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Watcher Guru News
Guys, I have 12 years of trading experience, and I can foresee what’s likely to happen in the market over the next 5 to 12 days. We could see Bitcoin drop from $66K to $60K. I’m already arranging as many funds as possible. I currently have around $2.88 billion, and my plan is to buy $5 billion worth of BTC and ETH during the dip. Let me know in the comments how much you plan to invest during the dip and what you currently hold. I personally don’t own any crypto at the moment—just USDT and USDC—so I’m waiting for the right moment to buy. If you want to buy alongside me, don’t forget to follow me and stay updated. Also, make sure to join the live stream for more updates and insights! #BNBChainMeme #BinanceAlpha2.0 #BTC #ETH
Guys, I have 12 years of trading experience, and I can foresee what’s likely to happen in the market over the next 5 to 12 days. We could see Bitcoin drop from $66K to $60K. I’m already arranging as many funds as possible. I currently have around $2.88 billion, and my plan is to buy $5 billion worth of BTC and ETH during the dip.

Let me know in the comments how much you plan to invest during the dip and what you currently hold. I personally don’t own any crypto at the moment—just USDT and USDC—so I’m waiting for the right moment to buy. If you want to buy alongside me, don’t forget to follow me and stay updated. Also, make sure to join the live stream for more updates and insights!

#BNBChainMeme #BinanceAlpha2.0 #BTC #ETH
Everyone comes out to write nonsense. Keep waiting for btc to come down to 1k😄
Ethereum Founder Triggers 50% Price Crash With $124K Dump of Free TokensEthereum founder Vitalik Buterin briefly left some unfortunate token holders nursing substantial losses. Follow LACHAKARI Crypto On Tuesday, March 18, Vitalik triggered a 46% flash crash in the price of Dohrnii (DHN) from $38.505 to as low as $20.699 by selling 5,000 tokens for $124,000. Market watcher Spot On Chain called attention to this development in a post on X today. Notably, DHN is a token that powers the Dohrnii ecosystem, a crypto education platform powered by the Ethereum network. Dohrnii Labs had sent Vitalik 10,000 DHN for free on January 29. This is a common practice for Ethereum-based projects, typically meme coins, seeking to drive attention to their project using the clout of the influential blockchain developer. Following Vitalik’s Tuesday sale, he still holds another 5,000 DHN, currently worth nearly $190,000, per Etherscan data. Meanwhile, Dohrnii Labs has offered to facilitate the sale of these remaining holdings over the counter to minimize future market impact. Another Donation? Over the years, the Ethereum founder has warned projects against sending tokens to him, urging them to donate directly to charity instead. He notes that all tokens sent to him eventually get sent to charity. For example, in August 2024, Vitalik donated $530,000 to the Effective Altruism Funds’ Welfare Fund from a mix of animal-themed meme coins he had received for free. In the most recent reiteration of his position that projects should send tokens to charity directly instead of him, the Ethereum founder even urged projects to establish decentralized autonomous organizations to involve the community in the process. However, as highlighted by Dohrnii Labs’ decision to send Vitalik tokens in January, several projects continue to turn a deaf ear. Etherscan data shows that vitalik.eth, the Ethereum founder’s most popular wallet address, holds over 401 tokens. DisClamier: This content is informational and should not be considered financial advice. The views expressed in this article may include the author's personal opinions and do not reflect LACHAKARI Crypto opinion. Readers are encouraged to do thorough research before making any investment decisions. LACHAKARI Crypto is not responsible for any financial losses. $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) #ETH #ETHETFsApproved #BNBChainMeme #USTariffs #WhaleMovements

Ethereum Founder Triggers 50% Price Crash With $124K Dump of Free Tokens

Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin briefly left some unfortunate token holders nursing substantial losses.
Follow LACHAKARI Crypto

On Tuesday, March 18, Vitalik triggered a 46% flash crash in the price of Dohrnii (DHN) from $38.505 to as low as $20.699 by selling 5,000 tokens for $124,000. Market watcher Spot On Chain called attention to this development in a post on X today.
Notably, DHN is a token that powers the Dohrnii ecosystem, a crypto education platform powered by the Ethereum network. Dohrnii Labs had sent Vitalik 10,000 DHN for free on January 29. This is a common practice for Ethereum-based projects, typically meme coins, seeking to drive attention to their project using the clout of the influential blockchain developer.

