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šŸ”„Kriptovaļi iegÅ«st satriecoÅ”us 52 miljonus lavÄ«nu (AVAX) žetonu! šŸ¤Æ Avalanche (AVAX) nesen piedzÄ«voja triecienu, dienas diagrammā noslÄ«dot zem 50 USD atzÄ«mes. Tomēr lejupslÄ«des laikā parādās optimisma pieplÅ«dums, ko veicina ievērojams intereses pieplÅ«dums no kriptovaliem ā€” lieliem investoriem, kuru turējumā ir no 1 miljona lÄ«dz 10 miljoniem USD AVAX. Tikai trÄ«s dienu laikā kopÅ” aprīļa sākuma Å”ie vaļi kopā ir ieguvuÅ”i milzÄ«gus 52 miljonus AVAX, kuru vērtÄ«ba pārsniedz 2,1 miljardu ASV dolāru. Å is lielais ieguldÄ«jums liecina par viņu stingro pārliecÄ«bu par AVAX atgrieÅ”anās potenciālu. Avalanche Å”ifrē savu ceļu kriptovalÅ«tu vidē. AtŔķirÄ«bā no daudziem citiem, tā korelācija ar Bitcoin atrodas zemā lÄ«menÄ« 0,17. Tas nozÄ«mē, ka, lai gan tas joprojām var sekot vispārējām tirgus tendencēm, tā cenu izmaiņas nebÅ«s tik cieÅ”i saistÄ«tas ar Bitcoin kāpumiem un kritumiem. Å Ä« neatkarÄ«ba varētu radÄ«t lielus ieguvumus. Zema korelācija liecina, ka AVAX var pārvietoties neatkarÄ«gi, nevis vienkārÅ”i atspoguļot katru Bitcoin kustÄ«bu. Ņemot vērā Å”o dinamiku, AVAX varētu cerēt uz ievērojamu augÅ”upeju, iespējams, pieaugot par 23,5% no paÅ”reizējās 47,32 USD cenas, cenÅ”oties sasniegt 60 USD atzÄ«mi. Tas ir nedaudz virs tā gada augstākā lÄ«meņa 65 USD. Bet tā nebÅ«s pastaiga pa parku. AVAX ir jāpārvar pretestÄ«bas lÄ«meņi pie USD 50, USD 53 un USD 58. Jo Ä«paÅ”i 53 ASV dolāru barjera ir izrādÄ«jusies grÅ«ti pārvarama, jo tā ir atkārtoti pārbaudÄ«ta. Ja AVAX cÄ«nÄ«sies, lai pārvarētu Å”os ŔķērŔļus, jo Ä«paÅ”i USD 53 atzÄ«mi, tas var zaudēt savu bullish impulsu un saskarties ar apvērsumu. Šādā scenārijā optimistiskā prognoze varētu izgaist, un AVAX varētu noslÄ«dēt zem 50 USD. #Memecoins #AVAX #BTC #HotTrends #TrendingTopic

šŸ”„Kriptovaļi iegÅ«st satriecoÅ”us 52 miljonus lavÄ«nu (AVAX) žetonu! šŸ¤Æ

Avalanche (AVAX) nesen piedzÄ«voja triecienu, dienas diagrammā noslÄ«dot zem 50 USD atzÄ«mes. Tomēr lejupslÄ«des laikā parādās optimisma pieplÅ«dums, ko veicina ievērojams intereses pieplÅ«dums no kriptovaliem ā€” lieliem investoriem, kuru turējumā ir no 1 miljona lÄ«dz 10 miljoniem USD AVAX.

Tikai trÄ«s dienu laikā kopÅ” aprīļa sākuma Å”ie vaļi kopā ir ieguvuÅ”i milzÄ«gus 52 miljonus AVAX, kuru vērtÄ«ba pārsniedz 2,1 miljardu ASV dolāru. Å is lielais ieguldÄ«jums liecina par viņu stingro pārliecÄ«bu par AVAX atgrieÅ”anās potenciālu.

Avalanche Å”ifrē savu ceļu kriptovalÅ«tu vidē. AtŔķirÄ«bā no daudziem citiem, tā korelācija ar Bitcoin atrodas zemā lÄ«menÄ« 0,17. Tas nozÄ«mē, ka, lai gan tas joprojām var sekot vispārējām tirgus tendencēm, tā cenu izmaiņas nebÅ«s tik cieÅ”i saistÄ«tas ar Bitcoin kāpumiem un kritumiem.

