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🚀Anchorage Digital, vienīgā OCC nofraktētā kriptobanka, savā direktoru padomē sveic bijušo Goldman Sachs vadītāju Koniju Shoemakeri! Viņas kā Bridgewater Associates Holdings pašreizējās izpilddirektores un finanšu direktores zināšanas par tradfi ir paredzētas kā "nenovērtējamas" Ankoridžas izaugsmei.👏 Ņemot vērā institucionālo interesi par kriptovalūtu uzplaukumu, Ankoridža paplašina savu valdi, lai apmierinātu pieprasījumu pēc drošas, federāli regulētas digitālo aktīvu infrastruktūras. Shoemaker pieredze, veidojot Goldman Sachs komercbanku nodaļu, ir "ļoti piemērojama" Ankoridžas misijai. Izpilddirektors Neitans Makkolijs saka, ka šis solis divkāršo viņu apņemšanos veicināt institucionālo ekosistēmu. 💪 Kādas ir jūsu domas par šo spēku?#CryptoNews#AnchorageDigital #GoldmanSachs
🚀Anchorage Digital, vienīgā OCC nofraktētā kriptobanka, savā direktoru padomē sveic bijušo Goldman Sachs vadītāju Koniju Shoemakeri! Viņas kā Bridgewater Associates Holdings pašreizējās izpilddirektores un finanšu direktores zināšanas par tradfi ir paredzētas kā "nenovērtējamas" Ankoridžas izaugsmei.👏

Ņemot vērā institucionālo interesi par kriptovalūtu uzplaukumu, Ankoridža paplašina savu valdi, lai apmierinātu pieprasījumu pēc drošas, federāli regulētas digitālo aktīvu infrastruktūras. Shoemaker pieredze, veidojot Goldman Sachs komercbanku nodaļu, ir "ļoti piemērojama" Ankoridžas misijai.

Izpilddirektors Neitans Makkolijs saka, ka šis solis divkāršo viņu apņemšanos veicināt institucionālo ekosistēmu. 💪 Kādas ir jūsu domas par šo spēku?#CryptoNews#AnchorageDigital #GoldmanSachs
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔥Karsti no preses! ASV tiesnesis apstiprina milzīgu 4,5 miljardu dolāru izlīgumu starp SEC, Terraform Labs un bijušo izpilddirektoru Do Kwon. Tas ir saistīts ar aizliegumu tirgot "kripto aktīvu vērtspapīrus", tostarp Terra ekosistēmas marķierus. 💼 Izlīgums ir nedaudz "amerikāņu kalniņi", kas neatbilst SEC sākotnējam 5,3 miljardu ASV dolāru pieprasījumam, taču ievērojami pārsniedz Terraform piedāvāto 1 miljonu ASV dolāru. 🎢 Kvons, kurš pašlaik atrodas apcietinājumā Melnkalnē, tiesas sēdē bija MIA. Tikmēr uzņēmumam Terraform Labs, uz kuru tagad attiecas 11. nodaļas bankrota aizsardzība, ir aptuveni 150 miljoni ASV dolāru aktīvi. 💰 Ko jūs domājat par šo rezultātu? Vai tas ir godīgs darījums vai bargs trieciens kriptovalūtu nozarei? Parunāsim komentāros! 💬#BlockchainNews#CryptoUpdate
🔥Karsti no preses! ASV tiesnesis apstiprina milzīgu 4,5 miljardu dolāru izlīgumu starp SEC, Terraform Labs un bijušo izpilddirektoru Do Kwon. Tas ir saistīts ar aizliegumu tirgot "kripto aktīvu vērtspapīrus", tostarp Terra ekosistēmas marķierus. 💼

Izlīgums ir nedaudz "amerikāņu kalniņi", kas neatbilst SEC sākotnējam 5,3 miljardu ASV dolāru pieprasījumam, taču ievērojami pārsniedz Terraform piedāvāto 1 miljonu ASV dolāru. 🎢

Kvons, kurš pašlaik atrodas apcietinājumā Melnkalnē, tiesas sēdē bija MIA. Tikmēr uzņēmumam Terraform Labs, uz kuru tagad attiecas 11. nodaļas bankrota aizsardzība, ir aptuveni 150 miljoni ASV dolāru aktīvi. 💰

Ko jūs domājat par šo rezultātu? Vai tas ir godīgs darījums vai bargs trieciens kriptovalūtu nozarei? Parunāsim komentāros! 💬#BlockchainNews#CryptoUpdate
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔥Karsti no preses! Hologrāfa protokola oriģinālais marķieris HLG ieguva 60 % nobīdi pēc tam, kad viltus izmantošana ļāva hakeram izkalt milzīgus 1 miljardu HLG marķieru. 📉 Vainīgais? Ķēdes dati norāda uz ENS maku acc01ade.eth. Interesanti, ka Github lapā ir norādīta persona ar tādu pašu rokturi kā HLG līdzstrādnieks. Nejaušība vai iekšējais darbs? 🕵️‍♂️ Hologrāfa komanda tomēr ir par to! Viņi ir izlabojuši izmantošanu, sadarbojas ar apmaiņas partneriem, lai bloķētu ļaunprātīgos kontus, un ir sākuši izmeklēšanu. Viņi pat sazinās ar tiesībsargājošajām iestādēm. 🚔 Ekspluatācijas sekas? Hakeris nopelnīja 1 miljardu HLG, kas pašreizējās tirgus cenās ir 6,7 miljoni dolāru. Ak! Kādas ir jūsu domas par šo? Vai tas ir modināšanas zvans labākiem drošības pasākumiem blokķēdes telpā? Apspriedīsimies! 💬
🔥Karsti no preses! Hologrāfa protokola oriģinālais marķieris HLG ieguva 60 % nobīdi pēc tam, kad viltus izmantošana ļāva hakeram izkalt milzīgus 1 miljardu HLG marķieru. 📉