Following Vitalik’s Tuesday sale, he still holds another 5,000 DHN, currently worth nearly $190,000, per Etherscan data. Meanwhile, Dohrnii Labs has offered to facilitate the sale of these remaining holdings over the counter to minimize future market impact.
Another Donation?
Over the years, the Ethereum founder has warned projects against sending tokens to him, urging them to donate directly to charity instead. He notes that all tokens sent to him eventually get sent to charity.
For example, in August 2024, Vitalik donated $530,000 to the Effective Altruism Funds’ Welfare Fund from a mix of animal-themed meme coins he had received for free.
In the most recent reiteration of his position that projects should send tokens to charity directly instead of him, the Ethereum founder even urged projects to establish decentralized autonomous organizations to involve the community in the process.

However, as highlighted by Dohrnii Labs’ decision to send Vitalik tokens in January, several projects continue to turn a deaf ear. Etherscan data shows that vitalik.eth, the Ethereum founder’s most popular wallet address, holds over 401 tokens.
This content is informational and should not be considered financial advice. The views expressed in this article may include the author's personal opinions and do not reflect LACHAKARI Crypto opinion. Readers are encouraged to do thorough research before making any investment decisions. LACHAKARI Crypto is not responsible for any financial losses.
#ETH #ETHETFsApproved #BNBChainMeme #USTariffs #WhaleMovements
Жоғары (өспелі)
#BNBChainMeme热潮 V神重磅发声:以太坊2025年将迎来颠覆性变革 区块链爱好者们请注意!在3月18日举行的EthSan Francisco Based Rollup峰会上,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin(V神)再次释放重磅信号,明确以太坊未来将围绕开放性、抗审查性与安全性三大核心优势,推动技术革新与生态升级1。 在以"AI可验证证明"为主题的圆桌讨论中,V神重申了以太坊的终极目标:"吸引海量用户真正受益于开放网络的价值",并透露了三大关键升级方向:一是优化ICO、DAO、RAWs等基础组件,解决现有缺陷;二是构建更强大的社交层,提升交互体验;三是通过技术创新实现快速、低成本交易1。值得注意的是,这些愿景的实现将依托Taiko团队研发的Rollup技术方案,其每秒1万笔交易的高吞吐量能力,为以太坊突破性能瓶颈提供了关键支撑1。 据峰会披露,以太坊即将上线的预确认(preconfirmations)功能最快将在一个月内落地,这标志着链上交易体验将迎来质的飞跃。V神强调:"我们不仅要让以太坊成为技术创新的试验场,更要让它成为承载未来数字社会的基础设施"1。尽管技术落地仍面临市场波动等挑战,但V神对社区治理能力与技术迭代的信心,为这场变革注入了强心剂。 从技术路线看,以太坊正通过EIP-4844等升级构建"数据驱动型"架构,未来吞吐量有望突破每秒10万笔2。而隐私保护领域的突破,如零知识证明与隐身地址技术,将进一步巩固其抗审查特性。这场由V神主导的"大改造",或将推动以太坊从"区块链2.0"进化为支撑Web3生态的"操作系统级"存在,值得持续关注。 #ETH

区块链爱好者们请注意!在3月18日举行的EthSan Francisco Based Rollup峰会上,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin(V神)再次释放重磅信号,明确以太坊未来将围绕开放性、抗审查性与安全性三大核心优势,推动技术革新与生态升级1。
Жоғары (өспелі)
知道你们想要看涨依据,现在给你们。 依据其实很多,但是说复杂了你们也不爱看 发个简单的,爆仓地图,只要能看透爆仓地图 其实很好做阶梯,做趋势。直接说结论吧 下方811--813一带上空头最后的离场机会了 上方挨个清算,回踩就多一段空间多拿几次 近期没什么利空利多消息面 只有一个内幕哥让行情些许产生影响 拿长单的拿到853吧 4小时级别得收一波反弹,小时级别也有了转轨迹象。多头别熬了,醒来有惊喜 空头赶紧精神一点,别错过最后的离场机会。 #BTC走势分析 #ETH #BNBChainMeme热潮 #美国加征关税 #你看好哪一个山寨币ETF将通过? $BTC $ETH

