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Pelajari kripto, dapatkan kripto Pelajari kripto, dapatkan kripto. Selesaikan kursus jalur pemula @BinanceAcademy kami untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kripto Anda, dan dapatkan bagian Anda sebesar $5.000 $USDT.Go 👉…$BTC $ETH #BinanceTournament #USTC

Pelajari kripto, dapatkan kripto

Pelajari kripto, dapatkan kripto. Selesaikan kursus jalur pemula @BinanceAcademy kami untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kripto Anda, dan dapatkan bagian Anda sebesar $5.000 $USDT.Go 👉…$BTC $ETH #BinanceTournament #USTC
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Binance Square Official
Bagikan Pengalaman#BinanceTournamentAnda di Binance Square untuk Mendapatkan Bagian 5.000 USDT!
Periode Kegiatan: 27-11-2023 00:00 hingga 24-12-2023 23:59 (UTC)
Bergabunglah dalam Futures Grand Tournament dan bersainglah untuk mendapatkan hadiah sebesar 2 Juta USDT! Bagikan wawasan turnamen Anda di Binance Square dan dapatkan kesempatan untuk menang dari kumpulan hadiah EKSKLUSIF 5.000 USDT.
Bagaimana Cara Menang?
Cukup buat konten asli yang terkait dengan pengalaman turnamen Anda atau wawasan Anda di Binance Square selama Periode Kampanye, dan sebutkan “#BinanceTournament ".
Pastikan setiap postingan/artikel Anda menerima setidaknya tiga interaksi (suka, komentar, atau bagikan).
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Mint Cash UST 2.0 Dikonfirmasi Tidak Memiliki Investasi Terraform Labs
Poin Penting:

Terraform Labs, perusahaan blockchain di belakang Terra, secara resmi menyatakan tidak terlibat dalam proyek stablecoin Mint Cash UST 2.0.

Tujuan Mint Cash bukan untuk mengembalikan USTC ke $1 tetapi untuk memulai proyek baru, dengan penilaian pengguna mempengaruhi ekspektasi harga USTC saat ini.

Binance telah mengumumkan peluncuran kontrak abadi USTC yang menawarkan leverage hingga 50x.

Terraform Labs, perusahaan blockchain di belakang Terra, telah secara resmi mengonfirmasi bahwa mereka tidak berinvestasi dalam proyek stablecoin Mint Cash UST 2.0, seperti yang diumumkan pada platform X.
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Jaringan Jito Solana Meluncurkan Token Tata Kelola JTO dan Airdrop Untuk Anggota Komunitas
Jito Foundation telah menggemparkan dunia blockchain dengan pengumuman token tata kelola JTO yang sangat ditunggu-tunggu. Langkah penting ini menandai babak penting dalam perjalanan Jito, memberdayakan anggota komunitasnya dengan pengaruh langsung terhadap arah dan pengambilan keputusan dalam Jaringan Jito.
Tonggak Evolusi
Pertumbuhan eksponensial Jito dalam ekosistem Solana sungguh luar biasa. Token JitoSOL berkuasa sebagai Liquid Staking Token (LST) terbesar dan dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di Solana, dengan Total Value Locked (TVL) yang mengejutkan sebesar 6,8 juta SOL. Selain itu, jaringan validator Jito MEV, yang menggunakan klien Jito-Solana, memiliki 41% bobot saham yang signifikan (163 juta SOL TVL) dalam jaringan.
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Jaringan Jito Solana Meluncurkan Token Tata Kelola JTO dan Airdrop Untuk Anggota Komunitas
Jito Foundation telah menggemparkan dunia blockchain dengan pengumuman token tata kelola JTO yang sangat ditunggu-tunggu. Langkah penting ini menandai babak penting dalam perjalanan Jito, memberdayakan anggota komunitasnya dengan pengaruh langsung terhadap arah dan pengambilan keputusan dalam Jaringan Jito.
Tonggak Evolusi
Pertumbuhan eksponensial Jito dalam ekosistem Solana sungguh luar biasa. Token JitoSOL berkuasa sebagai Liquid Staking Token (LST) terbesar dan dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di Solana, dengan Total Value Locked (TVL) yang mengejutkan sebesar 6,8 juta SOL. Selain itu, jaringan validator Jito MEV, yang menggunakan klien Jito-Solana, memiliki 41% bobot saham yang signifikan (163 juta SOL TVL) dalam jaringan.
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BINANCE BELAJAR DAN DAPATKAN CRYPTO GRATIS Kembali karena banyaknya permintaan,#Binancemeluncurkan putaran Pelajari & Hasilkan lainnya.Hasilkan kripto dengan membaca artikel, menonton video, dan menyelesaikan kursus dan kuis.Mulai di sini ➡️…


