Binance Square
🚀 Blockchain Bake-Off: Ethereum layer-2 developers OP Labs, Polygon, and Matter Labs are competing to provide the technology for Celo blockchain's new network. With the ongoing crypto winter, these firms are scrambling to find fresh business opportunities. 💡 Chainlink Labs and Ripple are exploring a future where finance is a hybrid of crypto and traditional systems, rather than a winner-takes-all scenario. ❄️ Crypto winter is taking its toll on the industry, with Chia Network laying off a third of its staff, Chainalysis cutting 15% of employees, and DeFi lending project Yield Protocol winding down by year-end. 🗣️ Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin is reconsidering his "minimal-enshrinement philosophy" and now believes that enshrining certain features in the protocol might be worth considering. What are your thoughts on the future of finance? Share your insights in the comments below! 👇

🚀 Blockchain Bake-Off: Ethereum layer-2 developers OP Labs, Polygon, and Matter Labs are competing to provide the technology for Celo blockchain's new network. With the ongoing crypto winter, these firms are scrambling to find fresh business opportunities.

💡 Chainlink Labs and Ripple are exploring a future where finance is a hybrid of crypto and traditional systems, rather than a winner-takes-all scenario.

❄️ Crypto winter is taking its toll on the industry, with Chia Network laying off a third of its staff, Chainalysis cutting 15% of employees, and DeFi lending project Yield Protocol winding down by year-end.

🗣️ Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin is reconsidering his "minimal-enshrinement philosophy" and now believes that enshrining certain features in the protocol might be worth considering.

What are your thoughts on the future of finance? Share your insights in the comments below! 👇

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