Binance Square
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皆さん、こんにちは。Binance Square に参加しました。 私たちの記事を気に入っていただければ幸いです。 #Write2Earn‬
皆さん、こんにちは。Binance Square に参加しました。


アナリストは「マジックバンド」の次のステップでビットコインが35%上昇すると予測69,000ドルまで上昇した後、価格が暴落したにもかかわらず、ビットコインの価格は依然として上昇傾向にあり、強気派は67,000ドルを超えるサポートを維持し続けています。強気の感情も引き続き優勢で、先駆的な暗号通貨がここから大幅な価格上昇に向けて準備を進めているとの期待から、市場は依然としてかなり貪欲です。 ビットコインはまだ35%上昇する可能性がある 暗号アナリストの CryptoCon 氏は、ビットコインがサイクルの頂点に達するまでにはまだまだ時間がかかることを明らかにしました。X (旧 Twitter) に投稿された分析で、暗号アナリストは、デジタル資産がまだマジックバンドのレベル 3 に到達していないため、頂点はまだ来ていないことを明らかにしました。




暗号アナリストの CryptoCon 氏は、ビットコインがサイクルの頂点に達するまでにはまだまだ時間がかかることを明らかにしました。X (旧 Twitter) に投稿された分析で、暗号アナリストは、デジタル資産がまだマジックバンドのレベル 3 に到達していないため、頂点はまだ来ていないことを明らかにしました。
エクスプロイターが10億の新規トークンを発行し、HLGは60%以上下落 当社のプライバシーポリシー、利用規約、Cookie、および個人情報の販売禁止が更新されましたので、ご注意ください。 CoinDeskは、仮想通貨業界を報道する受賞歴のあるメディアです。同メディアのジャーナリストは、厳格な編集方針を遵守しています。2023年11月、CoinDeskは、規制されたデジタル資産取引所Bullishの所有者であるBullishグループに買収されました。Bullishグループの過半数はBlock.oneが所有しており、両社はさまざまなブロックチェーンおよびデジタル資産ビジネスに関心を持ち、ビットコインを含むデジタル資産を大量に保有しています。CoinDeskは、ジャーナリズムの独立性を守るために編集委員会を持つ独立した子会社として運営されています。ジャーナリストを含むCoinDeskの従業員は、報酬の一部としてBullishグループのオプションを受け取る場合があります。



ビットコインは行き詰まっている: BTC が 72,000 ドルを突破するために必要な 2 つのことスポットレートではビットコインは堅調だが、トレーダーは6月11日の予想外の急落後の上昇傾向に疑問を抱いている。現在、ビットコインは安定しており、6月12日の上昇にもかかわらず、67,000ドルを超えて下落傾向にある。 それでも、このレベルでも懸念は残る。なぜなら、全般的に自信が高まっているにもかかわらず、コインは72,000ドルを下回っているからだ。この反応ラインは、重要な清算領域として浮上しつつある。もしこれを破れば、BTCはショート清算の波を解き放ち、74,000ドル以上への上昇を加速させる可能性がある。 スポット市場でビットコインの需要は急増するでしょうか?

ビットコインは行き詰まっている: BTC が 72,000 ドルを突破するために必要な 2 つのこと



プロトコルビレッジ:マンタ財団が5000万ドルのエコファンドとエコシステムグランドプログラムを開始 6月13日:モバイルやデバイスチップだけで実行できるほど軽量な唯一のブロックチェーンを自称するMinimaは、Influx Technologyと協力してマクラーレンGT4にデータトラッカーを統合していると発表した。この機能は、レースのパフォーマンスを向上させ、不正行為を防止する可能性がある。プレスリリースによると、「車両の点火時期、ブレーキ、油圧、エンジン温度、ステアリング角度と回転、ギア切り替えなど、20を超えるパラメーターのデータポイントが「DePINデータロガー」によってリアルタイムで収集されます。Minimaの革新的なブロックチェーン設計は、データのハッシュを保護し、履歴と整合性を証明します。一方、実際のデータは検証者の許可とは無関係に、デバイスまたはクラウドストレージに保存されます。ブロックチェーン上のデータを検証するための要件が​​低いため、どのIoTデバイスでもフルノードを操作してデータを収集できます。これにより、デバイス自体に保存されているデータをネットワーク上の他のノードで検証できます。」


6月13日:モバイルやデバイスチップだけで実行できるほど軽量な唯一のブロックチェーンを自称するMinimaは、Influx Technologyと協力してマクラーレンGT4にデータトラッカーを統合していると発表した。この機能は、レースのパフォーマンスを向上させ、不正行為を防止する可能性がある。プレスリリースによると、「車両の点火時期、ブレーキ、油圧、エンジン温度、ステアリング角度と回転、ギア切り替えなど、20を超えるパラメーターのデータポイントが「DePINデータロガー」によってリアルタイムで収集されます。Minimaの革新的なブロックチェーン設計は、データのハッシュを保護し、履歴と整合性を証明します。一方、実際のデータは検証者の許可とは無関係に、デバイスまたはクラウドストレージに保存されます。ブロックチェーン上のデータを検証するための要件が​​低いため、どのIoTデバイスでもフルノードを操作してデータを収集できます。これにより、デバイス自体に保存されているデータをネットワーク上の他のノードで検証できます。」
「ビットコインは指数関数的に上昇する金だ」とフィデリティのグローバルマクロ担当ディレクターが語るフィデリティのグローバルマクロ担当ディレクター、ジュリアン・ティマー氏は最近、ビットコインについて注目すべき発言をし、ビットコインを「指数関数的に成長する金」であり、「価値の保存」チームの新興プレーヤーであると表現した。ティマー氏のコメントは一連の投稿を通じて共有され、金融エコシステムにおけるビットコインの進化する役割について詳しく説明された。 私の見解では、ビットコインは指数関数的に増加する金であり、価値の保存チームにおける有望なプレーヤーです。私の研究によると、ビットコインの価格は主にネットワークの成長によって左右され、その成長はビットコインのユニークな希少性、そして金融および財政政策によって左右されます…