Vainīgais? Ķēdes dati norāda uz ENS maku acc01ade.eth. Interesanti, ka Github lapā ir norādīta persona ar tādu pašu rokturi kā HLG līdzstrādnieks. Nejaušība vai iekšējais darbs? 🕵️‍♂️

Hologrāfa komanda tomēr ir par to! Viņi ir izlabojuši izmantošanu, sadarbojas ar apmaiņas partneriem, lai bloķētu ļaunprātīgos kontus, un ir sākuši izmeklēšanu. Viņi pat sazinās ar tiesībsargājošajām iestādēm. 🚔

Ekspluatācijas sekas? Hakeris nopelnīja 1 miljardu HLG, kas pašreizējās tirgus cenās ir 6,7 miljoni dolāru. Ak!

Kādas ir jūsu domas par šo? Vai tas ir modināšanas zvans labākiem drošības pasākumiem blokķēdes telpā? Apspriedīsimies! 💬
Skatīt oriģinālu
🎉Consensus 2024 bija izmaiņa finanšu konsultantiem un kriptovalūtu integrācijai!💼 Aptuveni 120 padomdevēju pulcējās, lai uzzinātu par digitālajiem aktīviem, izveidotu tīklu un sadarbotos ar nozares līderiem. Fokuss? Kriptogrāfijas praktiska pielietošana finanšu praksē, ne tikai tehniskais žargons.👩‍💼👨‍💼 Izglītība bija galvenā tēma, un konsultantiem bija jāsaprot stratēģiskā sadale, investīciju tēzes un atbilstība normatīvajiem aktiem. Un neaizmirsīsim par investoru izglītošanu!🎓 Tika izpētītas ieguldījumu iespējas, sākot no tiešajām īpašumtiesībām līdz ETF un publiskajiem uzņēmumiem, piemēram, MicroStrategy. Padomdevēji parasti piešķir 2-5% no portfeļa kriptovalūtām, klasificējot to kā alternatīvu ieguldījumu.📈 Regulēšana un atbilstība bija aktuālas tēmas, un CFTC komisāre Sammera Mersingere izklāstīja CFTC perspektīvu par kriptovalūtu regulēšanu.🏛️ Konsenss 2024 uzsvēra pieaugošo kriptovalūtu integrāciju finanšu konsultāciju praksē. Advisors, vai esat gatavi vadīt savus klientus šajā dinamiskajā līdzekļu klasē?💪#Consensus2024#CryptoForAdvisors
🎉Consensus 2024 bija izmaiņa finanšu konsultantiem un kriptovalūtu integrācijai!💼 Aptuveni 120 padomdevēju pulcējās, lai uzzinātu par digitālajiem aktīviem, izveidotu tīklu un sadarbotos ar nozares līderiem. Fokuss? Kriptogrāfijas praktiska pielietošana finanšu praksē, ne tikai tehniskais žargons.👩‍💼👨‍💼

Izglītība bija galvenā tēma, un konsultantiem bija jāsaprot stratēģiskā sadale, investīciju tēzes un atbilstība normatīvajiem aktiem. Un neaizmirsīsim par investoru izglītošanu!🎓

Tika izpētītas ieguldījumu iespējas, sākot no tiešajām īpašumtiesībām līdz ETF un publiskajiem uzņēmumiem, piemēram, MicroStrategy. Padomdevēji parasti piešķir 2-5% no portfeļa kriptovalūtām, klasificējot to kā alternatīvu ieguldījumu.📈

Regulēšana un atbilstība bija aktuālas tēmas, un CFTC komisāre Sammera Mersingere izklāstīja CFTC perspektīvu par kriptovalūtu regulēšanu.🏛️

