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Metaverse Post is a news website that focuses on the Metaverse, NFTs, AR/VR, AI and Web 3.0.
EthCC にお越しの方は、7 月 7 日の Hack Seasons Brussels by Mpost にご参加ください。 今すぐ登録: 創業者、ハッカー、業界の大物とネットワークを築きましょう。お気に入りのエコシステムやプロジェクトを使ったワークショップやパネルなど、開発に焦点を当てたアクティビティに参加しましょう。 確定している講演者には、Scroll、Polygon、EigenLayer、Linea、Starknet、Optimism、Celestia、NEAR Protocol、Manta Network、Optimism、Lido、Akash、Animoca Brands、IOSG Ventures、Morph、Covalent、Lynex、VeChain、Marlin、Nimbora、PowerPool など多数がいます。
EthCC にお越しの方は、7 月 7 日の Hack Seasons Brussels by Mpost にご参加ください。



確定している講演者には、Scroll、Polygon、EigenLayer、Linea、Starknet、Optimism、Celestia、NEAR Protocol、Manta Network、Optimism、Lido、Akash、Animoca Brands、IOSG Ventures、Morph、Covalent、Lynex、VeChain、Marlin、Nimbora、PowerPool など多数がいます。
$TRUMP プレセール: 現実世界での実用性と影響力を提供する次の ICOポートシャーロット、アメリカ合衆国、2024年6月2日、Chainwire $TRUMP コイン: 現実世界での有用性と慈善活動の使命を備えた革新的な暗号通貨。 は、デジタル イノベーションと具体的な現実世界のメリットを融合するように設計された画期的な暗号通貨である $TRUMP コイン イニシャル コイン オファリング (ICO) の開始を発表できることを嬉しく思います。合計 8,000,000,000 トークンの供給量とトークンあたり 0.016 USDT の事前販売価格により、$TRUMP コインはユニークな投資機会を提供します。 この$TRUMPコインを選ぶ理由は?

$TRUMP プレセール: 現実世界での実用性と影響力を提供する次の ICO


$TRUMP コイン: 現実世界での有用性と慈善活動の使命を備えた革新的な暗号通貨。 は、デジタル イノベーションと具体的な現実世界のメリットを融合するように設計された画期的な暗号通貨である $TRUMP コイン イニシャル コイン オファリング (ICO) の開始を発表できることを嬉しく思います。合計 8,000,000,000 トークンの供給量とトークンあたり 0.016 USDT の事前販売価格により、$TRUMP コインはユニークな投資機会を提供します。

最も注目される新興暗号通貨: BlockDAG の 3,780 万ドルのプレセールが、NEAR Protocol の台頭と VeChain の台頭の中で輝く...急速に成長している暗号通貨分野では、NEAR Protocol、VeChain、BlockDAG が独自の技術的進歩と有望な収益で大きな波を起こしています。これらのプラットフォームはブロックチェーンのランドスケープを形成し、投資家に高い潜在能力を持つプロジェクトに参加する機会を提供しています。この分析では、それぞれの独自の機能と市場への影響を詳しく調べ、NEAR Protocol のスケーラビリティから VeChain の戦略的イニシアチブ、BlockDAG の革新的なテクノロジーまで、投資家がポートフォリオに最適なオプションを特定できるように支援します。

最も注目される新興暗号通貨: BlockDAG の 3,780 万ドルのプレセールが、NEAR Protocol の台頭と VeChain の台頭の中で輝く...

急速に成長している暗号通貨分野では、NEAR Protocol、VeChain、BlockDAG が独自の技術的進歩と有望な収益で大きな波を起こしています。これらのプラットフォームはブロックチェーンのランドスケープを形成し、投資家に高い潜在能力を持つプロジェクトに参加する機会を提供しています。この分析では、それぞれの独自の機能と市場への影響を詳しく調べ、NEAR Protocol のスケーラビリティから VeChain の戦略的イニシアチブ、BlockDAG の革新的なテクノロジーまで、投資家がポートフォリオに最適なオプションを特定できるように支援します。
BlockDAG のダッシュボードの機能強化により、Solana エコシステムと Immutable X が 3,780 万ドルのトップ暗号通貨で勝利Solana のエコシステムの成長と Immutable X の楽観的な価格予測が一時的に市場の注目を集める中、BlockDAG の最新の進歩はさらに魅力的であることが証明されています。ダッシュボードの最近のアップグレードは、機能性とユーザー エクスペリエンスの両方を劇的に向上させ、投資家の注目を集めています。これらの機能強化により、BlockDAG はプレセールで驚異的な 3,780 万ドルを達成し、第 16 バッチまでに価格が 850% 上昇し、投資家の注目はその並外れたパフォーマンスと有望な将来へと移っています。

BlockDAG のダッシュボードの機能強化により、Solana エコシステムと Immutable X が 3,780 万ドルのトップ暗号通貨で勝利

Solana のエコシステムの成長と Immutable X の楽観的な価格予測が一時的に市場の注目を集める中、BlockDAG の最新の進歩はさらに魅力的であることが証明されています。ダッシュボードの最近のアップグレードは、機能性とユーザー エクスペリエンスの両方を劇的に向上させ、投資家の注目を集めています。これらの機能強化により、BlockDAG はプレセールで驚異的な 3,780 万ドルを達成し、第 16 バッチまでに価格が 850% 上昇し、投資家の注目はその並外れたパフォーマンスと有望な将来へと移っています。
BlockDAG は、BNB と XMR が変動する中、最先端のマイニングにより 2030 年までに 30 ドルの評価額に達する見込み...バイナンスコインは、深刻な規制上の障害にもかかわらず、史上最高値に近づき、631ドルに達し、最高値の686ドルに近づいています。同時に、モネロの2024年の市場予測はさまざまな意見を反映しており、5月末までに若干の下落を予測しています。 このような環境において、BlockDAG は暗号通貨市場における変革の力として際立っています。最新の資金調達ラウンドで 3,780 万ドルを確保した BlockDAG は、単なる暗号通貨の 1 つではありません。大幅な拡大が見込まれるダイナミックな存在です。

BlockDAG は、BNB と XMR が変動する中、最先端のマイニングにより 2030 年までに 30 ドルの評価額に達する見込み...