Protocol Village: Movement Labs Announces ‘Battle of Olympus’ HackathonJune 12: Minima, describing itself as the only blockchain lightweight enough to run entirely on mobile and device chips, says it’s working with Influx Technology to integrate a data tracker into a McLaren GT4 – a capability that could improve racing performance as well as prevent cheating. According to a press release: “Data points on over 20 parameters including vehicle ignition timing, braking, oil pressure, engine temperature, steering angle and rotation, as well as gear switching, are collected by the ‘DePIN Data Logger’ in real time…. Minima’s innovative blockchain design secures the hash of the data, proving its history and integrity, while the actual data is stored on the device or in cloud storage, independent of validators’ permissions. Due to the low requirements to validate the data on the blockchain, any IoT device can operate a full node and collect its data. This allows data to be verified by other nodes on the network while being stored on the device itself.” Source: CoinDesk The post Protocol Village: Movement Labs Announces ‘Battle of Olympus’ Hackathon appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.

Protocol Village: Movement Labs Announces ‘Battle of Olympus’ Hackathon

June 12: Minima, describing itself as the only blockchain lightweight enough to run entirely on mobile and device chips, says it’s working with Influx Technology to integrate a data tracker into a McLaren GT4 – a capability that could improve racing performance as well as prevent cheating. According to a press release: “Data points on over 20 parameters including vehicle ignition timing, braking, oil pressure, engine temperature, steering angle and rotation, as well as gear switching, are collected by the ‘DePIN Data Logger’ in real time…. Minima’s innovative blockchain design secures the hash of the data, proving its history and integrity, while the actual data is stored on the device or in cloud storage, independent of validators’ permissions. Due to the low requirements to validate the data on the blockchain, any IoT device can operate a full node and collect its data. This allows data to be verified by other nodes on the network while being stored on the device itself.”

Source: CoinDesk

The post Protocol Village: Movement Labs Announces ‘Battle of Olympus’ Hackathon appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.
XRP は 0.5 ドルを下回る苦戦が続く、リップル社の元取締役が価格変動が鈍い理由を明らかにリップルにとってさまざまな好ましい展開があったにもかかわらず、過去数か月間XRPの価格変動が0.5ドル前後で停滞していることはもはや驚くべきことではありません。この低調な価格変動は、特に他の暗号通貨の良好な価格変動を考慮すると、多くのXRP投資家に物足りなさを感じさせています。 リップル社の元取締役ショーン・マクブライド氏は、リップル社がSECと係争中の訴訟が終わるまでは、XRPが大幅な上昇を記録する可能性は低いと考えている。 進行中の SEC 訴訟が XRP に重くのしかかる

XRP は 0.5 ドルを下回る苦戦が続く、リップル社の元取締役が価格変動が鈍い理由を明らかに



進行中の SEC 訴訟が XRP に重くのしかかる
ソラナは「53%の大幅な価格変動」を予想、アナリストがその理由を明らかにアナリストは、価格チャートに形成された対称三角形のパターンに基づいて、Solana が 53% の大きな動きに向けて準備を整えている可能性があると説明しました。 ソラナは最近、対称的な三角形の内側を移動しています X の新しい投稿で、アナリストの Ali Martinez 氏は、Solana の日足チャートで最近形成されたパターンについて説明しました。問題のテクニカル分析 (TA) パターンは「対称三角形」であり、その名前が示すように三角形のように見えます。 三角形は 2 つの収束トレンドラインで構成され、上の線は連続する低い高値を結び、下の線は高い安値を結びます。このパターンの重要な特徴は、これらの線がほぼ同じ傾斜で互いに近づくことです (タイトルの「対称」はそのためです)。


アナリストは、価格チャートに形成された対称三角形のパターンに基づいて、Solana が 53% の大きな動きに向けて準備を整えている可能性があると説明しました。


X の新しい投稿で、アナリストの Ali Martinez 氏は、Solana の日足チャートで最近形成されたパターンについて説明しました。問題のテクニカル分析 (TA) パターンは「対称三角形」であり、その名前が示すように三角形のように見えます。

三角形は 2 つの収束トレンドラインで構成され、上の線は連続する低い高値を結び、下の線は高い安値を結びます。このパターンの重要な特徴は、これらの線がほぼ同じ傾斜で互いに近づくことです (タイトルの「対称」はそのためです)。
Biden’s Nonsensical Proposed 30% Tax Would Kill Bitcoin Mining in the U.S.The egregious mining tax, implemented despite the billions of dollars invested in the sector, is part of his budget proposal for the fiscal year 2025, which aims to address environmental concerns and regulate the digital asset mining industry. The proposal suggests that the tax would be phased in over three years, starting at 10% in the first year, increasing to 20% in the second year and reaching the full 30% in the third year. This tax is prejudicing digital mining, exclusively, not data centers generally. Source: CoinDesk The post Biden’s Nonsensical Proposed 30% Tax Would Kill Bitcoin Mining in the U.S. appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.

Biden’s Nonsensical Proposed 30% Tax Would Kill Bitcoin Mining in the U.S.

The egregious mining tax, implemented despite the billions of dollars invested in the sector, is part of his budget proposal for the fiscal year 2025, which aims to address environmental concerns and regulate the digital asset mining industry. The proposal suggests that the tax would be phased in over three years, starting at 10% in the first year, increasing to 20% in the second year and reaching the full 30% in the third year. This tax is prejudicing digital mining, exclusively, not data centers generally.