Kembali karena banyaknya permintaan,#Binancemeluncurkan putaran Pelajari & Hasilkan lainnya.Hasilkan kripto dengan membaca artikel, menonton video, dan menyelesaikan kursus dan kuis.Mulai di sini ➡️…
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Memperkenalkan Neutron (NTRN) di Binance Launchpool! Farming NTRN dengan Staking BNB, TUSD dan FDUSDMemperkenalkan Neutron (NTRN) di Binance Launchpool! Farming NTRN dengan Staking BNB, TUSD dan FDUSD10-10-2023 14:52Rekan-rekan Binancian,Binance dengan gembira mengumumkan proyek ke-38 di Binance Launchpool - Neutron (NTRN). Neutron memungkinkan pengembang dengan mudah membangun aplikasi lintas rantai melalui Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC) dan menyediakan DeFi dApps keamanan ekonomi penuh dari Cosmos Hub. Halaman web diperkirakan akan tersedia dalam 4 jam, sebelum Launchpool dimulai. Pengguna akan dapat mempertaruhkan BNB, TUSD, dan FDUSD mereka ke dalam kumpulan terpisah untuk melakukan farming token NTRN selama 20 hari, dengan farming dimulai pada 11-10-2023 pukul 00:00 (UTC).

Memperkenalkan Neutron (NTRN) di Binance Launchpool! Farming NTRN dengan Staking BNB, TUSD dan FDUSD

Memperkenalkan Neutron (NTRN) di Binance Launchpool! Farming NTRN dengan Staking BNB, TUSD dan FDUSD10-10-2023 14:52Rekan-rekan Binancian,Binance dengan gembira mengumumkan proyek ke-38 di Binance Launchpool - Neutron (NTRN). Neutron memungkinkan pengembang dengan mudah membangun aplikasi lintas rantai melalui Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC) dan menyediakan DeFi dApps keamanan ekonomi penuh dari Cosmos Hub. Halaman web diperkirakan akan tersedia dalam 4 jam, sebelum Launchpool dimulai. Pengguna akan dapat mempertaruhkan BNB, TUSD, dan FDUSD mereka ke dalam kumpulan terpisah untuk melakukan farming token NTRN selama 20 hari, dengan farming dimulai pada 11-10-2023 pukul 00:00 (UTC).
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Pelajari & Dapatkan: Dapatkan Crypto Gratis dengan Menyelesaikan Kursus & Kuis! (2023-10-12)Pelajari & Dapatkan: Dapatkan Crypto Gratis dengan Menyelesaikan Kursus & Kuis! (2023-10-12)12-10-2023 14:00Ini adalah pengumuman umum. Produk dan layanan yang dimaksud di sini mungkin tidak tersedia di wilayah Anda.Rekan-rekan Binancian,Binance meluncurkan putaran berikutnya "Binance Learn & Earn", di mana pengguna dapat memperoleh pengetahuan tentang blockchain dan mendapatkan kripto gratis dengan menyelesaikan kursus dan kuis.Periode Kegiatan: 12-10-2023 09:00 (UTC) hingga 26-10-2023 09:00 (UTC)Semua pengguna yang terverifikasi KYC akan memenuhi syarat untuk berpartisipasi dalam putaran "Binance Learn & Earn" ini. Pengguna yang memenuhi syarat akan berkesempatan menerima CYBER atau token dalam jumlah yang telah ditentukan dari proyek lain, bergantung pada kursus atau kuis yang mereka selesaikan. 

