Binance Square
Those who keep waiting for a sharp decline will lose the entire cycle🔁
Those who keep waiting for a sharp decline will lose the entire cycle🔁
LayerZero should airdrop soon. Stg is their cross-chain bridge. It is officially developed by Lo. It is likely that users who have pledged Stg will be airdropped. I pledged Stg last year and made nearly 3 times. But after unlocking, there is still 80% profit. Stg is the biological son of L0. Now the weekly line has come out of a downward trend. It is now fluctuating between 0.49-0.62. Once the news or expectation of airdrop comes out, STG will rise, which is also good for rdnt, because rdnt is Lo's full-chain lending. Therefore, Stg can be ambushed in batches in this range where the dealer builds positions and absorbs chips. Now at a price of 0.53, you can ambush some first, and then if it falls back, you can make up for it at 0.4889. Take a medium-term position. If the cake falls later, the needle will be inserted to near 0.4, and the risk-to-reward ratio will be good.
LayerZero should airdrop soon. Stg is their cross-chain bridge. It is officially developed by Lo. It is likely that users who have pledged Stg will be airdropped. I pledged Stg last year and made nearly 3 times. But after unlocking, there is still 80% profit. Stg is the biological son of L0.

Now the weekly line has come out of a downward trend. It is now fluctuating between 0.49-0.62. Once the news or expectation of airdrop comes out, STG will rise, which is also good for rdnt, because rdnt is Lo's full-chain lending.

Therefore, Stg can be ambushed in batches in this range where the dealer builds positions and absorbs chips. Now at a price of 0.53, you can ambush some first, and then if it falls back, you can make up for it at 0.4889. Take a medium-term position.

If the cake falls later, the needle will be inserted to near 0.4, and the risk-to-reward ratio will be good.
Announce a target that I am optimistic about in the long term The market value of the bull market is conservatively 5 billion US dollars + At least 10-20 times more income Pepe is a product of the bear market. Referring to the market value of#Dogeand#Shibat the peak of the last bull market,#Pepeis a deterministic opportunity. When Pepe's market value is around 300 million US dollars, it will start to gradually build positions. The current market value is 477 million US dollars, waiting for opportunities~
Announce a target that I am optimistic about in the long term
The market value of the bull market is conservatively 5 billion US dollars +
At least 10-20 times more income

Pepe is a product of the bear market. Referring to the market value of#Dogeand#Shibat the peak of the last bull market,#Pepeis a deterministic opportunity. When Pepe's market value is around 300 million US dollars, it will start to gradually build positions. The current market value is 477 million US dollars, waiting for opportunities~
Fil's trigger is always like this
Fil's trigger is always like this
利好Fil 即将主升浪
Bloomberg reports: The SEC is likely to reject BlackRock’s Bitcoin spot ETF application on January 10. According to insiders, the reason was probably that during the evening dinner on January 2, Chairman BlackRock and Sister Mu did not stand up to toast SEC Chairman Gary Gensler. And during the second singing performance, Gary Gensler was not asked to order a girl first, resulting in the old man not ordering a song all night.
Bloomberg reports: The SEC is likely to reject BlackRock’s Bitcoin spot ETF application on January 10. According to insiders, the reason was probably that during the evening dinner on January 2, Chairman BlackRock and Sister Mu did not stand up to toast SEC Chairman Gary Gensler. And during the second singing performance, Gary Gensler was not asked to order a girl first, resulting in the old man not ordering a song all night.
Coins, like people, have their time zone for success The fundamentals are okay, and it will rise when the time comes. So I don’t think there are junk coins and value coins Only short-term speculation and long-term investment exist If the currency you hold does not rise Don't be anxious, everything that should come is on its way. Don’t change positions frequently What you hold will always shine
Coins, like people, have their time zone for success
The fundamentals are okay, and it will rise when the time comes.
So I don’t think there are junk coins and value coins
Only short-term speculation and long-term investment exist
If the currency you hold does not rise
Don't be anxious, everything that should come is on its way.
Don’t change positions frequently
What you hold will always shine
It is good news that Fil is about to rise.
It is good news that Fil is about to rise.
I won’t sell any RNDR until it’s $50 Even when Jesus comes, he can’t wash me 😂
I won’t sell any RNDR until it’s $50

Even when Jesus comes, he can’t wash me 😂
Summarize 10 logics for making a fortune in the web3 industry1. Every project that has been popular will have an explosive increase after sufficient adjustment. When the market is not paying attention, you have to pay attention. 2. Projects with very low opening circulation and are popular will have a high probability of rising after a short period of adjustment. It is rising, and it is skyrocketing. 3. Bankruptcy sectors generally have a high reputation, sufficient washing, and light vehicles. After a long period of adjustment, there will be several times the rate of return. 4. Choose the track first, and then choose projects from the track; look first The big cycle confirms the trend, and then looks at the small cycle to find the entry position. 5. Take the currency you bought at the bottom, even if you take it by mistake. 6. Use the lending products in the currency circle to enlarge the amount of your funds. When you grasp the big situation, you must dare to Heavy position game (not suitable for novices. Suitable for old leeks) 7. You must participate in new things, even with small funds, and even if you lose money (I played with a learning mentality a few months ago Turtle, plus the cost of GAS is less than 200 dollars, I realized 2,000 dollars this month, 10 times the profit) 8. Don’t be biased and arrogant about the popular narratives in the market (many knowledge bloggers are still very biased against Inscription and Audi) Big, but shut up now, the market is always the best teacher) 9. Don’t participate in the coins that most communities call for orders. If there is a contract after the rise, you can try to go short, because the decline is cliff-like, and the benefits outweigh the risks. 10. Memes listed on Binance are more valuable than most coins within a certain period of time.

Summarize 10 logics for making a fortune in the web3 industry

1. Every project that has been popular will have an explosive increase after sufficient adjustment. When the market is not paying attention, you have to pay attention. 2. Projects with very low opening circulation and are popular will have a high probability of rising after a short period of adjustment. It is rising, and it is skyrocketing. 3. Bankruptcy sectors generally have a high reputation, sufficient washing, and light vehicles. After a long period of adjustment, there will be several times the rate of return. 4. Choose the track first, and then choose projects from the track; look first The big cycle confirms the trend, and then looks at the small cycle to find the entry position. 5. Take the currency you bought at the bottom, even if you take it by mistake. 6. Use the lending products in the currency circle to enlarge the amount of your funds. When you grasp the big situation, you must dare to Heavy position game (not suitable for novices. Suitable for old leeks) 7. You must participate in new things, even with small funds, and even if you lose money (I played with a learning mentality a few months ago Turtle, plus the cost of GAS is less than 200 dollars, I realized 2,000 dollars this month, 10 times the profit) 8. Don’t be biased and arrogant about the popular narratives in the market (many knowledge bloggers are still very biased against Inscription and Audi) Big, but shut up now, the market is always the best teacher) 9. Don’t participate in the coins that most communities call for orders. If there is a contract after the rise, you can try to go short, because the decline is cliff-like, and the benefits outweigh the risks. 10. Memes listed on Binance are more valuable than most coins within a certain period of time.
Bitcoin rebound cannot hide liquidity scars, Alameda gap troubles traders On November 2, 2022, CoinDesk, a well-known media in the encryption field, disclosed a private financial document, pointing out that Alameda Research, a sister company of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX and the largest market maker in the industry, may currently have debt problems. This incident led to the rapid collapse of FTX and Alameda Research. Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, bottomed out in the same month. Bitcoin has since risen 70% to $34,300. However, the scars of the collapse of FTX and Alameda are still evident, manifested in weak liquidity and market depth, which refers to the market's ability to absorb large orders at stable prices. Dessislava Aubert, a research analyst at Paris-based Kaiko, said the combined market depth of Bitcoin, Ethereum and the top 30 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization is only 2% and currently stands at $800 million, 55% lower than a year ago. In other words, a year ago, it would have taken at least $1.8 billion in orders to move prices up or down 2%. Currently, $800 million in orders is enough to influence prices. Kaiko calls the sharp deterioration in liquidity the "Alameda Gap," meaning traders looking to execute large orders face higher slippage costs. Slippage is the difference between the expected cost of a trade and the actual cost of execution. Weak liquidity also means that a small number of large orders can have a huge impact on prices and trigger price fluctuations.
Bitcoin rebound cannot hide liquidity scars, Alameda gap troubles traders