Source: CoinDesk

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Ether ETFs Should be Fully Approved by September, Says SEC Chair GenslerWhen asked directly whether ETH is a commodity, Gensler didn’t respond with a yes or no, maintaining the uncertain position his agency has held on that asset. At the same hearing, when asked whether it’s a commodity, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) chief Rostin Behnam responded, “Yes.” Source: CoinDesk The post Ether ETFs Should be Fully Approved by September, Says SEC Chair Gensler appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.

Ether ETFs Should be Fully Approved by September, Says SEC Chair Gensler

When asked directly whether ETH is a commodity, Gensler didn’t respond with a yes or no, maintaining the uncertain position his agency has held on that asset. At the same hearing, when asked whether it’s a commodity, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) chief Rostin Behnam responded, “Yes.”

Source: CoinDesk

The post Ether ETFs Should be Fully Approved by September, Says SEC Chair Gensler appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.
UNIは苦境に陥っているか?主要指標は市場の低迷で下落の可能性を示唆著名な分散型取引トークンであるUniswap(UNI)は、暗号通貨市場全体が大幅な下落を経験しているため、さらなる下落に備えています。最近の市場動向は弱気の勢いが続いていることを示しており、UNIの価格に悪影響を及ぼしています。 マクロ経済の不確実性、規制圧力、投資家心理の変化など、いくつかの要因がこの長期にわたる下落傾向に寄与しています。Uniswap の価格が主要なサポート レベルを下回ると、さらなる損失の可能性が高まります。



マクロ経済の不確実性、規制圧力、投資家心理の変化など、いくつかの要因がこの長期にわたる下落傾向に寄与しています。Uniswap の価格が主要なサポート レベルを下回ると、さらなる損失の可能性が高まります。
Assured Spot Ether ETF Approval Fails to Stir Slumping Crypto Market“$66K seems like equilibrium,” said well-followed analyst Skew in an X post, who along with others is trying to decode a market that won’t go sustainably higher despite a lot of recent bullish news: improving inflation data, a Bitcoin-friendly presidential frontrunner in Donald Trump, spot ETH ETF approvals, and other risk asset markets (namely U.S. stocks) ripping to new all-time highs. Source: CoinDesk The post Assured Spot Ether ETF Approval Fails to Stir Slumping Crypto Market appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.

Assured Spot Ether ETF Approval Fails to Stir Slumping Crypto Market

“$66K seems like equilibrium,” said well-followed analyst Skew in an X post, who along with others is trying to decode a market that won’t go sustainably higher despite a lot of recent bullish news: improving inflation data, a Bitcoin-friendly presidential frontrunner in Donald Trump, spot ETH ETF approvals, and other risk asset markets (namely U.S. stocks) ripping to new all-time highs.

Source: CoinDesk

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アドバイザーのための暗号通貨: アドバイザーと暗号通貨 エネルギーは前向きで、会話は有意義で、この資産クラスに対する投資家の関心は高まっています。イベントは非公開でしたが、重要なテーマは共有する価値があります。今日のニュースレターでトレンドとポイントを取り上げてくれた、当日の寄稿者の一人であるアダム・ブルンバーグ氏に感謝します。 出典: CoinDeskアドバイザーのための暗号通貨: アドバイザーと暗号通貨という記事が Crypto Breaking News に最初に掲載されました。

アドバイザーのための暗号通貨: アドバイザーと暗号通貨


出典: CoinDeskアドバイザーのための暗号通貨: アドバイザーと暗号通貨という記事が Crypto Breaking News に最初に掲載されました。
Before Meme Stocks, WallStreetBets Traders Mainlined OptionsIn 2018, WallStreetBets once again began to attract media coverage, and the articles took note of both the growth of the subreddit — which was up to 300,000 members by mid-2018—and the bizarre penchant members seemed to have for losing money. The first magazine profile of the website, in Money, was titled: “Meet the Bros Behind /r/WallStreetBets, Who Lose Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in a Day — and Brag About It.” Source: CoinDesk The post Before Meme Stocks, WallStreetBets Traders Mainlined Options appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.

Before Meme Stocks, WallStreetBets Traders Mainlined Options

In 2018, WallStreetBets once again began to attract media coverage, and the articles took note of both the growth of the subreddit — which was up to 300,000 members by mid-2018—and the bizarre penchant members seemed to have for losing money. The first magazine profile of the website, in Money, was titled: “Meet the Bros Behind /r/WallStreetBets, Who Lose Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in a Day — and Brag About It.”

Source: CoinDesk

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Bitcoin Mining Stabilizes Power Grids Strained by AI Data CentersTo keep a power grid at the correct frequency, grid operators must “balance” the power grid by adjusting energy production to match user demand. This process is called “load following.” Historically, increasing and decreasing energy production was the only real-time response action grid operators had available to them. But now, during periods of high or low electricity demand, Bitcoin miners can quickly adjust their power consumption to create a second, real-time response action that grid operators can use to establish balance. Source: CoinDesk The post Bitcoin Mining Stabilizes Power Grids Strained by AI Data Centers appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.

Bitcoin Mining Stabilizes Power Grids Strained by AI Data Centers

To keep a power grid at the correct frequency, grid operators must “balance” the power grid by adjusting energy production to match user demand. This process is called “load following.” Historically, increasing and decreasing energy production was the only real-time response action grid operators had available to them. But now, during periods of high or low electricity demand, Bitcoin miners can quickly adjust their power consumption to create a second, real-time response action that grid operators can use to establish balance.