Konsenss 2024 uzsvēra pieaugošo kriptovalūtu integrāciju finanšu konsultāciju praksē. Advisors, vai esat gatavi vadīt savus klientus šajā dinamiskajā līdzekļu klasē?💪#Consensus2024#CryptoForAdvisors
Skatīt oriģinālu
📣 Kripto tirgus atjauninājums! Ētera cena atlēca pēc SEC priekšsēdētāja Genslera liecības, kurā tika dota mājiena par pilnīgu spot ētera ETF apstiprināšanu līdz vasaras beigām. Bet diemžēl tas bija īslaicīgs rallijs, ar ETH kritumu par 5% līdz 3440 USD. Arī Bitcoin juta aukstumu, tirgojoties netālu no nedēļas zemākā līmeņa par USD 66 300.📉 Fed noturīgā nostāja, saglabājot stabilu federālo fondu etalonlikmi, vienlaikus prognozējot vienu 25 bāzes punktu likmes samazinājumu 2024. gadā, virzīja tirgus uz dienvidiem. ASV ekonomikas dati nepalīdzēja, jo gan inflācija, gan ekonomika uzrādīja mīkstināšanas pazīmes. Bet nu, nezaudēsim drosmi! Analītiķis Skew ierosina, ka jaunais līdzsvars ir 66 000 USD. Un, neskatoties uz pašreizējo atvilkšanu, apkārt ir daudz jaunu ziņu: inflācijas datu uzlabošana, Bitcoin draudzīgs prezidenta kandidāts un ETH ETF apstiprinājumi. Kāds ir jūsu viedoklis par tirgus virzību? Komentējiet zemāk!#CryptoNews#ETH #BTC
📣 Kripto tirgus atjauninājums! Ētera cena atlēca pēc SEC priekšsēdētāja Genslera liecības, kurā tika dota mājiena par pilnīgu spot ētera ETF apstiprināšanu līdz vasaras beigām. Bet diemžēl tas bija īslaicīgs rallijs, ar ETH kritumu par 5% līdz 3440 USD. Arī Bitcoin juta aukstumu, tirgojoties netālu no nedēļas zemākā līmeņa par USD 66 300.📉

Fed noturīgā nostāja, saglabājot stabilu federālo fondu etalonlikmi, vienlaikus prognozējot vienu 25 bāzes punktu likmes samazinājumu 2024. gadā, virzīja tirgus uz dienvidiem. ASV ekonomikas dati nepalīdzēja, jo gan inflācija, gan ekonomika uzrādīja mīkstināšanas pazīmes.

Bet nu, nezaudēsim drosmi! Analītiķis Skew ierosina, ka jaunais līdzsvars ir 66 000 USD. Un, neskatoties uz pašreizējo atvilkšanu, apkārt ir daudz jaunu ziņu: inflācijas datu uzlabošana, Bitcoin draudzīgs prezidenta kandidāts un ETH ETF apstiprinājumi.

Kāds ir jūsu viedoklis par tirgus virzību? Komentējiet zemāk!#CryptoNews#ETH #BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔥Karsti no preses! Sociālā ietekmētāja Endrjū Teita DADDY mēmu žetoni rada viļņus kriptogrāfijas pasaulē! 🌊 Maka izsekošanas pakalpojums Bubblemmaps apgalvo, ka īpašnieki ir nerealizētā vērtībā, kas ir 45 miljoni dolāru. Paša Teita makā ir milzīgi 65 miljoni dolāru vērti žetoni par pašreizējām cenām, taču kopš izdošanas 9. jūnijā neviens nav pārdots. Tikmēr daži gudri maki paņēma 30% no žetonu piedāvājuma, pirms tas nonāca populārā tirgū. Lūk, tas ir kicker: divas citas kopas glabā vēl 10% no marķiera piedāvājuma, kuru vērtība pašreizējās cenās ir 30 miljoni USD. Taču ar pieejamo likviditāti nedaudz vairāk par 2,4 miljoniem ASV dolāru šīs pozīcijas vēl nevar pilnībā realizēt. DADDY ir jaunākais slavenību atbalstītais žetons, kas pievienojies mēmu monētu ballītei. Atšķirībā no iepriekšējiem slavenību žetoniem, tos aktīvi izdod, atbalsta un reklamē pašas zvaigznes. Šis ir Teits pirmais iebrukums kriptovalūtā, un tas ir bijis mežonīgs brauciens! Tikai trīs dienas pēc izlaišanas marķieris sasniedza 240 miljonu dolāru tirgus ierobežojumu, un cenas pēdējo 24 stundu laikā pieauga par 55%. Kāds ir jūsu viedoklis par slavenību atbalstītiem žetoniem? Vai viņi ir šeit, lai paliktu, vai tikai pārejoša iedoma? Dalieties savās domās zemāk! 👇#CryptoNews#DADDYToken
🔥Karsti no preses! Sociālā ietekmētāja Endrjū Teita DADDY mēmu žetoni rada viļņus kriptogrāfijas pasaulē! 🌊 Maka izsekošanas pakalpojums Bubblemmaps apgalvo, ka īpašnieki ir nerealizētā vērtībā, kas ir 45 miljoni dolāru.

Paša Teita makā ir milzīgi 65 miljoni dolāru vērti žetoni par pašreizējām cenām, taču kopš izdošanas 9. jūnijā neviens nav pārdots. Tikmēr daži gudri maki paņēma 30% no žetonu piedāvājuma, pirms tas nonāca populārā tirgū.

Lūk, tas ir kicker: divas citas kopas glabā vēl 10% no marķiera piedāvājuma, kuru vērtība pašreizējās cenās ir 30 miljoni USD. Taču ar pieejamo likviditāti nedaudz vairāk par 2,4 miljoniem ASV dolāru šīs pozīcijas vēl nevar pilnībā realizēt.

DADDY ir jaunākais slavenību atbalstītais žetons, kas pievienojies mēmu monētu ballītei. Atšķirībā no iepriekšējiem slavenību žetoniem, tos aktīvi izdod, atbalsta un reklamē pašas zvaigznes.