Pelajari & Dapatkan: Dapatkan Crypto Gratis dengan Menyelesaikan Kursus & Kuis! (2023-10-12)

Pelajari & Dapatkan: Dapatkan Crypto Gratis dengan Menyelesaikan Kursus & Kuis! (2023-10-12)12-10-2023 14:00Ini adalah pengumuman umum. Produk dan layanan yang dimaksud di sini mungkin tidak tersedia di wilayah Anda.Rekan-rekan Binancian,Binance meluncurkan putaran berikutnya "Binance Learn & Earn", di mana pengguna dapat memperoleh pengetahuan tentang blockchain dan mendapatkan kripto gratis dengan menyelesaikan kursus dan kuis.Periode Kegiatan: 12-10-2023 09:00 (UTC) hingga 26-10-2023 09:00 (UTC)Semua pengguna yang terverifikasi KYC akan memenuhi syarat untuk berpartisipasi dalam putaran "Binance Learn & Earn" ini. Pengguna yang memenuhi syarat akan berkesempatan menerima CYBER atau token dalam jumlah yang telah ditentukan dari proyek lain, bergantung pada kursus atau kuis yang mereka selesaikan. 
BINANCE LEARN AND EARN CYBER QUIZLearn crypto, earn crypto.Sound cool?Get involved ➡️…