Source: CoinDesk

The post Bitcoin Mining Stabilizes Power Grids Strained by AI Data Centers appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.
EU Body Publishes Final Draft Technical Standards for Prudential Matters: MiCA“Issuers of asset referenced tokens are required to conduct stress testing based on plausible financial stress scenarios, and competent authorities will be able to increase the amount of own funds requirements of an issuer of asset-referenced tokens having regard to the risk outlook and stress testing results,” the recently published package read. Source: CoinDesk The post EU Body Publishes Final Draft Technical Standards for Prudential Matters: MiCA appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.

EU Body Publishes Final Draft Technical Standards for Prudential Matters: MiCA

“Issuers of asset referenced tokens are required to conduct stress testing based on plausible financial stress scenarios, and competent authorities will be able to increase the amount of own funds requirements of an issuer of asset-referenced tokens having regard to the risk outlook and stress testing results,” the recently published package read.

Source: CoinDesk

The post EU Body Publishes Final Draft Technical Standards for Prudential Matters: MiCA appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.
Biden’s Proposed Nonsensical 30% Tax Would Kill Bitcoin Mining in the U.S.The egregious mining tax, implemented despite the billions of dollars invested in the sector, is part of his budget proposal for the fiscal year 2025, which aims to address environmental concerns and regulate the digital asset mining industry. The proposal suggests that the tax would be phased in over three years, starting at 10% in the first year, increasing to 20% in the second year and reaching the full 30% in the third year. This tax is prejudicing digital mining, exclusively, not data centers generally. Source: CoinDesk The post Biden’s Proposed Nonsensical 30% Tax Would Kill Bitcoin Mining in the U.S. appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.

Biden’s Proposed Nonsensical 30% Tax Would Kill Bitcoin Mining in the U.S.

The egregious mining tax, implemented despite the billions of dollars invested in the sector, is part of his budget proposal for the fiscal year 2025, which aims to address environmental concerns and regulate the digital asset mining industry. The proposal suggests that the tax would be phased in over three years, starting at 10% in the first year, increasing to 20% in the second year and reaching the full 30% in the third year. This tax is prejudicing digital mining, exclusively, not data centers generally.