このような環境において、BlockDAG は暗号通貨市場における変革の力として際立っています。最新の資金調達ラウンドで 3,780 万ドルを確保した BlockDAG は、単なる暗号通貨の 1 つではありません。大幅な拡大が見込まれるダイナミックな存在です。
BlockDAGの世界的な影響力により価値が850%上昇し、イーサリアムとバウンスビットの価格を上回る急速に進化する暗号通貨業界において、BlockDAG は主要なプレーヤーとして浮上し、東京、ラスベガス、ロンドンなどの主要都市での壮大な看板ショーケースを含むダイナミックなマーケティング戦略で世界的な関心を集めています。 イーサリアムがわずか5%上昇し、バウンスビットが40%上昇したにもかかわらず、BlockDAGは驚異的な850%上昇で急騰し、この分野で新たなベンチマークを打ち立てました。ブロックチェーン開発における使いやすさで知られるBlockDAGのプラットフォームは、プレセールで3,870万ドルという巨額の収益を上げ、急成長するデジタル通貨市場での地位を固めました。


急速に進化する暗号通貨業界において、BlockDAG は主要なプレーヤーとして浮上し、東京、ラスベガス、ロンドンなどの主要都市での壮大な看板ショーケースを含むダイナミックなマーケティング戦略で世界的な関心を集めています。

BlockDAG Strengthens Its Crypto Dominance: Dev 38 Introduces New Timestamp Technique Amidst $37.8...BlockDAG continues to spearhead innovation in the cryptocurrency realm with its remarkable 38th Developer Release, transforming consensus mechanisms within its distinctive Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) architecture. This pivotal update brings advancements in how transactions are ordered and blocks are validated, integrating a cutting-edge timestamp-based sorting method that guarantees accurate and secure transactions across its concurrent chains.  While BlockDag’s technological strides gain momentum, its presale also achieves remarkable success, selling over 10.2 billion coins and accumulating more than $37.8 million from Batch 16 alone. This blend of technological advancement and market achievement underscores BlockDAG’s steadfast commitment to setting new benchmarks in the cryptocurrency landscape. BlockDAG Leads the Crypto Charge with 10.2B Coins Sold BlockDAG is making waves in the crypto sphere with its pioneering Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) framework, distinguishing itself from traditional blockchain models. Its proof-of-work consensus method is tailored for both security and environmental sustainability, paving the path for a green digital future. BlockDAG champions an eco-friendly paradigm, striving to transform the cryptocurrency landscape into a secure and efficient alternative to the status quo. Leading BlockDAG’s technological forefront are the X Series Crypto Miners, especially the X10 model. This compact powerhouse, not much bigger than a typical Wi-Fi router, combines energy efficiency with superior mining capabilities. With the ability to mine up to 200 BDAG daily at a hash rate of 100 MH/s while only consuming 40 watts, the X10 represents the pinnacle of performance and user-friendliness with its simple setup and advanced ASIC technology. As the presale escalates to new heights with over 10.1 billion coins sold and earnings topping $37.8 million, the X10 stands as a testament to BlockDAG’s dedication to innovation and environmental responsibility. The ongoing presale has set the coin price at $0.0095 in Batch 16, reflecting growing investor trust and the project’s promising future. BlockDAG Dev 38: Unleashing Advanced Consensus Technologies BlockDAG is excited to announce major enhancements in Dev Release 38, which focuses on refining consensus mechanisms suited for its DAG-based blockchain architecture. This update introduces sophisticated algorithms designed to secure, streamline, and scale transaction confirmations within the BlockDAG ecosystem. Central to this release is an innovative method for organizing transactions by timestamps, ensuring they are processed in the correct order. This meticulous sequencing is vital for maintaining both network integrity and efficiency. Moreover, Dev Release 38 brings a powerful block confirmation method that leverages the collective weight of subgraphs to establish consensus, ensuring that only the most reliable and significant blocks achieve confirmation. The release notes provide a pseudocode outline of this process, showcasing a detailed yet streamlined approach to achieving robust consensus. This update also kicks off Phase 2 of the X1 Miner deployment, focusing on enhancing user experience. This phase includes crucial bug fixes, performance enhancements, and heightened security measures. With the application already approved on Google Play and pending final review on the Apple App Store, BlockDAG reaffirms its commitment to quality and user satisfaction. BlockDAG: Reigning Supreme in Dev Releases With Dev Release 38, BlockDAG cements its position as a leader in the crypto market, introducing advanced timestamp-based algorithms that bolster transaction security and integrity. Coupled with the presale’s monumental success in Batch 16, with a coin price at $0.0095 and earnings exceeding $37.8 million, BlockDAG continues to illustrate its pioneering spirit and commitment to innovation. These milestones not only reinforce investor confidence but also position BlockDAG for sustained growth and success in the dynamic world of digital currencies. Join BlockDAG Presale Now: Website: Presale: Telegram: Discord: The post BlockDAG Strengthens Its Crypto Dominance: Dev 38 Introduces New Timestamp Technique Amidst $37.8M Presale Achievement appeared first on Metaverse Post.

BlockDAG Strengthens Its Crypto Dominance: Dev 38 Introduces New Timestamp Technique Amidst $37.8...

BlockDAG continues to spearhead innovation in the cryptocurrency realm with its remarkable 38th Developer Release, transforming consensus mechanisms within its distinctive Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) architecture. This pivotal update brings advancements in how transactions are ordered and blocks are validated, integrating a cutting-edge timestamp-based sorting method that guarantees accurate and secure transactions across its concurrent chains. 

While BlockDag’s technological strides gain momentum, its presale also achieves remarkable success, selling over 10.2 billion coins and accumulating more than $37.8 million from Batch 16 alone. This blend of technological advancement and market achievement underscores BlockDAG’s steadfast commitment to setting new benchmarks in the cryptocurrency landscape.

BlockDAG Leads the Crypto Charge with 10.2B Coins Sold

BlockDAG is making waves in the crypto sphere with its pioneering Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) framework, distinguishing itself from traditional blockchain models. Its proof-of-work consensus method is tailored for both security and environmental sustainability, paving the path for a green digital future. BlockDAG champions an eco-friendly paradigm, striving to transform the cryptocurrency landscape into a secure and efficient alternative to the status quo.

Leading BlockDAG’s technological forefront are the X Series Crypto Miners, especially the X10 model. This compact powerhouse, not much bigger than a typical Wi-Fi router, combines energy efficiency with superior mining capabilities. With the ability to mine up to 200 BDAG daily at a hash rate of 100 MH/s while only consuming 40 watts, the X10 represents the pinnacle of performance and user-friendliness with its simple setup and advanced ASIC technology.

As the presale escalates to new heights with over 10.1 billion coins sold and earnings topping $37.8 million, the X10 stands as a testament to BlockDAG’s dedication to innovation and environmental responsibility. The ongoing presale has set the coin price at $0.0095 in Batch 16, reflecting growing investor trust and the project’s promising future.

BlockDAG Dev 38: Unleashing Advanced Consensus Technologies

BlockDAG is excited to announce major enhancements in Dev Release 38, which focuses on refining consensus mechanisms suited for its DAG-based blockchain architecture. This update introduces sophisticated algorithms designed to secure, streamline, and scale transaction confirmations within the BlockDAG ecosystem. Central to this release is an innovative method for organizing transactions by timestamps, ensuring they are processed in the correct order. This meticulous sequencing is vital for maintaining both network integrity and efficiency.

Moreover, Dev Release 38 brings a powerful block confirmation method that leverages the collective weight of subgraphs to establish consensus, ensuring that only the most reliable and significant blocks achieve confirmation. The release notes provide a pseudocode outline of this process, showcasing a detailed yet streamlined approach to achieving robust consensus.

This update also kicks off Phase 2 of the X1 Miner deployment, focusing on enhancing user experience. This phase includes crucial bug fixes, performance enhancements, and heightened security measures. With the application already approved on Google Play and pending final review on the Apple App Store, BlockDAG reaffirms its commitment to quality and user satisfaction.