Learn crypto, earn crypto.Sound cool?Get involved ➡️…
Copy Trading: Leverage the Power of ExpertsIntroducing Copy Trading: Leverage the Power of Experts2023-10-09Main TakeawaysOn October 9, 2023, Binance Futures introduces its Copy Trading feature in selected markets, allowing users to replicate the trades of expert lead traders.Being a lead trader presents an avenue to monetizing your trading expertise thanks to revenue streams from profit shares and commission rebates.Copy trading is a great way for beginners to delve into futures trading, but it's important that users also fully understand the risks so they can make well-informed decisions.Dive into Copy Trading, the latest feature from Binance Futures, designed to revolutionize your trading experience by leveraging the expertise of seasoned traders.Note: This is a general announcement. Certain products and services may not be available in your region.Venturing into the dynamic world of crypto futures trading has never been easier. The launch of the Copy Trading feature on Binance Futures in selected markets opens up the expertise of seasoned traders for novices to benefit and learn from. In this blog, we take a look at the concept of copy trading, the advantages of becoming a copy or lead trader, and the associated risks, ensuring you're well-equipped to embark on an exciting new trading journey.The World of Copy TradingAt its core, copy trading is a form of social trading that lets users, especially those new to the markets, copy the strategies of their seasoned and more experienced peers. Ever dreamt of peeking into a pro trader’s playbook? With copy trading, you're not just peeking; you're mirroring their moves. Imagine a situation where every trading move made by a pro is automatically replicated in your own trading account – that is exactly what copy trading is about. You start with selecting a lead trader based on various metrics such as their return on investment (ROI), trading history, and preferred strategy. Once you commit to copying, every trade they make is replicated in your account. The amount of each trade is adjusted according to your chosen total investment size. As the lead trader profits, so do you. However, note that the opposite is true as well: if they face a loss, then so will you.A Guide for New Copy Traders: Lowering the Barrier to EntryCopy trading offers an excellent gateway for beginner and intermediate traders to leverage the power of experts. As a copy trader, you have the unique advantage of accessing top trading strategies without needing years of experience. Beyond the potential for profit, copy trading offers an educational experience, allowing you to understand market dynamics through real-world trades. Let’s dive into the world of copy trading from a beginner's perspective to understand how to become a copy trader, what the potential rewards are, and how to extract the educational opportunities that copy trading offers.Steps to Embarking on Your Copy Trading Journey1. Discover Lead Traders: Browse the list of established lead traders and review their trading patterns, past performance, and areas of expertise.2. Analyze and Follow: Don’t rush. Take your time to analyze different traders’ portfolios, risk profiles, and strategies. Choose to follow the lead traders whose strategies align with your investment goals.3. Set Your Investment Parameters: Binance Futures offers modes such as Fixed Ratio and Fixed Amount. Understand these settings and determine the right investment amount for you.4. Monitor and Learn: As you begin copy trading, monitor the trades being replicated in your portfolio. It's not just about potential profits, but also about understanding the 'why' behind each trade.The Benefits of Being a Copy Trader on Binance FuturesCopy trading is more than just a passive investment tool; it's a bridge to the often challenging world of futures trading. For those at the beginning of their journey, it offers a unique blend of potential rewards and rich learning experiences. Here are some of the benefits you can get:1. The Power of Expertise: Regardless of your training or experience, you can leverage the wisdom and strategies of seasoned traders.2. Learning Opportunities: Copy trading is a live classroom where you learn the dynamics of markets by watching real trades in action and strategies being applied.3. Diversified Strategies: By following multiple lead traders, you can enact a diversified trading strategy, potentially hedging risks.4. Flexibility: Copy trading doesn't tie you down. Feel that a particular strategy isn't working for you? You can easily switch or stop following a lead trader.5. Binance’s Liquidity: Using Binance, the world's largest digital asset exchange, for copy trading ensures that you can trade with significant liquidity and low slippage.Becoming a Lead Trader: Benefit While Showcasing Your SkillsIn the dynamic world of crypto futures trading, lead traders – the experienced individuals whose strategies are followed and replicated by others – often find themselves in the spotlight. But what does it take to be a lead trader, and what are the benefits that come with this status? Being a lead trader presents an avenue to monetizing your trading expertise. Lead traders receive a 10% profit share and 10% trading commission rebate (capped) from users who replicate their trades. Lead traders can further create content on Binance Feed to share their trading strategies and techniques. But embracing the lead trader role is not just about strategy; it's about building trust and transparency with your followers. To become a lead trader on Binance, you have to complete the identity verification process and have an equivalent of at least $1,000 in your Lead Trading wallet.The Benefits of Being a Lead Trader1. Monetize Your Expertise: Gain more from your trading skills! With Binance Futures offering a 10% profit share on copied trades and a 10% commission rebate (capped), the earning potential is significant. For as long as you maintain your trading activity, the profit-sharing from your copy traders can act as a passive income, augmenting your earnings without any extra work.2. Grow Your Personal Brand: As you build a following, your reputation within the trading community may flourish, which could create additional opportunities.3. Feedback Loop: Interacting with your followers can also provide insights into how others perceive the market, further refining your strategies.That said, being a lead trader has its challenges. Your decisions impact not just your portfolio but also the copy traders who follow you. This responsibility necessitates careful planning, thorough research, and a commitment to maintaining the trust your copy traders place in you.Futures Trading: Understanding the RisksCopy trading features are associated with inherent risks whereas you are encouraged to consider your financial position and risk appetite before you decide to use these features. You should take into consideration that copy trading can also lead to significant losses. You are solely and exclusively responsible for determining whether the signal providers whom you follow or copy the trades from, have the trading experience, skills and strategy among other key attributes that fit your risk appetite and objectives.Knowledge is your best defense. Stay updated with market news, don't put all your eggs in one basket, and consider diversifying to potentially spread risk. Review your strategies regularly: what worked yesterday might not work today. Above all else, only invest what you can afford to lose. It's an age-old adage, but it holds. Ensure that what you're investing won't affect your financial stability if lost. Always remember: informed trading is smart trading.

