News website focused on providing extensive coverage of AI, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), AR/VR, and the evolving landscape of web 3.0 technologies, MPost joined the ‘Bitcoin Deserves an Emoji’ campaign, advocating for the creation of an emoji for Bitcoin to emphasize the cryptocurrency as a symbol of technological significance and financial autonomy.

“I think it’s way more than just a symbolic gesture. It shows the unity and significance of the crypto community,” said Vadim Krekotin, Founding Partner at Mpost. “With so many big names and supporters all over the world behind this, it’s clear that Bitcoin has a huge role to play in what cryptocurrencies are going to look like in the future and how they’re going to take off,” he added.  

Emojis have evolved into a fundamental element of online interaction, utilized by 92% of internet users worldwide, according to Unicode. Supporting the introduction of a Bitcoin emoji aligns with this cultural trend and recognizes Bitcoin’s position as one of the most significant technological advancements in history.

With Bitcoin gaining increased visibility in mainstream conversations, particularly following the approval of the United States’ first spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in January, its impact extends beyond the realm of cryptocurrency.

The push for an official emoji follows the recent completion of Bitcoin’s fourth halving event and its achievement of surpassing 1 billion transactions. This marks a significant milestone for Bitcoin, occurring 15 years, 4 months, and 4 days since its inception with the mining of its first block by its anonymous founder, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Do you recognise these famous #bitcoin advocates?They all want 1⃣ thing (Apart from maybe Matt Odell )Watch the video and SIGN the petition below to get a #BitcoinEmoji on our keyboards.To quote Jack Mallers, "GIMME THAT emoji!”

— Joe Nakamoto (@JoeNakamoto) April 30, 2024

‘Bitcoin Deserves an Emoji’ Campaign Garners Support From Over 38 Industry Leaders 

The new campaign spearheaded by cryptocurrency lending platform Nexo seeks to integrate a Bitcoin emoji into every virtual keyboard. The initiative, which commenced on March 7th, garnered initial support from a coalition of over 38 prominent cryptocurrency entities, including Bitget, Kraken, Chainalysis, and Polygon, among others. 

Currently, the petition remains open for additional signatures from Bitcoin enthusiasts on Presently, it has amassed a total of 13,444 signatures.

In 2020, a first proposal for a Bitcoin emoji was rejected, yet its resurgence highlights the increasing integration of blockchain technology into everyday activities. The ongoing campaign continues to attract a growing number of supporters, underscoring the undeniable significance of Bitcoin in the current landscape.

Recently, Turkey’s leading cryptocurrency trading platform, BtcTurk, has also thrown its support behind the campaign for the adoption of a digital symbol for Bitcoin. Notably, the platform facilitated the inaugural Bitcoin transaction in Turkish Lira on July 1st, 2013.

The post MPost Joins Industry Leaders In ‘Bitcoin Deserves An Emoji’ Campaign, Supporting Bitcoin’s Symbol Integration On Every Virtual Keyboard appeared first on Metaverse Post.