Šis ir Teits pirmais iebrukums kriptovalūtā, un tas ir bijis mežonīgs brauciens! Tikai trīs dienas pēc izlaišanas marķieris sasniedza 240 miljonu dolāru tirgus ierobežojumu, un cenas pēdējo 24 stundu laikā pieauga par 55%.

Kāds ir jūsu viedoklis par slavenību atbalstītiem žetoniem? Vai viņi ir šeit, lai paliktu, vai tikai pārejoša iedoma? Dalieties savās domās zemāk! 👇#CryptoNews#DADDYToken
🚀Big news in the blockchain world! CFTC Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero, a known crypto advocate, is expected to be nominated as the next FDIC Chair. She's been outspoken about getting crypto regulation right and sponsors a Tech Advisory Committee with members from Circle, TRM Labs, and Fireblocks! 🎉 Meanwhile, Kristin Johnson, another Democratic commissioner, is set to be nominated for Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions at the Treasury Department. She's been vocal about crypto firms' compliance, citing Binance's CFTC penalties as a warning sign. These nominations could bring fresh perspectives to crypto regulation and financial institutions. What do you think these changes mean for the future of crypto? Let's discuss! #CryptoNews #Blockchain #Regulation
🚀Big news in the blockchain world! CFTC Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero, a known crypto advocate, is expected to be nominated as the next FDIC Chair. She's been outspoken about getting crypto regulation right and sponsors a Tech Advisory Committee with members from Circle, TRM Labs, and Fireblocks! 🎉

Meanwhile, Kristin Johnson, another Democratic commissioner, is set to be nominated for Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions at the Treasury Department. She's been vocal about crypto firms' compliance, citing Binance's CFTC penalties as a warning sign.

These nominations could bring fresh perspectives to crypto regulation and financial institutions. What do you think these changes mean for the future of crypto? Let's discuss! #CryptoNews #Blockchain #Regulation
🚀 Memecoins, the "Wild West" of DeFi, have soared to a collective market cap of $54.4B! Thanks to the likes of Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), the memecoin market is booming. But beware, folks! The recent surge in memecoin trade volumes mirrors the trend seen just before the 2022 crypto bubble burst. 📉 The hype and FOMO can easily sweep traders into making impulsive investment decisions. That's why it's crucial to apply fundamental valuation frameworks and high-level technical analysis to navigate this volatile market. Especially for institutional investors seeking long-term value in digital assets. Speculative hype can often overshadow rational investment strategy. Remember the dot-com bubble? The subprime mortgage meltdown? In crypto, this hype is supercharged. But fundamental analysis can help us see past the publicity smokescreen and understand the intrinsic value of a digital asset. Sure, memecoins have surprised us with their performance. DOGE's 12,000% increase in the first five months of 2021 is a case in point. But remember, engaging in memecoin markets without thorough analysis and understanding of risks is more gambling than investing. So, let's not chase the next improbable moonshot on a reckless impulse. Instead, let's use meaningful valuation frameworks to make informed decisions based on meticulous research and solid evidence. What are your thoughts on this? Share your insights in the comments! #Crypto #DeFi #Memecoins
🚀 Memecoins, the "Wild West" of DeFi, have soared to a collective market cap of $54.4B! Thanks to the likes of Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), the memecoin market is booming. But beware, folks! The recent surge in memecoin trade volumes mirrors the trend seen just before the 2022 crypto bubble burst. 📉

The hype and FOMO can easily sweep traders into making impulsive investment decisions. That's why it's crucial to apply fundamental valuation frameworks and high-level technical analysis to navigate this volatile market. Especially for institutional investors seeking long-term value in digital assets.

Speculative hype can often overshadow rational investment strategy. Remember the dot-com bubble? The subprime mortgage meltdown? In crypto, this hype is supercharged. But fundamental analysis can help us see past the publicity smokescreen and understand the intrinsic value of a digital asset.

Sure, memecoins have surprised us with their performance. DOGE's 12,000% increase in the first five months of 2021 is a case in point. But remember, engaging in memecoin markets without thorough analysis and understanding of risks is more gambling than investing.

So, let's not chase the next improbable moonshot on a reckless impulse. Instead, let's use meaningful valuation frameworks to make informed decisions based on meticulous research and solid evidence. What are your thoughts on this? Share your insights in the comments! #Crypto #DeFi #Memecoins
🚀Crypto markets are soaring with a whopping $12 billion net inflows year-to-date, says JPMorgan! Spot bitcoin ETFs are leading the charge, attracting $16 billion of inflows. But hold on, not all of it is new money. A significant chunk is likely a rotation from existing digital wallets on exchanges to these new ETFs. 🔄 Bitcoin reserves across exchanges have dipped since the ETFs launched in January, suggesting a shift in funds. This reduces the net inflow to digital assets year-to-date to $12 billion from $25 billion. Still, this inflow is stronger than last year, albeit lower than the bull run of 2021/2022. 📉 JPMorgan is playing it cool, expressing skepticism that inflows will continue at the same pace for the rest of the year. What do you think, folks? Will the crypto market continue to attract big bucks? Let's chat in the comments! 💬 #CryptoNews #BitcoinETFs
🚀Crypto markets are soaring with a whopping $12 billion net inflows year-to-date, says JPMorgan! Spot bitcoin ETFs are leading the charge, attracting $16 billion of inflows. But hold on, not all of it is new money. A significant chunk is likely a rotation from existing digital wallets on exchanges to these new ETFs. 🔄