Å Ä« neatkarÄ«ba varētu radÄ«t lielus ieguvumus. Zema korelācija liecina, ka AVAX var pārvietoties neatkarÄ«gi, nevis vienkārÅ”i atspoguļot katru Bitcoin kustÄ«bu.

Ņemot vērā Å”o dinamiku, AVAX varētu cerēt uz ievērojamu augÅ”upeju, iespējams, pieaugot par 23,5% no paÅ”reizējās 47,32 USD cenas, cenÅ”oties sasniegt 60 USD atzÄ«mi. Tas ir nedaudz virs tā gada augstākā lÄ«meņa 65 USD.

Bet tā nebÅ«s pastaiga pa parku. AVAX ir jāpārvar pretestÄ«bas lÄ«meņi pie USD 50, USD 53 un USD 58. Jo Ä«paÅ”i 53 ASV dolāru barjera ir izrādÄ«jusies grÅ«ti pārvarama, jo tā ir atkārtoti pārbaudÄ«ta.

Ja AVAX cÄ«nÄ«sies, lai pārvarētu Å”os ŔķērŔļus, jo Ä«paÅ”i USD 53 atzÄ«mi, tas var zaudēt savu bullish impulsu un saskarties ar apvērsumu. Šādā scenārijā optimistiskā prognoze varētu izgaist, un AVAX varētu noslÄ«dēt zem 50 USD.