Source: CoinDesk

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Can Bitcoin Be A Productive Asset?Bitcoin is undergoing a fascinating evolution, with various perspectives on its nature. Some view it as a currency for everyday transactions, others as a modern equivalent of gold for storing value, and yet others as a decentralized global platform for securing and validating off-chain transactions. While these views all hold some truth, Bitcoin is increasingly establishing itself as a digital base money. Functioning akin to physical gold as a bearer asset, inflation hedge, and providing currency denominations like the dollar, Bitcoin is reshaping the concept of monetary base assets. Its transparent algorithm and fixed supply of 21 million units ensure a non-discretionary monetary policy. Contrastingly, traditional fiat currencies like the US dollar rely on centralized authorities to manage their supply, raising questions about their predictability and effectiveness in an age of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA). This contrast is particularly notable in light of Nobel laureate Friedrich August von Hayek’s critique of centralized monetary decision-making in his work “The Pretense of Knowledge.” Bitcoin’s transparent and predictable monetary policy stands in stark contrast to the opaque and potentially unpredictable nature of traditional fiat currency management. To Leverage, or Not to Leverage Bitcoin For staunch Bitcoin proponents, the immutable 21 million supply cap is sacred. Altering it would fundamentally alter Bitcoin itself, making it something entirely different. Thus, within the Bitcoin community, skepticism towards leveraging Bitcoin is widespread. Many see any form of leverage as akin to fiat currency practices, undermining Bitcoin’s core principles. This skepticism towards leveraging Bitcoin is rooted in the distinction between commodity credit and circulation credit, as outlined by Ludwig von Mises. Commodity credit is based on real savings, whereas circulation credit lacks such backing, resembling unbacked IOUs. Bitcoiners view leveraging that creates “paper Bitcoin” as economically risky and destabilizing. Even nuanced perspectives within the community are cautious about leveraging, aligning with figures like Caitlin Long, who has been warning against the dangers of leveraging Bitcoin. The collapse of leveraged-based Bitcoin lending companies in 2022, such as Celsius and BlockFi, further reinforced the concerns voiced by Long and others about the risks associated with leveraging Bitcoin. Celsius and Co. Proved the Point The crypto market witnessed a significant upheaval reminiscent of the Lehman Brothers collapse in 2022, triggering a widespread credit crunch that affected various players in the crypto lending sector. Contrary to assumptions, most crypto lending activities were not peer-to-peer and carried considerable counterparty risks, as customers lent directly to platforms, which then deployed these funds into speculative strategies without adequate risk management. It was the rise of major DeFi protocols during the DeFi summer of 2020 that offered promising avenues for yield generation. However, many of these protocols lacked sustainable business models and tokenomics. They relied heavily on protocol token inflation to sustain attractive yields, resulting in an unsustainable ecosystem disconnected from fundamental economic principles. The 2022 crypto credit crunch highlighted various issues with centralized yield instruments, emphasizing concerns about transparency, trust, and risks such as liquidity, market, and counterparty risks. Moreover, it underscored the pitfalls of centralization and off-chain risk management processes, which, when applied to blockchain-based “banking services,” mimic traditional banking flaws. So despite the optimism surrounding the bull market of 2020/21, many institutions due to the lack of these processes, including Voyager, Three Arrows Capital, Celsius, BlockFi, and FTX, went under. The inability to implement necessary checks and balances transparently and independently often leads to over-regulation and recurrent failures and fraud, mirroring the historical challenges of traditional banking systems. However, the absence of regulation is not a solution either Bitcoin-based Yield is not Optional Where does this leave us? Given this 2022 episode, more and more Bitcoiner have been posting the question: Should we embrace Bitcoin yield products, or do they pose too great a risk, echoing characteristics of the fiat system? While valid concerns exist, it’s unrealistic to expect Bitcoin-based yield products to vanish entirely. The question is becoming all the more prevalent with the newly emerging Bitcoin ecosystem. Increasingly projects are building (or are claiming) to build out financial infrastructure as well as applications on Bitcoin directly. Could this create the same issues again we already witnessed in the wider crypto sphere? Most likely yes. That is just the nature of the game. And since Bitcoin is a permissionless protocol, everyone can build on top of it, including the people who want to build Bitcoin-powered finance. And finance will inevitably need credit and leverage. This is a historical fact: In any thriving society, the necessity for credit and yield naturally arises, serving as a catalyst for economic growth. Without credit, underdeveloped economies struggle to escape the confines of subsistence living. It’s only through access to credit that a more sophisticated and productive economic structure can emerge. To realize the vision of a Bitcoin-based economy, proponents recognize the need for credit and yield mechanisms to develop atop the Bitcoin protocol. While Bitcoin’s role as a form of money is often lauded, the reality is that for it to function effectively as a currency, it requires a native economy to support it. This underscores the importance of Bitcoin-based yield products in fostering the growth of a robust Bitcoin-centric economy. Such an ecosystem would leverage Bitcoin as its digital base money while utilizing yield products to drive adoption and utilization. It’s All a Trust Spectrum, Anon Bitcoin-powered finance will necessarily be built in layers. From a system’s point of view, this isn’t much different from today’s financial system, where there is an inherent hierarchy in money-like assets. To properly understand the inevitable trade-offs that come with this, it is important to have a high-level framework to distinguish the different implementations of Bitcoin residing on different layers. When it comes to offering yield on Bitcoin, it is essential to understand that options can be built along a three-folded trust spectrum. The primary aspects to look at are: Consensus Asset Yield Assessing Bitcoin-like assets and Bitcoin yield products based on their degree of Bitcoin nativeness provides a valuable framework for evaluating their alignment with Bitcoin’s ethos. Assets and products scoring higher on this spectrum are typically more trust-minimized, reducing reliance on intermediaries in favor of transparent and resilient code. This shift mitigates counterparty risks, as reliance transitions from off-chain intermediaries to code. The code’s transparency enhances resilience compared to intermediaries that have to be trusted. This is a progression worth exploring, and creating options for a native yield on Bitcoin should be the gold standard and the ultimate goal of the Bitcoin community. Consensus Angle This assessment categorizes Bitcoin yield products based on their alignment with the Bitcoin blockchain’s consensus, distinguishing between four categories. No Consensus: This category represents centralized platforms where the base infrastructure remains off-chain. Examples include centralized platforms like Celsius or BlockFi, which hold full custody over users’ assets, exposing them to counterparty risks and dependency on intermediaries. While these platforms utilize Bitcoin, their yield strategies are primarily executed off-chain through traditional finance mechanisms. Despite being a step towards Bitcoin adoption, these platforms remain highly centralized, resembling traditional financial institutions, yet often unregulated in contrast. Standalone Consensus: In this category, the base infrastructure is decentralized, represented by public blockchains such as Ethereum, BNB Chain, Solana, and others. These blockchains have their own consensus mechanisms independent of Bitcoin’s and are not explicitly tied to Bitcoin’s consensus. Inherited Consensus: Here, the base infrastructure is decentralized, represented by Bitcoin sidechains or Layer-2 solutions with distributed consensus. While these sidechains have their own consensus mechanisms, they aim to align more closely with Bitcoin’s blockchain. Examples include federated sidechains like Rootstock, Liquid Network or Stacks. Native Consensus: This category relies on Bitcoin’s native consensus mechanism as the underlying security model. Instead of a separate blockchain or sidechain, it utilizes off-chain state channels cryptographically linked to the Bitcoin blockchain. The Lightning Network is a prime example of this approach, offering a high level of trust-minimization by fully relying on Bitcoin’s consensus. The closer a Bitcoin yield product is to Bitcoin’s native consensus, the more aligned it is with Bitcoin and generally the more trust-minimized it is perceived to be. However, nuances exist within the standalone and inherited consensus categories, where the level of decentralization and security of the underlying infrastructure varies. Overall, while no consensus yields the lowest level of decentralization and trust-minimization, native consensus is believed to offer the highest level of trust-minimization, although considerations of consensus security and decentralization require further analysis. Source: Brick Towers Asset Angle When considering the asset used by Bitcoin yield products, alignment with Bitcoin (BTC) can be categorized into three main groups. Non-BTC: This category includes solutions that use assets other than BTC, which results in a low level of alignment with Bitcoin. An example is Stack’s stacking option, where Stack’s native coin STX is used to generate a yield in BTC. Tokenized BTC: Here, the asset used is a tokenized version of BTC, increasing alignment with Bitcoin compared to non-BTC assets. Tokenized BTC can be found on public blockchains like Ethereum (WBTC, renBTC, tBTC), BNB Chain (wBTC), Solana (tBTC), and others. Additionally, tokenized BTC is hosted on Bitcoin sidechains with inherited consensus mechanisms, such as sBTC, XBTC, aBTC, L-BTC, and RBTC. Native BTC: This category features assets that are on-chain Bitcoin (BTC) without any tokenized versions involved, offering the highest level of alignment with Bitcoin. Various CEX solutions and Babylon’s Bitcoin staking protocol utilize BTC directly. Babylon aims to scale Bitcoin’s security by adapting Proof-of-Stake mechanisms for Bitcoin staking. Furthermore, projects like Stroom Network leverage the Lightning Network to enable Liquid Staking, where users can earn Lightning Network revenue by depositing BTC and minting wrapped tokens like stBTC and bstBTC on EVM-based blockchains for use in the wider DeFi ecosystem. Source: Brick Towers Yield Angle When examining the yield side of Bitcoin yield products, the question of Bitcoin alignment also arises, leading to similar categorizations as with the asset side: non-BTC, tokenized BTC, and native BTC. Non-BTC Yield: Babylon offers yields in the native asset of the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain, enhancing the blockchain’s security through Babylon’s staking mechanism. Tokenized BTC Yield: Stroom Network provides yields in the form of lnBTC tokens. Sovryn, operating on Rootstock, facilitates lending and borrowing on Bitcoin using tokenized BTC (RBTC) as yield. On the Liquid Network, the Blockstream Mining Note (BMN) offers yields in BTC or L-BTC at maturity, providing qualified investors access to Bitcoin hashrate through an EU-compliant security token in USDT. Native BTC Yield: Stacks offers various options, including yields paid out in tokenized BTC for some yield applications utilizing sBTC. However, for Stacks’ stacking option, yields accrue in native BTC. Similarly, centralized yield products provided by certain CEXs deliver native BTC as yield to users. Source: Brick Towers Bitcoin’s Gold Standard: Native All the Way Through Contemplating the ideal Bitcoin-based yield product, the gold standard product would combine the following three attributes: Native Bitcoin consensus, native Bitcoin asset and native Bitcoin yield. Such a product would mimic near-perfect Bitcoin alignment. As of now, such solutions are only just being built. One such project in active development is Brick Towers. Their vision for the ideal Bitcoin-based yield product embodies near-perfect Bitcoin alignment by incorporating native Bitcoin consensus, asset, and yield. With a focus on Bitcoin as a long-term savings solution, Brick Towers aims to provide customers with a trust-minimized and native approach to utilizing Bitcoin. Their planned solution revolves around generating a native yield in Bitcoin, leveraging Brick Towers’ automation service for other nodes within the Lightning Network. Through an optimization algorithm solving for economic utility, capital is strategically deployed to meet the liquidity demands of other network participants, optimizing capital efficiency while minimizing counterparty risks. This approach not only fosters the growth of the Lightning Network but also enhances Bitcoin’s utility as an asset, all while providing customers with a seamless and secure means of earning yield on their Bitcoin holdings. Importantly, Brick Towers’ solution avoids the use of wrapped coins, further reducing counterparty risks and reinforcing their commitment to Bitcoin’s native ecosystem. This article was researched and written by Pascal Hügli in collaboration with Brick Towers. Hügli is a dedicated Bitcoin analyst and researcher, deeply immersed in all facets of the Bitcoin ecosystem. He has been studying the development of a proper and robust Bitcoin-based financial system for years. This article has originally been published in a longer form version here. This is a guest post by Pascal Hügli. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine. Source: Bitcoin Magazine The post Can Bitcoin Be A Productive Asset? appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.