On November 2, 2022, CoinDesk, a well-known media in the encryption field, disclosed a private financial document, pointing out that Alameda Research, a sister company of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX and the largest market maker in the industry, may currently have debt problems. This incident led to the rapid collapse of FTX and Alameda Research.
Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, bottomed out in the same month. Bitcoin has since risen 70% to $34,300. However, the scars of the collapse of FTX and Alameda are still evident, manifested in weak liquidity and market depth, which refers to the market's ability to absorb large orders at stable prices.
Dessislava Aubert, a research analyst at Paris-based Kaiko, said the combined market depth of Bitcoin, Ethereum and the top 30 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization is only 2% and currently stands at $800 million, 55% lower than a year ago.
In other words, a year ago, it would have taken at least $1.8 billion in orders to move prices up or down 2%. Currently, $800 million in orders is enough to influence prices.
Kaiko calls the sharp deterioration in liquidity the "Alameda Gap," meaning traders looking to execute large orders face higher slippage costs. Slippage is the difference between the expected cost of a trade and the actual cost of execution. Weak liquidity also means that a small number of large orders can have a huge impact on prices and trigger price fluctuations.
If you make money because of this report, please click and follow There is also a explosive password
If you make money because of this report, please click and follow
There is also a explosive password
全面解读Gains Network:走近去中心化杠杆交易的黑暗森林
“Gains Network是在以太坊上创立的,初时未受热捧,后来迁移到Polygon链,并逐渐积累业务。直到集成Arbitrum链后,市场才被引爆。截至目前,平台累计交易量超过87万笔,交易额突破了340亿美元。其创始人非常优秀,早期仅雇用了一位UI开发者,而其他所有工作,从业务设计到代码实现,都由他独自完成。”gTrade是Gains Network 推出的第一款产品,它是一个去中心化杠杆交易平台,目前部署在Arbitrum及Polygon上。一、gTrade 核心特点(一)合成流动性池合成流动性池对于流动性池的高效运作至关重要。目前,gTrade采用的是基于DAI的合成流动性池(gDAI池)来扮演杠杆交易者的对手盘角色。这个流动性池的设计有几个特点:首先,它的合成机制可以使得资金使用效率更高。其次,它的合成机制可以使得交易更加灵活。因为通过合成流动性池,gTrade可以提供更多的杠杆交易对,这意味着交易者可以更灵活地选择交易对,并可以根据市场情况进行交易。最后gTrade的合成流动性池可以通过不同的合成机制来控制风险,例如通过调整杠杆倍数或者通过限制合成流动性池的规模等方式来降低风险。这样可以使得交易者和提供流动性者都可以更加安心地参与到交易中。dydx采用orderbook机制,这种机制要求在链下储存orderbook,还需要做市商提供流动性,因此去中心化程度不高且资金效率低。相比之下,gTrade的gDAI池避免了这些问题,并且无需为每个交易对设置流动性池。与GMX相比,虽然它们都使用流动性池提供流动性,但gTrade表现出了极高的资金效率。以近7天的数据为例,gTrade的50m gDAI池TVL实现了913m的交易量,Volume/TVL为18。而GMX则以466m的GLP池TVL实现了2.2b的交易量,Volume/TVL为4.7。显而易见,在此期间,gTrade的资金效率是GMX的3倍以上。然而,较高的资金效率也带来了一些风险,因此gTrade采取了多项保护措施。(二)丰富的交易对同时支持多种交易对及高杠杆是gTrade的又一重要特色。它是目前唯一一个支持91+交易对的链上杠杆交易平台,交易对覆盖加密货币、外汇和股票等三个方面。gTrade平台上外汇的杠杆可以高达1000倍,加密资产的杠杆可以高达150倍,这些都是目前GMX做不到的。(三)自制预言机gTrade用的预言机DON是创始人用Chainlink搭建的底层。DON有8个节点,通过7个不同交易所的API获取价格,对gTrade实时喂价。有效防止了价格操纵,也保证了价格的精确性。中心化交易所会有插针的现象,这类情况在gTrade上就不会发生。因为他们所拿到的数据以及之后的执行都是在链上完成的,7个API和8个节点也将作恶的可能性降到最低。(四)交易费用及保护机制1.Fixed Spread除了基础的Opening和Closing费用,gTrade还会额外收取一个Fixed Spread。对于BTC和ETH等大市值的加密货币、Forex及美股等这些比较难以操纵的资产,gTrade设定了一个固定的费用。2.Price ImpactPrice Impact对gTrade的安全性有很好的保护作用,这是GMX没有的。正因为如此,GMX无法让用户做小币种的交易。如果一笔交易在场内平台上的Open Interest很高,但场外其他交易所流动性不高,这个Price Impact可能就会越大。Luna事件发生时,gTrade团队本着去中心化的原则,坚持不干预Luna的交易与下架,最后市场掏空了平台的流动性,项目几乎陷入绝境。Luna事件之后,平台增加了很多保护机制。其实,在有Price Impact费用的情况下,Luna事件对gTrade的影响比较有限,因为交易者必须支付高额的Impact费用。3.Rollover FeeRollover Fee会导致用户在持仓过程中始终要支付费用,而此费用与市场的波动性相关,即市场波动性越大,该费用就会越高。因为波动性越大,它对gTrade的影响就会越大,最终目的是让用户快速平仓。最近,团队提高了Rollover Fee的收费。原因是团队计算出,如果有一些大型仓位在做对冲,而不提高Rollover Fee的话,他们可以在gTrade上以很低的成本做对冲并长期持仓,这将导致他们的Open Interest变得很少,就会很少人能够实际进行杠杆交易。因此,他们提高了该费用,这样这些人就无法一直长期持仓或以非常便宜的方式在gTrade上做对冲,这是Rollover Fee的另一个保护功能。4.Funding Fee与 GMX 最大的不同在于 Funding Fee,GMX 上的交易方式是,用户在进行杠杆交易的时候必须支付借贷费给 GLP 的流动性提供者。而在 gTrade 上,它以 Funding Fee 的方式来平衡做空和做多的交易者,所以持仓更多的一方会支付较少的费用。正是因为 Funding Fee 这种平衡做多和做空交易者的方式,gTrade 上的杠杆交易更加平衡和公平。此外,gTrade 还有其他保护措施,例如最高收益为 900%,一笔交易最多只能赚取 900%,并在获得 900% 收益时自动平仓;如果用户的抵押品或本金损失达到 90%,它也会自动帮用户平仓。这些保护措施可以保证用户在进行高风险的杠杆交易时,不会承担过大的风险。普通用户参与gTrade 一般可以使用如下几个功能:gTrade是一个杠杆交易平台,为擅长交易的用户提供一个良好的交易环境。同时,它也提供了许多其他的DeFi玩法。由于它是一个突破性的平台,因此您可以通过为其流动性池提供流动性来赚取收益。gDAI池有许多特点,大多数单币种质押品提供流动性的杠杆交易平台往往面临着当交易者赚很多钱时亏损的风险。但是gTrade采取了多种机制来降低gDAI池亏损的风险,使其几乎接近于0。此外,Gains Network还有自己的代币GNS,这是一个用途广泛的代币,将来将为平台赋能治理功能。目前,持有GNS代币可以将其存入Gains Network,分享平台收益。除此之外,在gTrade上进行各种类型的交易都是通过去中心化的NFT bot来执行的。因此,如果要进行相应的操作,就必须持有相应的NFT。gTrade的目标用户是那些想要进行交易的人。如果您有相应的资源,也可以尝试申请Referral Program。二、gToken流动性池关于gToken流动性池,gDAI只是它的第一个抵押品,未来它还会加入gETH、gBTC以及gFrax、gLUSD等抵押品。USDC 的风险确实造成了一些恐慌,这也激发了团队将这个需求排在更高的优先级。目前正在抓紧推出下一个较为去中心化的流动性池,如果下一个推出的是gETH的话,交易者可以用ETH作为抵押品,提供流动性的人可以获得ETH作为收益。值得注意的是,与其他类似协议最大的不同点在于gTrade的结算方式。如果你是用一个以太来开单的话,你的交易对如果涨幅是10%,你的收益就是10%,以以太计算。与之相比,GMX 的杠杆交易结算方式是以 USD 价格来做的,但是支付给交易者的盈利处决于交易者是做多还是做空,如果交易者做多:GMX 会以他们做多交易的资产支付盈利;如果交易者做空:GMX 会以稳定币的方式支付盈利。gToken的流动性运作方式是这样的:如果你是存款人要存入DAI的话,你拿到的收据就是gDAI,你把这个DAI放进去,拿到的是一个收据(这个其实是一个ERC20的代币,你可以用在其他的DeFi协议上)。如果你去提款的话,你把gDAI拿回去,它把gDAI烧毁,你可以拿出你的DAI。目前gTrade只有gDAI这一种交易对,但值得关注的是,即使它现在只有5000万美元的gDAI,它已经处理了18倍的交易量。