Bitcoin reserves across exchanges have dipped since the ETFs launched in January, suggesting a shift in funds. This reduces the net inflow to digital assets year-to-date to $12 billion from $25 billion. Still, this inflow is stronger than last year, albeit lower than the bull run of 2021/2022. 📉

JPMorgan is playing it cool, expressing skepticism that inflows will continue at the same pace for the rest of the year. What do you think, folks? Will the crypto market continue to attract big bucks? Let's chat in the comments! 💬 #CryptoNews #BitcoinETFs
🔥Hot off the press! CRV token takes a nosedive, dropping 30% in early Asian trading hours! 📉 Why? Curve founder, Michael Egorov, is facing a multi-million dollar liquidation risk. Egorov's addresses have reportedly taken out a whopping $100 million loan in stablecoins, mostly crvUSD, against $140 million in CRV collateral. Wallet transactions indicate Egorov is actively mitigating risks, repaying loans with FRAX, DOLA, and CRV tokens. But the liquidation of such a large position is causing ripples in the DeFi world. CRV is a key trading pair and ballast in trading pools across the ecosystem, so this pressure is being felt far and wide. One address on Frax Lend saw $3.3 million in liquidated positions as CRV prices fell. This isn't the first time Egorov's borrowed positions have shaken the crypto market. Back in 2023, an exploit of several Curve lending pools caused CRV prices to dump, putting over $100 million at risk of liquidation. What's next for CRV and the DeFi ecosystem? Share your thoughts below! 👇 #crypto #blockchain #DeFi
🔥Hot off the press! CRV token takes a nosedive, dropping 30% in early Asian trading hours! 📉 Why? Curve founder, Michael Egorov, is facing a multi-million dollar liquidation risk.

Egorov's addresses have reportedly taken out a whopping $100 million loan in stablecoins, mostly crvUSD, against $140 million in CRV collateral. Wallet transactions indicate Egorov is actively mitigating risks, repaying loans with FRAX, DOLA, and CRV tokens.

But the liquidation of such a large position is causing ripples in the DeFi world. CRV is a key trading pair and ballast in trading pools across the ecosystem, so this pressure is being felt far and wide. One address on Frax Lend saw $3.3 million in liquidated positions as CRV prices fell.

This isn't the first time Egorov's borrowed positions have shaken the crypto market. Back in 2023, an exploit of several Curve lending pools caused CRV prices to dump, putting over $100 million at risk of liquidation.

What's next for CRV and the DeFi ecosystem? Share your thoughts below! 👇 #crypto #blockchain #DeFi
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔥Sildziniet presi!🔥 BTC nesenā krituma pēc Fed likmju prognozes netraucē 10 reižu izpēti. Viņi pieturas pie Bitcoin, pierādītā uzvarētāja, un drīzumā paredz ralliju. 🚀 Fed sliktās procentu likmju prognozes noteica BTC samazinājumu līdz 67 400 USD, apvēršot tā pieaugumu pēc PCI līdz 70 000 USD. Taču 10x Research saskata sudraba oderi PCI izlaidumā, kas ir maigāks nekā gaidīts. Vēsturiski zemāki PCI skaitļi ir pacēluši Bitcoin cenas, un viņi sagaida, ka šī tendence turpināsies. 10x Markus Thielen norāda, ka inflācijas palēnināšanās vēsturiski ir piesaistījusi milzīgu pieplūdumu ASV biržā kotētajos spot bitcoin ETF. Tā kā ETF trešdien savāca 100 miljonus USD, pārtraucot divu dienu aizplūdes sēriju, šķiet, ka tendence saglabājas spēcīga. Thielen prognozē, ka Fed vēlāk šogad signalizēs par likmju samazināšanu, jo inflācija jau ir sasniegusi maksimumu. Tātad, Bitcoin entuziasti, saglabājiet acis un garastāvokli! 💪 Kādas ir tavas domas? Kopīgojiet tos komentāros!#Bitcoin#CryptoNews
🔥Sildziniet presi!🔥 BTC nesenā krituma pēc Fed likmju prognozes netraucē 10 reižu izpēti. Viņi pieturas pie Bitcoin, pierādītā uzvarētāja, un drīzumā paredz ralliju. 🚀

Fed sliktās procentu likmju prognozes noteica BTC samazinājumu līdz 67 400 USD, apvēršot tā pieaugumu pēc PCI līdz 70 000 USD. Taču 10x Research saskata sudraba oderi PCI izlaidumā, kas ir maigāks nekā gaidīts. Vēsturiski zemāki PCI skaitļi ir pacēluši Bitcoin cenas, un viņi sagaida, ka šī tendence turpināsies.

10x Markus Thielen norāda, ka inflācijas palēnināšanās vēsturiski ir piesaistījusi milzīgu pieplūdumu ASV biržā kotētajos spot bitcoin ETF. Tā kā ETF trešdien savāca 100 miljonus USD, pārtraucot divu dienu aizplūdes sēriju, šķiet, ka tendence saglabājas spēcīga.

