Right now, the AI sector is packed with Lowcaps.

Here are 7 AI Lowcaps I'm most bullish on 🧵👇

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AI rules the tech world in 2024, both in crypto and real life.

The fusion of crypto & AI has the potential to dominate the market.

Many experts predict the AI market could hit $2.5 trillion by 2032.

Why AI coins are the top pick for the upcoming altseason:

➢ AI is the hottest narrative of 2024

➢ Leading position by market share

➢ Massive growth potential

I scanned numerous AI coins, and here are the 7 AI lowcaps I've found 👇

1️⃣ @zero1_labs | $DEAI

◽ Zero1 is a Decentralized AI ecosystem focused on data governance, built by devs from Wormhole and Solana.

They provide a new financial primitive to build infrastructure for DeAi Apps.

MCap: $66.6M

Price: $0.708

2️⃣ @Spectral_Labs | $SPEC

◽ Spectral integrates AI and blockchain to create on-chain AI agents and decentralized ML solutions, enhancing Web3 with intelligent contracts.

MCap: $139M

Price: $13.21

3️⃣ @nfprompt | $NFP

◽ NFPrompt is an AI-driven UGC platform tailored for the new generation of Web3 creators. Backed by Binance.

MCap: $124.13

Price: $0.497

4️⃣ @graphlinq_proto | $GLQ

◽ GraphLinq lets you automate tasks without coding, using its own blockchain, featuring an IDE, App, Engine, and Marketplace for easy process management.

MCap: $45M

Price: $0.132

5️⃣ @oraichain | $ORAI

◽ Oraichain is the world’s first Layer 1 of AI Oracle. It provides multidimensional trustworthy proofs of AI and enables secure integration with Web3.

MCap: $203M

Price: $16.35

6️⃣ @AITProtocol | $AIT

◽ AIT Protocol makes processing and analyzing big data cheaper and more efficient by combining AI with human expertise, yielding efficient and cost-effective solutions.

MCap: $47.2M

Price: $0.35

7️⃣ @enq_AI | $ENQAI

◽ enqAI is an unrestricted AI with image/audio generation and large language models, powered by a decentralized GPU network for bias-free, agenda-free, and censorship-free operations.

MCap: $66.9M

Price: $0.067


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