如果团队加入更多的抵押品,交易量还可以扩展更多,所以相比GMX,gTrade拥有更大的扩展潜力。gToken特别在哪里?前面提到,它的gDAI池就是交易者的对手盘,也就是说如果交易者获利的话,他会从gDAI池里拿走DAI,如果交易者输钱,交易者的DAI就会进入流动性池。当用户存入DAI的时候,可以从池子拿到收据gDAI,它代表着存款人在这个池子里的份额,有两个因素可以影响gDAI价格,第一个因素是交易累积的交易费,交易费是前面提到的opening和closing fee这两块,这部分永远只会上升。第二个因素是作为用户对手盘的盈亏,但只有在不足抵押的状况下,才会影响到gDAI的价格,因为它还有一个buffer的保护层。gDAI价格计算方式还算简单,假设初始场景下池子有100个DAI,然后它的总gDAI的发行量是100个,现在一个gDAI价值就是一个DAI。如果现在平台赚入了150美金的收益,现在gDAI池里就有250个DAI,但是gDAI的发行量还是只有100个,这时候一个gDAI的价值是2.5个DAI。那buffer是什么呢?要解释buffer,我们必须要理解它的gDAI池子的抵押率,它的抵押率会受交易者盈亏的影响,它的每一个Epoch会把交易者的盈亏结算下来,只要赚取的费用大于交易者盈亏的支出,那这个Epoch就会有正回报的收入。如果我们去他们的网页看的话,在Vault、CR这个部分,把数据拉下来会看到很多数字,但有两个数字一个是TVL,另一个是Collateration抵押率,这两个数据差距比较高,它的差价就是它的buffer,它的保护层。要去计算它的CR的话就是把抵押品总值除以TVL,这个百分比就是它的buffer。在Dune Analytics可以看到,在它gDAI池子的下面是100%的部分,而多出来的4%这个部分就是buffer,它的balance其实是比TVL还高一些,它有什么作用呢?主要作用就是吸收交易者的盈亏带来的影响。当它的抵押率大于100%,交易者的盈亏对gDAI完全没有影响,只有在抵押率小于100%的时候,交易者的盈亏才会对gDAI开始有短期性的影响,这里必须要强调一下是短期性的。因为这个时候协议就会开始铸造GNS,并以OTC的方式卖成DAI,用以弥补这个gDAI池的亏损。gDAI的流动性池基本上有三个保护层,第一个保护层是buffer,有了buffer交易者的盈亏对gDAI持有人没有影响。第二个保护层就是他的TVL,当buffer不见的时候交易者的盈亏才开始影响到gDAI的价格,但是这个时候GNS已经开始铸造,用来弥补这个池子的亏损。第三层是在GNS铸造的同时,平台还是正常运行的,一方面协议有收入,另一方面交易者可能会亏损来回补流动性池。最终以这三种方式把池子带回到100%。gDAI池是由之前的DAI池迭代过来的,gDAI池相对于DAI池有一个最大的特点,就是有了gDAI之后你可以做很多的事情,它成为了一个自动复利的ERC20的代币,拿着它你可以在Defi里面去玩各种各样的乐高组合。gDAI池中所有的份额利润共享,损失共担。因为它是同质化的代币,不可能出现像之前FTX事件里面早一点去提款可以走,晚一点提款可能就走不了的情况,而且后面的人你要承受所有的损失。前面提到有两种因素可以影响gDAI的价格。第一个因素是平台的收费,这是永远不会变的。只会在短期内在不足额抵押的情况下稍微下降一点,但这是短期的。当它的池子被补足,抵押率回到了100%以上的时候,你之前赚取的收益仍然属于你。然后,这里有一个很有趣的点,就是图中第三条描述的激励机制。当抵押率不足时,它会为你提供一个非常好的买入gDAI的机会。为什么会这样?因为这个时候你购买的实际上是在帮助gDAI池子,所以你可以获得相应的收益。此外,在激励机制中,它会有一个折扣。通常情况下,抵押率保持在100%以上,在100~150%之间呈线性递减。抵押率越高,折扣率就越低。如果达到150%,就没有对应的折扣率了。gDAI具有极强的可组合性。它是一个ERC20代币。通过锁仓,也就是通过时间限制来承诺一段时间内不会退出池子,用户还可以得到一个相应的折扣。但是这种情况下,用户持仓将以ERC721代币的形式表现出来。它是一个非常优质的抵押品首选,因为它的价值是稳步提高的,除非发生非常极端的黑天鹅事件。此外,它有一个提款的时间锁,当抵押率小于110%的情况下选择提款,用户需要等待三个Epoch,一个Epoch是72小时,也就是9天的时间。Epoch系统其实非常安全。一个Epoch是三天,前48小时是您唯一可以申请提款或者去提款的时间,最后一天会执行交易者的盈亏结算。因此,在整个Epoch中,当用户提款或申请提款时,他们实际上不知道Epoch协议是赚钱还是赔钱的。这样,抢先跑或抢现金的行为就不会发生。三、GNS的应用场景GNS是一个应用型代币,GNS和gDAI池之间的关系非常密切。当DAI的抵押率不足100%时,会开始铸造GNS,然后将其卖出以填补gDAI池的缺口。当超额抵押时,交易者盈亏收入的5%将用于回购这些GNS。此外,还有一种情况会铸造GNS。这种情况涉及NFT机器人和推荐计划,他们为什么愿意参与呢?因为有收益,这种收益就是铸造出的GNS。但这些GNS不是凭空铸造的。它们的铸造完全来源于实际的收益——即gTrade平台的实际收益,即DAI。但是,激励者们获得的不是DAI,而是GNS。这意味着,这些DAI将进入缓冲区,从而增加缓冲区的资产,并增强对gDAI池的保护。总之,GNS的实际数量完全是动态的。它的铸造量取决于需求。需要铸造时它就会被铸造出来,需要销毁时它就会被销毁。只要其销毁量大于其铸造量,那么GNS就会通缩。它的铸造量每天有上限,即0.05%。因此,每年的最高通货膨胀率也只有18.25%。除非出现极端情况,否则不太可能达到这个上限。毕竟,抵押率不可能每天都小于100%。因为gTrade平台仍在赚钱,交易者仍在亏损,而这些收入每天都会被计算。现在目前 GNS它的 inflation是负值的,这代表它的燃烧是大于铸造的。四、NFT bots刚才讲到的NFT bots,它的用途是用来执行所有在gTtrade上的自动功能,包括结算、清算、新加订单、take profit、stop loss等功能。另外一个功能是,对于大型交易者,它可以降低交易的spread费用,这个其实是相当可观的,因此它的NFT现在非常昂贵。如果这些持有人有质押GNS的话,可以提升它们GNS的质押收益。一个钱包最多可以质押三个NFT,如果你持有的是Bronze、Silver和Gold三个NFT的话,你可以把它们加起来,2%+3%+5%就是10%,也就是说,如果你有质押GNS,可以提升10%的收益。如果你是做交易的,你将获得最高25%的折扣。五、协议分红GNS现在收益来源有两种,一种来自Market Order,另一种来自Limit Order。大致上70%收益来源是从它的Market Order获得来的,通过计算发现,GNS的质押者可以拿到平台收益的36%,gDAI流动性提供者可以拿到平台收益的18%,剩下的是发给项目发展开销、NFT bots以及联盟奖励。做个比较, GMX的质押者可以拿到平台收益的30%,流动性提供者可以拿到平台收益的70%。对于GMX来说,流动性提供者承担的风险更大一些,LP必须承担交易者的盈亏带来的影响。但是在Gains Network上承受风险最大的则是GNS的质押者,当然他的收益也更高,他赚取的收益是流动性提供者的两倍。总结Gains Network通过引入gToken代币,为用户提供了一种全新的流动性池解决方案,并且处理了大量的交易量,显示了其流动性解决方案的高效性和可持续性。Gains Network的成功在于其对用户需求的敏锐感知和对市场变化的快速反应。该平台不断推出新的解决方案,以满足用户的不同需求,并不断改进其现有服务,为用户提供更加完善的DeFi体验。DeFi衍生品是比现货市场有更大业务机会的赛道,Gains Network在熊市环境下不断迭代,一路成长为去中心化杠杆交易赛道的头部选手,不管是交易量还是交易体验都深得市场的认可。相信随着gToken池的不断添加,gTrade会在竞争日益激烈的衍生品赛道捕获更大的市场份额。
Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Says SEC May Approval BTC ETF Soon - CNBC
Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Says SEC May Approval BTC ETF Soon - CNBC
ChatGPT registration tutorialBasic essentials: - Google account - Google Chrome - Scientific Internet access - Overseas mobile phone number 1: Register an Open Ai account on the computer Web 1. Log in to the Open Ai official website lazy link: ( Copy to Google Chrome and open) 2. Click on the upper right corner to register 3. For account registration, it is recommended to log in directly with Google email, which is simple and direct (provided that you have already registered Google email) 4. Set up personal information and enter it casually 5. Mobile phone number verification requires overseas mobile phone numbers to be verified (mainland China and Singapore are currently not supported) (1) If you do not have an overseas mobile phone number, you can purchase technology number services on Taobao and accept a one-time verification code. The price is about 16~ 25 yuan per time. Please contact customer service before purchasing to confirm that the scope of use is GPT. Take the photo and wait for customer service to issue the mobile phone number. Then fill in the number and click Send code. After customer service receives the verification code, fill it in to pass the verification. . After successful registration, the page is as follows. You can create a chat box and start using it.

