Binance Square

Moshe Cadenhead o5Kj

15 Жазылым
5 Жазылушылар
2 лайк басылған
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大佬 感觉今天这个就会到0.1了 厉害👍 等你新的帖子
大佬 感觉今天这个就会到0.1了 厉害👍 等你新的帖子
$ARC 抱歉,让我赚到了。这个时候还在做空的恐怕需要看看大脑
May I know fireflies means what? When then show out means? Thx
May I know fireflies means what? When then show out means? Thx
Heretic Trader
$ARC Lets analyze, Box orders are cancelled, there is no a big support and buy zone anymore. F fireflies orders are back, they usually bring downtrend momentum. Cumulative delta volume is a red sea now and we are inside of a submarine, diving.

This coin gives you money only if you follow the bot ARCia, just dont try to guess the future.

I still am a bear and I survived just because of low leverage. If Ema lines shift I will shift my position too. This chart shows 0.045 easily but you never know.

You are not trading here, You are ARCing.
Thanks for your sharing! Looks continue to go down.
Thanks for your sharing! Looks continue to go down.
Heretic Trader
$ARC I closed my short now, Now waiting but I read some comments , they can be new here trying to find the dip here.. I wanted to make a quick post
It can be long abit bare with me..

0- Make all your candles same gray color. Remove from your visual cortex, red and green candle signals, why? Each red candle will be a stress for you, in 1 min. you dont need more stress if you long and trapped in short you already filled with fear..

We will use EMA 2 as a close, candles will show only wick and size information

1- In early huge drop it was pretty similar. You must add fibonacci ema indicator numbers and check the momentum. Ema 2 (yellow line) Ema 8-13 and for real reversal Ema 34 and Ema 55

In 1 min. chart ( dont go to 3 min for ARC it is so slow and late) add those ema numbers .
As long as Ema 34 is under Ema 55 you are in down trend.

as long as close is under ema 8 and ema 8 is under Ema 13 , and all of three lines under ema 34-55 you are in a super strong fall.

2- In eaelier reversal it was like this, Ema2>Ema 8>Ema13 but all three must be higher than Ema 34 > Ema 55 ok.. Look at the first chat.
You dont need candles, as they forced you to learn.

3- Now we are here, A perfect spot for confusion, will it go up from 0.05 or dump.. Look at my earlier post, support is around 0.045.. So if it goes it will explore those numbers.

Dont sacrifice your capital like I did in first fall, It took me 4 days to get it all back.

Remove your predictive clairvoyant future telling ego filled trade prophecies here, just rely on momentum and basic crossovers. Yes may be in other coins it does not work but here nothing else works.

If you need for a complete reversal, all this with exact same numbers should happen in higher timeframes like 15min. Then you can say ok ARC has reversed. But look at A drop.. That may happen too. This ARCia bot must imply a direction and the hunt all the traders who jumped early.

That is why do not trade here for going to moon, no spot no moon)
请帮忙分析一下 现在是止跌了吗
请帮忙分析一下 现在是止跌了吗
Heretic Trader
$ARC heat map show us similar signals when ARC falls very long and deep.

F Fireflies orders are back, these are short lived but big orders, We saw them before , now they appeared again...

Two big order blocks still following the price, they did not lose the density, they located 0.045 area.
Heat map also shows stairs (step style) following the price in much lower level.

Now dilemmais these reasons signal very deep fall, but when you read this and follow this advice and open short positions, ARCia (trading bot for ARC )will punish all these shorts with needles.

If this post convinced you about short position at least open it with max 3-5 x leverage. 5X and double my position as margin did not save me I had to put more, so I warn you ARC will fall but it will take you sky before the fall.

I expect around 0.04 even lower ...
你好 开的多 0.0598 现在套住了 还能涨上来吗
你好 开的多 0.0598 现在套住了 还能涨上来吗
Heretic Trader
$ARC heat map show us similar signals when ARC falls very long and deep.

F Fireflies orders are back, these are short lived but big orders, We saw them before , now they appeared again...

Two big order blocks still following the price, they did not lose the density, they located 0.045 area.
Heat map also shows stairs (step style) following the price in much lower level.

Now dilemmais these reasons signal very deep fall, but when you read this and follow this advice and open short positions, ARCia (trading bot for ARC )will punish all these shorts with needles.

If this post convinced you about short position at least open it with max 3-5 x leverage. 5X and double my position as margin did not save me I had to put more, so I warn you ARC will fall but it will take you sky before the fall.

I expect around 0.04 even lower ...
Hi, she is going up, may I know where she will reach to this time, thx
Hi, she is going up, may I know where she will reach to this time, thx
Heretic Trader
$ARC ARCia is a bear now). But a I am sure she will be going up like crazy bull and become bear again.
大佬 看到多少这个币
大佬 看到多少这个币
Жоғары (өспелі)
$ARC 家人今天不抄底,明天会后悔,3分钱买不了吃亏,3分钱你买不了上当
厉害了 等新的帖子
厉害了 等新的帖子
Жоғары (өспелі)
$GPS 我们拿了四十万U开合约就是看看这个庄为什么要人为压盘。成本价0.056。
Жоғары (өспелі)
$GPS 跟大家科普一下深圳庄的特征,这帮人没啥文化,K线图也不会画,不是爆拉就砸盘,没有中间态。快进快出,不要被这个深圳庄给吓到了,就是多单跟牌,庄吸我们也吸,他拉上去我们就砸。这庄牛逼就破0.055,他不敢,因为他成本就在这里
Жоғары (өспелі)
$GPS 跟大家科普一下深圳庄的特征,这帮人没啥文化,K线图也不会画,不是爆拉就砸盘,没有中间态。快进快出,不要被这个深圳庄给吓到了,就是多单跟牌,庄吸我们也吸,他拉上去我们就砸。这庄牛逼就破0.055,他不敢,因为他成本就在这里
一不高兴再大跌一次 都怕爆了😅
一不高兴再大跌一次 都怕爆了😅
Жоғары (өспелі)
$GPS 别听一些人忽悠,这个币庄家手里有一个亿的筹码了,不爆柱是不可能的。他要继续压盘就跟牌,跟深圳币玩就是要有梭哈的心态。
是没吸够吗 涨了一下又下来了😅 等着跟明天大会爆拉吗
是没吸够吗 涨了一下又下来了😅 等着跟明天大会爆拉吗
Жоғары (өспелі)
$GPS 好了,庄家完成了两天的砸盘吸筹,让我们祝福那些抄底的朋友们。
牛逼 起来了
牛逼 起来了
Жоғары (өспелі)
$GPS 这种超跌币再不买就来不及了,赶快买,跑步前进。
Жоғары (өспелі)
$TRUMP 今天孙哥要给家人们刷一支大火箭
Жоғары (өспелі)
$TRUMP 川普币完成了洗盘,几个华尔街基金要爆拉
Жоғары (өспелі)
$FIO 你们现在买入这个,几天后会谢我
现在爆吗 空起
现在爆吗 空起
Төмен (кемімелі)
$KAITO 刚刚爆了alch,现在轮到你了
别啊哥 等你帖子呢
别啊哥 等你帖子呢
Төмен (кемімелі)
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