#BTC走势分析 #ETH #BNBChainMeme热潮 #美国加征关税 #你看好哪一个山寨币ETF将通过? $BTC $ETH
Жоғары (өспелі)
#BTC走势分析 #ETH #BTC☀ #美国加征关税 #美国加征关税 $BTC $ETH
我19岁时来到深圳打工,干了两年攒了些钱: 但那时年轻不懂节制,花钱大手大脚,回家待了半年后慢慢的就接触了币圈! #ETH 真的是个无底洞,希望我的亲身经历能给陌生人提个醒。 后来再次回到深圳,赶上疫情封闭,闲着无聊那时天天研究行情分析做合约。 如今四年过去,我众叛亲离,负债累累。现在躺在破旧的宿舍里,身无分文,真的后悔莫及。 自从投了ETH后,爆仓就像家常便饭,没给家里寄过一分钱,工资到手就没了,甚至网dai也逾期,征信成了灰色的。 生活一片黑暗,我真的不知道未来该怎么办,陷入深深的绝望后。 就好好的工作了两个月,老板给我发工资,发了18000多,我还记得,全部拿进去做合约了,就像人家说的,搏一搏单车变摩托, 慢慢自己就变得成熟了,也懂行情分析了,时间久了,就懂得怎么去操作合约,杠杆拉满,滚仓滚仓, 就像掌握了财富密码,瞬间,五位数提升了到八位数,实现了财富自由! 想知道我的过去的经历,评论区一一解答!! #BNBChainMeme热潮 #你看好哪一个山寨币ETF将通过? $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {future}(ETHUSDT)


#ETH 真的是个无底洞,希望我的亲身经历能给陌生人提个醒。









别吹牛了 喝多少酒啊
Жоғары (өспелі)
《 V神放话后,以太坊这波起飞稳了?》 $ETH 🔥 家人们,V神又整大活!在EthSan Francisco的Based Rollup Summit上,指明以太坊未来要吸引海量用户,畅享开放性、抗审查、安全优势。 V神对以太坊未来信心爆棚,要改进ICO、DAO 、RAWs,打造社交层,还会改掉现存缺点。实现这些靠Taiko团队,其拥有每秒1万笔交易能力,给以太坊创新“开火箭”。🚀 未来以太坊交易快又便宜,ICO规范、DAO自治、社交有趣安全,想想就美。但Taiko技术落地有挑战,区块链市场又多变,以太坊能否如愿还是未知数。 不管怎样,V神已发话,以太坊“大改造”箭在弦上,就坐等它华丽变身! #ETH
《 V神放话后,以太坊这波起飞稳了?》

$ETH 🔥
家人们,V神又整大活!在EthSan Francisco的Based Rollup Summit上,指明以太坊未来要吸引海量用户,畅享开放性、抗审查、安全优势。

V神对以太坊未来信心爆棚,要改进ICO、DAO 、RAWs,打造社交层,还会改掉现存缺点。实现这些靠Taiko团队,其拥有每秒1万笔交易能力,给以太坊创新“开火箭”。🚀


V 神定调以太坊:开放性、安全性驱动,ETH 走强根基已筑 3 月 18 日,Vitalik 在 Based Rollup Summit 上重申以太坊核心目标:吸引大量用户,让其深度受益于开放性、抗审查性与安全性。这一表述锚定了以太坊的价值内核 —— 不仅是技术基础设施,更是去中心化生态的 “价值载体”,通过技术特性赋予用户真正的自主权。 V 神进一步勾勒以太坊升级蓝图:优化 ICO、DAO、RAWs 及社交层生态,弥补传统模式缺陷,并借助 Taiko 等团队技术,实现每秒 1 万笔交易处理(TPS)能力,预确认功能上线更预示性能优化加速。从技术迭代到生态完善,以太坊正通过 Rollup 等创新破解扩展性难题,提升用户体验,为 ETH 价值积累夯实底层逻辑。 作为 “最强山寨币龙头”,ETH 走势与以太坊生态发展强绑定。V 神强调的开放性、安全性,是吸引开发者、用户、资金的核心引力。当以太坊性能提升、生态应用多元化,ETH 作为生态核心资产,需求将持续释放。短期市场波动受情绪、宏观因素影响,但长期来看,随着以太坊技术目标落地、生态繁荣度攀升,ETH 具备走强的内在动能。 毕竟在区块链领域,技术革新与生态活力是资产价值增长的核心驱动力,而以太坊正沿此路径稳步迈进,ETH 未来涨幅潜力值得长期关注。 #你看好哪一个山寨币ETF将通过? #ETH #ETH走势分析 $ETH
V 神定调以太坊:开放性、安全性驱动,ETH 走强根基已筑

3 月 18 日,Vitalik 在 Based Rollup Summit 上重申以太坊核心目标:吸引大量用户,让其深度受益于开放性、抗审查性与安全性。这一表述锚定了以太坊的价值内核 —— 不仅是技术基础设施,更是去中心化生态的 “价值载体”,通过技术特性赋予用户真正的自主权。

