Today is a very historic day - the dollar is to soon come to an end.
Today 9 of June 2024 is the day that the saudi-us 50 year Petro- dollar agreement expired and it is confirmed it will not be renewed by the Saudis which leaves the dollar completely intrinsicly naked with absolutely no value - demand of the dollar is "passé"! - from now we will only see effects of damage control and give rewards to the nations by lowering the rates and call inflation passé as well to get ready for the outfall and the transition
-So its actually a very significant day for bitcoin and crypto - the real value of bitcoin just went up a lot more to day and this could be more significant that both ETF and The halving together
- And mentioning that ...that was the third strong event which makes bitcoin very bullish to say the least. The time for the dollar collapse of the dollar has begun. Yeah they will print more but - its the end - the value will be over taken by bitcoin and crypto, gold , silver, other natural ressources, tech-stocks and real estate.
This will effect BTC and crypto a lot - many will be busy buying crypto to save their value - we could start seeing crypto bullrun speed up faster then most anticipated.
Use your assets wisely - get you friends to our channel and get rdy for awesome times ahead !!! 🔥☺️