BlockDAG: Reigning Supreme in Dev Releases

With Dev Release 38, BlockDAG cements its position as a leader in the crypto market, introducing advanced timestamp-based algorithms that bolster transaction security and integrity. Coupled with the presale’s monumental success in Batch 16, with a coin price at $0.0095 and earnings exceeding $37.8 million, BlockDAG continues to illustrate its pioneering spirit and commitment to innovation. These milestones not only reinforce investor confidence but also position BlockDAG for sustained growth and success in the dynamic world of digital currencies.

Join BlockDAG Presale Now:





The post BlockDAG Strengthens Its Crypto Dominance: Dev 38 Introduces New Timestamp Technique Amidst $37.8M Presale Achievement appeared first on Metaverse Post.
GMX が第 2 ラウンドの GMX 助成金プログラムを開始し、600,000 ARB を、... を構築する開発者に割り当てます。分散型取引プロトコル GMX は、初期フェーズの成功と Arbitrum DAO による GMX STIP-Bridge 提案の最近の承認に基づいて、GMX 補助金プログラムの第 2 ラウンドを開始する意向を発表しました。 新しい助成金プログラムでは、GMX は助成金受給者に 600,000 ARB の報酬を分配する予定であり、助成金 1 件あたりの金額は 75,000 ARB となります。 このプログラムは、GMX V2 を構築および統合することで、Arbitrum (ARB) ブロックチェーンのより広範な採用に貢献する開発者を支援することを目的としています。参加に関心のあるプロジェクトは、6 月 3 日から申請を開始できます。

GMX が第 2 ラウンドの GMX 助成金プログラムを開始し、600,000 ARB を、... を構築する開発者に割り当てます。

分散型取引プロトコル GMX は、初期フェーズの成功と Arbitrum DAO による GMX STIP-Bridge 提案の最近の承認に基づいて、GMX 補助金プログラムの第 2 ラウンドを開始する意向を発表しました。

新しい助成金プログラムでは、GMX は助成金受給者に 600,000 ARB の報酬を分配する予定であり、助成金 1 件あたりの金額は 75,000 ARB となります。

このプログラムは、GMX V2 を構築および統合することで、Arbitrum (ARB) ブロックチェーンのより広範な採用に貢献する開発者を支援することを目的としています。参加に関心のあるプロジェクトは、6 月 3 日から申請を開始できます。
EOS ネットワークが新しいトークノミクス提案を承認、21 億トークンの固定供給と 80% のレッドトークンを導入...EOS ネットワークの責任者である EOS ネットワーク財団 (ENF) は、ネットワーク プロデューサーの多数決を得て承認された新しいトークノミクス モデルを発表しました。そのコントラクトは、マルチシグ (MSIG) 提案の遅延実行後、6 月 1 日に EOS メインネットに展開される予定です。 新しいトークノミクス モデルは、さまざまな重要な進歩をもたらします。21 億トークンの固定トークン供給を確立し、インフレを排除して予測可能な経済状況を作り出します。このモデルには、トークン保有者に対する長期的な価値提案を改善することを目指した、完全希薄化価値 (FDV) の 80% 削減も含まれています。さらに、4 年ごとの半減サイクルを実装して、EOS の市場への流入を仲介します。さらに、資金はミドルウェア オペレーターを支援するために割り当てられ、特にトークンの使いやすさの向上に重点が置かれています。

EOS ネットワークが新しいトークノミクス提案を承認、21 億トークンの固定供給と 80% のレッドトークンを導入...

EOS ネットワークの責任者である EOS ネットワーク財団 (ENF) は、ネットワーク プロデューサーの多数決を得て承認された新しいトークノミクス モデルを発表しました。そのコントラクトは、マルチシグ (MSIG) 提案の遅延実行後、6 月 1 日に EOS メインネットに展開される予定です。

新しいトークノミクス モデルは、さまざまな重要な進歩をもたらします。21 億トークンの固定トークン供給を確立し、インフレを排除して予測可能な経済状況を作り出します。このモデルには、トークン保有者に対する長期的な価値提案を改善することを目指した、完全希薄化価値 (FDV) の 80% 削減も含まれています。さらに、4 年ごとの半減サイクルを実装して、EOS の市場への流入を仲介します。さらに、資金はミドルウェア オペレーターを支援するために割り当てられ、特にトークンの使いやすさの向上に重点が置かれています。
OpenAI Exposes and Stops 5 Malicious Influence Operations Leveraging AI TechnologyIn the past few years, moral and practical concerns have focused on AI due to its enormous potential for both beneficial and detrimental uses. One of the industry leaders, OpenAI, is dedicated to implementing strict guidelines to stop its AI models from being abused. This dedication is especially important for identifying and foiling covert influence operations (IO), which are efforts to sway public opinion or impact political results without disclosing the real identities or motivations of the parties involved. In the last three months, OpenAI has interfered with five of these activities, proving its commitment to reducing the misuse of AI technology. Unexpected Breakdowns in Covert Influence Operations Lately On May 30, 2024, OpenAI made history by disclosing to the world that it had successfully thwarted five such covert influence campaigns that came from Iran, China, Russia, and even an Israeli private company. The business published an open report detailing the painstaking investigations that exposed these malicious efforts, which aimed to use OpenAI’s state-of-the-art language models for fraud on the web. The CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, reaffirmed the company’s dedication to creating intelligence applications that are reliable and secure. He also stated that the company is committed to implementing regulations that stop misuse and enhance openness surrounding information generated by AI, with a particular focus on identifying and affecting hidden influence activities. A particular operation—dubbed “Bad Grammar” by OpenAI analysts—came from Russia. In an effort to change public perceptions, the individuals behind this operation used Telegram bots to run OpenAI’s models and produce brief social remarks in both Russian and English. These comments were then shared on the well-known chat app. Photo: Public Telegram comment matching a text generated by this network. Threat Intel Report Another organization called “Doppelganger,” adopted a more international strategy, using OpenAI’s AI to create replies in different EU languages. The study also provided insight into a Chinese system known as “Spamouflage,” which made use of OpenAI’s models for a range of applications, including the creation of multilingual material for sites like X, Medium, and Blogspot, as well as the investigation of public social media activity. The researchers even used OpenAI’s AI to debug database and website management code, particularly a previously undisclosed domain, which is maybe the most concerning of all. Photo: Screenshot of the website revealscum[.]com, showing the page titled “汉奸” (“traitor”). Threat Intel Report The “International Union of Virtual Media” (IUVM), an Iranian organization that used OpenAI’s AI to create and interpret long-form documents, news, and web tags, was also discovered by the organization’s analysts. Photo: Tags on an article published by iuvmpress[.]co. Note the first two tags, which include the model’s response. Threat Intel Report Unexpectedly, OpenAI also interfered with the operations of an Israeli business that went by the moniker “Zero Zeno.” Using OpenAI’s models, STOIC created stories and replies that were then shared on various platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, X, and corporate pages. This may have been done in an effort to sway public opinion or advance business objectives. Photo: English-language comments generated by this network and posted on Instagram. Both the original post and the replies were generated by this campaign. Threat Intel Report The research highlights that a wide range of topics were covered by the information that was distributed by these different organizations. This wide range of subjects highlights how adaptable these threat actors were in their attempts to use OpenAI’s language models for their own evil purposes. OpenAI, however, claims that despite their best efforts, these secret influence campaigns did not gain much from using its services to boost popularity or reach. When evaluating the impact of IOs, the Brookings Institution’s “Breakout Scale” was used. None of the 5 initiatives received a score greater than 2, meaning that their activities were restricted to a few platforms and did not significantly penetrate legitimate online groups. Photo: Researchers identified the following domain as being associated with this campaign. Threat Intel Report Examination of Attacker Strategies The paper from OpenAI also identifies a number of significant patterns in the way that these threat actors tried to abuse AI models. To create the appearance of participation on social media, they all used AI-generated material in addition to more conventional formats like handwritten letters or repurposed memes. Furthermore, a few actors demonstrated the adaptability of these technologies by using AI to increase their productivity by analyzing social media postings or troubleshooting code. Interestingly, the business highlights the benefits AI provides to defenses against these kinds of attacks. OpenAI’s safety measures, which prioritized ethical AI deployment, have consistently caused inconvenience to threat actors by declining to provide the intended destructive material. The study, for example, details situations in which the company’s models refused to generate the desired text or graphics, impeding the operators’ attempts to spread misinformation or propaganda. Additionally, in order to improve recognition and evaluation skills and speed up investigations that could have gone on for weeks or months, OpenAI has built its own AI-powered tools. The business has shown how AI can strengthen safeguards against its own malevolent use by utilizing the exact technology it aims to protect. OpenAI emphasizes how crucial business cooperation and the sharing of open-source intelligence are to thwarting these clandestine operations. As a result of years of open-source study by the larger research community, the corporation shared precise danger indicators with peers in the industry and strengthened the idea that fighting misinformation and online manipulation is a team effort requiring collaboration across industries. OpenAI’s Future Course for Safety By using this strategy, OpenAI seeks to strengthen the effect of its disruptions on these bad actors, restricting their capacity to utilize AI technology for illicit activities. According to the paper, “Distribution matters: Like traditional forms of content, AI-generated material must be distributed if it is to reach an audience.” Summing it up, OpenAI’s research highlights that these stealth influence operations were still constrained by human variables, such as operator mistakes and decision-making defects, even while it acknowledges the potential threats presented by the abuse of AI technology. The paper includes examples of operators posting rejection signals from OpenAI’s models on their websites and social media by mistake, exposing the flaws and restrictions in even the most advanced misinformation efforts. As for now, OpenAI’s dismantling of these five clandestine influence campaigns is evidence of the company’s diligence and commitment to maintaining the integrity of its artificial intelligence systems. However, the fight against misinformation and online manipulation is far from ending, and as AI technologies develop, there will be much more need for cooperation, creativity, and ethical concerns. The post OpenAI Exposes and Stops 5 Malicious Influence Operations Leveraging AI Technology appeared first on Metaverse Post.

