🚀 UNI vs. OM: Which Will Deliver Higher Returns by 2030?
If you invest $1,000 in Uniswap (UNI) or MANTRA (OM) today, which could bring better returns by 2030? Let’s break it down based on current analyses and projections.
🌀 Uniswap (UNI)
🔹 Current Price: ~$6.04 (March 2025)
🔹 Price Predictions for 2030:
Binance: $7.57
CoinCodex: $1.49 - $4.47
The Currency Analytics: Up to $158.32 (Avg: $98.95)
🔹 Potential Investment Value in 2030:
Binance Projection: $1,264
CoinCodex Upper Projection: $740 (loss)
The Currency Analytics Projection: $26,215
🔹 Current Price: ~$6.35 (March 2025)
🔹 Price Predictions for 2030:
Changelly: $6.88 - $8.24
Coin Edition: $20.25
Traders Union: $12.37 (by 2029)
🔹 Potential Investment Value in 2030:
Changelly Upper Projection: $1,297
Coin Edition Projection: $3,188
Traders Union Projection: $1,947
📊 Conclusion:
Both UNI and OM have growth potential by 2030. While OM has more conservative predictions, UNI has a wider range with the potential for massive gains if it reaches its highest estimate.
🔹 If UNI hits $158.32, it could outperform OM significantly.
🔹 If UNI stays below $7.57, OM might be the better investment.
⚡ Final Thought: Higher risk, higher reward—UNI has a more volatile outlook, while OM appears to have steadier growth potential.
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