ChatGPT registration tutorial

Basic essentials: - Google account - Google Chrome - Scientific Internet access - Overseas mobile phone number 1: Register an Open Ai account on the computer Web 1. Log in to the Open Ai official website lazy link: ( Copy to Google Chrome and open) 2. Click on the upper right corner to register 3. For account registration, it is recommended to log in directly with Google email, which is simple and direct (provided that you have already registered Google email) 4. Set up personal information and enter it casually 5. Mobile phone number verification requires overseas mobile phone numbers to be verified (mainland China and Singapore are currently not supported) (1) If you do not have an overseas mobile phone number, you can purchase technology number services on Taobao and accept a one-time verification code. The price is about 16~ 25 yuan per time. Please contact customer service before purchasing to confirm that the scope of use is GPT. Take the photo and wait for customer service to issue the mobile phone number. Then fill in the number and click Send code. After customer service receives the verification code, fill it in to pass the verification. . After successful registration, the page is as follows. You can create a chat box and start using it.
A piece of fake news last night: The US SEC approved BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Spot ETF. Reminds me of a piece of fake news released on July 26, 2021. Some media such as Sina Finance and London Business News published at 9:20 on July 26, 2021 that Amazon will plan to accept Bitcoin payments this year. #BTCwas up 15% at the time Then at 9:55 on July 26, 2021, Reuters announced that Amazon denied media reports that it would accept Bitcoin payments before the end of the year, and #BTC’s gains shrank to 4.4% Since this fake news was released,#BTChas risen from more than 36,000$ to 69,000$. So what I want to express is that history does not repeat itself, it may rhyme, and on the surface it looks a bit like a repeat of the same old tricks in person!
A piece of fake news last night: The US SEC approved BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Spot ETF. Reminds me of a piece of fake news released on July 26, 2021. Some media such as Sina Finance and London Business News published at 9:20 on July 26, 2021 that Amazon will plan to accept Bitcoin payments this year.
#BTCwas up 15% at the time

Then at 9:55 on July 26, 2021, Reuters announced that Amazon denied media reports that it would accept Bitcoin payments before the end of the year, and #BTC’s gains shrank to 4.4%

Since this fake news was released,#BTChas risen from more than 36,000$ to 69,000$.