OpenAI Exposes and Stops 5 Malicious Influence Operations Leveraging AI Technology

In the past few years, moral and practical concerns have focused on AI due to its enormous potential for both beneficial and detrimental uses. One of the industry leaders, OpenAI, is dedicated to implementing strict guidelines to stop its AI models from being abused.

This dedication is especially important for identifying and foiling covert influence operations (IO), which are efforts to sway public opinion or impact political results without disclosing the real identities or motivations of the parties involved. In the last three months, OpenAI has interfered with five of these activities, proving its commitment to reducing the misuse of AI technology.

Unexpected Breakdowns in Covert Influence Operations Lately

On May 30, 2024, OpenAI made history by disclosing to the world that it had successfully thwarted five such covert influence campaigns that came from Iran, China, Russia, and even an Israeli private company. The business published an open report detailing the painstaking investigations that exposed these malicious efforts, which aimed to use OpenAI’s state-of-the-art language models for fraud on the web.

The CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, reaffirmed the company’s dedication to creating intelligence applications that are reliable and secure. He also stated that the company is committed to implementing regulations that stop misuse and enhance openness surrounding information generated by AI, with a particular focus on identifying and affecting hidden influence activities.

A particular operation—dubbed “Bad Grammar” by OpenAI analysts—came from Russia. In an effort to change public perceptions, the individuals behind this operation used Telegram bots to run OpenAI’s models and produce brief social remarks in both Russian and English. These comments were then shared on the well-known chat app.

Photo: Public Telegram comment matching a text generated by this network. Threat Intel Report

Another organization called “Doppelganger,” adopted a more international strategy, using OpenAI’s AI to create replies in different EU languages.

The study also provided insight into a Chinese system known as “Spamouflage,” which made use of OpenAI’s models for a range of applications, including the creation of multilingual material for sites like X, Medium, and Blogspot, as well as the investigation of public social media activity. The researchers even used OpenAI’s AI to debug database and website management code, particularly a previously undisclosed domain, which is maybe the most concerning of all.

Photo: Screenshot of the website revealscum[.]com, showing the page titled “汉奸” (“traitor”). Threat Intel Report

The “International Union of Virtual Media” (IUVM), an Iranian organization that used OpenAI’s AI to create and interpret long-form documents, news, and web tags, was also discovered by the organization’s analysts.

Photo: Tags on an article published by iuvmpress[.]co. Note the first two tags, which include the model’s response. Threat Intel Report

Unexpectedly, OpenAI also interfered with the operations of an Israeli business that went by the moniker “Zero Zeno.” Using OpenAI’s models, STOIC created stories and replies that were then shared on various platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, X, and corporate pages. This may have been done in an effort to sway public opinion or advance business objectives.

Photo: English-language comments generated by this network and posted on Instagram. Both the original post and the replies were generated by this campaign. Threat Intel Report

The research highlights that a wide range of topics were covered by the information that was distributed by these different organizations. This wide range of subjects highlights how adaptable these threat actors were in their attempts to use OpenAI’s language models for their own evil purposes.

OpenAI, however, claims that despite their best efforts, these secret influence campaigns did not gain much from using its services to boost popularity or reach. When evaluating the impact of IOs, the Brookings Institution’s “Breakout Scale” was used. None of the 5 initiatives received a score greater than 2, meaning that their activities were restricted to a few platforms and did not significantly penetrate legitimate online groups.

Photo: Researchers identified the following domain as being associated with this campaign. Threat Intel Report

Examination of Attacker Strategies

The paper from OpenAI also identifies a number of significant patterns in the way that these threat actors tried to abuse AI models. To create the appearance of participation on social media, they all used AI-generated material in addition to more conventional formats like handwritten letters or repurposed memes. Furthermore, a few actors demonstrated the adaptability of these technologies by using AI to increase their productivity by analyzing social media postings or troubleshooting code.