#Memecoins #AVAX #BTC #HotTrends #TrendingTopic

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šŸ’„Fortune Favours the Hodler! $121 Billion Worth of BTC Stays Dormant for Over a DecadešŸ’µšŸ¤‘ Bitcoin's long-term holders, who literally invested close to nothing about 15 years ago, have a shocking secretā€”1.75 million Bitcoin wallets have been inactive for over 10 years, holding nearly 1.8 million BTC. At today's prices, that's a whopping $121 billion just sitting there, untouched. Most of these wallets likely bought Bitcoin when it was dirt cheap, back when you could snag a coin for double-digit prices. Now, those coins are worth millions, but their owners haven't made a move in ages. So, what's happening with all this dormant Bitcoin? Recently, some of these ancient wallets have been waking up, hinting at big shifts in the Bitcoin landscape. Just this year, a wallet that hadn't seen action for 11 years suddenly transferred $30 million in Bitcoin. Another trio of wallets, silent for six years, moved a mind-boggling $230 million in November 2023. What's interesting is where these coins are heading. Many of these recently activated wallets have transferred their Bitcoin to new addresses or even to cryptocurrency exchanges, which suggests that some owners might be ready to cash out after years of holding on. The three wallets that moved $230 million in BTC in November seem to be linked to the same person or groupā€”they all made their last transactions on the same day, back in 2017. Is this a coordinated plan, or just a coincidence? Either way, it's clear that Bitcoin's early adopters are stirring. With so much Bitcoin on the move, the crypto world is buzzing with speculation. Will these newly active wallets trigger a sell-off, or are they just reshuffling their holdings? As Bitcoin's history continues to unfold, all eyes are on these mysterious wallet owners. #ETHETFS #BTC #bitcoin #CryptoWatchMay2024 #buythedip $BTC
šŸøThe Meme Coin Market is OversaturatedšŸ¶: Now High Risk, Low RewardšŸ˜… Remember the bull run of 2020-2021, when meme coins like Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and FLOKI soared? Well, the crypto market has changed, and those high-flying dogsh*t meme coins might not be the best bet anymore. Think about it this way: the meme coin landscape has become too crowded. In the past, meme coins thrived because they had limited competition and tons of retail investors jumping in. But now, anyone can create a new coin, making the market flooded with options. Deploying an ERC-20 token used to be a challenge. Today, anyone can do it. Last month, 138 new meme coins were listed on CoinMarketCap, compared to just 18 in April 2023. This explosion of new coins makes it hard for any single coin to stand out. Investing in meme coins today means entering a crowded and highly volatile market. The odds of striking it rich are slim, and the chances of losing everything are high. Without a diversified portfolio, you could lose your entire investment in a heartbeat.šŸ’€ If you want to play the meme coin game, you need lots of diversification. But even then, a 20x on one coin might not make much of a difference if your portfolio is too spread out. Besides, the market dynamics have changed. During the meme coin boom, demand outpaced supply. Now, it's the other way aroundā€”there are too many coins and not enough buyers. Prices can drop fast, leaving investors holding the bag šŸ‘»with significant losses. No doubt, meme coins still offer big returns, just that the risks have gone up considerably. Currently, only a few meme coins out of thousands will turn a profit. So, maybe ask yourself whether you'd be better off holding Bitcoin or other bluechip cryptos. As meme coins overflood the market, it may be smarter to stick with more established coins. If you're a die-hard meme coins degen, be prepared for a wild ride. The high risks might not be worth the low rewards. Approach with caution and consider whether you're ready for the potential volatility and loss. #Memecoins #BTC #altcoins $DOGE $SHIB $PEPE
āœØTellor (TRB) Soars 120% in Just a Weekā€”Hereā€™s Why It Could be Going to $246 Next!šŸš€šŸ’µ Tellor (TRB), a decentralized oracle network, has been on a roll, with its market capitalisation more than doubling in just one week. As of April 30, TRB's market cap stood at $143.32 million. Fast-forward to May 7, and it had surged to $274.11 million. Let me break down what's behind this explosive growth. Crypto analytics experts like Santiment point to a spike in crypto whale activity as the primary catalyst for this impressive rise. On May 6, there were 212 daily active addresses involving TRB, and 16 whale transactions valued at over $100,000 each. Just a week earlier, on May 1, the numbers were much lowerā€”only 131 active addresses and no significant whale transactions. This dramatic uptick in activity suggests that big investors see potential in TRB, likely leading to a ripple effect as others jump on board. The increased interest and volume have clearly contributed to the skyrocketing market cap. Crypto analysts are bullish on TRB's future. Notable market observers believe that the current trend is just the beginning of a much larger movement. They believe that TRB could jump by over 300% from its recent lows, possibly reaching more than $246. Technical analysis seem to support this outlook. The formation of higher lows in price action, combined with lower lows on a momentum oscillator, typically signals a bullish trend. This technical setup aligns with the recent surge in whale activity, indicating strong upward momentum for TRB. As of now, Tellor is trading at $106.78, reflecting a 16.6% increase in the last 24 hours. Over the past week, the price has soared by more than 100%, a remarkable trend that has captured the attention of crypto enthusiasts and experts alike. With analysts and whales both signaling more growth ahead, Tellor (TRB) is definitely a coin to watch. If you're in the market for a promising decentralized oracle network, TRB could be the hot ticket. #CryptoWatchMay2024 #altcoins #buythedip #BTC #Memecoins $BTC $BNB $TRB
āœØCardano Founder Charles Hoskinson Proposes Merger with Bitcoin CashšŸ¤‘ Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, has made a bold proposal to merge Cardano with Bitcoin Cash. This groundbreaking initiative could lead to the creation of one of the fastest and most efficient Proof of Work blockchains to date. Hoskinson's plan involves leveraging cutting-edge technologies like Useful Proof of Work Leios, Non-Interactive Proofs of Proof of Work (NiPoPoWs), and Ergo technology. The goal is to boost both scalability and efficiency, paving the way for a more robust decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. Cardano, a platform designed to be scalable and independent of venture capital, has been a significant player in the blockchain space since its launch in 2017. By merging with Bitcoin Cash, a prominent Bitcoin fork, Cardano aims to extend its capabilities and support broader blockchain interoperability. This merger could also bring significant upgrades to the Bitcoin Cash network, enhancing its appeal for DeFi applications. Hoskinson's proposal, announced on May 4, 2024, has already gained considerable traction. A poll to gauge community sentiment attracted over 12,500 responses, with 66.3% favoring the merger. The final outcome will be revealed after six days of additional voting. Bitcoin Cash, created in 2017 as a fork from Bitcoin, was designed to address Bitcoin's limitations, especially in terms of transaction speed and scalability. Since then, it has played a crucial role in promoting blockchain innovation and expanding DeFi opportunities. If the community supports the merger, this could mark a significant step toward increased blockchain interoperability and collaboration. The final decision will depend on the poll's outcome and community feedback. This proposed merger is not just a merger of technologies but also a merger of visionsā€”creating a more cohesive blockchain ecosystem. #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BTC #ADA #altcoins #BCH $BTC $ADA $BCH

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