V 神进一步勾勒以太坊升级蓝图:优化 ICO、DAO、RAWs 及社交层生态,弥补传统模式缺陷,并借助 Taiko 等团队技术,实现每秒 1 万笔交易处理(TPS)能力,预确认功能上线更预示性能优化加速。从技术迭代到生态完善,以太坊正通过 Rollup 等创新破解扩展性难题,提升用户体验,为 ETH 价值积累夯实底层逻辑。

作为 “最强山寨币龙头”,ETH 走势与以太坊生态发展强绑定。V 神强调的开放性、安全性,是吸引开发者、用户、资金的核心引力。当以太坊性能提升、生态应用多元化,ETH 作为生态核心资产,需求将持续释放。短期市场波动受情绪、宏观因素影响,但长期来看,随着以太坊技术目标落地、生态繁荣度攀升,ETH 具备走强的内在动能。

毕竟在区块链领域,技术革新与生态活力是资产价值增长的核心驱动力,而以太坊正沿此路径稳步迈进,ETH 未来涨幅潜力值得长期关注。
#你看好哪一个山寨币ETF将通过? #ETH #ETH走势分析 $ETH
Ethereum: The Crypto Titan That Won’t Quit Ethereum’s gas fees are the crypto world’s equivalent of a $20 toll on a dirt road, outrageous, right? With average fees hitting $30 or more during peak times, competitors like Solana (pennies per transaction) and Cardano (a fraction of a dollar) should have dethroned it by now. Yet, Ethereum remains the undisputed king of smart contract blockchains in 2025. Why? It’s the OG powerhouse that refuses to fade. First, Ethereum’s first mover advantage is a beast. Since 2015, it’s built a developer army and an ecosystem that’s the backbone of DeFi, NFTs, and DAOs, think $200B+ locked in protocols. Solana’s speed is slick, but it’s playing catch up with a fraction of the dapp diversity. Ethereum’s network effect is like gravity; it keeps pulling users back, fees be damned. Then there is the tech flex. The Merge slashed energy use by 99.95%, and Layer 2 rollups like Arbitrum and Optimism have cut fees by up to 95% for savvy users. Ethereum isn’t resting, it’s evolving. Compare that to rivals: Solana’s outages and Cardano’s slower rollout show they are still ironing out kinks while Ethereum is battle tested. Finally, trust. Ethereum’s 8,000+ nodes make it the most decentralized smart chain, a fortress of censorship resistance. Cheap fees are cute, but when you are moving millions or running a DAO, you don’t bet on a lightweight. Ethereum is the vault; competitors are still piggy banks. High fees? Sure. But Ethereum is the crypto titan because it’s the full package, legacy, innovation, and unshakable reliability. Bow down. #ETH $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)
Ethereum: The Crypto Titan That Won’t Quit

Ethereum’s gas fees are the crypto world’s equivalent of a $20 toll on a dirt road, outrageous, right? With average fees hitting $30 or more during peak times, competitors like Solana (pennies per transaction) and Cardano (a fraction of a dollar) should have dethroned it by now. Yet, Ethereum remains the undisputed king of smart contract blockchains in 2025. Why? It’s the OG powerhouse that refuses to fade.

First, Ethereum’s first mover advantage is a beast. Since 2015, it’s built a developer army and an ecosystem that’s the backbone of DeFi, NFTs, and DAOs, think $200B+ locked in protocols. Solana’s speed is slick, but it’s playing catch up with a fraction of the dapp diversity. Ethereum’s network effect is like gravity; it keeps pulling users back, fees be damned.

Then there is the tech flex. The Merge slashed energy use by 99.95%, and Layer 2 rollups like Arbitrum and Optimism have cut fees by up to 95% for savvy users. Ethereum isn’t resting, it’s evolving. Compare that to rivals: Solana’s outages and Cardano’s slower rollout show they are still ironing out kinks while Ethereum is battle tested.

Finally, trust. Ethereum’s 8,000+ nodes make it the most decentralized smart chain, a fortress of censorship resistance. Cheap fees are cute, but when you are moving millions or running a DAO, you don’t bet on a lightweight. Ethereum is the vault; competitors are still piggy banks.