Can Bitcoin Be A Productive Asset?

Bitcoin is undergoing a fascinating evolution, with various perspectives on its nature. Some view it as a currency for everyday transactions, others as a modern equivalent of gold for storing value, and yet others as a decentralized global platform for securing and validating off-chain transactions. While these views all hold some truth, Bitcoin is increasingly establishing itself as a digital base money.

Functioning akin to physical gold as a bearer asset, inflation hedge, and providing currency denominations like the dollar, Bitcoin is reshaping the concept of monetary base assets. Its transparent algorithm and fixed supply of 21 million units ensure a non-discretionary monetary policy. Contrastingly, traditional fiat currencies like the US dollar rely on centralized authorities to manage their supply, raising questions about their predictability and effectiveness in an age of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA).

This contrast is particularly notable in light of Nobel laureate Friedrich August von Hayek’s critique of centralized monetary decision-making in his work “The Pretense of Knowledge.” Bitcoin’s transparent and predictable monetary policy stands in stark contrast to the opaque and potentially unpredictable nature of traditional fiat currency management.

To Leverage, or Not to Leverage Bitcoin

For staunch Bitcoin proponents, the immutable 21 million supply cap is sacred. Altering it would fundamentally alter Bitcoin itself, making it something entirely different. Thus, within the Bitcoin community, skepticism towards leveraging Bitcoin is widespread. Many see any form of leverage as akin to fiat currency practices, undermining Bitcoin’s core principles.

This skepticism towards leveraging Bitcoin is rooted in the distinction between commodity credit and circulation credit, as outlined by Ludwig von Mises. Commodity credit is based on real savings, whereas circulation credit lacks such backing, resembling unbacked IOUs. Bitcoiners view leveraging that creates “paper Bitcoin” as economically risky and destabilizing.

Even nuanced perspectives within the community are cautious about leveraging, aligning with figures like Caitlin Long, who has been warning against the dangers of leveraging Bitcoin. The collapse of leveraged-based Bitcoin lending companies in 2022, such as Celsius and BlockFi, further reinforced the concerns voiced by Long and others about the risks associated with leveraging Bitcoin.

Celsius and Co. Proved the Point

The crypto market witnessed a significant upheaval reminiscent of the Lehman Brothers collapse in 2022, triggering a widespread credit crunch that affected various players in the crypto lending sector. Contrary to assumptions, most crypto lending activities were not peer-to-peer and carried considerable counterparty risks, as customers lent directly to platforms, which then deployed these funds into speculative strategies without adequate risk management.

It was the rise of major DeFi protocols during the DeFi summer of 2020 that offered promising avenues for yield generation. However, many of these protocols lacked sustainable business models and tokenomics. They relied heavily on protocol token inflation to sustain attractive yields, resulting in an unsustainable ecosystem disconnected from fundamental economic principles.