So what I want to express is that history does not repeat itself, it may rhyme, and on the surface it looks a bit like a repeat of the same old tricks in person!
Recently, the encryption market has shown a diversified development trend. According to 24/7 real-time data from Yingwei Finance, although mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum still dominate the market, emerging currencies such as XRP and Solana are gradually gaining favor among traders. The latest report from CoinShares further confirms this, showing traders showing higher confidence in both coins. The development of the NFT field is even more eye-catching. The on-chain NFT secondary market launched by art auction giant Sotheby's provides a new trading platform for artists and collectors, and the high profits Trump has made through NFT sales also prove the huge potential of the NFT market. However, the market is not always smooth sailing. Data from CoinGecko shows that on October 14, the transaction volume of the entire network’s encryption market fell sharply, with a drop of an astonishing 45.35%. This may be related to the Fed’s latest decision. Although the Fed decided to keep interest rates unchanged, its hawkish stance on the market caused the dollar to rise, which put pressure on the crypto market.
Recently, the encryption market has shown a diversified development trend. According to 24/7 real-time data from Yingwei Finance, although mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum still dominate the market, emerging currencies such as XRP and Solana are gradually gaining favor among traders. The latest report from CoinShares further confirms this, showing traders showing higher confidence in both coins.

The development of the NFT field is even more eye-catching. The on-chain NFT secondary market launched by art auction giant Sotheby's provides a new trading platform for artists and collectors, and the high profits Trump has made through NFT sales also prove the huge potential of the NFT market.

However, the market is not always smooth sailing. Data from CoinGecko shows that on October 14, the transaction volume of the entire network’s encryption market fell sharply, with a drop of an astonishing 45.35%. This may be related to the Fed’s latest decision. Although the Fed decided to keep interest rates unchanged, its hawkish stance on the market caused the dollar to rise, which put pressure on the crypto market.
We have done in-depth research and thinking on investment, with one purpose, which is to achieve financial freedom. I have always had a point of view. Those who work hard from 9 to 5 every day are the real dawdles, because they never dare to face the most important problem in real life, which is how to achieve financial freedom. When I was a child, I read "There is no idle land in the world, and farmers still starve to death." Seize big opportunities. Opportunism is by no means a derogatory term. Behind the success of opportunism is extraordinary cognition, patience, perseverance, determination, and scientific and complete methodology. Just like successfully making money on a coin in the crypto market, it actually reflects all aspects of a person. Daring to buy when no one cares reflects the ability to think independently; daring to intervene with heavy positions reflects the courage and courage to do things; persistence in times of repeated shocks reflects perseverance and patience in doing things; wait until the currency you hold continues to rise. Being able to hold it reflects the pattern and ambition; when a currency is extremely overvalued, the rapid retreat reflects a person's ability to control desires.
We have done in-depth research and thinking on investment, with one purpose, which is to achieve financial freedom.

I have always had a point of view. Those who work hard from 9 to 5 every day are the real dawdles, because they never dare to face the most important problem in real life, which is how to achieve financial freedom.

When I was a child, I read "There is no idle land in the world, and farmers still starve to death." Seize big opportunities.

Opportunism is by no means a derogatory term. Behind the success of opportunism is extraordinary cognition, patience, perseverance, determination, and scientific and complete methodology.