Copy Trading: Leverage the Power of Experts

Introducing Copy Trading: Leverage the Power of Experts2023-10-09Main TakeawaysOn October 9, 2023, Binance Futures introduces its Copy Trading feature in selected markets, allowing users to replicate the trades of expert lead traders.Being a lead trader presents an avenue to monetizing your trading expertise thanks to revenue streams from profit shares and commission rebates.Copy trading is a great way for beginners to delve into futures trading, but it's important that users also fully understand the risks so they can make well-informed decisions.Dive into Copy Trading, the latest feature from Binance Futures, designed to revolutionize your trading experience by leveraging the expertise of seasoned traders.Note: This is a general announcement. Certain products and services may not be available in your region.Venturing into the dynamic world of crypto futures trading has never been easier. The launch of the Copy Trading feature on Binance Futures in selected markets opens up the expertise of seasoned traders for novices to benefit and learn from. In this blog, we take a look at the concept of copy trading, the advantages of becoming a copy or lead trader, and the associated risks, ensuring you're well-equipped to embark on an exciting new trading journey.The World of Copy TradingAt its core, copy trading is a form of social trading that lets users, especially those new to the markets, copy the strategies of their seasoned and more experienced peers. Ever dreamt of peeking into a pro trader’s playbook? With copy trading, you're not just peeking; you're mirroring their moves. Imagine a situation where every trading move made by a pro is automatically replicated in your own trading account – that is exactly what copy trading is about. You start with selecting a lead trader based on various metrics such as their return on investment (ROI), trading history, and preferred strategy. Once you commit to copying, every trade they make is replicated in your account. The amount of each trade is adjusted according to your chosen total investment size. As the lead trader profits, so do you. However, note that the opposite is true as well: if they face a loss, then so will you.A Guide for New Copy Traders: Lowering the Barrier to EntryCopy trading offers an excellent gateway for beginner and intermediate traders to leverage the power of experts. As a copy trader, you have the unique advantage of accessing top trading strategies without needing years of experience. Beyond the potential for profit, copy trading offers an educational experience, allowing you to understand market dynamics through real-world trades. Let’s dive into the world of copy trading from a beginner's perspective to understand how to become a copy trader, what the potential rewards are, and how to extract the educational opportunities that copy trading offers.Steps to Embarking on Your Copy Trading Journey1. Discover Lead Traders: Browse the list of established lead traders and review their trading patterns, past performance, and areas of expertise.2. Analyze and Follow: Don’t rush. Take your time to analyze different traders’ portfolios, risk profiles, and strategies. Choose to follow the lead traders whose strategies align with your investment goals.3. Set Your Investment Parameters: Binance Futures offers modes such as Fixed Ratio and Fixed Amount. Understand these settings and determine the right investment amount for you.4. Monitor and Learn: As you begin copy trading, monitor the trades being replicated in your portfolio. It's not just about potential profits, but also about understanding the 'why' behind each trade.The Benefits of Being a Copy Trader on Binance FuturesCopy trading is more than just a passive investment tool; it's a bridge to the often challenging world of futures trading. For those at the beginning of their journey, it offers a unique blend of potential rewards and rich learning experiences. Here are some of the benefits you can get:1. The Power of Expertise: Regardless of your training or experience, you can leverage the wisdom and strategies of seasoned traders.2. Learning Opportunities: Copy trading is a live classroom where you learn the dynamics of markets by watching real trades in action and strategies being applied.3. Diversified Strategies: By following multiple lead traders, you can enact a diversified trading strategy, potentially hedging risks.4. Flexibility: Copy trading doesn't tie you down. Feel that a particular strategy isn't working for you? You can easily switch or stop following a lead trader.5. Binance’s Liquidity: Using Binance, the world's largest digital asset exchange, for copy trading ensures that you can trade with significant liquidity and low slippage.Becoming a Lead Trader: Benefit While Showcasing Your SkillsIn the dynamic world of crypto futures trading, lead traders – the experienced individuals whose strategies are followed and replicated by others – often find themselves in the spotlight. But what does it take to be a lead trader, and what are the benefits that come with this status? Being a lead trader presents an avenue to monetizing your trading expertise. Lead traders receive a 10% profit share and 10% trading commission rebate (capped) from users who replicate their trades. Lead traders can further create content on Binance Feed to share their trading strategies and techniques. But embracing the lead trader role is not just about strategy; it's about building trust and transparency with your followers. To become a lead trader on Binance, you have to complete the identity verification process and have an equivalent of at least $1,000 in your Lead Trading wallet.The Benefits of Being a Lead Trader1. Monetize Your Expertise: Gain more from your trading skills! With Binance Futures offering a 10% profit share on copied trades and a 10% commission rebate (capped), the earning potential is significant. For as long as you maintain your trading activity, the profit-sharing from your copy traders can act as a passive income, augmenting your earnings without any extra work.2. Grow Your Personal Brand: As you build a following, your reputation within the trading community may flourish, which could create additional opportunities.3. Feedback Loop: Interacting with your followers can also provide insights into how others perceive the market, further refining your strategies.That said, being a lead trader has its challenges. Your decisions impact not just your portfolio but also the copy traders who follow you. This responsibility necessitates careful planning, thorough research, and a commitment to maintaining the trust your copy traders place in you.Futures Trading: Understanding the RisksCopy trading features are associated with inherent risks whereas you are encouraged to consider your financial position and risk appetite before you decide to use these features. You should take into consideration that copy trading can also lead to significant losses. You are solely and exclusively responsible for determining whether the signal providers whom you follow or copy the trades from, have the trading experience, skills and strategy among other key attributes that fit your risk appetite and objectives.Knowledge is your best defense. Stay updated with market news, don't put all your eggs in one basket, and consider diversifying to potentially spread risk. Review your strategies regularly: what worked yesterday might not work today. Above all else, only invest what you can afford to lose. It's an age-old adage, but it holds. Ensure that what you're investing won't affect your financial stability if lost. Always remember: informed trading is smart trading.
Start earning rewards by DCA’ingStart earning rewards by DCA’ing into #Bitcoin    with #Binance    Auto-Invest.From now until the halving, you can win your share of a $500,000 USDT prize-pool.Find out how 👉…