The 2022 crypto credit crunch highlighted various issues with centralized yield instruments, emphasizing concerns about transparency, trust, and risks such as liquidity, market, and counterparty risks. Moreover, it underscored the pitfalls of centralization and off-chain risk management processes, which, when applied to blockchain-based “banking services,” mimic traditional banking flaws.

So despite the optimism surrounding the bull market of 2020/21, many institutions due to the lack of these processes, including Voyager, Three Arrows Capital, Celsius, BlockFi, and FTX, went under. The inability to implement necessary checks and balances transparently and independently often leads to over-regulation and recurrent failures and fraud, mirroring the historical challenges of traditional banking systems. However, the absence of regulation is not a solution either

Bitcoin-based Yield is not Optional

Where does this leave us? Given this 2022 episode, more and more Bitcoiner have been posting the question: Should we embrace Bitcoin yield products, or do they pose too great a risk, echoing characteristics of the fiat system? While valid concerns exist, it’s unrealistic to expect Bitcoin-based yield products to vanish entirely.

The question is becoming all the more prevalent with the newly emerging Bitcoin ecosystem. Increasingly projects are building (or are claiming) to build out financial infrastructure as well as applications on Bitcoin directly. Could this create the same issues again we already witnessed in the wider crypto sphere?

Most likely yes. That is just the nature of the game. And since Bitcoin is a permissionless protocol, everyone can build on top of it, including the people who want to build Bitcoin-powered finance. And finance will inevitably need credit and leverage.

This is a historical fact: In any thriving society, the necessity for credit and yield naturally arises, serving as a catalyst for economic growth. Without credit, underdeveloped economies struggle to escape the confines of subsistence living. It’s only through access to credit that a more sophisticated and productive economic structure can emerge.

To realize the vision of a Bitcoin-based economy, proponents recognize the need for credit and yield mechanisms to develop atop the Bitcoin protocol. While Bitcoin’s role as a form of money is often lauded, the reality is that for it to function effectively as a currency, it requires a native economy to support it.

This underscores the importance of Bitcoin-based yield products in fostering the growth of a robust Bitcoin-centric economy. Such an ecosystem would leverage Bitcoin as its digital base money while utilizing yield products to drive adoption and utilization.

It’s All a Trust Spectrum, Anon

Bitcoin-powered finance will necessarily be built in layers. From a system’s point of view, this isn’t much different from today’s financial system, where there is an inherent hierarchy in money-like assets. To properly understand the inevitable trade-offs that come with this, it is important to have a high-level framework to distinguish the different implementations of Bitcoin residing on different layers.

When it comes to offering yield on Bitcoin, it is essential to understand that options can be built along a three-folded trust spectrum. The primary aspects to look at are:




Assessing Bitcoin-like assets and Bitcoin yield products based on their degree of Bitcoin nativeness provides a valuable framework for evaluating their alignment with Bitcoin’s ethos. Assets and products scoring higher on this spectrum are typically more trust-minimized, reducing reliance on intermediaries in favor of transparent and resilient code.

This shift mitigates counterparty risks, as reliance transitions from off-chain intermediaries to code. The code’s transparency enhances resilience compared to intermediaries that have to be trusted.

This is a progression worth exploring, and creating options for a native yield on Bitcoin should be the gold standard and the ultimate goal of the Bitcoin community.

Consensus Angle

This assessment categorizes Bitcoin yield products based on their alignment with the Bitcoin blockchain’s consensus, distinguishing between four categories.

No Consensus: This category represents centralized platforms where the base infrastructure remains off-chain. Examples include centralized platforms like Celsius or BlockFi, which hold full custody over users’ assets, exposing them to counterparty risks and dependency on intermediaries. While these platforms utilize Bitcoin, their yield strategies are primarily executed off-chain through traditional finance mechanisms. Despite being a step towards Bitcoin adoption, these platforms remain highly centralized, resembling traditional financial institutions, yet often unregulated in contrast.

Standalone Consensus: In this category, the base infrastructure is decentralized, represented by public blockchains such as Ethereum, BNB Chain, Solana, and others. These blockchains have their own consensus mechanisms independent of Bitcoin’s and are not explicitly tied to Bitcoin’s consensus.

Inherited Consensus: Here, the base infrastructure is decentralized, represented by Bitcoin sidechains or Layer-2 solutions with distributed consensus. While these sidechains have their own consensus mechanisms, they aim to align more closely with Bitcoin’s blockchain. Examples include federated sidechains like Rootstock, Liquid Network or Stacks.

Native Consensus: This category relies on Bitcoin’s native consensus mechanism as the underlying security model. Instead of a separate blockchain or sidechain, it utilizes off-chain state channels cryptographically linked to the Bitcoin blockchain. The Lightning Network is a prime example of this approach, offering a high level of trust-minimization by fully relying on Bitcoin’s consensus.

The closer a Bitcoin yield product is to Bitcoin’s native consensus, the more aligned it is with Bitcoin and generally the more trust-minimized it is perceived to be. However, nuances exist within the standalone and inherited consensus categories, where the level of decentralization and security of the underlying infrastructure varies.

Overall, while no consensus yields the lowest level of decentralization and trust-minimization, native consensus is believed to offer the highest level of trust-minimization, although considerations of consensus security and decentralization require further analysis.

Source: Brick Towers

Asset Angle

When considering the asset used by Bitcoin yield products, alignment with Bitcoin (BTC) can be categorized into three main groups.

Non-BTC: This category includes solutions that use assets other than BTC, which results in a low level of alignment with Bitcoin. An example is Stack’s stacking option, where Stack’s native coin STX is used to generate a yield in BTC.