High fees? Sure. But Ethereum is the crypto titan because it’s the full package, legacy, innovation, and unshakable reliability. Bow down. #ETH

ETH to break ATH this year!!
巨鲸多空反转买入 ETH,释放哪些关键信号? 曾看跌 ETH 的巨鲸以均价 1906 美元买入 3000 枚 ETH,这一操作对币圈 ETH 影响显著: 短期:情绪提振,激活买盘 巨鲸此前看跌抛售,如今反向买入,释放对 ETH 短期价值的认可信号。在加密市场,巨鲸动向是重要情绪指标。其买入行为易让投资者解读为 “大户抄底”,吸引跟风买盘。尤其在市场对 ETH 走势观望时,巨鲸资金入场直接提升需求端力量,短期内或推动 ETH 价格上行,激活交易活跃度。 中期:修复预期,重塑趋势判断 该巨鲸曾高位抛售、看跌 ETH,现低位买入,侧面反映其对 ETH 中期趋势转向乐观。这种多空态度转变,会促使市场重新评估 ETH 价值。若后续更多机构、巨鲸跟进,将形成正向循环,修复此前悲观预期,推动 ETH 中期走向修复行情,甚至带动市场对以太坊生态(如 DeFi、Layer2)的关注度,强化 ETH 的生态核心地位。 资深视角:资金博弈下的价值再认可 从资金博弈看,巨鲸大额买入是对 ETH 估值的再认可。以太坊作为公链龙头,技术迭代与生态繁荣是核心支撑。巨鲸此次操作或基于对以太坊基本面的重新审视。对投资者而言,巨鲸动向可作参考,但更应关注以太坊技术进展、生态落地等长期价值,避免盲目跟风,在资金博弈与价值投资间寻找平衡,方能把握 ETH 走势的核心逻辑。 #BNBChainMeme热潮 #ETH #ETH走势分析 $ETH 今日重点关注币种:DYM NMR API3...
巨鲸多空反转买入 ETH,释放哪些关键信号?

曾看跌 ETH 的巨鲸以均价 1906 美元买入 3000 枚 ETH,这一操作对币圈 ETH 影响显著:

巨鲸此前看跌抛售,如今反向买入,释放对 ETH 短期价值的认可信号。在加密市场,巨鲸动向是重要情绪指标。其买入行为易让投资者解读为 “大户抄底”,吸引跟风买盘。尤其在市场对 ETH 走势观望时,巨鲸资金入场直接提升需求端力量,短期内或推动 ETH 价格上行,激活交易活跃度。

该巨鲸曾高位抛售、看跌 ETH,现低位买入,侧面反映其对 ETH 中期趋势转向乐观。这种多空态度转变,会促使市场重新评估 ETH 价值。若后续更多机构、巨鲸跟进,将形成正向循环,修复此前悲观预期,推动 ETH 中期走向修复行情,甚至带动市场对以太坊生态(如 DeFi、Layer2)的关注度,强化 ETH 的生态核心地位。

从资金博弈看,巨鲸大额买入是对 ETH 估值的再认可。以太坊作为公链龙头,技术迭代与生态繁荣是核心支撑。巨鲸此次操作或基于对以太坊基本面的重新审视。对投资者而言,巨鲸动向可作参考,但更应关注以太坊技术进展、生态落地等长期价值,避免盲目跟风,在资金博弈与价值投资间寻找平衡,方能把握 ETH 走势的核心逻辑。
#BNBChainMeme热潮 #ETH #ETH走势分析 $ETH
今日重点关注币种:DYM NMR API3...
🔥$ETH Price Update and Analysis {spot}(ETHUSDT) 💥Current Situation 🔹️$ETH needs to break above $2,000 to potentially reach $2,300-$2,400. 🔹️If ETH fails to break above $2,000, it may remain below this level. 💥Alternative Scenario 🔹️If $ETH stays below $2,000, a potential target for ETH is $1,500-$1,600. Keep in mind that cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate rapidly. These predictions are based on the analyst's expectations and should not be taken as investment advice. #ETH #Ethereum #BNBChainMeme #WhaleMovements #Market_Update
🔥$ETH Price Update and Analysis
💥Current Situation
🔹️$ETH needs to break above $2,000 to potentially reach $2,300-$2,400.
🔹️If ETH fails to break above $2,000, it may remain below this level.

💥Alternative Scenario
🔹️If $ETH stays below $2,000, a potential target for ETH is $1,500-$1,600.