Interestingly, the business highlights the benefits AI provides to defenses against these kinds of attacks. OpenAI’s safety measures, which prioritized ethical AI deployment, have consistently caused inconvenience to threat actors by declining to provide the intended destructive material. The study, for example, details situations in which the company’s models refused to generate the desired text or graphics, impeding the operators’ attempts to spread misinformation or propaganda.

Additionally, in order to improve recognition and evaluation skills and speed up investigations that could have gone on for weeks or months, OpenAI has built its own AI-powered tools. The business has shown how AI can strengthen safeguards against its own malevolent use by utilizing the exact technology it aims to protect.

OpenAI emphasizes how crucial business cooperation and the sharing of open-source intelligence are to thwarting these clandestine operations. As a result of years of open-source study by the larger research community, the corporation shared precise danger indicators with peers in the industry and strengthened the idea that fighting misinformation and online manipulation is a team effort requiring collaboration across industries.

OpenAI’s Future Course for Safety

By using this strategy, OpenAI seeks to strengthen the effect of its disruptions on these bad actors, restricting their capacity to utilize AI technology for illicit activities. According to the paper, “Distribution matters: Like traditional forms of content, AI-generated material must be distributed if it is to reach an audience.”

Summing it up, OpenAI’s research highlights that these stealth influence operations were still constrained by human variables, such as operator mistakes and decision-making defects, even while it acknowledges the potential threats presented by the abuse of AI technology. The paper includes examples of operators posting rejection signals from OpenAI’s models on their websites and social media by mistake, exposing the flaws and restrictions in even the most advanced misinformation efforts.

As for now, OpenAI’s dismantling of these five clandestine influence campaigns is evidence of the company’s diligence and commitment to maintaining the integrity of its artificial intelligence systems. However, the fight against misinformation and online manipulation is far from ending, and as AI technologies develop, there will be much more need for cooperation, creativity, and ethical concerns.

The post OpenAI Exposes and Stops 5 Malicious Influence Operations Leveraging AI Technology appeared first on Metaverse Post.
Aave コミュニティが、プロトコル展開におけるブリッジ USDC 準備金係数の増加に関する提案投票を開始...分散型金融(DeFi)レンディングプロトコルのAaveコミュニティは、Arbitrum、Optimism、Polygon、Base Aaveデプロイメント全体でブリッジUSDC(USDC.eおよびUSDbC)の準備金係数(RF)を段階的に引き上げることを目的とした新しい提案の投票を開始しました。投票期間はすでに開始されており、6月3日に終了します。 この提案は、この増加により、上場市場の預金金利が徐々に魅力を失い、ブリッジ USDC とネイティブ USDC 間の競争が減少することを示唆しています。この調整により、ユーザーがそれぞれの市場内でネイティブ USDC に移行することが促進されると予想されます。

Aave コミュニティが、プロトコル展開におけるブリッジ USDC 準備金係数の増加に関する提案投票を開始...

分散型金融(DeFi)レンディングプロトコルのAaveコミュニティは、Arbitrum、Optimism、Polygon、Base Aaveデプロイメント全体でブリッジUSDC(USDC.eおよびUSDbC)の準備金係数(RF)を段階的に引き上げることを目的とした新しい提案の投票を開始しました。投票期間はすでに開始されており、6月3日に終了します。

この提案は、この増加により、上場市場の預金金利が徐々に魅力を失い、ブリッジ USDC とネイティブ USDC 間の競争が減少することを示唆しています。この調整により、ユーザーがそれぞれの市場内でネイティブ USDC に移行することが促進されると予想されます。
レンジャーベットが暗号通貨のステーキング機会を備えた新製品を発表オンライン賭博分野のリーダーの 1 つである Ranger Bet は、ユーザーに暗号通貨のステーキングを通じて投資し、大きな利益を得る新しい方法を提供するステーキング プラットフォームの立ち上げを発表します。 暗号通貨のステーキングは、デジタル金融の世界で受動的収入を生み出す人気の方法です。Ranger Bets を使用すると、ユーザーは特定の期間、スマート コントラクトにコインをロックし、その見返りとして魅力的な利回りを得ることができます。Ranger Bet は、それぞれ期間と年間収益率が異なり、すべて月払いの 3 つのステーキング オプションを提供しています。


オンライン賭博分野のリーダーの 1 つである Ranger Bet は、ユーザーに暗号通貨のステーキングを通じて投資し、大きな利益を得る新しい方法を提供するステーキング プラットフォームの立ち上げを発表します。

暗号通貨のステーキングは、デジタル金融の世界で受動的収入を生み出す人気の方法です。Ranger Bets を使用すると、ユーザーは特定の期間、スマート コントラクトにコインをロックし、その見返りとして魅力的な利回りを得ることができます。Ranger Bet は、それぞれ期間と年間収益率が異なり、すべて月払いの 3 つのステーキング オプションを提供しています。
今週のトップディール、AI、IT、Web3、暗号通貨への主要投資(5月27日~31日)注目に値する投資活動が目白押しの1週間の中で、イーロン・マスクのxAIはARK Investから6000万ドルを調達した。さらに、教育金融フレームワークにビットコインを組み込む取り組みとして、オースティン大学はUnchainedと共同でビットコインで支えられた基金を設立した。中国のAIスタートアップZhipu AIはProsperity7から投資を受け、米国の輸出規制が厳しくなる中でのサウジアラビアのAIビジネスへの戦略的取り組みを象徴する一方、Web3ゲーム企業ZentryはMetagame Layerを作成するために巨額の資金を調達した。


注目に値する投資活動が目白押しの1週間の中で、イーロン・マスクのxAIはARK Investから6000万ドルを調達した。さらに、教育金融フレームワークにビットコインを組み込む取り組みとして、オースティン大学はUnchainedと共同でビットコインで支えられた基金を設立した。中国のAIスタートアップZhipu AIはProsperity7から投資を受け、米国の輸出規制が厳しくなる中でのサウジアラビアのAIビジネスへの戦略的取り組みを象徴する一方、Web3ゲーム企業ZentryはMetagame Layerを作成するために巨額の資金を調達した。
Polyhedra Network Introduces Expander Compiler Collection. Latest Tool in Expander EcosystemZero-knowledge interoperability infrastructure, Polyhedra Network (ZKJ) announced the release of the latest upgrade to its Expander toolbox—the open-source Expander Compiler Collection (ECC). The Expander Compiler Collection (ECC) is designed to transform circuits written in gnark into an intermediate representation (IR) of layered circuits. This IR forms the basis for generating proofs using the Expander prover, allowing builders to easily create GKR proofs for gnark circuits. At the core of the ECC is the optimization power of the GKR protocol, specifically designed for layered circuit representations. The ECC enables the conversion from R1CS to layered circuits, ensuring compatibility with existing community solutions and achieving advanced proving times. With the integration of ECC, the Expander toolbox is now fully compatible with current R1CS-based solutions, enhancing the future potential of cryptographic proof generation. This technology significantly optimizes proof generation time while maintaining compatibility with existing solutions. Additionally, ECC’s compatibility with current circuit languages represents a key breakthrough, enabling builders to generate GKR proofs more efficiently. Furthermore, according to Polyhedra Network, invoking the compiler requires minimal code, typically fewer than ten lines, making the integration process straightforward. Join the revolution with the open-source Expander Compiler Collection (ECC)! Our latest tool in the Expander ecosystem lets you seamlessly transform gnark circuits into efficient layered formats. It’s time to join the future of proof systems with ECC. — Polyhedra Network (@PolyhedraZK) May 31, 2024 Polyhedra Network Unveils Expander ZKP System And Its Comprehensive Roadmap Polyhedra Network is developing zkBridge, a zero-knowledge (ZK) blockchain interoperability protocol created to facilitate cross-chain transactions. Since its roll out last year, zkBridge has enabled over 20 million cross-chain transactions and produced more than 40 million zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). Alongside zkBridge, Polyhedra Network has also created zkLightClient technology, integrated with the LayerZero protocol, enabling application developers to use ZKPs to secure cross-chain messages transmitted through the protocol. The Expander is a ZKP system invented by Polyhedra Network. By combining the GKR protocol with polynomial commitment schemes, Expander achieves efficient operation with linear prover time, avoiding the high computational overhead typical of other proof systems. Recently, Polyhedra Network unveiled an extensive roadmap for Expander, aiming to support the future development of zkVM and zkML technologies. The post Polyhedra Network Introduces Expander Compiler Collection. Latest Tool In Expander Ecosystem appeared first on Metaverse Post.