Thielen prognozē, ka Fed vēlāk šogad signalizēs par likmju samazināšanu, jo inflācija jau ir sasniegusi maksimumu. Tātad, Bitcoin entuziasti, saglabājiet acis un garastāvokli! 💪 Kādas ir tavas domas? Kopīgojiet tos komentāros!#Bitcoin#CryptoNews
🚀Former President Trump is calling for a domestic Bitcoin mining boom in the U.S., aiming for all remaining Bitcoin to be produced stateside. This announcement, made on his Truth Social platform, has drawn mixed reactions from the crypto community.🤔 While some see this as a powerful signal for the importance of crypto, others argue that centralizing hashrate production in any one country is unwise. Especially considering the Biden administration's proposed 30% Bitcoin mining tax. But hey, let's not forget that Bitcoin is a global phenomenon, and it's unlikely that mining could ever be centralized in one region. What's your take on this? Is Trump's call for domestic Bitcoin mining a step forward or a misstep? Let's discuss in the comments! #BitcoinMining #CryptoNews
🚀Former President Trump is calling for a domestic Bitcoin mining boom in the U.S., aiming for all remaining Bitcoin to be produced stateside. This announcement, made on his Truth Social platform, has drawn mixed reactions from the crypto community.🤔

While some see this as a powerful signal for the importance of crypto, others argue that centralizing hashrate production in any one country is unwise. Especially considering the Biden administration's proposed 30% Bitcoin mining tax.

But hey, let's not forget that Bitcoin is a global phenomenon, and it's unlikely that mining could ever be centralized in one region.

What's your take on this? Is Trump's call for domestic Bitcoin mining a step forward or a misstep? Let's discuss in the comments! #BitcoinMining #CryptoNews
🚨Big news in the #crypto world! Terraform Labs and former CEO Do Kwon have agreed to pay the SEC a whopping $4.5 billion in penalties. This comes after a settlement agreement was filed, which also includes a permanent ban on Kwon and Terraform Labs from trading crypto asset securities.🔒 This is a significant development in the ongoing saga of Terraform Labs. The settlement still needs a nod from the New York judge overseeing the case. The SEC lawyers are urging for approval, stating it will send a strong deterrent message to those who seek to evade federal securities laws.👨‍⚖️ Interestingly, the hefty penalty is slightly lower than the SEC’s initial settlement offer of $5.3 billion but way higher than Terraform Labs' suggested $1 million. Kwon himself is liable to pay at least $204 million from his own pocket.💸 What do you think this means for the future of Terraform Labs and the broader crypto market? Share your thoughts below!👇 #BlockchainNews #SEC #TerraformLabs
🚨Big news in the #crypto world! Terraform Labs and former CEO Do Kwon have agreed to pay the SEC a whopping $4.5 billion in penalties. This comes after a settlement agreement was filed, which also includes a permanent ban on Kwon and Terraform Labs from trading crypto asset securities.🔒

This is a significant development in the ongoing saga of Terraform Labs. The settlement still needs a nod from the New York judge overseeing the case. The SEC lawyers are urging for approval, stating it will send a strong deterrent message to those who seek to evade federal securities laws.👨‍⚖️

Interestingly, the hefty penalty is slightly lower than the SEC’s initial settlement offer of $5.3 billion but way higher than Terraform Labs' suggested $1 million. Kwon himself is liable to pay at least $204 million from his own pocket.💸

What do you think this means for the future of Terraform Labs and the broader crypto market? Share your thoughts below!👇 #BlockchainNews #SEC #TerraformLabs
🚀Digital assets are no longer on the fringe! With the debut of Bitcoin ETFs and the anticipated arrival of Ethereum ETFs, they're capturing global investment and transforming the financial landscape.🌐 These assets offer a unique opportunity for institutional investors to participate in the birth of a new asset class. They're not just a tech curiosity anymore, but a distinct market niche with unparalleled growth potential and diversification benefits.💼 Bitcoin's correlation with the Nasdaq Composite stands at 0.60, up from 0.0 two months ago, indicating its potential as a diversification tool. This low correlation enhances the resilience of a well-balanced investment portfolio.📈 Choosing the right tokens is key. Bitcoin and Ethereum are indispensable, while tokens like Solana and Chainlink warrant consideration. Investing in an index like the CoinDesk 20 offers diversification and risk management benefits.🔑 Navigating the crypto landscape can be challenging, but trusted asset managers can streamline the process, guiding institutional investors into strategies that make sense for their portfolios.🧭 The crypto market is a formidable force in the modern financial ecosystem. Despite the challenges, the opportunities are too compelling to overlook. What are your thoughts on this shift? Let's discuss!💬 #CryptoNews #Blockchain #Bitcoin #Ethereum #DigitalAssets
🚀Digital assets are no longer on the fringe! With the debut of Bitcoin ETFs and the anticipated arrival of Ethereum ETFs, they're capturing global investment and transforming the financial landscape.🌐

These assets offer a unique opportunity for institutional investors to participate in the birth of a new asset class. They're not just a tech curiosity anymore, but a distinct market niche with unparalleled growth potential and diversification benefits.💼