Keep in mind that cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate rapidly. These predictions are based on the analyst's expectations and should not be taken as investment advice.
Жоғары (өспелі)
🤯🔥Tron Founder Justin Sun Staked 60k ETH ($114M) on Lido: What’s Cooking❓ The founder of the Tron blockchain, Justin Sun has staked 60,000 #ETH – worth approximately $114.56 million – on the liquid staking protocol Lido. In exchange for this, Sun will receive 1,740 ETH in yield every year until his ETH stays staked there. Onchain intelligence platform, Arkham noted the transaction and showcased that Sun has received 60k stETH, the liquid derivative token for ETH, which he can use for trading or staking further to earn additional yields. #JustinSun STAKED $100M ETH TODAY THIS WILL YIELD $3M OF ETH PER YEAR PASSIVE INCOME — Arkham (@arkham) March 18, 2025 Lido is a very popular liquid staking protocol that currently offers a yield of 2.9% APR (annual percentage rate) and it has nearly $17.5 billion in total staked funds. The move from Tron founder has sparked discussions on ETH as it has been one of the most underperforming crypto assets throughout the past year and has failed to show any significant price action. As per Arkham data, Sun’s onchain portfolio currently stands at a valuation of $1 billion with his most holding laying in #TRX and stETH. Over the past 2 years, he has staked thousands of ETH on Lido and now holds 167.67k stETH, worth approximately $314 million. Some people are commenting that Sun has now found out the best time to acquire and stake ETH as it might have greater potential in the near future. This move has also regained confidence of the Ethereum community, which collectively expects a better future for ETH. #USTariffs #Binance
🤯🔥Tron Founder Justin Sun Staked 60k ETH ($114M) on Lido: What’s Cooking❓

The founder of the Tron blockchain, Justin Sun has staked 60,000 #ETH – worth approximately $114.56 million – on the liquid staking protocol Lido. In exchange for this, Sun will receive 1,740 ETH in yield every year until his ETH stays staked there.

Onchain intelligence platform, Arkham noted the transaction and showcased that Sun has received 60k stETH, the liquid derivative token for ETH, which he can use for trading or staking further to earn additional yields.



— Arkham (@arkham) March 18, 2025

Lido is a very popular liquid staking protocol that currently offers a yield of 2.9% APR (annual percentage rate) and it has nearly $17.5 billion in total staked funds.

The move from Tron founder has sparked discussions on ETH as it has been one of the most underperforming crypto assets throughout the past year and has failed to show any significant price action.

As per Arkham data, Sun’s onchain portfolio currently stands at a valuation of $1 billion with his most holding laying in #TRX and stETH. Over the past 2 years, he has staked thousands of ETH on Lido and now holds 167.67k stETH, worth approximately $314 million.

Some people are commenting that Sun has now found out the best time to acquire and stake ETH as it might have greater potential in the near future. This move has also regained confidence of the Ethereum community, which collectively expects a better future for ETH.

#USTariffs #Binance
Жоғары (өспелі)
💥 عاجل: الحوت الذي راهن ضد البيتكوين أنهى بالكامل مركز البيع الخاص به بقيمة 540 مليون دولار، محققًا أرباحًا بلغت 7.9 مليون دولار! بعد أن جنى 7 ملايين دولار من بيع $BTC البيتكوين، عاد هذا الحوت للشراء—هذه المرة التقط 3,200 ETH بقيمة 6 ملايين دولار! 🚀 هل نحن على وشك رؤية ارتفاع ضخم في سعر الإيثريوم؟! #ETH #BTC #bitcoin #BTC走势分析 #Ethereum $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)
💥 عاجل: الحوت الذي راهن ضد البيتكوين أنهى بالكامل مركز البيع الخاص به بقيمة 540 مليون دولار، محققًا أرباحًا بلغت 7.9 مليون دولار! بعد أن جنى 7 ملايين دولار من بيع $BTC البيتكوين، عاد هذا الحوت للشراء—هذه المرة التقط 3,200 ETH بقيمة 6 ملايين دولار! 🚀
هل نحن على وشك رؤية ارتفاع ضخم في سعر الإيثريوم؟!
#ETH #BTC #bitcoin #BTC走势分析 #Ethereum
Sheena Loring rcF6:
Money do money 😅
Жоғары (өспелі)
Ethereum Buy Signal – Is a Massive Bull Run Coming? Ethereum ($ETH ) is flashing a strong buy signal, with market indicators hinting at a major uptrend! 📈 🔹 Current Price: ~$1,900 (Down 47% from yearly open) 🔹 Historical Pattern: Last similar buy signal in March 2020 led to a 5,560% rally to an ATH of $4,868 🔹 Bullish Factors: 💥Spot ETF approval boosting institutional interest 💥 Real-World Asset (RWA) tokenization sector growing on Ethereum 💥Potential target: $5,000+ in the next bull cycle 📊 Key Levels to Watch: ☠️ $2,100 - $2,200 (Short-term resistance) ☠️ $3,000 (Breakout confirmation) ☠️ $4,000 - $4,868 (ATH test) ☠️ $5,000 (Psychological level) 💡 Will ETH repeat history and skyrocket again? Share your thoughts! 👇🔥 #Ethereum #CryptoBullRun #ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)
Ethereum Buy Signal – Is a Massive Bull Run Coming?