Polyhedra Network Introduces Expander Compiler Collection. Latest Tool in Expander Ecosystem

Zero-knowledge interoperability infrastructure, Polyhedra Network (ZKJ) announced the release of the latest upgrade to its Expander toolbox—the open-source Expander Compiler Collection (ECC).

The Expander Compiler Collection (ECC) is designed to transform circuits written in gnark into an intermediate representation (IR) of layered circuits. This IR forms the basis for generating proofs using the Expander prover, allowing builders to easily create GKR proofs for gnark circuits.

At the core of the ECC is the optimization power of the GKR protocol, specifically designed for layered circuit representations. The ECC enables the conversion from R1CS to layered circuits, ensuring compatibility with existing community solutions and achieving advanced proving times. With the integration of ECC, the Expander toolbox is now fully compatible with current R1CS-based solutions, enhancing the future potential of cryptographic proof generation.

This technology significantly optimizes proof generation time while maintaining compatibility with existing solutions. Additionally, ECC’s compatibility with current circuit languages represents a key breakthrough, enabling builders to generate GKR proofs more efficiently. Furthermore, according to Polyhedra Network, invoking the compiler requires minimal code, typically fewer than ten lines, making the integration process straightforward.

Join the revolution with the open-source Expander Compiler Collection (ECC)! Our latest tool in the Expander ecosystem lets you seamlessly transform gnark circuits into efficient layered formats. It’s time to join the future of proof systems with ECC.

— Polyhedra Network (@PolyhedraZK) May 31, 2024

Polyhedra Network Unveils Expander ZKP System And Its Comprehensive Roadmap

Polyhedra Network is developing zkBridge, a zero-knowledge (ZK) blockchain interoperability protocol created to facilitate cross-chain transactions. Since its roll out last year, zkBridge has enabled over 20 million cross-chain transactions and produced more than 40 million zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). Alongside zkBridge, Polyhedra Network has also created zkLightClient technology, integrated with the LayerZero protocol, enabling application developers to use ZKPs to secure cross-chain messages transmitted through the protocol.

The Expander is a ZKP system invented by Polyhedra Network. By combining the GKR protocol with polynomial commitment schemes, Expander achieves efficient operation with linear prover time, avoiding the high computational overhead typical of other proof systems. Recently, Polyhedra Network unveiled an extensive roadmap for Expander, aiming to support the future development of zkVM and zkML technologies.

The post Polyhedra Network Introduces Expander Compiler Collection. Latest Tool In Expander Ecosystem appeared first on Metaverse Post.
セルフチェーンが総トークン供給量3億6000万のSLFトークノミクスを発表、6月のメインネットローンチに備えるモジュール式の意図中心のアクセス アプローチを備えたレイヤー 1 ブロックチェーンである Self Chain (SLF) は、ネイティブ トークンである SLF のトークノミクスのリリースを発表しました。 Self Chain ネットワーク内で、SLF は取引手数料の支払い、DPoS バリデーターのステーキング、ガバナンス活動への参加を促進します。さらに、エコシステム内で担保として機能し、手数料市場でバリデーターにインセンティブを与え、内部取引所での取引手数料に利用されます。 SLFトークンの総供給量は3億6000万です。トークンはロック解除スケジュールに従ってリリースされ、すべてのトークンがステーキングの対象となります。


モジュール式の意図中心のアクセス アプローチを備えたレイヤー 1 ブロックチェーンである Self Chain (SLF) は、ネイティブ トークンである SLF のトークノミクスのリリースを発表しました。

Self Chain ネットワーク内で、SLF は取引手数料の支払い、DPoS バリデーターのステーキング、ガバナンス活動への参加を促進します。さらに、エコシステム内で担保として機能し、手数料市場でバリデーターにインセンティブを与え、内部取引所での取引手数料に利用されます。

Lido Finance Unveils 4 New Proposals, Urges Users to Votes Until June 6Liquid staking solution for Proof-of-Stake (PoS) cryptocurrencies, Lido Finance (LDO), unveiled a new voting event on the Snapshot platform. Users are encouraged to participate in voting on four new proposals, namely Lido Alliance: Drop, Lido Alliance: Mellow Finance, Expanding the Simple DVT Module, and Negative Rebase Sanity Check with Pluggable Second Opinion. All four voting events will remain active until 15:00 UTC on June 6th. The Lido Alliance: Drop proposal seeks to accumulate votes for integrating the cross-chain liquid staking protocol, Drop, into the Lido Alliance. Once onboarded, Drop will offer Ethereum alignment or decentralized validation, use cases for stETH adoption, the option to apply to Drop’s validator onboarding, adherence to high industry security standards, and allocation of 100 million DROP tokens to the Lido Alliance legal entity after the Token Generation Event (TGE). Another proposal suggests integrating Mellow Finance, a protocol enabling permissionless liquid restaking token (LRT) creation based on unique risk profiles and curation models, into the Lido Alliance. This new integration with Mellow Finance is poised to benefit the entire Lido ecosystem and stakers, offering stETH as a comprehensive solution for delegation to operators and various AVSes. The integration could potentially boost stETH liquidity and position it as a key LST vehicle for onboarding to Mellow LRT. Four new votes are live on Snapshot:1⃣ Lido Alliance: Drop2⃣ Lido Alliance: Mellow Finance3⃣ Expanding the Simple DVT Module4⃣ Negative rebase sanity check w/ pluggable second opinionSee below for more info on how these four proposals can shape Lido. — Lido (@LidoFinance) May 30, 2024 Lido Alliance Proposes Expansion Of Simple DVT Module and Enhanced Protocol Security Measures Furthermore, the Lido Alliance has proposed expanding the Simple DVT Module. This vote encompasses two main steps: enabling the creation of larger clusters in terms of the number of operated validators, which would yield a higher reward share to the DAO compared to normal Simple DVT clusters, and increasing the maximum share limit of the module to 4% from the current 0.5%. On-chain actions to raise the limit will be implemented during a subsequent on-chain vote, contingent upon its approval. Lastly, the Lido Alliance has put forward a proposal aimed at enhancing protocol security by mitigating potential malicious negative rebase manipulations. The proposal suggests modifying the existing AccountingOracle sanity check, which presently restricted reporting more than a 5% decrease in the Consensus layer validator balance and withdrawal vault balance daily. The proposed adjustment would implement a sanity check limiting reductions to approximately ~3.4% over an 18-day window, equivalent to a decrease of 1.101 ETH per validator within the specified timeframe. Should the DAO grant approval, the proposed new sanity checks will be incorporated into a subsequent on-chain vote for implementation within the Lido protocol. Lido Finance operates within the Ethereum ecosystem, renowned for its user-friendly approach to cryptocurrency staking. It provides distinctive accessibility, liquidity, and security features for participants engaged in Ethereum staking activities. The post Lido Finance Unveils 4 New Proposals, Urges Users to Votes Until June 6 appeared first on Metaverse Post.