Start earning rewards by DCA’ing

Start earning rewards by DCA’ing into #Bitcoin    with #Binance    Auto-Invest.From now until the halving, you can win your share of a $500,000 USDT prize-pool.Find out how 👉…
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Segera Hadir: Koleksi CR7 ForeverZone Diluncurkan pada 11 Oktober!Segera Hadir: Koleksi CR7 ForeverZone Diluncurkan pada 11 Oktober!Binance sangat antusias untuk berkolaborasi dengan ikon sepak bola Cristiano Ronaldo untuk ketiga kalinya. Peluncuran koleksi kami berikutnya yang sangat dinantikan dijadwalkan pada 11 Oktober 2023. Tandai tanggalnya dan raih kesempatan untuk bergabung dengan komunitas kami dan mengakses lebih banyak hadiah yang tak tertandingi. Rayakan warisan termasyhur Cristiano Ronaldo bersama kami dan miliki sepotong sejarah yang berharga.

Segera Hadir: Koleksi CR7 ForeverZone Diluncurkan pada 11 Oktober!

Segera Hadir: Koleksi CR7 ForeverZone Diluncurkan pada 11 Oktober!Binance sangat antusias untuk berkolaborasi dengan ikon sepak bola Cristiano Ronaldo untuk ketiga kalinya. Peluncuran koleksi kami berikutnya yang sangat dinantikan dijadwalkan pada 11 Oktober 2023. Tandai tanggalnya dan raih kesempatan untuk bergabung dengan komunitas kami dan mengakses lebih banyak hadiah yang tak tertandingi. Rayakan warisan termasyhur Cristiano Ronaldo bersama kami dan miliki sepotong sejarah yang berharga.
Learn & EarnLearn & Earn: Receive Free Crypto by Completing Courses & Quizzes! (2023-10-05)2023-10-05 14:00This activity may not be available in your region. Fellow Binancians,Binance is launching the next round of "Binance Learn & Earn", where users can gain knowledge on blockchain and earn free crypto by completing courses and quizzes. Activity Period: 2023-10-05 09:00 (UTC) to 2023-10-19 09:00 (UTC)All KYC-verified users will be eligible to participate in this round of "Binance Learn & Earn". Eligible users will stand a chance to receive a predetermined amount of DOT or tokens from other projects in vouchers, depending on the course or quiz they complete.Qualified users may read the articles and watch the video(s) anytime from now and complete quizzes. Users will not be able to participate in this activity once all rewards are distributed. Do note that each course can only be completed once, and every user qualifies for a maximum of one reward per completed course.Stay tuned for new projects and opportunities to earn more crypto. 