Just like successfully making money on a coin in the crypto market, it actually reflects all aspects of a person. Daring to buy when no one cares reflects the ability to think independently; daring to intervene with heavy positions reflects the courage and courage to do things; persistence in times of repeated shocks reflects perseverance and patience in doing things; wait until the currency you hold continues to rise. Being able to hold it reflects the pattern and ambition; when a currency is extremely overvalued, the rapid retreat reflects a person's ability to control desires.
Comprehensive interpretation of Gains Network: Approaching the dark forest of decentralized leverage trading"Gains Network was founded on Ethereum and was not popular at first. Later it was moved to the Polygon chain and gradually accumulated business. It was not until the integration of the Arbitrum chain that the market exploded. As of now, the cumulative transaction volume of the platform exceeds 870,000 , the transaction volume exceeded US$34 billion. Its founder was very good and only hired one UI developer in the early days, while all other work, from business design to code implementation, was completed by him alone." gTrade was launched by Gains Network The first product is a decentralized leverage trading platform currently deployed on Arbitrum and Polygon. 1. Core features of gTrade (1) Synthetic liquidity pool Synthetic liquidity pool is crucial for the efficient operation of the liquidity pool. Currently, gTrade uses a synthetic liquidity pool based on DAI (gDAI pool) to play the role of counterparty for leveraged traders. The design of this liquidity pool has several features: First, its synthesis mechanism can make the use of funds more efficient. Secondly, its synthesis mechanism can make transactions more flexible. Because through the synthetic liquidity pool, gTrade can provide more leveraged trading pairs, which means traders can choose trading pairs more flexibly and trade according to market conditions. Finally, gTrade's synthetic liquidity pool can control risks through different synthetic mechanisms, such as reducing risks by adjusting leverage multiples or limiting the size of synthetic liquidity pools. This allows both traders and liquidity providers to participate in transactions with greater peace of mind. dydx uses an orderbook mechanism, which requires the orderbook to be stored off-chain and market makers to provide liquidity. Therefore, the degree of decentralization is not high and the capital efficiency is low. In contrast, gTrade’s gDAI pool avoids these issues and eliminates the need to set up liquidity pools for each trading pair. Compared with GMX, although they both use liquidity pools to provide liquidity, gTrade exhibits extremely high funding efficiency. Taking the data of the past 7 days as an example, gTrade’s 50m gDAI pool TVL achieved a trading volume of 913m, with a Volume/TVL of 18. GMX achieved a transaction volume of 2.2b with a GLP pool TVL of 466m, with a Volume/TVL of 4.7. It is obvious that during this period, gTrade’s capital efficiency was more than 3 times that of GMX.However, higher capital efficiency also brings some risks, so gTrade has taken several protective measures. (2) Rich trading pairs Supporting multiple trading pairs and high leverage is another important feature of gTrade. It is currently the only on-chain margin trading platform that supports 91+ trading pairs, covering cryptocurrency, foreign exchange and stocks. The leverage of foreign exchange on the gTrade platform can be as high as 1,000 times, and the leverage of crypto assets can be as high as 150 times, which are currently not possible with GMX. (3) The self-made oracle machine DON used by gTrade is the bottom layer built by the founder using Chainlink. DON has 8 nodes, obtains prices through the APIs of 7 different exchanges, and feeds gTrade prices in real time. This effectively prevents price manipulation and ensures price accuracy. Centralized exchanges will have the phenomenon of inserting pins, but this kind of situation will not happen on gTrade. Because the data they obtain and subsequent execution are completed on the chain, 7 APIs and 8 nodes also minimize the possibility of evildoing. (4) Transaction fees and protection mechanism 1. Fixed Spread In addition to the basic Opening and Closing fees, gTrade will also charge an additional Fixed Spread. For large-capitalization cryptocurrencies such as BTC and ETH, Forex and US stocks, which are relatively difficult to manipulate assets, gTrade sets a fixed fee. 2.Price ImpactPrice Impact has a good protective effect on gTrade's security, which GMX does not have. Because of this, GMX cannot allow users to trade small currencies. If the Open Interest of a transaction on the on-site platform is high, but the liquidity on other off-site exchanges is not high, the Price Impact may be greater. When the Luna incident occurred, the gTrade team adhered to the principle of decentralization and insisted on not intervening in Luna's transactions and delisting. In the end, the market emptied out the liquidity of the platform, and the project almost fell into despair. After the Luna incident, many protection mechanisms were added to the platform. In fact, in the case of Price Impact fees, the impact of the Luna incident on gTrade is relatively limited, because traders must pay high Impact fees. 3. Rollover Fee Rollover Fee will cause users to always pay a fee during the position holding process, and this fee is related to the volatility of the market, that is, the greater the market volatility, the higher the fee will be.Because the greater the volatility, the greater its impact on gTrade will be, and the ultimate goal is to allow users to close positions quickly. Recently, the team increased the Rollover Fee. The reason is that the team calculated that if there are some large positions being hedged without raising the Rollover Fee, they can hedge at a very low cost on gTrade and hold the position for a long time, which will result in their Open Interest becoming very small. There will be very few people who can actually carry out leveraged trading. So they raised that fee so that these people couldn't keep holding long positions or hedging on gTrade very cheaply, which is another protective feature of the Rollover Fee. 4. The biggest difference between Funding Fee and GMX is Funding Fee. The trading method on GMX is that users must pay lending fees to GLP’s liquidity provider when conducting leverage transactions. On gTrade, it uses Funding Fee to balance short and long traders, so the party with more positions will pay less fees. Leveraged trading on gTrade is more balanced and fair because of the way Funding Fee balances long and short traders. In addition, gTrade has other protection measures, such as a maximum profit of 900%, a transaction can only earn up to 900%, and automatically closes the position when 900% profit is obtained; if the user's collateral or principal loss reaches 90% , it will also automatically help users close their positions. These protection measures can ensure that users do not take excessive risks when conducting high-risk leverage transactions. Ordinary users can generally use the following functions when participating in gTrade: gTrade is a leverage trading platform that provides a good trading environment for users who are good at trading. At the same time, it also provides many other DeFi gameplays. Since it is a groundbreaking platform, you can earn by providing liquidity to its liquidity pool. The gDAI pool has many features, and most leveraged trading platforms that provide liquidity with single-currency collateral often face the risk of losing money when traders make a lot of money. However, gTrade has adopted a variety of mechanisms to reduce the risk of loss in the gDAI pool, making it almost close to 0. In addition, Gains Network has its own token GNS, which is a versatile token that will empower the platform with governance functions in the future.Currently, those who hold GNS tokens can deposit them into the Gains Network and share platform profits. In addition to this, various types of transactions on gTrade are performed through decentralized NFT bots. Therefore, if you want to perform corresponding operations, you must hold the corresponding NFT. gTrade is targeted at those who want to trade. If you have the corresponding resources, you can also try to apply for the Referral Program. 2. gToken Liquidity Pool Regarding the gToken liquidity pool, gDAI is only its first collateral. In the future, it will also add gETH, gBTC, gFrax, gLUSD and other collaterals. The risk of USDC did create some panic, which also inspired the team to prioritize this need higher. We are currently working hard to launch the next more decentralized liquidity pool. If gETH is launched next, traders can use ETH as collateral, and those who provide liquidity can obtain ETH as income. It is worth noting that the biggest difference from other similar protocols is gTrade’s settlement method. If you use an ether to open an order, if your trading pair increases by 10%, your profit will be 10%, calculated in ether. In contrast, GMX's leverage trading settlement method is based on the USD price, but the profit paid to the trader depends on whether the trader is long or short. If the trader is long: GMX will trade based on their long position. The asset pays the profit; if the trader goes short: GMX pays the profit in the form of stablecoins. The way gToken’s liquidity operates is this: if you are a depositor and want to deposit DAI, the receipt you get is gDAI. When you put this DAI in, you get a receipt (this is actually an ERC20 token). coins, you can use them on other DeFi protocols). If you go to withdraw money, you take the gDAI back, it burns the gDAI, and you can take out your DAI. Currently gTrade only has one trading pair, gDAI, but it is worth noting that even though it only has $50 million in gDAI now, it has already processed 18 times the trading volume. If the team adds more collateral, the trading volume can expand even more, so gTrade has greater expansion potential than GMX. What is special about gToken? As mentioned earlier, its gDAI pool is the trader's counterparty, which means that if the trader makes a profit, he will take DAI from the gDAI pool. If the trader loses money, the trader's DAI will enter liquidity. pool.When users deposit DAI, they can get the receipt gDAI from the pool, which represents the depositor's share in the pool. There are two factors that can affect the price of gDAI. The first factor is the transaction fee accumulated by the transaction. The transaction fee It’s the opening and closing fees mentioned earlier, which will only rise forever. The second factor is the profit and loss of the user's counterparty, but it will only affect the price of gDAI when there is insufficient collateral, because it also has a buffer protection layer. The calculation method of gDAI price is quite simple. Assume that the pool has 100 DAI in the initial scenario, and then its total gDAI issuance is 100. Now the value of one gDAI is one DAI. If the platform now earns $150 in revenue, there are now 250 DAI in the gDAI pool, but the circulation of gDAI is still only 100. At this time, the value of one gDAI is 2.5 DAI. So what is buffer? To explain buffer, we must understand the mortgage rate of its gDAI pool. Its mortgage rate will be affected by the trader's profit and loss. Each of its Epochs will settle the trader's profit and loss, as long as the fees earned are greater than the trader's profit and loss. Profit and loss expenses, then this Epoch will have positive return income. If we go to their webpage, in the Vault and CR sections, if you pull down the data, you will see a lot of numbers, but there are two numbers. One is TVL and the other is Collationation mortgage rate. The gap between these two data is relatively high. Its price difference is its buffer, its protective layer. To calculate its CR, divide the total collateral value by TVL. This percentage is its buffer. You can see in Dune Analytics that below its gDAI pool is the 100% part, and the extra 4% part is the buffer. Its balance is actually higher than TVL. What does it do? The main function is to absorb the impact of traders' profits and losses. When its mortgage rate is greater than 100%, traders' profits and losses have no impact on gDAI at all. Only when the mortgage rate is less than 100%, traders' profits and losses will begin to have a short-term impact on gDAI. It must be emphasized here that Short-term. Because at this time the protocol will start to mint GNS and sell it into DAI in the OTC way to make up for the loss of the gDAI pool.gDAI's liquidity pool basically has three protection layers. The first protection layer is the buffer. With the buffer, traders' profits and losses have no impact on gDAI holders. The second layer of protection is his TVL. When the buffer disappears, traders' profits and losses begin to affect the price of gDAI, but at this time GNS has already begun to mint to make up for the losses of this pool. The third layer is that while GNS is minting, the platform is still running normally. On the one hand, the protocol has income, and on the other hand, traders may lose money to replenish the liquidity pool. Finally bring the pool back to 100% in these three ways. The gDAI pool is an iteration of the previous DAI pool. The biggest feature of the gDAI pool compared to the DAI pool is that you can do a lot of things with gDAI. It becomes an ERC20 token with automatic compound interest. You can play various Lego combinations in Defi. All shares in the gDAI pool share profits and losses. Because it is a homogeneous token, it is impossible to have a situation like the previous FTX incident where you can withdraw money if you withdraw it earlier, but you may not be able to withdraw money if you withdraw it later, and you have to bear all the losses of the people behind you. As mentioned earlier, there are two factors that can affect the price of gDAI. The first factor is the platform’s fees, which will never change. It's only going to go down a little bit in the short term with undercollateralization, but that's short term. When its pool is replenished and the mortgage rate returns to above 100%, the income you earned before still belongs to you. Then, there is a very interesting point here, which is the incentive mechanism described in the third item in the figure. When the collateralization ratio is insufficient, it will provide you with a very good opportunity to buy gDAI. Why is this happening? Because what you buy at this time is actually helping the gDAI pool, you can get corresponding benefits. In addition, in the incentive mechanism, it will have a discount. Under normal circumstances, the mortgage rate remains above 100% and decreases linearly between 100 and 150%. The higher the mortgage rate, the lower the discount rate. If it reaches 150%, there will be no corresponding discount rate. gDAI is extremely composable. It is an ERC20 token. By staking, that is, by using time limits to promise not to exit the pool within a period of time, users can also get a corresponding discount.But in this case, user positions will be expressed in the form of ERC721 tokens. It is a very high-quality collateral choice because its value is steadily increasing unless a very extreme black swan event occurs. In addition, it has a withdrawal time lock. When the mortgage rate is less than 110% and the user chooses to withdraw, the user needs to wait for three Epochs. One Epoch is 72 hours, which is 9 days. The Epoch system is actually very safe. An Epoch lasts for three days. The first 48 hours are the only time you can apply for withdrawal or withdraw money. The trader's profit and loss settlement will be executed on the last day. Therefore, throughout Epoch, when users withdraw money or request a withdrawal, they actually have no idea whether the Epoch protocol is making money or losing money. This way, rush-to-the-run or cash grabs won’t happen. 3. Application scenarios of GNS GNS is an application token, and the relationship between GNS and the gDAI pool is very close. When DAI is less than 100% collateralized, GNS are minted and then sold to fill the gap in the gDAI pool. When over-collateralized, 5% of traders’ profits and losses will be used to repurchase these GNS. Additionally, there is a situation where GNS is cast. This situation involves NFT bots and referral programs, why would they want to participate? Because there is a profit, and this profit is the minted GNS. But these GNS are not minted out of thin air. Their minting comes entirely from actual returns - that is, the actual returns of the gTrade platform, which is DAI. However, what the motivators receive is not DAI, but GNS. This means that these DAI will go into the buffer, thereby increasing the buffer’s assets and increasing the protection of the gDAI pool. In short, the actual number of GNS is completely dynamic. Its minting volume depends on demand. It will be minted when it needs to be minted, and it will be destroyed when it needs to be destroyed. As long as its amount of destruction is greater than its amount of minting, GNS will be deflationary. Its minting amount has a daily limit of 0.05%. Therefore, the maximum annual inflation rate is only 18.25%. Barring extreme circumstances, it is unlikely that this cap will be reached. After all, the mortgage rate cannot be less than 100% every day. Because the gTrade platform is still making money, traders are still losing money, and these earnings are calculated every day.Currently, the inflation of GNS is negative, which means that its burning is greater than casting. 4. NFT bots The NFT bots just mentioned are used to perform all automatic functions on gTtrade, including settlement, liquidation, new orders, take profit, stop loss and other functions. Another feature is that for large traders, it can reduce the spread fee for transactions, which is actually quite considerable, so its NFTs are now very expensive. If these holders pledge GNS, their GNS staking income can be increased. A wallet can pledge up to three NFTs. If you hold three NFTs: Bronze, Silver and Gold, you can add them up. 2%+3%+5% is 10%. That is to say, if you Staking GNS can increase the income by 10%. If you're a trader, you'll get up to 25% off. 5. Agreement dividend GNS currently has two sources of income, one from Market Order and the other from Limit Order. Roughly 70% of the income comes from its Market Order. Through calculation, it is found that GNS pledgers can get 36% of the platform’s income, gDAI liquidity providers can get 18% of the platform’s income, and the rest It is issued to project development expenses, NFT bots and alliance rewards. For comparison, GMX pledgers can get 30% of the platform’s revenue, and liquidity providers can get 70% of the platform’s revenue. For GMX, liquidity providers bear greater risks, and LPs must bear the impact of traders' profits and losses. But the staker of GNS is the one who bears the greatest risk on Gains Network. Of course, his income is also higher. He earns twice as much income as the liquidity provider. Summary Gains Network provides users with a new liquidity pool solution by introducing gToken tokens, and handles a large amount of transaction volume, showing the efficiency and sustainability of its liquidity solution. Gains Network's success lies in its keen awareness of user needs and rapid response to market changes. The platform continuously launches new solutions to meet the different needs of users and continuously improves its existing services to provide users with a more complete DeFi experience. DeFi derivatives are a track with greater business opportunities than the spot market. Gains Network has continued to iterate in the bear market environment and has grown into a leading player in the decentralized leverage trading track. It is deeply praised both in terms of trading volume and trading experience. Market recognition.It is believed that with the continuous addition of gToken pool, gTrade will capture a larger market share in the increasingly competitive derivatives track.