Bitcoin's correlation with the Nasdaq Composite stands at 0.60, up from 0.0 two months ago, indicating its potential as a diversification tool. This low correlation enhances the resilience of a well-balanced investment portfolio.📈

Choosing the right tokens is key. Bitcoin and Ethereum are indispensable, while tokens like Solana and Chainlink warrant consideration. Investing in an index like the CoinDesk 20 offers diversification and risk management benefits.🔑

Navigating the crypto landscape can be challenging, but trusted asset managers can streamline the process, guiding institutional investors into strategies that make sense for their portfolios.🧭

The crypto market is a formidable force in the modern financial ecosystem. Despite the challenges, the opportunities are too compelling to overlook. What are your thoughts on this shift? Let's discuss!💬 #CryptoNews #Blockchain #Bitcoin #Ethereum #DigitalAssets
🚀🔥 SEC's recent approval of ETH ETFs is a game-changer for Ethereum! Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum has been grappling to distinguish itself among smart contract platforms. But now, it's one of the two major cryptos unlikely to be dubbed securities by U.S. regulators. This is HUGE for institutional investors, clearing up regulatory uncertainties and making Ethereum a more appealing choice. Ethereum's dominance in developer activity is also likely to continue, especially for large projects. Ethereum's project pipeline is robust, with EigenLayer, Ethena, and BlackRock’s BUIDL making waves. Ethena's synthetic dollar (USDe) alone has amassed a whopping $3 billion market cap in just a few months! A higher ETH price could kick-start the Ethereum DeFi economy, creating a powerful feedback loop. It could act like a stimulus package for its crypto economy, leading to more spending, investment, and leverage. Could this be the moment Ethereum becomes the "Amazon" of the digital asset economy? Only time will tell, but Ethereum's dominance sure looks promising. What do you think? Let's chat in the comments! #ETH #CryptoNews
🚀🔥 SEC's recent approval of ETH ETFs is a game-changer for Ethereum! Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum has been grappling to distinguish itself among smart contract platforms. But now, it's one of the two major cryptos unlikely to be dubbed securities by U.S. regulators.

This is HUGE for institutional investors, clearing up regulatory uncertainties and making Ethereum a more appealing choice. Ethereum's dominance in developer activity is also likely to continue, especially for large projects.

Ethereum's project pipeline is robust, with EigenLayer, Ethena, and BlackRock’s BUIDL making waves. Ethena's synthetic dollar (USDe) alone has amassed a whopping $3 billion market cap in just a few months!

A higher ETH price could kick-start the Ethereum DeFi economy, creating a powerful feedback loop. It could act like a stimulus package for its crypto economy, leading to more spending, investment, and leverage.

Could this be the moment Ethereum becomes the "Amazon" of the digital asset economy? Only time will tell, but Ethereum's dominance sure looks promising. What do you think? Let's chat in the comments! #ETH #CryptoNews
🚀📊 Bitcoin miners are cashing in! A whopping $209M worth of BTC was transferred from mining pools to exchanges, coinciding with BTC's dip from $70K to $66K. OTC volume also hit a two-month high. U.S. miner Marathon Digital sold 1,400 BTC ($98M) since June began. Miners' daily revenue is now $35M, down 55% from March's peak of $78M, due to lower transaction fees post-halving. Despite the dip, the market remains vibrant and dynamic. What's your take on this? Are miners making the right move? Let's discuss! #CryptoNews #BitcoinMining
🚀📊 Bitcoin miners are cashing in! A whopping $209M worth of BTC was transferred from mining pools to exchanges, coinciding with BTC's dip from $70K to $66K. OTC volume also hit a two-month high. U.S. miner Marathon Digital sold 1,400 BTC ($98M) since June began.

Miners' daily revenue is now $35M, down 55% from March's peak of $78M, due to lower transaction fees post-halving. Despite the dip, the market remains vibrant and dynamic.

What's your take on this? Are miners making the right move? Let's discuss! #CryptoNews #BitcoinMining
🔥Hot off the press!🔥 The world of banking is becoming a battleground as anti-money laundering (AML) rules are causing havoc for everyone from high-ranking officials to everyday folks. Even former Bank of England chief economist Andy Haldane was denied a bank account due to being "politically connected." 🏦🚫 Banks are closing accounts left and right, with the UK's largest banks shutting down over 140,000 company accounts in 2023 alone. The culprit? AML rules that make many "normal" customers unprofitable. 😱💼 But it's not just businesses feeling the squeeze. Individuals are also being hit hard, with some having their accounts closed due to crypto asset activity. And it's not just happening in the UK. Both Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase have been accused of politically motivated de-banking. 🏦🌍 The situation is dire, but there's a glimmer of hope on the horizon. Crypto is emerging as a practical alternative, offering a level of security that traditional banks can't match. As more people turn to crypto, we could see a virtuous cycle of increased usability and network effects. 🚀💰 So, what do you think? Is crypto the answer to the banking industry's woes? Or is there another solution? Let's get the conversation started! 💬👇
🔥Hot off the press!🔥 The world of banking is becoming a battleground as anti-money laundering (AML) rules are causing havoc for everyone from high-ranking officials to everyday folks. Even former Bank of England chief economist Andy Haldane was denied a bank account due to being "politically connected." 🏦🚫