Ethereum ($ETH ) is flashing a strong buy signal, with market indicators hinting at a major uptrend! 📈

🔹 Current Price: ~$1,900 (Down 47% from yearly open)
🔹 Historical Pattern: Last similar buy signal in March 2020 led to a 5,560% rally to an ATH of $4,868
🔹 Bullish Factors:
💥Spot ETF approval boosting institutional interest
💥 Real-World Asset (RWA) tokenization sector growing on Ethereum
💥Potential target: $5,000+ in the next bull cycle

📊 Key Levels to Watch:
☠️ $2,100 - $2,200 (Short-term resistance)
☠️ $3,000 (Breakout confirmation)
☠️ $4,000 - $4,868 (ATH test)
☠️ $5,000 (Psychological level)

💡 Will ETH repeat history and skyrocket again? Share your thoughts! 👇🔥 #Ethereum #CryptoBullRun #ETH
#Ethereum whales were accumulating heavily before the recent price surge... but now? They're exiting fast! 👀📉 This chart shows how large ETH holders (10k-100k ETH) were stacking up during the bullish phase (green), pushing ETH above $4K. But now, their balances have stalled, and price is sharply declining (red). Are we witnessing a major distribution phase? Could Ethereum be heading for a deeper correction? Stay sharp—whale movements dictate the trend. 🐋🔥 #Ethereum #ETH #cryptouniverseofficial #WhalesBuying
#Ethereum whales were accumulating heavily before the recent price surge... but now? They're exiting fast! 👀📉

This chart shows how large ETH holders (10k-100k ETH) were stacking up during the bullish phase (green), pushing ETH above $4K. But now, their balances have stalled, and price is sharply declining (red).

Are we witnessing a major distribution phase? Could Ethereum be heading for a deeper correction?

Stay sharp—whale movements dictate the trend. 🐋🔥

#Ethereum #ETH #cryptouniverseofficial #WhalesBuying
تحليل الايثيريوم دعوم ومقاومات الدعوم وصلت العمله لدعم قوى الاسبوع الماضي عند 17xx دولار وهذا كان دعم اول بعد الوصول ل 4100 دولار وختى الان ارتداد بسيط لايذكر الدعم الثانى والاقوى على الاطلاق بين 1500 و 1400 دولار ربما لا نصل له ولكنه امام اعيننا المقاومات منذ اسابيع قليله شاهدنا قمه 4100 دولار و انهار السعر بعدها لينخفض اكثر من 60% الان المقاومه الاولى هى 2500 ثم 3300 دولار ليبدا الايثيريوم ياخذ مسار صعودي ملحوظه هامه جدا لم نرى حتى الان قمه تاريخيه في هذا البول رن لذلك مازال الايثيريوم تحت التشغيل لنشاهد ارقام تاريخيه وقمم جديده تحلى بالصبر لان هذا هو سلوك الايثيريوم من قديم الازل دائما يفاجئنا في اوقات غير متوقعه وينفرد بالارتفاع بعيدا عن السوق موفقين باذن الله #BTC #ETH
تحليل الايثيريوم

دعوم ومقاومات

وصلت العمله لدعم قوى الاسبوع الماضي عند 17xx دولار وهذا كان دعم اول بعد الوصول ل 4100 دولار وختى الان ارتداد بسيط لايذكر

الدعم الثانى والاقوى على الاطلاق بين 1500 و 1400 دولار ربما لا نصل له ولكنه امام اعيننا

منذ اسابيع قليله شاهدنا قمه 4100 دولار و انهار السعر بعدها لينخفض اكثر من 60%
الان المقاومه الاولى هى 2500 ثم 3300 دولار ليبدا الايثيريوم ياخذ مسار صعودي

ملحوظه هامه جدا
لم نرى حتى الان قمه تاريخيه في هذا البول رن لذلك مازال الايثيريوم تحت التشغيل لنشاهد ارقام تاريخيه وقمم جديده

تحلى بالصبر لان هذا هو سلوك الايثيريوم من قديم الازل دائما يفاجئنا في اوقات غير متوقعه وينفرد بالارتفاع بعيدا عن السوق

موفقين باذن الله

Allah yorzo2na:
تنصح بالشراء من اي سعر؟
🚨 Ethereum Hits Historic Shorting Highs!Ethereum has reached an all-time high in short positions, raising speculation among analysts about two possible outcomes: 1️⃣ A cascade of liquidations could occur, leading to a sharp market shift. 2️⃣ A short squeeze might take place, forcing short sellers to cover their positions, driving prices up. 👀 #ETH $ETH

🚨 Ethereum Hits Historic Shorting Highs!