Comprehensive interpretation of Gains Network: Approaching the dark forest of decentralized leverage trading

"Gains Network was founded on Ethereum and was not popular at first. Later it was moved to the Polygon chain and gradually accumulated business. It was not until the integration of the Arbitrum chain that the market exploded. As of now, the cumulative transaction volume of the platform exceeds 870,000 , the transaction volume exceeded US$34 billion. Its founder was very good and only hired one UI developer in the early days, while all other work, from business design to code implementation, was completed by him alone." gTrade was launched by Gains Network The first product is a decentralized leverage trading platform currently deployed on Arbitrum and Polygon. 1. Core features of gTrade (1) Synthetic liquidity pool Synthetic liquidity pool is crucial for the efficient operation of the liquidity pool. Currently, gTrade uses a synthetic liquidity pool based on DAI (gDAI pool) to play the role of counterparty for leveraged traders. The design of this liquidity pool has several features: First, its synthesis mechanism can make the use of funds more efficient. Secondly, its synthesis mechanism can make transactions more flexible. Because through the synthetic liquidity pool, gTrade can provide more leveraged trading pairs, which means traders can choose trading pairs more flexibly and trade according to market conditions. Finally, gTrade's synthetic liquidity pool can control risks through different synthetic mechanisms, such as reducing risks by adjusting leverage multiples or limiting the size of synthetic liquidity pools. This allows both traders and liquidity providers to participate in transactions with greater peace of mind. dydx uses an orderbook mechanism, which requires the orderbook to be stored off-chain and market makers to provide liquidity. Therefore, the degree of decentralization is not high and the capital efficiency is low. In contrast, gTrade’s gDAI pool avoids these issues and eliminates the need to set up liquidity pools for each trading pair. Compared with GMX, although they both use liquidity pools to provide liquidity, gTrade exhibits extremely high funding efficiency. Taking the data of the past 7 days as an example, gTrade’s 50m gDAI pool TVL achieved a trading volume of 913m, with a Volume/TVL of 18. GMX achieved a transaction volume of 2.2b with a GLP pool TVL of 466m, with a Volume/TVL of 4.7. It is obvious that during this period, gTrade’s capital efficiency was more than 3 times that of GMX.However, higher capital efficiency also brings some risks, so gTrade has taken several protective measures. (2) Rich trading pairs Supporting multiple trading pairs and high leverage is another important feature of gTrade. It is currently the only on-chain margin trading platform that supports 91+ trading pairs, covering cryptocurrency, foreign exchange and stocks. The leverage of foreign exchange on the gTrade platform can be as high as 1,000 times, and the leverage of crypto assets can be as high as 150 times, which are currently not possible with GMX. (3) The self-made oracle machine DON used by gTrade is the bottom layer built by the founder using Chainlink. DON has 8 nodes, obtains prices through the APIs of 7 different exchanges, and feeds gTrade prices in real time. This effectively prevents price manipulation and ensures price accuracy. Centralized exchanges will have the phenomenon of inserting pins, but this kind of situation will not happen on gTrade. Because the data they obtain and subsequent execution are completed on the chain, 7 APIs and 8 nodes also minimize the possibility of evildoing. (4) Transaction fees and protection mechanism 1. Fixed Spread In addition to the basic Opening and Closing fees, gTrade will also charge an additional Fixed Spread. For large-capitalization cryptocurrencies such as BTC and ETH, Forex and US stocks, which are relatively difficult to manipulate assets, gTrade sets a fixed fee. 2.Price ImpactPrice Impact has a good protective effect on gTrade's security, which GMX does not have. Because of this, GMX cannot allow users to trade small currencies. If the Open Interest of a transaction on the on-site platform is high, but the liquidity on other off-site exchanges is not high, the Price Impact may be greater. When the Luna incident occurred, the gTrade team adhered to the principle of decentralization and insisted on not intervening in Luna's transactions and delisting. In the end, the market emptied out the liquidity of the platform, and the project almost fell into despair. After the Luna incident, many protection mechanisms were added to the platform. In fact, in the case of Price Impact fees, the impact of the Luna incident on gTrade is relatively limited, because traders must pay high Impact fees. 3. Rollover Fee Rollover Fee will cause users to always pay a fee during the position holding process, and this fee is related to the volatility of the market, that is, the greater the market volatility, the higher the fee will be.Because the greater the volatility, the greater its impact on gTrade will be, and the ultimate goal is to allow users to close positions quickly. Recently, the team increased the Rollover Fee. The reason is that the team calculated that if there are some large positions being hedged without raising the Rollover Fee, they can hedge at a very low cost on gTrade and hold the position for a long time, which will result in their Open Interest becoming very small. There will be very few people who can actually carry out leveraged trading. So they raised that fee so that these people couldn't keep holding long positions or hedging on gTrade very cheaply, which is another protective feature of the Rollover Fee. 4. The biggest difference between Funding Fee and GMX is Funding Fee. The trading method on GMX is that users must pay lending fees to GLP’s liquidity provider when conducting leverage transactions. On gTrade, it uses Funding Fee to balance short and long traders, so the party with more positions will pay less fees. Leveraged trading on gTrade is more balanced and fair because of the way Funding Fee balances long and short traders. In addition, gTrade has other protection measures, such as a maximum profit of 900%, a transaction can only earn up to 900%, and automatically closes the position when 900% profit is obtained; if the user's collateral or principal loss reaches 90% , it will also automatically help users close their positions. These protection measures can ensure that users do not take excessive risks when conducting high-risk leverage transactions. Ordinary users can generally use the following functions when participating in gTrade: gTrade is a leverage trading platform that provides a good trading environment for users who are good at trading. At the same time, it also provides many other DeFi gameplays. Since it is a groundbreaking platform, you can earn by providing liquidity to its liquidity pool. The gDAI pool has many features, and most leveraged trading platforms that provide liquidity with single-currency collateral often face the risk of losing money when traders make a lot of money. However, gTrade has adopted a variety of mechanisms to reduce the risk of loss in the gDAI pool, making it almost close to 0. In addition, Gains Network has its own token GNS, which is a versatile token that will empower the platform with governance functions in the future.Currently, those who hold GNS tokens can deposit them into the Gains Network and share platform profits. In addition to this, various types of transactions on gTrade are performed through decentralized NFT bots. Therefore, if you want to perform corresponding operations, you must hold the corresponding NFT. gTrade is targeted at those who want to trade. If you have the corresponding resources, you can also try to apply for the Referral Program. 2. gToken Liquidity Pool Regarding the gToken liquidity pool, gDAI is only its first collateral. In the future, it will also add gETH, gBTC, gFrax, gLUSD and other collaterals. The risk of USDC did create some panic, which also inspired the team to prioritize this need higher. We are currently working hard to launch the next more decentralized liquidity pool. If gETH is launched next, traders can use ETH as collateral, and those who provide liquidity can obtain ETH as income. It is worth noting that the biggest difference from other similar protocols is gTrade’s settlement method. If you use an ether to open an order, if your trading pair increases by 10%, your profit will be 10%, calculated in ether. In contrast, GMX's leverage trading settlement method is based on the USD price, but the profit paid to the trader depends on whether the trader is long or short. If the trader is long: GMX will trade based on their long position. The asset pays the profit; if the trader goes short: GMX pays the profit in the form of stablecoins. The way gToken’s liquidity operates is this: if you are a depositor and want to deposit DAI, the receipt you get is gDAI. When you put this DAI in, you get a receipt (this is actually an ERC20 token). coins, you can use them on other DeFi protocols). If you go to withdraw money, you take the gDAI back, it burns the gDAI, and you can take out your DAI. Currently gTrade only has one trading pair, gDAI, but it is worth noting that even though it only has $50 million in gDAI now, it has already processed 18 times the trading volume. If the team adds more collateral, the trading volume can expand even more, so gTrade has greater expansion potential than GMX. What is special about gToken? As mentioned earlier, its gDAI pool is the trader's counterparty, which means that if the trader makes a profit, he will take DAI from the gDAI pool. If the trader loses money, the trader's DAI will enter liquidity. pool.When users deposit DAI, they can get the receipt gDAI from the pool, which represents the depositor's share in the pool. There are two factors that can affect the price of gDAI. The first factor is the transaction fee accumulated by the transaction. The transaction fee It’s the opening and closing fees mentioned earlier, which will only rise forever. The second factor is the profit and loss of the user's counterparty, but it will only affect the price of gDAI when there is insufficient collateral, because it also has a buffer protection layer. The calculation method of gDAI price is quite simple. Assume that the pool has 100 DAI in the initial scenario, and then its total gDAI issuance is 100. Now the value of one gDAI is one DAI. If the platform now earns $150 in revenue, there are now 250 DAI in the gDAI pool, but the circulation of gDAI is still only 100. At this time, the value of one gDAI is 2.5 DAI. So what is buffer? To explain buffer, we must understand the mortgage rate of its gDAI pool. Its mortgage rate will be affected by the trader's profit and loss. Each of its Epochs will settle the trader's profit and loss, as long as the fees earned are greater than the trader's profit and loss. Profit and loss expenses, then this Epoch will have positive return income. If we go to their webpage, in the Vault and CR sections, if you pull down the data, you will see a lot of numbers, but there are two numbers. One is TVL and the other is Collationation mortgage rate. The gap between these two data is relatively high. Its price difference is its buffer, its protective layer. To calculate its CR, divide the total collateral value by TVL. This percentage is its buffer. You can see in Dune Analytics that below its gDAI pool is the 100% part, and the extra 4% part is the buffer. Its balance is actually higher than TVL. What does it do? The main function is to absorb the impact of traders' profits and losses. When its mortgage rate is greater than 100%, traders' profits and losses have no impact on gDAI at all. Only when the mortgage rate is less than 100%, traders' profits and losses will begin to have a short-term impact on gDAI. It must be emphasized here that Short-term. Because at this time the protocol will start to mint GNS and sell it into DAI in the OTC way to make up for the loss of the gDAI pool.gDAI's liquidity pool basically has three protection layers. The first protection layer is the buffer. With the buffer, traders' profits and losses have no impact on gDAI holders. The second layer of protection is his TVL. When the buffer disappears, traders' profits and losses begin to affect the price of gDAI, but at this time GNS has already begun to mint to make up for the losses of this pool. The third layer is that while GNS is minting, the platform is still running normally. On the one hand, the protocol has income, and on the other hand, traders may lose money to replenish the liquidity pool. Finally bring the pool back to 100% in these three ways. The gDAI pool is an iteration of the previous DAI pool. The biggest feature of the gDAI pool compared to the DAI pool is that you can do a lot of things with gDAI. It becomes an ERC20 token with automatic compound interest. You can play various Lego combinations in Defi. All shares in the gDAI pool share profits and losses. Because it is a homogeneous token, it is impossible to have a situation like the previous FTX incident where you can withdraw money if you withdraw it earlier, but you may not be able to withdraw money if you withdraw it later, and you have to bear all the losses of the people behind you. As mentioned earlier, there are two factors that can affect the price of gDAI. The first factor is the platform’s fees, which will never change. It's only going to go down a little bit in the short term with undercollateralization, but that's short term. When its pool is replenished and the mortgage rate returns to above 100%, the income you earned before still belongs to you. Then, there is a very interesting point here, which is the incentive mechanism described in the third item in the figure. When the collateralization ratio is insufficient, it will provide you with a very good opportunity to buy gDAI. Why is this happening? Because what you buy at this time is actually helping the gDAI pool, you can get corresponding benefits. In addition, in the incentive mechanism, it will have a discount. Under normal circumstances, the mortgage rate remains above 100% and decreases linearly between 100 and 150%. The higher the mortgage rate, the lower the discount rate. If it reaches 150%, there will be no corresponding discount rate. gDAI is extremely composable. It is an ERC20 token. By staking, that is, by using time limits to promise not to exit the pool within a period of time, users can also get a corresponding discount.But in this case, user positions will be expressed in the form of ERC721 tokens. It is a very high-quality collateral choice because its value is steadily increasing unless a very extreme black swan event occurs. In addition, it has a withdrawal time lock. When the mortgage rate is less than 110% and the user chooses to withdraw, the user needs to wait for three Epochs. One Epoch is 72 hours, which is 9 days. The Epoch system is actually very safe. An Epoch lasts for three days. The first 48 hours are the only time you can apply for withdrawal or withdraw money. The trader's profit and loss settlement will be executed on the last day. Therefore, throughout Epoch, when users withdraw money or request a withdrawal, they actually have no idea whether the Epoch protocol is making money or losing money. This way, rush-to-the-run or cash grabs won’t happen. 3. Application scenarios of GNS GNS is an application token, and the relationship between GNS and the gDAI pool is very close. When DAI is less than 100% collateralized, GNS are minted and then sold to fill the gap in the gDAI pool. When over-collateralized, 5% of traders’ profits and losses will be used to repurchase these GNS. Additionally, there is a situation where GNS is cast. This situation involves NFT bots and referral programs, why would they want to participate? Because there is a profit, and this profit is the minted GNS. But these GNS are not minted out of thin air. Their minting comes entirely from actual returns - that is, the actual returns of the gTrade platform, which is DAI. However, what the motivators receive is not DAI, but GNS. This means that these DAI will go into the buffer, thereby increasing the buffer’s assets and increasing the protection of the gDAI pool. In short, the actual number of GNS is completely dynamic. Its minting volume depends on demand. It will be minted when it needs to be minted, and it will be destroyed when it needs to be destroyed. As long as its amount of destruction is greater than its amount of minting, GNS will be deflationary. Its minting amount has a daily limit of 0.05%. Therefore, the maximum annual inflation rate is only 18.25%. Barring extreme circumstances, it is unlikely that this cap will be reached. After all, the mortgage rate cannot be less than 100% every day. Because the gTrade platform is still making money, traders are still losing money, and these earnings are calculated every day.Currently, the inflation of GNS is negative, which means that its burning is greater than casting. 4. NFT bots The NFT bots just mentioned are used to perform all automatic functions on gTtrade, including settlement, liquidation, new orders, take profit, stop loss and other functions. Another feature is that for large traders, it can reduce the spread fee for transactions, which is actually quite considerable, so its NFTs are now very expensive. If these holders pledge GNS, their GNS staking income can be increased. A wallet can pledge up to three NFTs. If you hold three NFTs: Bronze, Silver and Gold, you can add them up. 2%+3%+5% is 10%. That is to say, if you Staking GNS can increase the income by 10%. If you're a trader, you'll get up to 25% off. 5. Agreement dividend GNS currently has two sources of income, one from Market Order and the other from Limit Order. Roughly 70% of the income comes from its Market Order. Through calculation, it is found that GNS pledgers can get 36% of the platform’s income, gDAI liquidity providers can get 18% of the platform’s income, and the rest It is issued to project development expenses, NFT bots and alliance rewards. For comparison, GMX pledgers can get 30% of the platform’s revenue, and liquidity providers can get 70% of the platform’s revenue. For GMX, liquidity providers bear greater risks, and LPs must bear the impact of traders' profits and losses. But the staker of GNS is the one who bears the greatest risk on Gains Network. Of course, his income is also higher. He earns twice as much income as the liquidity provider. Summary Gains Network provides users with a new liquidity pool solution by introducing gToken tokens, and handles a large amount of transaction volume, showing the efficiency and sustainability of its liquidity solution. Gains Network's success lies in its keen awareness of user needs and rapid response to market changes. The platform continuously launches new solutions to meet the different needs of users and continuously improves its existing services to provide users with a more complete DeFi experience. DeFi derivatives are a track with greater business opportunities than the spot market. Gains Network has continued to iterate in the bear market environment and has grown into a leading player in the decentralized leverage trading track. It is deeply praised both in terms of trading volume and trading experience. Market recognition.It is believed that with the continuous addition of gToken pool, gTrade will capture a larger market share in the increasingly competitive derivatives track.
Sixth straight week of outflows, XRP and SOL gain investor confidenceA cryptocurrency market traffic report from CoinShares shows traders are more confident in XRP and Solana. In the week ending September 24, virtual currency investment products experienced capital outflows for the sixth consecutive week. According to data from CoinShares, digital asset outflows from crypto investment products reached $9 million last week. BTC experienced outflows for the third consecutive week, reaching $6 million last week. Bitcoin short positions saw $2.8 million in outflows. Ethereum (ETH) has experienced a sixth consecutive week of outflows, with $2.2 million flowing out last week. On the other hand, alternative coins such as XRP and Solana saw inflows of $660,000 and $310,000 respectively. The report states that investors are increasingly interested in the alternative currency space as XRP and SOL continue to see inflows. The report also showed a divergence in sentiment among traders in Europe and the United States based on activity in different regions. Cryptocurrency investment products in Europe saw $16 million in inflows, while U.S. products saw $14 million in outflows. This regional disparity is due to uncertainty around cryptocurrency regulations and recent actions against cryptocurrency companies by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The report shows that average weekly trading volume fell below $820 million, well below the 2023 average of $1.16 billion. CoinShares’ recent Digital Asset Liquidity Market Report reflects the current market sentiment, with the market facing bearish pressure. Bitcoin price is currently stuck below the key resistance level of $27,000, having been largely idle since the U.S. Federal Reserve’s recent decision not to raise interest rates this quarter. Meanwhile, delays in payouts from Mt. Gox’s creditors also played a crucial role in last week’s price action, but BTC has mostly remained unaffected by these two key market events.

