up exciting possibilities for decentralized applications (dapps). Amid the upgrade, bitcoin cash (BCH) is up 4% higher against the U.S. dollar on Monday morning.

#feedfeverchallenge #crypto2023 #dyor #BNB #BTC
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