Lido Finance Unveils 4 New Proposals, Urges Users to Votes Until June 6

Liquid staking solution for Proof-of-Stake (PoS) cryptocurrencies, Lido Finance (LDO), unveiled a new voting event on the Snapshot platform. Users are encouraged to participate in voting on four new proposals, namely Lido Alliance: Drop, Lido Alliance: Mellow Finance, Expanding the Simple DVT Module, and Negative Rebase Sanity Check with Pluggable Second Opinion. All four voting events will remain active until 15:00 UTC on June 6th.

The Lido Alliance: Drop proposal seeks to accumulate votes for integrating the cross-chain liquid staking protocol, Drop, into the Lido Alliance. Once onboarded, Drop will offer Ethereum alignment or decentralized validation, use cases for stETH adoption, the option to apply to Drop’s validator onboarding, adherence to high industry security standards, and allocation of 100 million DROP tokens to the Lido Alliance legal entity after the Token Generation Event (TGE).

Another proposal suggests integrating Mellow Finance, a protocol enabling permissionless liquid restaking token (LRT) creation based on unique risk profiles and curation models, into the Lido Alliance. This new integration with Mellow Finance is poised to benefit the entire Lido ecosystem and stakers, offering stETH as a comprehensive solution for delegation to operators and various AVSes. The integration could potentially boost stETH liquidity and position it as a key LST vehicle for onboarding to Mellow LRT.

Four new votes are live on Snapshot:1⃣ Lido Alliance: Drop2⃣ Lido Alliance: Mellow Finance3⃣ Expanding the Simple DVT Module4⃣ Negative rebase sanity check w/ pluggable second opinionSee below for more info on how these four proposals can shape Lido.

— Lido (@LidoFinance) May 30, 2024

Lido Alliance Proposes Expansion Of Simple DVT Module and Enhanced Protocol Security Measures

Furthermore, the Lido Alliance has proposed expanding the Simple DVT Module. This vote encompasses two main steps: enabling the creation of larger clusters in terms of the number of operated validators, which would yield a higher reward share to the DAO compared to normal Simple DVT clusters, and increasing the maximum share limit of the module to 4% from the current 0.5%. On-chain actions to raise the limit will be implemented during a subsequent on-chain vote, contingent upon its approval.

Lastly, the Lido Alliance has put forward a proposal aimed at enhancing protocol security by mitigating potential malicious negative rebase manipulations. The proposal suggests modifying the existing AccountingOracle sanity check, which presently restricted reporting more than a 5% decrease in the Consensus layer validator balance and withdrawal vault balance daily. The proposed adjustment would implement a sanity check limiting reductions to approximately ~3.4% over an 18-day window, equivalent to a decrease of 1.101 ETH per validator within the specified timeframe. Should the DAO grant approval, the proposed new sanity checks will be incorporated into a subsequent on-chain vote for implementation within the Lido protocol.

Lido Finance operates within the Ethereum ecosystem, renowned for its user-friendly approach to cryptocurrency staking. It provides distinctive accessibility, liquidity, and security features for participants engaged in Ethereum staking activities.

The post Lido Finance Unveils 4 New Proposals, Urges Users to Votes Until June 6 appeared first on Metaverse Post.
CARVがアニモカ・ブランドを戦略的投資家およびノー​​ドオペレーターとして迎え入れるカリフォルニア州サンタクララ、2024年5月31日、Chainwire ゲームと AI 向けの最大規模のモジュール型データ レイヤーである CARV は本日、ゲームとオープン メタバースのデジタル所有権を推進する Animoca Brands からの戦略的投資を発表しました。さらに、Animoca Brands は CARV のデータ レイヤーの分散化をサポートするために、CARV の Tier 6 検証ノードのオペレーターになります。このパートナーシップにより、それぞれのゲームとオープン メタバースのエコシステムが拡大する中で、より深い統合と長期的な相乗効果が促進されます。



ゲームと AI 向けの最大規模のモジュール型データ レイヤーである CARV は本日、ゲームとオープン メタバースのデジタル所有権を推進する Animoca Brands からの戦略的投資を発表しました。さらに、Animoca Brands は CARV のデータ レイヤーの分散化をサポートするために、CARV の Tier 6 検証ノードのオペレーターになります。このパートナーシップにより、それぞれのゲームとオープン メタバースのエコシステムが拡大する中で、より深い統合と長期的な相乗効果が促進されます。
Mpost が Hack Seasons Brussels を発表: Web3、AI、金融分野のイノベーターが集結するプレミアイベントWeb 3、人工知能、メタユニバース、暗号通貨を扱う大手ニュースエージェンシーである Mpost は、7 月 7 日に予定されている Hack Seasons Brussels を発表できることを嬉しく思っています。この待望のカンファレンスは、最先端のアイデアと革新的なテクノロジーを集め、分散化の分野で創造性を育むことで、技術コミュニティを驚かせることになりそうです。 イノベーションと学習の拠点 Hack Seasons Brussels はこれまでで最も素晴らしいイベントとなることを期待しています。このカンファレンスは、ソウル、イスタンブール、シンガポール、ドバイでのこれまでのイベントの優れた評判に基づいて、斬新なコンセプトと技術革新の拠点として機能します。

Mpost が Hack Seasons Brussels を発表: Web3、AI、金融分野のイノベーターが集結するプレミアイベント

Web 3、人工知能、メタユニバース、暗号通貨を扱う大手ニュースエージェンシーである Mpost は、7 月 7 日に予定されている Hack Seasons Brussels を発表できることを嬉しく思っています。この待望のカンファレンスは、最先端のアイデアと革新的なテクノロジーを集め、分散化の分野で創造性を育むことで、技術コミュニティを驚かせることになりそうです。