Ethereum has reached an all-time high in short positions, raising speculation among analysts about two possible outcomes:

1️⃣ A cascade of liquidations could occur, leading to a sharp market shift.
2️⃣ A short squeeze might take place, forcing short sellers to cover their positions, driving prices up. 👀
📊 Биткоин и Эфир: две важные фигуры на дневном графике! 🔹 BTC: сформированы две противоположные фигуры – перевернутый флаг (медвежий сценарий) с возможным снижением до $69,500 и треугольник поджатия (бычий сценарий) с потенциалом роста до $95,770.49. 🔹 ETH: аналогичная ситуация – медвежий перевернутый флаг указывает на возможное падение до $1,549, а треугольная формация поджатия – на рост до $2,234.93. 🔹 Важный фактор – заседание ФРС 19 марта 2025, которое может повлиять на отработку одной из формаций. ⚡️ Следим за подтверждением пробоя и реакции рынка! #bitcoin #Ethereum #BTC #ETH #CryptoAnalysis #CryptoTrading #TechnicalAnalysis #FOMC #cryptosignals
📊 Биткоин и Эфир: две важные фигуры на дневном графике!
🔹 BTC: сформированы две противоположные фигуры – перевернутый флаг (медвежий сценарий) с возможным снижением до $69,500 и треугольник поджатия (бычий сценарий) с потенциалом роста до $95,770.49.
🔹 ETH: аналогичная ситуация – медвежий перевернутый флаг указывает на возможное падение до $1,549, а треугольная формация поджатия – на рост до $2,234.93.
🔹 Важный фактор – заседание ФРС 19 марта 2025, которое может повлиять на отработку одной из формаций.
⚡️ Следим за подтверждением пробоя и реакции рынка!
#bitcoin #Ethereum #BTC #ETH #CryptoAnalysis #CryptoTrading #TechnicalAnalysis #FOMC #cryptosignals
по сути, ничего нового - либо упадет, либо поднимется. ну это и так понятно и без заумных речей и паттернов.
Төмен (кемімелі)
币圈院士:3.18以太坊箱体整理中的机遇!短期看涨还是看跌?   以太坊现价1940,现在是北京时间凌晨四点半,1940空没有上车的建议可以开始试仓空,防守1970,止损2000关口即可,目前行情一直在箱体内没有出现大的突破口,预计就算破了下跌通道,那么行情会延续走横盘的情况出现,不用抓太多,短线可以抓50点以上的空间,超过50点可以自由落袋,跟大饼不一样,以太基本上回到了和去年一样一动不动的行情,所以空间相对来说比较小,可以多抓几次      日K线最高1951,最低1878,MACD缩量结束开始放量上行,K线拉伸只是扳回了前几天的行情来到了箱体的顶部,依旧没有破箱体,多头在增筹,不排除主力冲击2000关口的动能,毕竟DIF和DEA在低位形成金叉,加上布林带也在收缩,中轨压力位跌破了2100,下轨还在1730,行情收缩顶部空间有限,越是向上拉伸下方空间就会越大,思路上可以在高位做空      四小时K线连续慢涨的行情持续了一天的时间,来到了EMA30上方,可以关注EMA60压力位1978,作为空单防守点,破了上方20以上止损出,不破则继续持有,MACD放量增筹K线上行不是很理想,DIF和DEA形成两极分化,布林带收缩横盘的箱体延续上轨压力位关注1955,下轨支撑关注1875,可以作为箱体波段的入场点       短线参考:安全第一,记住行情没有百分百所以一定要带好止损安全第一小损大赚才是目标      北上一试仓点1870到1850,防守1830,止损1800,目标看1900到1950,破位看1975      南下一试仓点1920到1950,防守1975,止损2000,目标看1880到1850,破位看1830    我是币圈院士一个一直在保护韭菜的战士,祝愿我的粉丝们在2025年实现财务自由,一起加油! #ETH合约 #ETH走势分析 #ETH $ETH {future}(ETHUSDT)

#ETH合约 #ETH走势分析 #ETH
数字 游戏:
我眼睁睁看到涨上去 可是没有空
Басқа контенттерді шолу үшін жүйеге кіріңіз
Криптоәлемдегі соңғы жаңалықтармен танысыңыз
⚡️ Криптовалюта тақырыбындағы соңғы талқылауларға қатысыңыз
💬 Таңдаулы авторларыңызбен әрекеттесіңіз
👍 Өзіңізге қызық контентті тамашалаңыз
Электрондық пошта/телефон нөмірі