7 hours ago, the 3rd largest retail holder of $BLZ, 0xcc8, deposited 10M BLZ ($1.16M) to #Binance at $0.116.
He accumulated 24.76M $BLZ ($4.61M) at $0.186 on Sep 26th. Currently, he still holds 14.76M BLZ ($1.71M) and has an estimated loss of $1.74M (-37.7%) from $BLZ if sold now.

Notably, 2 whales (0xcc8 and 0x02f) have deposited a total of 22.162M $BLZ ($2.74M) over the past 2 days.

Moreover, we also need to pay attention to whale 0xe8f, who accumulated 52.82M BLZ ($4.62M) at $0.087 2 months ago. He still holds them all and earns $1.373M (29%) unrealized profit.