Hack Seasons Brussels はこれまでで最も素晴らしいイベントとなることを期待しています。このカンファレンスは、ソウル、イスタンブール、シンガポール、ドバイでのこれまでのイベントの優れた評判に基づいて、斬新なコンセプトと技術革新の拠点として機能します。
ZCloak Network のクローキング レイヤーが DFINITY Foundation から 10 万ドルの資金提供を受ける分散型アイデンティティプロトコルzCloak Networkは、フルチェーンゼロ知識証明(ZKP)検証レイヤー製品であるCloaking Layerが、インターネットコンピュータ(ICP)ブロックチェーンの支援団体であるDFINITY Foundationから10万ドルの助成金を獲得したことを明らかにした。 この新たな資金により、zCloak Network は、効率的でコスト効率が高く、安全なゼロ知識 (ZK) 検証インフラストラクチャである Cloaking Layer を導入できるようになります。このインフラストラクチャにより、ZK 検証のコストが大幅に削減され、開発者にフルチェーン カバレッジ機能が提供されます。

ZCloak Network のクローキング レイヤーが DFINITY Foundation から 10 万ドルの資金提供を受ける

分散型アイデンティティプロトコルzCloak Networkは、フルチェーンゼロ知識証明(ZKP)検証レイヤー製品であるCloaking Layerが、インターネットコンピュータ(ICP)ブロックチェーンの支援団体であるDFINITY Foundationから10万ドルの助成金を獲得したことを明らかにした。

この新たな資金により、zCloak Network は、効率的でコスト効率が高く、安全なゼロ知識 (ZK) 検証インフラストラクチャである Cloaking Layer を導入できるようになります。このインフラストラクチャにより、ZK 検証のコストが大幅に削減され、開発者にフルチェーン カバレッジ機能が提供されます。
Stader Labs Reveals ‘SD Tokenomics Reboot Proposal’ to Tackle High FDV, Optimize Circulating Supp...Liquid staking platform, Stader Labs introduced a proposal called “SD Token Economics Restart.” This initiative is intended to revamp the SD tokenomics and will be followed by the expansion of  Stader Labs’ product offerings. The proposal aims to address the issues of low token liquidity and high fully diluted valuation (FDV). To tackle this, Stader Labs plans to burn 20% of its total token supply, which equates to 30 million SD tokens. This action will decrease the total supply from 150 million to 120 million tokens. The DAO has approved this “Mega Burn” with over 99% quorum, and it is scheduled to be carried out on June 25, 2024. Stader Labs will also enhance the circulating supply by implementing SD token buybacks and reward capping. Specifically, 20% of Stader Labs’s revenue will be allocated for quarterly buybacks. Additionally, Stader Labs intends to adjust its reward emissions to ensure that the growth in Total Value Locked (TVL) outpaces the increase in rewards. Stader Labs will also enhance the utility of the SD token by utilizing it in a utility pool to offer insurance against the slashing of its licensed node operators. These operators will provide their services for a minimal fee. The upcoming product expansion will involve Real World Assets (RWA) and Bitcoin staking, which is expected to boost both market presence and business growth. $SD holders You asked, and we heard!Presenting you the multi-stage SD Tokenomics Reboot backed by 4 growth levers,Taking Stader on its 10x growth journey.As always, we would love your feedback. — Stader Labs (@staderlabs) May 30, 2024 Stader Labs Registers Over $700M In Total Value Locked And Becomes Largest Liquid Staking Token On Polygon And Hedera Stader Labs is a non-custodial, smart contract-based staking platform created to enable easy discovery and access to staking solutions. The project develops staking middleware infrastructure for Proof-of-Stake (PoS) networks, serving retail cryptocurrency users, exchanges, and custodians. Over the past three years, Stader Labs has experienced significant growth, achieving over $700 million in TVL. Originating from a hackathon, it has become the largest Liquid Staking Token (LST) provider on Polygon and Hedera. ETHx, Stader Labs’s LST on Ethereum, saw a growth of over 600% within its first year and now ranks fourth in TVL among ETH LSTs on EigenLayer. The SD token saw a modest increase earlier today, reaching up to $0.69 before retracing. As of the writing time, it is trading at $0.68, reflecting a decrease of approximately 0.20% over the past 24 hours, according to data from CoinMarketCap. The post Stader Labs Reveals ‘SD Tokenomics Reboot Proposal’ To Tackle High FDV, Optimize Circulating Supply, And Enhance SD Utility appeared first on Metaverse Post.

Stader Labs Reveals ‘SD Tokenomics Reboot Proposal’ to Tackle High FDV, Optimize Circulating Supp...

Liquid staking platform, Stader Labs introduced a proposal called “SD Token Economics Restart.” This initiative is intended to revamp the SD tokenomics and will be followed by the expansion of  Stader Labs’ product offerings.

The proposal aims to address the issues of low token liquidity and high fully diluted valuation (FDV). To tackle this, Stader Labs plans to burn 20% of its total token supply, which equates to 30 million SD tokens. This action will decrease the total supply from 150 million to 120 million tokens. The DAO has approved this “Mega Burn” with over 99% quorum, and it is scheduled to be carried out on June 25, 2024.

Stader Labs will also enhance the circulating supply by implementing SD token buybacks and reward capping. Specifically, 20% of Stader Labs’s revenue will be allocated for quarterly buybacks. Additionally, Stader Labs intends to adjust its reward emissions to ensure that the growth in Total Value Locked (TVL) outpaces the increase in rewards.

Stader Labs will also enhance the utility of the SD token by utilizing it in a utility pool to offer insurance against the slashing of its licensed node operators. These operators will provide their services for a minimal fee.

The upcoming product expansion will involve Real World Assets (RWA) and Bitcoin staking, which is expected to boost both market presence and business growth.

$SD holders You asked, and we heard!Presenting you the multi-stage SD Tokenomics Reboot backed by 4 growth levers,Taking Stader on its 10x growth journey.As always, we would love your feedback.

— Stader Labs (@staderlabs) May 30, 2024

Stader Labs Registers Over $700M In Total Value Locked And Becomes Largest Liquid Staking Token On Polygon And Hedera

Stader Labs is a non-custodial, smart contract-based staking platform created to enable easy discovery and access to staking solutions. The project develops staking middleware infrastructure for Proof-of-Stake (PoS) networks, serving retail cryptocurrency users, exchanges, and custodians.

Over the past three years, Stader Labs has experienced significant growth, achieving over $700 million in TVL. Originating from a hackathon, it has become the largest Liquid Staking Token (LST) provider on Polygon and Hedera. ETHx, Stader Labs’s LST on Ethereum, saw a growth of over 600% within its first year and now ranks fourth in TVL among ETH LSTs on EigenLayer.

The SD token saw a modest increase earlier today, reaching up to $0.69 before retracing. As of the writing time, it is trading at $0.68, reflecting a decrease of approximately 0.20% over the past 24 hours, according to data from CoinMarketCap.

The post Stader Labs Reveals ‘SD Tokenomics Reboot Proposal’ To Tackle High FDV, Optimize Circulating Supply, And Enhance SD Utility appeared first on Metaverse Post.
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