Tokenized BTC: Here, the asset used is a tokenized version of BTC, increasing alignment with Bitcoin compared to non-BTC assets. Tokenized BTC can be found on public blockchains like Ethereum (WBTC, renBTC, tBTC), BNB Chain (wBTC), Solana (tBTC), and others. Additionally, tokenized BTC is hosted on Bitcoin sidechains with inherited consensus mechanisms, such as sBTC, XBTC, aBTC, L-BTC, and RBTC.

Native BTC: This category features assets that are on-chain Bitcoin (BTC) without any tokenized versions involved, offering the highest level of alignment with Bitcoin. Various CEX solutions and Babylon’s Bitcoin staking protocol utilize BTC directly. Babylon aims to scale Bitcoin’s security by adapting Proof-of-Stake mechanisms for Bitcoin staking. Furthermore, projects like Stroom Network leverage the Lightning Network to enable Liquid Staking, where users can earn Lightning Network revenue by depositing BTC and minting wrapped tokens like stBTC and bstBTC on EVM-based blockchains for use in the wider DeFi ecosystem.

Source: Brick Towers

Yield Angle

When examining the yield side of Bitcoin yield products, the question of Bitcoin alignment also arises, leading to similar categorizations as with the asset side: non-BTC, tokenized BTC, and native BTC.

Non-BTC Yield: Babylon offers yields in the native asset of the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain, enhancing the blockchain’s security through Babylon’s staking mechanism.

Tokenized BTC Yield: Stroom Network provides yields in the form of lnBTC tokens. Sovryn, operating on Rootstock, facilitates lending and borrowing on Bitcoin using tokenized BTC (RBTC) as yield. On the Liquid Network, the Blockstream Mining Note (BMN) offers yields in BTC or L-BTC at maturity, providing qualified investors access to Bitcoin hashrate through an EU-compliant security token in USDT.

Native BTC Yield: Stacks offers various options, including yields paid out in tokenized BTC for some yield applications utilizing sBTC. However, for Stacks’ stacking option, yields accrue in native BTC. Similarly, centralized yield products provided by certain CEXs deliver native BTC as yield to users.

Source: Brick Towers

Bitcoin’s Gold Standard: Native All the Way Through

Contemplating the ideal Bitcoin-based yield product, the gold standard product would combine the following three attributes: Native Bitcoin consensus, native Bitcoin asset and native Bitcoin yield. Such a product would mimic near-perfect Bitcoin alignment.

As of now, such solutions are only just being built. One such project in active development is Brick Towers. Their vision for the ideal Bitcoin-based yield product embodies near-perfect Bitcoin alignment by incorporating native Bitcoin consensus, asset, and yield. With a focus on Bitcoin as a long-term savings solution, Brick Towers aims to provide customers with a trust-minimized and native approach to utilizing Bitcoin.

Their planned solution revolves around generating a native yield in Bitcoin, leveraging Brick Towers’ automation service for other nodes within the Lightning Network. Through an optimization algorithm solving for economic utility, capital is strategically deployed to meet the liquidity demands of other network participants, optimizing capital efficiency while minimizing counterparty risks.

This approach not only fosters the growth of the Lightning Network but also enhances Bitcoin’s utility as an asset, all while providing customers with a seamless and secure means of earning yield on their Bitcoin holdings. Importantly, Brick Towers’ solution avoids the use of wrapped coins, further reducing counterparty risks and reinforcing their commitment to Bitcoin’s native ecosystem.

This article was researched and written by Pascal Hügli in collaboration with Brick Towers. Hügli is a dedicated Bitcoin analyst and researcher, deeply immersed in all facets of the Bitcoin ecosystem. He has been studying the development of a proper and robust Bitcoin-based financial system for years. This article has originally been published in a longer form version here.

This is a guest post by Pascal Hügli. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

Source: Bitcoin Magazine

The post Can Bitcoin Be A Productive Asset? appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.
Swiss Regulator Shutters Crypto-Linked FlowBank, Begins Bankruptcy ProcessPlease note that our privacy policy, terms of use, cookies, and do not sell my personal information has been updated. CoinDesk is an award-winning media outlet that covers the cryptocurrency industry. Its journalists abide by a strict set of editorial policies. In November 2023, CoinDesk was acquired by the Bullish group, owner of Bullish, a regulated, digital assets exchange. The Bullish group is majority-owned by; both companies have interests in a variety of blockchain and digital asset businesses and significant holdings of digital assets, including bitcoin. CoinDesk operates as an independent subsidiary with an editorial committee to protect journalistic independence. CoinDesk employees, including journalists, may receive options in the Bullish group as part of their compensation. Source: CoinDesk The post Swiss Regulator Shutters Crypto-Linked FlowBank, Begins Bankruptcy Process appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.

Swiss Regulator Shutters Crypto-Linked FlowBank, Begins Bankruptcy Process

Please note that our privacy policy, terms of use, cookies, and do not sell my personal information has been updated.

CoinDesk is an award-winning media outlet that covers the cryptocurrency industry. Its journalists abide by a strict set of editorial policies. In November 2023, CoinDesk was acquired by the Bullish group, owner of Bullish, a regulated, digital assets exchange. The Bullish group is majority-owned by; both companies have interests in a variety of blockchain and digital asset businesses and significant holdings of digital assets, including bitcoin. CoinDesk operates as an independent subsidiary with an editorial committee to protect journalistic independence. CoinDesk employees, including journalists, may receive options in the Bullish group as part of their compensation.

Source: CoinDesk

The post Swiss Regulator Shutters Crypto-Linked FlowBank, Begins Bankruptcy Process appeared first on Crypto Breaking News.
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