Banks are closing accounts left and right, with the UK's largest banks shutting down over 140,000 company accounts in 2023 alone. The culprit? AML rules that make many "normal" customers unprofitable. 😱💼

But it's not just businesses feeling the squeeze. Individuals are also being hit hard, with some having their accounts closed due to crypto asset activity. And it's not just happening in the UK. Both Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase have been accused of politically motivated de-banking. 🏦🌍

The situation is dire, but there's a glimmer of hope on the horizon. Crypto is emerging as a practical alternative, offering a level of security that traditional banks can't match. As more people turn to crypto, we could see a virtuous cycle of increased usability and network effects. 🚀💰

So, what do you think? Is crypto the answer to the banking industry's woes? Or is there another solution? Let's get the conversation started! 💬👇
🔥Hot off the press! AI and crypto could be the dynamic duo we didn't know we needed, potentially adding a whopping $20 trillion to the global economy by 2030, says Bitwise's latest report. 🚀 Bitcoin miners, with their powerful chips and hi-tech cooling systems, are sitting on a goldmine of resources that AI firms are craving. Just look at CoreWeave's recent takeover offer for miner Core Scientific, and their $3.5 billion deal to host AI services. But the magic doesn't stop at mining! Crypto and AI could also intersect in areas like information validation and virtual assistants. 🧠💡 What do you think? Are we on the brink of a tech revolution? Let's discuss! #Crypto #AI #BlockchainNews
🔥Hot off the press! AI and crypto could be the dynamic duo we didn't know we needed, potentially adding a whopping $20 trillion to the global economy by 2030, says Bitwise's latest report. 🚀

Bitcoin miners, with their powerful chips and hi-tech cooling systems, are sitting on a goldmine of resources that AI firms are craving. Just look at CoreWeave's recent takeover offer for miner Core Scientific, and their $3.5 billion deal to host AI services.

But the magic doesn't stop at mining! Crypto and AI could also intersect in areas like information validation and virtual assistants. 🧠💡

What do you think? Are we on the brink of a tech revolution? Let's discuss! #Crypto #AI #BlockchainNews
🚀MetaMask, Ethereum's top wallet, is launching a "pooled staking" feature, making it more affordable to contribute to the blockchain's security. This feature allows users to participate in Ethereum staking, a popular crypto investment strategy. 💰Staking usually requires users to tie up 32 ETH, about $112,000 at current prices. "Pooled" services like Lido, Rocket Pool, and now MetaMask, bundle assets from various users, allowing anyone to stake, even if they don't have 32 ETH. 🔒"With Pooled Staking, MetaMask users now have an easy way to stake ETH in enterprise-grade validators while maintaining full control of their ETH, earning rewards and making Ethereum more secure," said Matthieu Saint Olive, senior product manager at Consensys. However, MetaMask won't offer its own liquid staking tokens (LSTs), unlike Lido and Rocket Pool. Also, the new feature won't be available in the U.S. or UK initially. What are your thoughts on MetaMask's new feature? Let's discuss! #CryptoNews #Ethereum #Staking
🚀MetaMask, Ethereum's top wallet, is launching a "pooled staking" feature, making it more affordable to contribute to the blockchain's security. This feature allows users to participate in Ethereum staking, a popular crypto investment strategy.

💰Staking usually requires users to tie up 32 ETH, about $112,000 at current prices. "Pooled" services like Lido, Rocket Pool, and now MetaMask, bundle assets from various users, allowing anyone to stake, even if they don't have 32 ETH.

🔒"With Pooled Staking, MetaMask users now have an easy way to stake ETH in enterprise-grade validators while maintaining full control of their ETH, earning rewards and making Ethereum more secure," said Matthieu Saint Olive, senior product manager at Consensys.

However, MetaMask won't offer its own liquid staking tokens (LSTs), unlike Lido and Rocket Pool. Also, the new feature won't be available in the U.S. or UK initially.

What are your thoughts on MetaMask's new feature? Let's discuss! #CryptoNews #Ethereum #Staking
🔔Zimbabwe is calling for insights from the crypto industry to shape its policy! The government has set up a committee to consult digital asset operators, with comments due by June 26. This move follows similar steps taken by other countries like South Africa and Nigeria to understand and regulate the crypto sector. 🌍 Zimbabwe's crypto activity may not be as high as Nigeria's, but it surpasses over 50 nations in its 2023 crypto use ranking. The country has even experimented with a gold-digital-backed token, ZiG, to address its economic issues. 🚀 What do you think about Zimbabwe's move towards understanding crypto? Share your thoughts below! #CryptoNews #ZimbabweCrypto
🔔Zimbabwe is calling for insights from the crypto industry to shape its policy! The government has set up a committee to consult digital asset operators, with comments due by June 26. This move follows similar steps taken by other countries like South Africa and Nigeria to understand and regulate the crypto sector. 🌍

Zimbabwe's crypto activity may not be as high as Nigeria's, but it surpasses over 50 nations in its 2023 crypto use ranking. The country has even experimented with a gold-digital-backed token, ZiG, to address its economic issues. 🚀

What do you think about Zimbabwe's move towards understanding crypto? Share your thoughts below! #CryptoNews #ZimbabweCrypto
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