Learn & Earn

Learn & Earn: Receive Free Crypto by Completing Courses & Quizzes! (2023-10-05)2023-10-05 14:00This activity may not be available in your region. Fellow Binancians,Binance is launching the next round of "Binance Learn & Earn", where users can gain knowledge on blockchain and earn free crypto by completing courses and quizzes. Activity Period: 2023-10-05 09:00 (UTC) to 2023-10-19 09:00 (UTC)All KYC-verified users will be eligible to participate in this round of "Binance Learn & Earn". Eligible users will stand a chance to receive a predetermined amount of DOT or tokens from other projects in vouchers, depending on the course or quiz they complete.Qualified users may read the articles and watch the video(s) anytime from now and complete quizzes. Users will not be able to participate in this activity once all rewards are distributed. Do note that each course can only be completed once, and every user qualifies for a maximum of one reward per completed course.Stay tuned for new projects and opportunities to earn more crypto. 
Hit 6s With The Binance Blockchain BowlThis Cricket Season, Hit 6s in #Binance    Blockchain Bowl 🏏Join any of our 3 activities to share 54,000 USDT & get a chance to watch the #CWC2023 final live!Start swinging ➡️…

Hit 6s With The Binance Blockchain Bowl

This Cricket Season, Hit 6s in #Binance    Blockchain Bowl 🏏Join any of our 3 activities to share 54,000 USDT & get a chance to watch the #CWC2023 final live!Start swinging ➡️…
BINANCE QUEST TO EARNUpgrade your #Binance character and earn crypto rewards.With each completed task on your Quest To Earn, your avatar gets a new item, whilst you earn #BNB.Start today ➡️$/mi…


Upgrade your #Binance character and earn crypto rewards.With each completed task on your Quest To Earn, your avatar gets a new item, whilst you earn #BNB.Start today ➡️$/mi…
Check out the content on Binance Feed 👉
Check out the content on Binance Feed 👉
Rise to the Challenge to Share 500,000 Binance Points & Redeem Exclusive Rewards! Go to campaigns section on binance and enjoy
Rise to the Challenge to Share 500,000 Binance Points & Redeem Exclusive Rewards!
Go to campaigns section on binance and enjoy
Introducing a new round of #Binance    Learn & Earn! Complete the courses and quizzes to earn free crypto 🤝 Binance is launching the next round of "Binance Learn & Earn", where users can gain knowledge on blockchain and earn free crypto by completing courses and quizzes. Activity Period: 2023-10-05 09:00 (UTC) to 2023-10-19 09:00 (UTC) All KYC-verified users will be eligible to participate in this round of "Binance Learn & Earn". Eligible users will stand a chance to receive a predetermined amount of DOT or tokens from other projects in vouchers, depending on the course or quiz they complete. $DOT
Introducing a new round of #Binance    Learn & Earn!

Complete the courses and quizzes to earn free crypto 🤝
Binance is launching the next round of "Binance Learn & Earn", where users can gain knowledge on blockchain and earn free crypto by completing courses and quizzes. Activity Period: 2023-10-05 09:00 (UTC) to 2023-10-19 09:00 (UTC)

All KYC-verified users will be eligible to participate in this round of "Binance Learn & Earn". Eligible users will stand a chance to receive a predetermined amount of DOT or tokens from other projects in vouchers, depending on the course or quiz they complete.

hi, i am cardioo your new crypto influencer. Follow for crypto boxes and signals and all related information. #Binance $BTC #BTC
hi, i am cardioo your new crypto influencer.
Follow for crypto boxes and signals and all related information.
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