Sixth straight week of outflows, XRP and SOL gain investor confidence

A cryptocurrency market traffic report from CoinShares shows traders are more confident in XRP and Solana. In the week ending September 24, virtual currency investment products experienced capital outflows for the sixth consecutive week. According to data from CoinShares, digital asset outflows from crypto investment products reached $9 million last week. BTC experienced outflows for the third consecutive week, reaching $6 million last week. Bitcoin short positions saw $2.8 million in outflows. Ethereum (ETH) has experienced a sixth consecutive week of outflows, with $2.2 million flowing out last week. On the other hand, alternative coins such as XRP and Solana saw inflows of $660,000 and $310,000 respectively. The report states that investors are increasingly interested in the alternative currency space as XRP and SOL continue to see inflows. The report also showed a divergence in sentiment among traders in Europe and the United States based on activity in different regions. Cryptocurrency investment products in Europe saw $16 million in inflows, while U.S. products saw $14 million in outflows. This regional disparity is due to uncertainty around cryptocurrency regulations and recent actions against cryptocurrency companies by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The report shows that average weekly trading volume fell below $820 million, well below the 2023 average of $1.16 billion. CoinShares’ recent Digital Asset Liquidity Market Report reflects the current market sentiment, with the market facing bearish pressure. Bitcoin price is currently stuck below the key resistance level of $27,000, having been largely idle since the U.S. Federal Reserve’s recent decision not to raise interest rates this quarter. Meanwhile, delays in payouts from Mt. Gox’s creditors also played a crucial role in last week’s price action, but BTC has mostly remained unaffected by these two key market events.
Israel and Cryptocurrency: Intertwined DestiniesIn the development wave of the global cryptocurrency market, Israel's role has become increasingly prominent. The Middle Eastern country’s relationship with digital currencies is fraught with opportunities and challenges. 1. The secret war between Hamas and Bitcoin The conflict between Hamas and Israel is not limited to traditional battlefields. Hamas has begun using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin to circumvent international sanctions and raise funds. This strategy allows Hamas to move funds around the world without the constraints of traditional financial systems. Israel is working hard to crack down on these illegal transactions and try to cut off Hamas's source of funding. 2. Ambivalent attitude of Israeli banks Despite the widespread attention and acceptance of cryptocurrencies globally, mainstream banks in Israel still have a conservative attitude towards them. They refuse to accept cryptocurrency deposits, which makes cryptocurrency investors face huge difficulties when it comes to paying taxes. This situation not only affects the interests of investors, but also causes the Israeli government to lose a large amount of tax revenue. 3. The government’s open attitude In sharp contrast to the banks’ conservative attitude, the Israeli government has a positive attitude towards the development of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. They have begun to formulate relevant laws and policies to support the development of this emerging industry. For example, Parliament has passed a bill on first reading that aims to provide tax incentives for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. 4. Legal Framework for Cryptocurrencies Israel is working to incorporate cryptocurrencies into its existing legal framework. This is not only to regulate the market, but also to protect the rights and interests of investors. Regulators believe that embracing the cryptocurrency industry will bring huge economic opportunities to Israel. 5. Geopolitical Impact Geopolitical events in Israel have had a profound impact on its financial markets. As regional tensions escalate, investors may turn to safer haven assets such as gold and cryptocurrencies. This could further drive up cryptocurrency prices and trading volumes. Conclusion aThe relationship between Israel and cryptocurrencies is complex, but also full of opportunities. As cooperation between the government, banks and the private sector deepens, Israel is poised to achieve greater breakthroughs in the cryptocurrency field.

Israel and Cryptocurrency: Intertwined Destinies

In the development wave of the global cryptocurrency market, Israel's role has become increasingly prominent. The Middle Eastern country’s relationship with digital currencies is fraught with opportunities and challenges. 1. The secret war between Hamas and Bitcoin The conflict between Hamas and Israel is not limited to traditional battlefields. Hamas has begun using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin to circumvent international sanctions and raise funds. This strategy allows Hamas to move funds around the world without the constraints of traditional financial systems. Israel is working hard to crack down on these illegal transactions and try to cut off Hamas's source of funding. 2. Ambivalent attitude of Israeli banks Despite the widespread attention and acceptance of cryptocurrencies globally, mainstream banks in Israel still have a conservative attitude towards them. They refuse to accept cryptocurrency deposits, which makes cryptocurrency investors face huge difficulties when it comes to paying taxes. This situation not only affects the interests of investors, but also causes the Israeli government to lose a large amount of tax revenue. 3. The government’s open attitude In sharp contrast to the banks’ conservative attitude, the Israeli government has a positive attitude towards the development of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. They have begun to formulate relevant laws and policies to support the development of this emerging industry. For example, Parliament has passed a bill on first reading that aims to provide tax incentives for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. 4. Legal Framework for Cryptocurrencies Israel is working to incorporate cryptocurrencies into its existing legal framework. This is not only to regulate the market, but also to protect the rights and interests of investors. Regulators believe that embracing the cryptocurrency industry will bring huge economic opportunities to Israel. 5. Geopolitical Impact Geopolitical events in Israel have had a profound impact on its financial markets. As regional tensions escalate, investors may turn to safer haven assets such as gold and cryptocurrencies. This could further drive up cryptocurrency prices and trading volumes. Conclusion aThe relationship between Israel and cryptocurrencies is complex, but also full of opportunities. As cooperation between the government, banks and the private sector deepens, Israel is poised to achieve greater breakthroughs in the cryptocurrency field.
Top 10 crypto investment institutions: 1. Blockchain Capital: The first venture capital fund dedicated to Bitcoin and the blockchain ecosystem. This fund has invested in financial technology companies such as Coinbase and Ripple. 2. Fire Capital: Focus on building an open-access, tokenized, and decentralized machine learning network to make smart infrastructure the foundation of the economy. 3. Alchemy Ventures: Another well-known cryptocurrency venture capital firm that partners with several leading global companies. 4.a16z: is the world's leading provider of technology products for cryptoeconomic and financial infrastructure. 5. Coinbase Ventures: Coinbase is the world’s leading provider of technology products for cryptoeconomic and financial infrastructure. 6. Binance Labs: Binance is one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency trading platforms, and its investment arm, Binance Labs, is dedicated to supporting and investing in blockchain and cryptocurrency projects. 7. Alameda Research: A well-known cryptocurrency trading and investment company active in multiple cryptocurrency markets. 8. Multicoin Capital: A venture capital fund focused on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. 9. Belkin Marketing: Founded in 2007, it has provided support for multiple blockchain and digital marketing brands. 10.DCG: Blockchain startup incubator, the parent company of Coindesk and Grayscale, is an investment company focusing on the encryption and blockchain industries.
Top 10 crypto investment institutions:
1. Blockchain Capital: The first venture capital fund dedicated to Bitcoin and the blockchain ecosystem. This fund has invested in financial technology companies such as Coinbase and Ripple.
2. Fire Capital: Focus on building an open-access, tokenized, and decentralized machine learning network to make smart infrastructure the foundation of the economy.
3. Alchemy Ventures: Another well-known cryptocurrency venture capital firm that partners with several leading global companies.
4.a16z: is the world's leading provider of technology products for cryptoeconomic and financial infrastructure.
5. Coinbase Ventures: Coinbase is the world’s leading provider of technology products for cryptoeconomic and financial infrastructure.
6. Binance Labs: Binance is one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency trading platforms, and its investment arm, Binance Labs, is dedicated to supporting and investing in blockchain and cryptocurrency projects.
7. Alameda Research: A well-known cryptocurrency trading and investment company active in multiple cryptocurrency markets.
8. Multicoin Capital: A venture capital fund focused on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
9. Belkin Marketing: Founded in 2007, it has provided support for multiple blockchain and digital marketing brands.
10.DCG: Blockchain startup incubator, the parent company of Coindesk and Grayscale, is an investment company focusing on the encryption and blockchain industries.


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